Neurotransmitter transport

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nearly all modern life depends on artificial light; however, it does cause health problems. With certain restrictions of artificial light emitting technology, the influence of the light spectrum is inevitable. The most remarkable problem is its overload in the short wavelength component. Short wavelength artificial light has a wide range of influences from ocular development to mental problems. The visual neuronal pathway, as the primary light-sensing structure, may contain the fundamental mechanism of all light-induced abnormalities. However, how the artificial light spectrum shapes the visual neuronal pathway during development in mammals is poorly understood. We placed C57BL/6 mice in three different spectrum environments (full-spectrum white light: 400-750 nm; violet light: 400 ± 20 nm; green light: 510 ± 20 nm) beginning at eye opening, with a fixed light time of 7:00-19:00. During development, we assessed the ocular axial dimension, visual function and retinal neurons. After two weeks under short wavelength conditions, the ocular axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and length of lens thickness, real vitreous chamber depth and retinal thickness (LLVR) were shorter, visual acuity (VA) decreased, and retinal electrical activity was impaired. The density of S-cones in the dorsal and ventral retinas both decreased after one week under short wavelength conditions. In the ventral retina, it increased after three weeks. Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) density and axon thickness were not influenced; however, the axonal terminals in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were less clustered and sparse. Amacrine cells (ACs) were significantly more activated. Green light has few effects. The KEGG and GO enrichment analyses showed that many genes related to neural circuitry, synaptic formation and neurotransmitter function were differentially expressed in the short wavelength light group. In conclusion, exposure to short wavelength artificial light in the early stage of vision-dependent development in mice delayed the development of the visual pathway. The axon terminus structure and neurotransmitter function may be the major suffering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stereoselectivity is well known and very pronounced in drug metabolism and receptor binding. However, much less is known about stereoselectivity in drug membrane transport. Here, we characterized the stereoselective cell uptake of chiral phenylethylamine derivatives by human monoamine transporters (NET, DAT, and SERT) and organic cation transporters (OCT1, OCT2, and OCT3). Stereoselectivity differed extensively between closely related transporters. High-affinity monoamine transporters (MATs) showed up to 2.4-fold stereoselective uptake of norepinephrine and epinephrine as well as of numerous analogs. While NET and DAT preferentially transported (S)-norepinephrine, SERT preferred the (R)-enantiomer. In contrast, NET and DAT showed higher transport for (R)-epinephrine and SERT for (S)-epinephrine. Generally, MAT stereoselectivity was lower than expected from their high affinity to several catecholamines and from the high stereoselectivity of some inhibitors used as antidepressants. Additionally, the OCTs differed strongly in their stereoselectivity. While OCT1 showed almost no stereoselective uptake, OCT2 was characterized by a roughly 2-fold preference for most (R)-enantiomers of the phenylethylamines. In contrast, OCT3 transported norphenylephrine and phenylephrine with 3.9-fold and 3.3-fold preference for their (R)-enantiomers, respectively, while the para-hydroxylated octopamine and synephrine showed no stereoselective OCT3 transport. Altogether, our data demonstrate that stereoselectivity is highly transporter-to-substrate specific and highly diverse even between homologous transporters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) maintain glutamate gradients in the brain essential for neurotransmission and to prevent neuronal death. They use ionic gradients as energy source and co-transport transmitter into the cytoplasm with Na+ and H+ , while counter-transporting K+ to re-initiate the transport cycle. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying ion-coupled transport remain incompletely understood. Here, we present 3D X-ray crystallographic and cryo-EM structures, as well as thermodynamic analysis of human EAAT1 in different ion bound conformations, including elusive counter-transport ion bound states. Binding energies of Na+ and H+ , and unexpectedly Ca2+ , are coupled to neurotransmitter binding. Ca2+ competes for a conserved Na+ site, suggesting a regulatory role for Ca2+ in glutamate transport at the synapse, while H+ binds to a conserved glutamate residue stabilizing substrate occlusion. The counter-transported ion binding site overlaps with that of glutamate, revealing the K+ -based mechanism to exclude the transmitter during the transport cycle and to prevent its neurotoxic release on the extracellular side.