
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasomnias and sleep-related movement disorders (SRMD) are major causes of sleep disorders and may be drug induced. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature to examine the association between drug use and the occurrence of parasomnias and SRMD. Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines for reporting systematic reviews, we searched PubMed databases between January 2020 and June 2023. The searches retrieved 937 records, of which 174 publications were selected for full-text screening and 73 drugs were identified. The most common drug-induced parasomnias were nightmares and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorders and sleepwalking. In terms of drug-induced SRMD, restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement disorders (PLMD), and sleep-related bruxism were most frequent. Medications that inhibit noradrenergic, serotonergic, or orexin transmission could induce REM sleep (e.g., nightmares). Regarding sleepwalking, dysregulation of serotoninergic neurone activity is implicated. Antipsychotics are mentioned, as well as medications involved in the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) pathway. A mechanism of desensitisation-autoregulation of GABA receptors on serotoninergic neurones is a hypothesis. SRMD and PLMD could involve medications disrupting the dopamine pathway (e.g., antipsychotics or opioids). Opioids would act on mu receptors and increase dopamine release. The role of adenosine and iron is also hypothesised. Regarding bruxism, the hypotheses raised involve dysregulation of mesocortical pathway or a downregulation of nigrostriatal pathway, related to medications involving dopamine or serotonin. Parasomnias are rarely identified in drug product labels, likely due to the recent classification of their diagnoses. An analysis of pharmacovigilance data could be valuable to supplement existing literature data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suicidality in adolescents has been associated with emotional distress, stressful life events, relationship issues, and nightmares to name a few. This study explored the actual dream content and the mood at pre-sleep, during a reported dream, and in the morning in 33 adolescents admitted to the hospital on account of a suicide attempt. In all aspects, hospitalized adolescents were compared to 33 matched adolescents who had followed the same protocol. In accordance with the Continuity and the Threat Simulation theories of dream formation, it was hypothesized that the waking-life experiences of suicidal adolescents would transpire in both dream mood and content as well as in the frequency of nightmares. Dreams were analyzed by independent judges using traditional dream content scales, including for the presence of negative and destructive themes and types of interpersonal relationships. As predicted, more suicidal adolescents experienced frequent nightmares, which was significant. A higher negative mood at pre-sleep, within dreams, and at post-sleep was also observed. Furthermore, their dreams contained a higher prevalence of destructive themes and failures, as well as self-directed and death-resulting aggressions. Regression analyses indicated that morning mood was most accurately predicted by positive and negative dream mood in the normative adolescents, whereas only negative dream mood appeared to predict subsequent waking affect in suicidal participants. Our results underline the valuable potential of implementing nightmare-reducing therapies in the presence of suicidal adolescents who suffer from frequent nightmares.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Metformin is well-known in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Metformin has become a drug of choice due to its affordability, cost-effectiveness, and established safety record. It primarily works by inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis. Common side effects include gastrointestinal issues, with rare complications, such as lactic acidosis and vitamin B12 malabsorption. This study discussed a 72-year-old male with type 2 DM who experienced recurrent nightmares upon initiating metformin, which ceased after discontinuation. The mechanism of metformin-associated nightmares remains poorly understood. Despite metformin\'s benefits, this case highlights the importance of recognizing rare adverse effects like nightmares, which can significantly impact patients\' quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imagery rescripting (ImRs) interventions have been found effective in improving sleep outcomes, although research has mostly focused on civilian, rather than military, samples. The aim of this review was to estimate the overall effectiveness of ImRs interventions for military veterans on primary outcomes of nightmare frequency and sleep quality. A systematic search was conducted in CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycArticles, PsycINFO, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection and the PTSDpubs database and was completed on 1 November 2021. Randomised controlled trials, nonrandomised trials and pre-post studies of ImRs interventions in veterans with sleep disturbances or nightmares were included. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) tool, and meta-analysis was performed using Stata. Nineteen articles from 15 empirical studies were included in the review, and data from the 15 studies (involving 658 participants) were included in the meta-analysis. Meta-analysis findings indicated that ImRs interventions are associated with significant positive changes from pretreatment to posttreatment for nightmare and sleep quality. Significantly greater improvements were found in ImRs interventions compared to control groups for sleep quality (Hedges\' g = -0.65, 95% CI [-1.20, -0.10]) but not for nightmare frequency (Hedges\' g = -0.10, 95% CI [-0.34, 0.14]). Overall, the meta-analysis included a relatively small number of studies with poor methodological quality and considerable heterogeneity; therefore, findings should be cautiously interpreted. Further research should focus on veteran participants with larger samples and from a broader range of sources to determine effectiveness more confidently.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The original conceptualization of REM sleep as paradoxical sleep was based on its EEG resembling wakefulness and its association with dreaming. Over time, the concept of paradox was expanded to include various associations with REM sleep, such as dream exclusivity, high recall, and pathophysiology. However, none of these associations are unique to REM sleep; they can also occur in other sleep states. Today, after more than fifty years of focused research, two aspects of REMS clearly retain paradoxical exclusivity. Despite the persistent contention that the EEG of human REMS consists of wake-like, low-voltage, non-synchronous electrical discharges, REMS is based on and defined by the intracranial electrical presence of 5-8 Hz. theta, which has always been the marker of REMS in other animals. The wake-like EEG used to define REMS on human polysomnography is secondary to a generalized absence of electrophysiological waveforms because the strong waves of intracranial theta do not propagate to scalp electrodes placed outside the skull. It is a persistent paradox that the theta frequency is restricted to a cyclical intracranial dynamic that does not extend beyond the lining of the brain. REMS has a persistent association with narratively long and salient dream reports. However, the extension of this finding to equate REMS with dreaming led to a foundational error in neuroscientific logic. Major theories and clinical approaches were built upon this belief despite clear evidence that dreaming is reported throughout sleep in definingly different physiologic and phenomenological forms. Few studies have addressed the differences between the dreams reported from the different stages of sleep so that today, the most paradoxical aspect of REMS dreaming may be how little the state has actually been studied. An assessment of the differences in dreaming between sleep stages could provide valuable insights into how dreaming relates to the underlying brain activity and physiological processes occurring during each stage. The brain waves and dreams of REMS persist as being paradoxically unique and different from waking and the other states of sleep consciousness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background  The intraoperative awareness with recall phenomenon involves the memory of intraoperative events. The reported incidence is 0.001%. Awareness is rare intraoperatively but has profound implications. This research aimed to study intraoperative awareness and dream experiences in the Omani population undergoing general anesthesia. Methods This prospective cohort study involving 300 adult patients was conducted at a tertiary-level hospital between July and December 2021. Awareness was assessed in the post-anesthesia care unit and then at home on the seventh day and one month telephonically using a modified Brice questionnaire. The study\'s primary outcome was the incidence of IOA and dreams in adult Omani patients undergoing GA. The secondary outcome was identifying the factors associated with intraoperative awareness and dreams under GA. Results In this study, the incidence of awareness was 0.3% while 7.6% of patients reported intraoperative dreams. The patient who experienced IOA underwent an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography under GA with neuromuscular blockade and had a prolonged recovery. A total of 49.33% developed psychological effects postoperatively; anxiety, irritability, fear of surgery, change in memory, and repetitive nightmares were the most common ones. Because of the limited sample size, no factor associated significantly with these outcomes was found. Conclusion This study observed a higher incidence of intraoperative awareness and dreams. Awareness might be due to prolonged recovery and the use of neuromuscular blocking agents, but a focused study is required to confirm this finding. The incidence of intraoperative dreams and postoperative psychological effects of GA was also high. It may be worth exploring these findings with larger population-based research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolutionary theory of loneliness (ETL) argues that human belongingness is essential to survival and failing to meet belongingness needs constitutes a threat to viability. In two separate studies (total N = 1,609), links between loneliness and nightmares were examined as a test of ETL postulates. As hypothesized, loneliness predicted nightmare frequency (both studies) and nightmare intensity (Study Two only). Although stress mediated the relationship between loneliness and nightmare frequency in Study One, stress was not a significant mediator of this relationship in Study Two. As predicted, in Study Two both hyperarousal and rumination mediated the relationships between loneliness and nightmare frequency and between loneliness and nightmare intensity. Theoretical implications include support for both the aversive signaling and implicit vigilance postulates of ETL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent research shows that sleep disturbances are linked to increased suicidal ideation. In the present longitudinal cohort study, we used subjective (ecological momentary assessment, EMA) and objective (actigraphy) measures to examine the effects of sleep parameters on next-day suicidal ideation. Further, we examined hopelessness as a mediator between insufficient sleep and increased suicidal ideation. Individuals with current suicidal ideation (N = 82) completed 21 days of EMA and actigraphy to estimate suicidal ideation, hopelessness and sleep parameters. Multilevel linear-mixed models were used to examine the effects of sleep parameters on next-day suicidal ideation, as well as for the mediating effect of hopelessness (in the morning) on the association between previous night\'s sleep and suicidal ideation levels the next day. Significant concordance existed between subjective and objective sleep measures, with moderate-to-large correlations (r = 0.44-0.58). Lower subjective sleep quality and efficiency, shorter total sleep time and increased time awake after sleep onset were significantly associated with increased next-day suicidal ideation (controlling for previous-day suicidal ideation). Actigraphy-measured sleep fragmentation was also a significant predictor of next-day ideation. Hopelessness mediated the effects of the subjective sleep parameters on suicidal ideation, but did not account for the association with sleep fragmentation. Therefore, individuals\' psychological complaints (hopelessness, suicidal ideation) were better predicted by subjective sleep complaints than by objective sleep indices. Increased hopelessness following from perceived insufficient sleep appears an important explanatory factor when considering the link between sleep disturbances and suicidal ideation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Working with dreams in the context of trauma can open unique avenues for healing, in particular for patients who report feelings of numbness or a loss of meaning in their lives. Dream exploration can make facing aspects of trauma and dissociated experience more tolerable than explicitly addressing them at a conscious level. It can also reignite the capacities for reflection and meaning making disrupted by trauma. Dreams also reconnect patients to aspects of their history that can provide context for and meaning to experiences from which they have come to feel emotionally disconnected. Finally, dreams offer a way of regaining the capacity to connect with wishes, hopes, and desires that have become difficult to access because of trauma. In this article, the authors present case examples of patients with trauma and discuss how therapists worked with dream material to unlock new possibilities for these patients\' lives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nightmares, defined as extremely dysphoric dreams, can cause significant distress in everyday life if they occur frequently. Their aetiology is based on a disposition-stress model. As elite athletes often experience high stress levels, the present study investigated factors that might be associated with nightmare frequency in a large cohort of 2297 Swiss elite athletes (1066 women, 1231 men) with a mean age of 22.05 ± 7.53 years. In total, about 6% of the athletes reported frequent nightmares (once a week or more often). We found that well-established factors like female gender and general stress levels were related to nightmare frequency. To a smaller extent, the number of training hours, lost training days due to illness, and having early training sessions were also associated with nightmare frequency. Sport discipline was not related to nightmare frequency. An unexpected finding was the association between late alcohol intake 4 hr prior to bedtime and nightmare frequency. Our findings support the idea that stress related to practicing sports might affect nightmare frequency. Future research should study whether inventions designed for athletes suffering from frequent nightmares are beneficial for them and might even improve their athletic performance.





