
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals change how they respond to the world around them as they age, giving rise to developmental stage and status appropriate behaviours. New work finds that changes in the primary olfactory neuropil are correlated with the natural developmental shift in alarm pheromone-specific responses of an ant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arthropod mushroom body is well-studied as an expansion layer representing olfactory stimuli and linking them to contingent events. However, 8% of mushroom body Kenyon cells in Drosophila melanogaster receive predominantly visual input, and their function remains unclear. Here, we identify inputs to visual Kenyon cells using the FlyWire adult whole-brain connectome. Input repertoires are similar across hemispheres and connectomes with certain inputs highly overrepresented. Many visual neurons presynaptic to Kenyon cells have large receptive fields, while interneuron inputs receive spatially restricted signals that may be tuned to specific visual features. Individual visual Kenyon cells randomly sample sparse inputs from combinations of visual channels, including multiple optic lobe neuropils. These connectivity patterns suggest that visual coding in the mushroom body, like olfactory coding, is sparse, distributed, and combinatorial. However, the specific input repertoire to the smaller population of visual Kenyon cells suggests a constrained encoding of visual stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unlike mammals, species such as fish and amphibians can regenerate damaged spinal cords, offering insights into potential therapeutic targets. This study investigates the structural features of the molly fish spinal cord through light and electron microscopy. The most notable characteristic was the presence of Mauthner cells (M-cells), which exhibited large cell bodies and processes, as well as synaptic connections with astrocytes. These astrocytic connections contained synaptic vesicles, suggesting electrical transmission at the M-cell endings. Astrocytes, which were labeled with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), contained cytoplasmic glycogen granules, potentially serving as an emergency fuel source. Two types of oligodendrocytes were identified: a small, dark cell and a larger, lighter cell, both of which reacted strongly with oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2 (Olig2). The dark oligodendrocyte resembled human oligodendrocyte precursors, while the light oligodendrocyte was similar to mature human oligodendrocytes. Additionally, proliferative neurons in the substantia grisea centralis expressed myostatin, Nrf2, and Sox9. Collectively, these findings suggest that the molly fish spinal cord has advanced structural features conducive to spinal cord regeneration and could serve as an excellent model for studying central nervous system regeneration. Further studies on the functional aspects of the molly fish spinal cord are recommended. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Mauthner cells (M-cell), with their typical large cell body and processes, were the most characteristic feature in Molly fish spinal cord, where it presented synaptic connections with astrocytes and their ends contained synaptic vesicles indicating an electrical transmission in the M-cells endings. