
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studying habitat use and vertical movement patterns of individual fish over continuous time and space is innately challenging and has therefore largely remained elusive for a wide range of species. Amongst sharks, this applies particularly to smaller-bodied and less wide-ranging species such as the spurdog (Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758), which, despite its importance for fisheries, has received limited attention in biologging and biotelemetry studies, particularly in the North-East Atlantic.
    METHODS: To investigate seasonal variations in fine-scale niche use and vertical movement patterns in female spurdog, we used archival data from 19 pregnant individuals that were satellite-tagged for up to 365 days in Norwegian fjords. We estimated the realised niche space with kernel densities and performed continuous wavelet analyses to identify dominant periods in vertical movement. Triaxial acceleration data were used to identify burst events and infer activity patterns.
    RESULTS: Pregnant females frequently utilised shallow depths down to 300 m at temperatures between 8 and 14 °C. Oscillatory vertical moments revealed persistent diel vertical migration (DVM) patterns, with descents at dawn and ascents at dusk. This strict normal DVM behaviour dominated in winter and spring and was associated with higher levels of activity bursts, while in summer and autumn sharks predominantly selected warm waters above the thermocline with only sporadic dive and bursts events.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of normal DVM behaviour in winter months linked with elevated likely foraging-related activity bursts suggests this movement behaviour to be foraging-driven. With lower number of fast starts exhibited in warm waters during the summer and autumn months, habitat use in this season might be rather driven by behavioural thermoregulation, yet other factors may also play a role. Individual and cohort-related variations indicate a complex interplay of movement behaviour and habitat use with the abiotic and biotic environment. Together with ongoing work investigating fine-scale horizontal movement as well as sex- and age-specific differences, this study provides vital information to direct the spatio-temporal distribution of a newly reopened fishery and contributes to an elevated understanding of the movement ecology of spurdog in the North-East Atlantic and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glioma is the most common primary tumor of the central nervous system (CNS). Glioblastoma (GBM) is incurable with current treatment strategies. Additionally, the treatment of recurrent GBM (rGBM) is often referred to as terminal treatment, necessitating hospice-level care and management. The presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) gives GBM a more challenging or \"cold\" tumor microenvironment (TME) than that of other cancers and gloma stem cells (GSCs) play an important role in the TME remodeling, occurrence, development and recurrence of giloma. In this review, our primary focus will be on discussing the following topics: niche-associated GSCs and macrophages, new theories regarding GSC and TME involving pyroptosis and ferroptosis in GBM, metabolic adaptations of GSCs, the influence of the cold environment in GBM on immunotherapy, potential strategies to transform the cold GBM TME into a hot one, and the advancement of GBM immunotherapy and GBM models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate and land use/land cover (LULC) changes have far-reaching effects on various biological processes in wildlife, particularly interspecific interactions. Unfortunately, interspecific interactions are often overlooked when assessing the impacts of environmental changes on endangered species. In this study, we examined niche similarities and habitat overlaps between wild Crested Ibis and sympatric Egret and Heron species (EHs) in Shaanxi, China, using Ecological niche models (ENMs). We aimed to forecast potential alterations in habitat overlaps due to climate and LULC changes. The results showed that although EHs possess a broader niche breadth compared to the Crested Ibis, they still share certain niche similarities, as indicated by Schoener\'s D and Hellinger\'s I values exceeding 0.5, respectively. Notably, despite varying degrees of habitat reduction, the shared habitat area of all six species expands with the changes in climate and LULC. We suggest that with the climate and LULC changes, the habitats of sympatric EHs are likely to suffer varying degrees of destruction, forcing them to seek refuge and migrate to the remaining wild Ibis habitat. This is primarily due to the effective conservation efforts in the Crested Ibis habitat in Yangxian County and neighboring areas. Consequently, due to the niche similarity, they will share and compete for limited habitat resources, including food and space. Therefore, we recommend that conservation efforts extend beyond protecting the Crested Ibis habitat. It is crucial to control human activities that contribute to LULC changes to safeguard the habitats of both Crested Ibis and other sympatric birds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies on niche and interspecific association can reveal plant interspecific relationship in the community, and provide theoretical support for promoting the transformation and development of plantation to natural forest. Based on Cunninghamia lanceolata investigation data of permanent plots of plantation in Jianfengling area of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, we analyzed niche and interspecific association of the top 20 woody species in the community according to their importance values. The results showed that there were 163 species of woody species belonging to 101 genera and 55 families in the C. lanceolata plantation community, with complex species composition. As a constructive species, C. lanceolata had the highest importance value and niche breadth, and thus was the absolute dominant species in the community. It had a large niche overlap and niche similarity with many other species, among which the highest was observed in Adinandra hainanensis. The average niche overlap and niche similarity of the community were 0.54 and 0.49, respectively. The change trends of those two niche indicators were basically the same, indicating that some species were similar in resource demands. The overall association of main woody species was significantly positive. The χ2 test, association coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient suggested that the amounts of pairs with positive association were more than that with negative ones. The proportion of significant association species pairs was relatively low, indicating that the community stability was strong, species could coexist stably, and most species did not form close ties. On the whole, C. lanceolata had inhibited the regeneration of original tree species, and A. hainanensis, Garcinia oblongifolia, and Heptapleurum heptaphyllum could be used in natural transformation and restoration of C. lanceolata plantation in the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park.
    生态位与种间联结研究可揭示目标群落植物种间关系,为促进人工林向天然林转型发展提供理论支持。本研究基于海南热带雨林国家公园尖峰岭片区杉木人工林固定样地调查数据,分析群落重要值排名前20的主要木本植物的生态位与种间联结特征。结果表明: 杉木人工林群落包含木本植物55科101属163种,群落物种组成复杂。作为建群种的杉木,其重要值及生态位宽度均为最高,占据群落绝对优势地位,与大多数木本植物都存在较大的生态位重叠与生态相似性,其中重叠程度最高的植物为海南杨桐。群落的生态位重叠与生态相似性均值分别为0.54和0.49,2种生态位指标的变化趋势基本一致,部分物种对资源的需求较为相似。主要木本植物的总体联结性表现为显著正联结,χ2检验、联结系数、Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数显示,正关联种对的数量多于负关联种对的数量,但显著关联种对占比较低,反映出群落稳定性较强,物种能够稳定共存,多数物种间未形成紧密联系。综合来看,杉木抑制了热带天然树种的更新,可利用海南杨桐、岭南山竹子及鹅掌柴等对国家公园内的杉木人工林进行自然化改造修复。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Past climate changes have had large impacts on modern ecological patterns. Understanding if legacies are distinguishable in the climatic niches of extant and locally extinct taxa can provide insight into the importance of climate in extinction events. To better understand mid- to late-Cenozoic New Zealand plant extinctions, which are often attributed to Cenozoic climate cooling, we identify 13 con-familial extinct and extant New Zealand genus pairs, which have modern distributions in Australia. Using climatic niches derived from current geographic distributions in Australia, we compared (i) total niche breadth, (ii) niche overlap, and (iii) individual climate parameters, to investigate potential climate drivers of intrafamilial extinction and persistence patterns in New Zealand. A majority of New Zealand extinct genera (9 out of 13 pairs) do not indicate climate niche legacies consistent with susceptibility to extinction from changing climates, while the remaining four extinct/extant pairs show slight climatic niche legacies. Three extinct genera have warmer niches than their extant counterpart, which is consistent with extinction reflecting intolerance of cooling Cenozoic climates. The other genus pair with a climatic niche legacy has an extinct genus that is distinguished by a niche with smaller precipitation seasonality than its extant counterpart, suggesting that climate metrics other than temperature may also be important extinction drivers in some taxa. Our results show that the mechanisms of Cenozoic extinctions of New Zealand genera are likely more complex than taxa reaching environmental tolerances due to cooling climates. Comparisons of current climatic niches between extant and extinct sister taxa can provide useful insights into large-scale, long-term climatic legacies but more analyses, including trait and phylogeographic patterns, would lead to additional insights into alternative pathways of extinction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to provide a guide for plant selection of ecological restoration at antimony (Sb) mining ecological damaged sites, species composition, importance value, niche, and interspecific associations of tree, shrub, and herb layers were examined at Sb mining site in Nandan City, Guangxi, China. The results showed that 23 vascular plant species were recorded at the Sb mining ecological damaged site, belonging to 22 genera and 13 families, primarily Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, and Asteraceae. The highest importance values for trees, shrubs, and herbs were observed in Rhus chinensis (56.7%), Coriaria nepalensis (56.3%), and Eremochloa ciliaris (44.0%), which were characterized by fairly large niche widths of 1.58, 1.32 and 1.57, respectively. The highest niche overlap values were found between R. chinensis and Triadica sebifera in the tree layer, and between Thysanolaena latifolia and Bidens pilosa in the herb layer, with the value of 0.68 and 0.99, respectively. Shrub layer exhibited a lower range of niche overlap (0.30-0.42), suggesting significant niche differentiation among different species. In the tree and shrub layers, most species showed insignificantly negative associations, the proportion was 83.3% and 66.7%, respectively, indicating that the plant community was not stable. Herb layer generally exhibited significantly positive correlations, with 52.4% of species pairs showing positive correlation, indicating weak resource competition among species. Overall, plant community at Sb mining ecological damaged site was unstable. In the process of ecological restoration, trees and shrubs that can adapt to the conditions and have positive associations should be prioritized in species selection, such as R. chinensis, C. lanceolata, C. nepalensis, and B. nivea. This will promote vegetation positive succession, rehabilitate the ecosystem and ensure sustainable development at Sb mining ecological damaged sites.
