Neurovascular bundle

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cervical lipomas accompanied by neurovascular compression are extremely rare and require surgical treatment in case of appropriate symptoms. The preferable method is gross total resection, as otherwise they tend to recur. Invasive growth is not typical for lipomas. However, large tumors can involve adjacent nerves and vessels and significantly complicate resection.
    METHODS: We present a 57-year-old patient who underwent resection of giant soft tissue cervical lipoma invading neurovascular bundle and compressing the oropharynx and esophagus with dysphagia and positional asphyxia. The patient was followed-up for previous 5 years. Resection was necessary due to tumor enlargement with appropriate symptoms. Searching for literature data was performed in the Pubmed, Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and eLibrary databases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gross total resection of 7-cm tumor was accompanied by mobilization of hypoglossal and vagus nerves, common, external and internal carotid arteries and jugular vein with repositioning of the oropharynx and esophagus. There was mild Horner\'s syndrome in early postoperative period. The patient was discharged in 4 days after surgery with regression of complaints. We found only 5 reports describing giant cervical lipomas invading neurovascular bundle.
    CONCLUSIONS: Giant cervical lipomas are extremely rare, and total resection with preservation of critical structures is possible in a specialized hospital.
    Липомы, сопровождающиеся компрессией сосудисто-нервного пучка шеи, встречаются крайне редко и требуют хирургического лечения в случаях появления соответствующей симптоматики. Предпочтительным методом является радикальное удаление, так как в противном случае они склонны рецидивировать. Для липом не характерен инвазивный рост, однако, достигая больших размеров, они могут вовлекать в себя прилежащие нервные и сосудистые структуры, что значительно затрудняет радикальную хирургическую резекцию.
    UNASSIGNED: В статье представлено наблюдение пациента 57 лет, которому было произведено удаление гигантской липомы мягких тканей шеи, распространяющейся в сосудисто-нервный пучок и приводящей к компрессии ротоглотки, пищевода, дисфагии и позиционной асфиксии при повороте головы. Пациент наблюдался по поводу образования в течение 5 лет, в связи с увеличением образования в динамике и нарастанием жалоб было принято решение об его удалении. Произведен поиск литературы по ключевым словам в научных базах данных PubMed, Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Library и eLibrary.
    UNASSIGNED: В ходе операции опухоль 7 см в диаметре была полностью удалена, из нее выделены и сохранены подъязычный, блуждающий нервы, общая, наружная и внутренняя сонные артерии и яремная вена, сдавленные ротоглотка и пищевод приняли нормальное положение. В раннем послеоперационном периоде отмечалось появление минимально выраженного синдрома Горнера, пациент был выписан из клиники на 4-е сутки после операции с регрессом жалоб. При поиске литературы было найдено лишь 5 работ, описывающих гигантские липомы шеи с вовлечением сосудисто-нервного пучка.
    UNASSIGNED: Гигантские липомы шеи встречаются крайне редко, а их радикальное удаление с сохранением критических структур возможно в условиях специализированного стационара.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the surgical margin status in patients with prostate cancer who underwent robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) with intraoperative neurovascular structure-adjacent frozen-section analysis (NeuroSAFE) and evaluate differences compared to patients who underwent radical prostatectomy without NeuroSAFE.
    METHODS: Between September 2018 and January 2021, 962 patients underwent centralized RARP with NeuroSAFE. A secondary resection was performed in case of a positive surgical margin (PSM) on intraoperative frozen section (IFS) analysis to convert a PSM into a negative surgical margin (NSM). A retrospective cohort consisted of 835 patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy in a tertiary centre without NeuroSAFE between January 2000 and December 2017. We performed multivariable logistic regression to evaluate differences in risk of PSM between cohorts after controlling for clinicopathological variables.
