Nipple Discharge

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast complaints are frequent reasons for consultations in primary care or breast clinics. Breast pain, breast lumps, and nipple discharge are the most common complaints. Less common symptoms such as skin changes and axillary abnormalities also require specific diagnostic approaches. Imaging the symptomatic breast should be performed by appropriately trained breast radiologists following the best practice guidelines and quality standards. Full-field digital mammography (FFDM), digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), and breast ultrasound (US) are the main modalities used in this primary setting. The choice depends on the patient\'s age and symptoms. Women younger than 30-years-old are first imaged by US, whereas women over 40-years-old usually require both FFDM or DBT and US. For women between 30-years-old and 40-years-old, the US is the modality of choice, whereas FFDM or DBT might also be performed if needed. Pregnant or lactating women with palpable lesions or nipple discharge are imaged with US as the first method; FFDM or DBT can also be performed depending on the degree of suspicion as the dose to the fetus is minimal, and shielding may even further reduce the dose. More advanced techniques such as breast magnetic resonance imaging or contrast-enhanced mammography are not indicated in this first diagnostic setting and are reserved for cases of established malignancy (local staging) or rare cases of equivocal findings not otherwise resolved or inflammatory breast cancer. Last, but not least, male breast symptoms should also be addressed with US and/or FFDM. CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT: It is equally important to correctly diagnose an underlying malignancy and to avoid false positives that would lead to unnecessary biopsies, increased costs, and anxiety for the patient. Proper use of imaging modalities ensures optimal diagnostic approach and minimizes false negatives. KEY POINTS: Ultrasound, full-field digital mammography, or digital breast tomosynthesis are the main imaging modalities in the diagnostic setting, while MRI or contrast-enhanced mammography should be reserved to selected cases. Initial imaging modality includes ultrasound combined with mammography or digital breast tomosynthesis depending on women\'s age and the presence (or not) of inconclusive findings. A negative imaging evaluation should not deter biopsy when a highly suspicious finding is found on physical examination.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Male breast cancer is a rare entity consisting of less than 1% of all breast cancer diagnoses, in which pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) without an invasive component accounts for approximately 10% of these diagnoses. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are essential to ensure favorable outcomes. We present a rare case of mammographically and sonographically occult pure DCIS in a male patient presenting with unilateral bloody nipple discharge, highlighting imaging features and the potential utility of breast MRI that aided diagnosis and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: It is an important clinical means to identify benign and malignant breast diseases caused by nipple discharge through the detection and analysis of components in nipple discharge. This study was aimed to test the expression and clinical significance of carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125), carbohydrate antigen 153 (CA153) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in nipple discharge of breast cancer patients.
    UNASSIGNED: From January 2017 to December 2018, 86 patients with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast with nipple discharge (breast cancer group) and 50 patients with ordinary breast duct hyperplasia with nipple discharge (benign control group) were selected, and the levels of CA125, CA153 and CEA in nipple discharge and serum were detected by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay.
    UNASSIGNED: To je važno kliničko sredstvo za identifikaciju benignih i malignih oboljenja dojke uzrokovanih iscedkom iz bradavica kroz detekciju i analizu komponenti u sekretu iz bradavica. Ova studija je imala za cilj da ispita ekspresiju i klinički značaj antigena ugljenih hidrata 125 (CA125), antigena ugljenih hidrata 153 (CA153) i karcinoembrionalnog antigena (CEA) u iscedu iz bradavice kod pacijenata sa karcinomom dojke.
    UNASSIGNED: Od januara 2017. do decembra 2018. odabrano je 86 pacijenata sa invazivnim duktalnim karcinomom dojke sa iscedkom iz bradavice (grupa karcinoma dojke) i 50 pacijenata sa običnom hiperplazijom kanala dojke sa iscedkom iz bradavice (benigna kontrolna grupa), a nivoi CA125, CA153 i CEA u sekretu iz bradavica i serumu detektovani su elektrohemiluminiscentnim imunotestom.
    UNASSIGNED: Nivoi CA125, CA153 i CEA u sekretu iz bradavice i serumu u benignoj kontrolnoj grupi bili su značajno niži od onih u grupi sa karcinomom dojke, a nivoi CA125, CA153 i CEA u serumu su očigledno bili nž\'i od onih u sekretu iz bradavica. Nivoi ekspresije CA125, CA153 i CEA u sekretu iz bradavica u grupi sa karcinomom dojke nisu imali značajnu razliku u različitim godinama početka i različitim mestima tumora. Nivoi CA125, CA153 i CEA u sekretu iz bradavice kod pacijenata sa prečnikom tumora 5 cm, niskom diferencijacijom, visokim stadijumom, metastazama i recidivom su očigledno bili povišeni u odnosu na one kod pacijenata sa prečnikom tumora <5 cm, visokom diferencijacijom, niskim stadijumom, i bez metastaza i recidiva. Ovi nivoi nisu bili u značajnoj korelaciji sa ekspresijom receptora estrogena (ER) i receptora progesterona (PR), ali su bili značajno povezani sa ekspresijom receptora humanog epidermalnog faktora rasta (HER-2) i Ki-67. Tačnost, osetljivost i negativna prediktivna vrednost kombinovane detekcije CA125, CA153 i CEA u sekretu iz bradavica u dijagnozi raka dojke su značajno poboljšane u poređenju sa kombinovanom detekcijom seruma i pojedinačnim otkrivanjem.
    UNASSIGNED: Kombinacija CA125, CA153 i CEA u sekretu iz bradavica može se smatrati potencijalnom dijagnostičkom metodom za karcinom dojke, koja je efikasan dodatak serološkoj dijagnozi i može dati nove ideje za diferencijalnu dijagnozu benignog i malignog raka dojke sa iscedak iz bradavica.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ductal carcinoma in situ is very rare in male patients, accounting for approximately 5%-7% of all male breast cancers. We present a case of a man in his early 70s who presented with bloody nipple discharge and gynaecomastia and was subsequently diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). We discuss his management with surgical resection and the consideration of adjuvant treatment. We also review the existing literature on the presentation, diagnosis and management of DCIS in men.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Total duct excision (TDE) is performed for the diagnosis and management of nipple discharge. The Association of Breast Surgery\'s recent guidelines recommend considering diagnostic surgery for single-duct, blood-stained or clear nipple discharge, and for symptomatic management.
    METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the diagnostic and surgical outcomes of all cases of TDE between January 2013 and November 2019.
    RESULTS: In total, 259 TDEs were carried out: 219 for nipple discharge, 29 for recurrent mastitis, 3 for screening abnormalities and 8 for breast lumps. Of the nipple discharge group, 121 had blood-stained discharge. Mean patient age was 52 years (range 19-81). Median follow-up time was 45 months (interquartile range 24-63). The following cases were identified on histopathology: 236 benign breast changes, 10 atypical ductal hyperplasia, 4 lobular carcinoma in situ, 2 low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), 3 intermediate-grade DCIS, 2 high-grade DCIS and 2 invasive ductal carcinomas. In total, 3.5% of patients who underwent TDE had a diagnosis of DCIS or invasive carcinoma. Blood-stained discharge was associated with a significant increase in risk of DCIS or carcinoma compared with other nipple discharge colours (p = 0.043). The most common complications of TDE were infection, poor wound healing and haematoma. Nipple discharge recurred in 14.2% of cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: TDE can be considered for the diagnostics and management of nipple discharge. Blood-stained nipple discharge increases the risk of DCIS or malignancy, but the majority of the time TDE reveals benign breast pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nipple discharge, a relatively common presenting symptom for women of all ages, may be due to both benign and malignant conditions. Men can also present with nipple discharge, and when they do, they have a higher likelihood of malignancy than women. Radiologists vary in their evaluation of patients with nipple discharge, although the American College of Radiology practice guidelines for nipple discharge provides data-driven appropriate algorithms. In patients with physiologic discharge, imaging is not typically indicated. For those with pathologic nipple discharge, imaging typically starts with diagnostic mammography and retroareolar ultrasound for women over 40 years of age, diagnostic mammogram or ultrasound for women aged 30-39 years, and ultrasound for women younger than 30 years. Finally, contrast-enhanced breast MRI or galactography are usually reserved for identifying the cause of discharge when initial imaging with mammography and ultrasound is unrevealing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with pathological nipple discharge (PND) often undergo local surgical procedures because standard radiologic imaging fails to identify the underlying cause. MicroRNA (MiRNA) expression analysis of nipple fluid holds potential for distinguishing between breast diseases. This study aimed to compare miRNA expression levels between nipple fluids from patients with PND to identify possible relevant miRNAs that could differentiate between intraductal papillomas and no abnormalities in the breast tissue. Nipple fluid samples from patients with PND without radiological and pathological suspicion for malignancy who underwent a ductoscopy procedure were analyzed. We used univariate and multivariate regression analyses to identify nipple fluid miRNAs differing between pathologically confirmed papillomas and breast tissue without abnormalities. A total of 27 nipple fluid samples from patients with PND were included for miRNA expression analysis. Out of the 22 miRNAs examined, only miR-145-5p was significantly differentially expressed (upregulated) in nipple fluid from patients with an intraductal papilloma compared to patients showing no breast abnormalities (OR 4.76, p = 0.046), with a diagnostic accuracy of 92%. miR-145-5p expression in nipple fluid differs for intraductal papillomas and breast tissue without abnormalities and, therefore, has potential as a diagnostic marker to signal presence of papillomas in PND patients. However, further refinement and validation in clinical trials are necessary to establish its clinical applicability.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nipple discharge presents as either physiological, which is green, white, or yellow, or is considered pathological, which is typically unilateral, spontaneous, and bloody. Bloody nipple discharge (BND) can be due to underlying malignancy or premalignant lesions. Mammogram (MMG), ultrasound (US), MRI, and ductography are all used to evaluate BND, but different modalities offer greater value in the diagnostic process. Here, we present a case that demonstrates the ability of MRI to detect abnormalities not seen on MMG and US in the setting of BND due to underlying malignancy. The use of MRI earlier in the diagnostic process allows for the use of breast-conserving measures and decreases the possibility of metastasis. This would result in less of a need for more aggressive treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nipple discharge is a frequent breast disease clinical presentation. Although most cases of nipple discharge are physiologic, pathologic nipple discharge is not uncommon. Eight to 15% of pathological nipple discharge is associated with malignancy, requiring investigation. Some specialists believe that ductography is a challenging procedure that is better to be substituted by other methods, such as MRI. However, an experienced physician can perform ductography quickly and easily and still play an essential role in some clinical scenarios. Conventional imaging, such as mammography and sonography, commonly fails to detect the underlying causes of pathological nipple discharge. MRI has limitations of low specificity, cost, lengthy exam duration, accessibility, and patient factors such as claustrophobia. In addition, we can make a specific diagnosis and appropriate treatment by coupling ductography with other methods, such as ultrasound-guided or stereotactic biopsy. This study aims to present the ductography technique, possible findings, and the clinical settings where ductography is useful.Critical relevance statement Although ductography is currently less used in breast imaging, it still plays an essential role in some clinical scenarios. These clinical scenarios include pathological nipple discharge with negative conventional imaging, contraindicated MRI, unavailable MRI, unremarkable MRI results, and multiple MRI findings.Key points• Conventional imaging commonly fails to detect the underlying causes of pathological nipple discharge.• MRI in the setting of nipple discharge has some limitations.• Ductography still plays an essential role in some clinical scenarios.• Coupling ductography with other methods helps make a specific diagnosis.