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) are prototypical dual function proteins that function as coupled glutamate/Na+/H+/K+ transporters and as anion-selective channels. Both transport functions are intimately intertwined at the structural level: Secondary active glutamate transport is based on elevator-like movements of the mobile transport domain across the membrane, and the lateral movement of this domain results in anion channel opening. This particular anion channel gating mechanism predicts the existence of mutant transporters with changed anion channel properties, but without alteration in glutamate transport. We here report that the L46P mutation in the human EAAT2 transporter fulfills this prediction. L46 is a pore-forming residue of the EAAT2 anion channels at the cytoplasmic entrance into the ion conduction pathway. In whole-cell patch clamp recordings, we observed larger macroscopic anion current amplitudes for L46P than for WT EAAT2. Rapid l-glutamate application under forward transport conditions demonstrated that L46P does not reduce the transport rate of individual transporters. In contrast, changes in selectivity made gluconate permeant in L46P EAAT2, and nonstationary noise analysis revealed slightly increased unitary current amplitudes in mutant EAAT2 anion channels. We used unitary current amplitudes and individual transport rates to quantify absolute open probabilities of EAAT2 anion channels from ratios of anion currents by glutamate uptake currents. This analysis revealed up to 7-fold increased absolute open probability of L46P EAAT2 anion channels. Our results reveal an important determinant of the diameter of EAAT2 anion pore and demonstrate the existence of anion channel gating processes outside the EAAT uptake cycle.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasma membrane-associated glutamate transporters play a key role in signaling by the major excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Uphill glutamate uptake into cells is energetically driven by coupling to co-transport of three Na+ ions. In exchange, one K+ ion is counter-transported. Currently accepted transport mechanisms assume that Na+ and K+ effects are exclusive, resulting from competition of these cations at the binding level. Here, we used electrophysiological analysis to test the effects of K+ and Na+ on neuronal glutamate transporter excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1; the rat homologue of human excitatory amino acid transporter 3 (EAAT3)). Unexpectedly, extracellular K+ application to EAAC1 induced anion current, but only in the presence of Na+ This result could be explained with a K+/Na+ co-binding state in which the two cations simultaneously bind to the transporter. We obtained further evidence for this co-binding state, and its anion conductance, by analyzing transient currents when Na+ was exchanged for K+ and effects of the [K+]/[Na+] ratio on glutamate affinity. Interestingly, we observed the K+/Na+ co-binding state not only in EAAC1 but also in the subtypes EAAT1 and -2, which, unlike EAAC1, conducted anions in response to K+ only. We incorporated these experimental findings in a revised transport mechanism, including the K+/Na+ co-binding state and the ability of K+ to activate anion current. Overall, these results suggest that differentiation between Na+ and K+ does not occur at the binding level but is conferred by coupling of cation binding to conformational changes. These findings have implications also for other exchangers.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dopamine transporter (DAT) regulates dopamine neurotransmission via reuptake of dopamine released into the extracellular space. Interactions with partner proteins alter DAT function and thereby dynamically shape dopaminergic tone important for normal brain function. However, the extent and nature of these interactions are incompletely understood. Here, we describe a novel physical and functional interaction between DAT and the voltage-gated K+ channel Kv2.1 (potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1 or KCNB1). To examine the functional consequences of this interaction, we employed a combination of immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence live-cell microscopy, co-immunoprecipitation, and electrophysiological approaches. Consistent with previous reports, we found Kv2.1 is trafficked to membrane-bound clusters observed both in vivo and in vitro in rodent dopamine neurons. Our data provide evidence that clustered Kv2.1 channels decrease DAT\'s lateral mobility and inhibit its internalization, while also decreasing canonical transporter activity by altering DAT\'s conformational equilibrium. These results suggest that Kv2.1 clusters exert a spatially discrete homeostatic braking mechanism on DAT by inducing a relative increase in inward-facing transporters. Given recent reports of Kv2.1 dysregulation in neurological disorders, it is possible that alterations in the functional interaction between DAT and Kv2.1 affect dopamine neuron activity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the brain, glutamate transporters terminate excitatory neurotransmission by removing this neurotransmitter from the synapse via cotransport with three sodium ions into the surrounding cells. Structural studies have identified the binding sites of the three sodium ions in glutamate transporters. The residue side-chains directly interact with the sodium ions at the Na1 and Na3 sites and are fully conserved from archaeal to eukaryotic glutamate transporters. The Na2 site is formed by three main-chain oxygens on the extracellular reentrant hairpin loop HP2 and one on transmembrane helix 7. A glycine residue on HP2 is located closely to the three main-chain oxygens in all glutamate transporters, except for the astroglial transporter GLT-1, which has a serine residue at that position. Unlike for WT GLT-1, substitution of the serine residue to glycine enables sustained glutamate transport also when sodium is replaced by lithium. Here, using functional and simulation studies, we studied the role of this serine/glycine switch on cation selectivity of substrate transport. Our results indicate that the side-chain oxygen of the serine residues can form a hydrogen bond with a main-chain oxygen on transmembrane helix 7. This leads to an expansion of the Na2 site such that water can participate in sodium coordination at Na2. Furthermore, we found other molecular determinants of cation selectivity on the nearby HP1 loop. We conclude that subtle changes in the composition of the two reentrant hairpin loops determine the cation specificity of acidic amino acid transport by glutamate transporters.