    RESULTS: Patients operated with NeuroSAFE in the centralized clinic had 29% PSM at a definitive pathological RP examination. The median cumulative length of definitive PSM was 1.1 mm (interquartile range: 0.4-3.8). Among 275 men with PSM, 136 (49%) had a cumulative length ≤1 mm and 198 (72%) ≤3 mm. After controlling for PSA, Grade group, cribriform pattern, pT-stage, and pN-stage, patients treated in the centralized clinic with NeuroSAFE had significantly lower odds on PSM (odds ratio [OR]: 0.70, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.56-0.88; P = 0.002), PSM length >1 mm (OR: 0.14, 95% CI: 0.09-0.22; P < 0.001), and >3 mm (OR: 0.21, 95% CI: 0.14-0.30; P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a detailed overview of surgical margin status in a centralized RP NeuroSAFE cohort. Centralization with NeuroSAFE was associated with lower PSM rates and significantly shorter PSM cumulative lengths, indicating improved control of surgical margin status.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Penile shrapnel injuries are an exceedingly rare occurrence and a medical emergency. Herein, we present a case of penile shrapnel wounds in an adolescent male and discuss the management and complications associated with penetrating injuries to penile. We reported that an 18-year-old Chinese armed police soldier underwent debridement, shrapnel removal and suturing under spinal anesthesia. Six days postoperatively, he was discharged from the hospital smoothly. The patient reported normal erectile function and urination following discharge. With a follow-up of three months, the patient exhibited no symptoms of dysuria or erectile dysfunction. It is explicitly stated that prompt surgery intervention described in this report resulted in optimal prognosis. Penile shrapnel injury is a rare phenomenon typically associated with emergency drill and military training involving explosive shells. With regard to penetrating penile injury, timely surgical exploration is essential because it avoids penile plaque formation, penile fibrosis and angulation, and accelerates the return to erectile and urination function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Radical prostatectomy remains the main choice of treatment for prostate cancer. However, despite improvements in surgical techniques and neurovascular sparing procedures, rates of erectile dysfunction, and urinary incontinence remain variable. This is due, at least in part, to an incomplete understanding of neurovascular structures associated with the prostate. The objective of this study was to provide a comprehensive, detailed histological overview of the distribution of nerves and blood vessels within the prostate, facilitating subsequent correlation of prostatic neurovascular structures with patients\' clinical outcomes after radical prostatectomy.
    METHODS: Neurovascular structures within the prostate were investigated in a total of 309 slides obtained from 15 patients who underwent non-nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to identify and distinguish between parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves, whereas hematoxylin and eosin staining was used to identify blood vessels. The total number, density, and relative position of nerves and blood vessels were established using quantitative morphometry and illustrated using visualization approaches. Patient-specific outcome data were then used to establish whether the internal distribution of nerves and blood vessels within the prostate correlated with the nature and extent of complications after surgery. One-way analysis of variance tests and unpaired t tests were applied to establish statistically significant differences across the measured variables.
    RESULTS: Nerves and blood vessels were present across all prostatic levels and regions. However, their number and density varied considerably between regions. Assessment of the precise positioning of neurovascular structures revealed that the majority of nerve fibers were located within the dorsal and peripheral aspects of the gland. In contrast, blood vessels were predominantly located within ventral and dorsal midline regions. The number of intraprostatic nerves was found to be significantly lower in patients who recovered their continence within 12 months of surgery, compared to those whose recovery took 12 months or longer.
    CONCLUSIONS: We report an unexpected disconnect between the localization and positioning of nerve fibers and blood vessels within the prostate. Moreover, individual variability in the density of intraprostatic neurovascular structures appears to correlate with the successful recovery of urinary continence after radical prostatectomy, suggesting that differences in intrinsic neurovascular arrangements of the prostate influence postoperative outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the neurovascular bundle (NVB) as a potential orthodontic relapse factor. The mechanical properties and the forces generated in the NVB after orthodontic extrusion are explored.
    METHODS: Six NVBs branching from the inferior alveolar nerve to the apices of the mandibular canines and premolars of mature pigs were harvested. Stress relaxation tests were conducted. A standard linear solid model (SLS) was utilized to simulate the orthodontic extrusion of a single rooted tooth with NVB length and cross-sectional diameter of 3.6 and 0.5 mm, respectively, so the NVB was stretched 10% and 20% of its original length. The maximum force within the NVB was then calculated.
    RESULTS: Based on our data, the average Young\'s modulus before relaxation ( E 0 ), after relaxation ( E P ) and the difference between Young\'s moduli before and after relaxation ( E S ) were 324 ± 123, 173 ± 73 and 151 ± 52 kPa, respectively. The theoretical force within the NVB stretched to 10% and 20% strain was 3 and 5 mN, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The data from our study indicate that the NVB exhibits stress relaxation, a characteristic trait of viscoelastic materials. SLS model simulation predicted residual forces around 5 mN for elongation up to 20%. We observed strain hardening with additional elongation, which has the potential to cause forces to increase exponentially. Therefore, tensile forces in the NVB should not be ruled out as a contributor to orthodontic relapse, especially in adult patients who may have decreased adaptability of their NVB. Further preclinical and clinical models should be developed to further clarify what is the contribution of the NVB to orthodontic relapse.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To determine the main principles of a patient-oriented individual approach to diagnosis and surgical treatment of cervical neurovascular bundle tumors considering the capabilities of neurosurgical hospital.