    本文研究了广西南丹锑矿生态破坏区植物群落乔木层、灌木层和草本层物种组成、重要值、生态位和种间联结特征,以期为锑矿生态破坏区的生态恢复提供植物选择依据。结果表明: 锑矿生态破坏区有维管植物共23种,隶属13科22属,多为禾本科、莎草科、豆科和菊科。乔木层、灌木层和草本层重要值最大的植物分别是盐麸木(56.7%)、马桑(56.3%)和蜈蚣草(44.0%),而且具有较大的生态位宽度,分别为1.58、1.32和1.57。乔木层盐麸木与乌桕(0.68)、草本层粽叶芦与鬼针草(0.99)生态位重叠值最大,而灌木层物种生态位重叠值较低(0.30~0.42),表明灌木层物种生态位分化程度较大。乔木层和灌木层物种总体呈不显著负联结,主要物种间多数呈负相关(占比分别为83.3%和66.7%),植物群落不稳定;草本层物种总体呈显著正联结,种对间正相关物种对数占比为52.4%,物种竞争较弱。总体而言,锑矿生态破坏区植物群落不稳定,在生态恢复过程中,可以选择补充适宜该区生长且具有正联结的灌木和乔木,如马桑和苎麻、盐麸木和杉木等,促进植物群落正向演替,推动锑矿生态破坏区生态系统重建和可持续发展。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brigham and Women\'s Hospital, a leader in geriatric surgery, was awarded Geriatric Surgery Verification by the American College of Surgeons. This award demonstrates its expertise in meeting the specialized needs of older adults in the perioperative period to optimize their surgical outcomes and experience. Among the program\'s standards is implementing the geriatric nurse champion role and education in alignment with the Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) practice model. In this month\'s NICHE column, nurse leaders from Brigham and Women\'s Hospital describe its path to achieving Geriatric Surgery Verification and implementing the NICHE practice model in the perioperative setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adult mammalian heart has been demonstrated to be endowed with low but real turnover capacity, especially for cardiomyocytes, the key functional cell type. The source, however, of that turnover capacity remains controversial. In this regard, we have defined and characterized a resident multipotent cardiac mouse progenitor population, Bmi1+DR (for Bmi1+ Damage-Responsive cells). Bmi1+DR is one of the cell types with the lowest ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) levels in the adult heart, being particularly characterized by their close relationship with cardiac vessels, most probably involved in the regulation of proliferation/maintenance of Bmi1+DR. This was proposed to work as their endothelial niche. Due to the scarcity of Bmi1+DR cells in the adult mouse heart, we have generated an immortalization/dis-immortalization model using Simian Vacuolating Virus 40-Large Antigen T (SV40-T) to facilitate their in vitro characterization. We have obtained a heterogeneous population of immortalized Bmi1+DR cells (Bmi1+DRIMM) that was validated attending to different criteria, also showing a comparable sensitivity to strong oxidative damage. Then, we concluded that the Bmi1-DRIMM population is an appropriate model for primary Bmi1+DR in vitro studies. The co-culture of Bmi1+DRIMM cells with endothelial cells protects them against oxidative damage, showing a moderate depletion in non-canonical autophagy and also contributing with a modest metabolic regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quiescence is a prolonged but reversible state of cell-cycle arrest that is an adaptive feature of most adult stem cell populations. In the brain, quiescence helps to protect adult neural stem cells from stress and supports lifelong neurogenesis. Unfortunately however, entry into a quiescent or a slow-cycling state is also a malignant feature of brain cancer stem cells. In glioblastoma, where the process has been best characterised, quiescent glioma stem cells preferentially survive chemoradiation, and after therapy, reactivate to regrow the tumour and drive recurrence. In this Review, we discuss the in vitro and in vivo models that have been developed for studying neural stem cell quiescence and how these tools may be used to deepen biological understanding and to develop novel therapies targeting quiescent glioma stem cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the maintenance and shift in reproductive strategies is a fundamental question in evolutionary research. Although many efforts have been made to compare different reproductive strategies, the association between reproductive strategies and lineage divergence is largely unknown. To explore the impact of different reproductive strategies on lineage divergence, we investigated the evolution of clonality in Saxifraga sect. Irregulares+Heterisia. By integrating several lines of evidence, we found that the loss of clonality in Irregulares+Heterisia was associated with a progressive increase in diversification rate and intraspecific morphological diversity but with a reduction in species distribution range. Our findings provide insights into the ecological and evolutionary effects of different reproductive strategies, suggesting the necessity of integrating clonality into ecological and evolutional research.