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic factors are known to significantly contribute to the etiology of psychiatric diseases such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum and bipolar disorders, but the underlying molecular processes remain largely elusive. The dopamine transporter (DAT) has received continuous attention as a potential risk factor for psychiatric disease, as it is critical for dopamine homeostasis and serves as principal target for ADHD medications. Constrain metrics for the DAT-encoding gene, solute carrier family 6 member 3 (SLC6A3), indicate that missense mutations are under strong negative selection, pointing to pathophysiological outcomes when DAT function is compromised. Here, we systematically characterized six rare genetic variants of DAT (I312F, T356M, D421N, A559V, E602G, and R615C) identified in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. We evaluated dopamine uptake and ligand interactions, along with ion coordination and electrophysiological properties, to elucidate functional phenotypes, and applied Zn2+ exposure and a substituted cysteine-accessibility approach to identify shared structural changes. Three variants (I312F, T356M, and D421N) exhibited impaired dopamine uptake associated with changes in ligand binding, ion coordination, and distinct conformational disturbances. Remarkably, we found that all three variants displayed gain-of-function electrophysiological phenotypes. I312F mediated an increased uncoupled anion conductance previously suggested to modulate neuronal excitability. T356M and D421N both mediated a cocaine-sensitive leakage of cations, which for T356M was potentiated by Zn2+, concurrent with partial functional rescue. Collectively, our findings support that gain of disruptive functions due to missense mutations in SLC6A3 may be key to understanding how dopaminergic dyshomeostasis arises in heterozygous carriers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transporters in the SLC6 family play key roles in regulating neurotransmission and are the targets for a wide range of therapeutics. Important insights into the transport mechanisms and the specificity of drug interactions of SLC6 transporters have been obtained from the crystal structures of a bacterial homologue of the family, LeuTAa, and more recently the Drosophila dopamine transporter and the human serotonin transporter. However, there is disputed evidence that the bacterial leucine transporter, LeuTAa, contains two substrate binding sites that work cooperatively in the mechanism of transport, with the binding of a second substrate being required for the release of the substrate from the primary site. An alternate proposal is that there may be low affinity binding sites that serve to direct the flow of substrates to the primary site. We have used a combination of molecular dynamics simulations of substrate interactions with a homology model of GlyT2, together with radiolabeled amino acid uptake assays and electrophysiological analysis of wild-type and mutant transporters, to provide evidence that substrate selectivity of GlyT2 is determined entirely by the primary substrate binding site and, furthermore, if a secondary site exists then it is a low affinity nonselective amino acid binding site.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Point mutations in the gene encoding the human dopamine transporter (hDAT, SLC6A3) cause a syndrome of infantile/juvenile dystonia and parkinsonism. To unravel the molecular mechanism underlying these disorders and investigate possible pharmacological therapies, here we examined 13 disease-causing DAT mutants that were retained in the endoplasmic reticulum when heterologously expressed in HEK293 cells. In three of these mutants, i.e. hDAT-V158F, hDAT-G327R, and hDAT-L368Q, the folding deficit was remedied with the pharmacochaperone noribogaine or the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) inhibitor pifithrin-μ such that endoplasmic reticulum export of and radioligand binding and substrate uptake by these DAT mutants were restored. In Drosophila melanogaster, DAT deficiency results in reduced sleep. We therefore exploited the power of targeted transgene expression of mutant hDAT in Drosophila to explore whether these hDAT mutants could also be pharmacologically rescued in an intact organism. Noribogaine or pifithrin-μ treatment supported hDAT delivery to the presynaptic terminals of dopaminergic neurons and restored sleep to normal length in DAT-deficient (fumin) Drosophila lines expressing hDAT-V158F or hDAT-G327R. In contrast, expression of hDAT-L368Q in the Drosophila DAT mutant background caused developmental lethality, indicating a toxic action not remedied by pharmacochaperoning. Our observations identified those mutations most likely amenable to pharmacological rescue in the affected children. In addition, our findings also highlight the challenges of translating insights from pharmacochaperoning in cell culture to the clinical situation. Because of the evolutionary conservation in dopaminergic neurotransmission between Drosophila and people, pharmacochaperoning of DAT in D. melanogaster may allow us to bridge that gap.