    There were 92 patients with cervical soft tissue tumors affecting neurovascular bundle. Age of patients ranged from 9 to 81 years (mean 47). There were 65.1% women and 34.9% men. We found chemodectoma (47.4%), neurofibroma (15.8%), neurinoma (13.2%), papillary thyroid cancer (5.3%), salivary gland heterotopia (5.3%), salivary gland adenocarcinoma (5.3%), Hodgkin lymphoma (2.6%), hemangioendothelioma (2.6%) and cavernous lymphangioma (2.6%). Diagnostic algorithm included neurological examinations, Doppler ultrasound of supra-aortic arteries, transcranial ultrasound of cerebral vessels, MRI of cervical soft tissues, CT-AG, MR-AG, CT-perfusion, direct selective angiography.
    A total of 94 surgical interventions were performed. All surgeries were performed using surgical optics and neurophysiological monitoring of cranial nerves IX, X, XII. We chose resection technique depending on localization, histological features and blood supply of tumor. En-bloc resection was performed in 46 cases, removal of fragments - in 23 cases, intracapsular resection of tumor followed by resection of the capsule - in 26 cases. Total and subtotal resection was performed in 68 (72%) and 23 (24%) cases, respectively. Three (4%) patients underwent partial resection of infiltrative tumors for carotid artery decompression and histological analysis. In 76% of cases, baseline symptoms of disease regressed after surgery. Persistent moderate bulbar disorders were observed in 16 patients (17%). Ischemic complications with additional surgical interventions were observed in 2 cases.
    Patients with cervical soft tissue tumors require individual approach regarding choosing the optimal surgical treatment including possible preoperative embolization of tumor, en-bloc or intracapsular resection and carotid artery repair.
    Определить основные принципы пациент-ориентированного индивидуального подхода к диагностике и хирургическому лечению больных с опухолями сосудистого-нервного пучка (СНП) на шее с учетом возможностей нейрохирургического стационара.
    На базе ФГАУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр нейрохирургии им. акад. Н.Н. Бурденко» Минздрава России выполнено хирургическое лечение 92 пациентов с опухолями мягких тканей шеи, поражающих структуры СНП. Возраст больных варьировал от 9 лет до 81 года. Средний возраст составил 47 лет. Среди больных 65,1% составили женщины, 34,9% — мужчины. В работу включен как ретроспективный материал (11 пациентов), так и проспективный (29 пациентов). Гистологически опухоли были представлены хемодектомой (47,4%), нейрофибромой (15,8%), невриномой (13,2%), папиллярным раком щитовидной железы (5,3%), гетеротопией слюнной железы (5,3%), аденокарциномой слюной железы (5,3%), лимфомой Ходжкина (2,6%), гемангиоэндотелиомой (2,6%), кавернозной лимфангиомой (2,6%). Диагностический алгоритм у пациентов с опухолями СНП на шее включал в себя комплексное клиническое обследование: неврологический и отоневрологический осмотры, дуплексное ультразвуковое исследование брахиоцефальных артерий, транскраниальную ультразвуковую допплерографию сосудов головного мозга. С целью анализа топографического расположения опухоли по отношению к сосудисто-нервному пучку и планирования хирургического лечения выполнялась магнитно-резонансная (МР) томография мягких тканей шеи, а также спиральная компьютерная томографическая ангиография (СКТ-АГ), МР-АГ, СКТ-перфузия, прямая селективная ангиография.
    Всего было выполнено 94 хирургических вмешательств. Все операции проводились с использованием хирургической оптики и методик нейрофизиологического мониторинга функции IX, X, XII черепных нервов. Выбор методики резекции опухоли определялся ее локализацией, гистологией, степенью кровоснабжения. Удаление опухоли «единым блоком» выполнялось в 46 наблюдениях, в 23 случаях выполнялось удаление фрагментами, в 26 случаях проводилось интракапсулярное удаление опухоли с последующей резекцией капсулы. В общей сложности в 68 (72%) случаях удалось добиться радикальной резекции опухоли, в 23 (24%) — субтотального удаления. В 3 (4%) наблюдениях выполнена частичная резекция инфильтративно растущих опухолей СНП шеи с целью декомпрессии сонных артерий и верификации гистологического диагноза. В 76% наблюдений удалось добиться удаления опухоли с регрессом исходных симптомов заболевания. Стойкие бульбарные нарушения умеренной степени выраженности отмечались у 16 (17%) пациентов. Ишемические осложнения, потребовавшие дополнительных хирургических вмешательств, наблюдались в 2 случаях.
    Пациенты с опухолями СНП требуют индивидуального, пациент-ориентированного дифференцированного подхода к выбору оптимальной тактики хирургического лечения, включающего возможную предоперационную эмболизацию опухоли, возможность en-bloc- или интракапсулярного удаления новообразования, реконструктивные вмешательства на сонных артериях.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Simple and safe fingertip reconstruction methods involve the use of local neurovascular islands flaps that can preserve functional length and sensitivity, and reconstruction with skin of the same texture. However, techniques involving flaps have numerous drawbacks and do not satisfy all the requirements for fingertip reconstruction. A particular problem is the persistence of contracture deformity due to lack of full flap advancement. We present a new technique using uni-pedicled volar rotational advancement flap with large Z-plasty, and describe the results of long-term follow-up.
    METHODS: From October 1993 to December 2009, 112 fingers of 98 patients were covered with uni-pedicled volar rotational advancement flap with large Z-plasty after sustaining various types of injuries or finger pulp avulsion. A longitudinal incision was made along the lateral border of the digit and a large neurovascular volar flap was elevated just above the pulleys and flexor tendon sheath. To release tension, a large Z-plasty was applied at the metacarpophalangeal joint or interphalangeal joint crease. The final patient outcomes were reviewed retrospectively.
    RESULTS: All fingertip injuries were treated without flap necrosis. Partial wound dehiscence was observed in two patients and average static two-point discrimination was 5.2 mm. There were no postoperative contracture deformities, joint stiffness, paresthesia, or hypersensitivity. Most patients were left with acceptable scarring and were free of postoperative pain and cold intolerance during the long-term follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our novel technique provides durable, completely sensate, and well-vascularized coverage of the fingertip with minimal discomfort to patients.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: The nerve-sparing (NS) effect of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) on patients with a high-risk prostate cancer remains unclear. The objective of this study was to compare the urinary continence, erectile function and oncology outcomes of the nerve-sparing and non-nerve-sparing (NNS) group during RARP surgeries.
    UNASSIGNED: We systematically searched databases including PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library and Web of Science to identify relevant studies published in English up to December 2022. Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) was used as a quality evaluation tool to evaluate the quality of the literature parameters involved, including urinary continence, erectile function and oncologic outcomes, which were compared using the Stata 15.1 software (StataSE, USA).
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 8 cohort studies involving 2499 patients were included. A meta-analysis of results showed that the NS group was beneficial to the recovery of urinary continence (RR 0.46, 95%CI 0.22, 0.96; p=0.045<0.05) and erectile function (RR 0.32, 95%CI 0.16, 0.63; p=0.001<0.05) 12 months after surgeries, which showed a better oncological outcome (RR 1.31, 95%CI 1.01, 1.69; p=0.01<0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: The current study results indicate that intraoperative NS during RARP is beneficial to long-term postoperative functional recovery and tumor prognosis of patients with high-risk prostate cancers. Due to interstudy interferences, the results should be interpreted with caution.
    UNASSIGNED:, identifier: CRD42022384647.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Indocyanine green (ICG) with near-infrared fluorescence absorption is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for clinical applications in angiography, blood flow evaluation, and liver function assessment. It has strong optical absorption in the near-infrared region, where light can penetrate deepest into biological tissue. We sought to review its value in guiding prostate cancer treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: All related literature at PubMed from January 2000 to December 2020 were reviewed.
    UNASSIGNED: Multiple preclinical studies have demonstrated the usefulness of ICG in identifying prostate cancer by using different engineering techniques. Clinical studies have demonstrated the usefulness of ICG in guiding sentinel node dissection during radical prostatectomy, and possible better preservation of neurovascular bundle by identifying landmark prostatic arteries. New techniques such as adding fluorescein in additional to ICG were tested in a limited number of patients with encouraging result. In addition, the use of the ICG was shown to be safe. Even though there are encouraging results, it does not carry sufficient sensitivity and specificity in replacing extended pelvic lymph node dissection during radical prostatectomy.
    UNASSIGNED: Multiple preclinical and clinical studies have shown the usefulness of ICG in identifying and guiding treatment for prostate cancer. Larger randomized prospective studies are warranted to further test its usefulness and find new modified approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The close proximity of arteries and veins is a well-known anatomical finding documented in the extremities of all vertebrates. However, the physiological consequences of this arrangement are rarely given proper consideration nor are they covered in the textbook list of mechanisms that aid blood flow. We hypothesized that arterial pressure pulsations can significantly increase blood flow in the adjacent valve-containing vein segments. To demonstrate the existence of this mechanism, 10- to 15-cm sections of the bovine forelimb neurovascular bundle were isolated. The proximal and distal ends of the median artery and adjacent veins were cannulated, their tributaries were tied off, and the dissected bundle was then inserted into an airtight enclosure to mimic in vivo encasement by surrounding muscle. Pulsatile pressure was subsequently applied to the arterial segment while recording venous flow. At pressure settings mimicking physiological scenarios, arterial pulsations caused a highly significant increase in venous return. The amplitude of this effect was dependent on the arterial pulsation rate, stroke volume, and pressure gradient across the vein segment.





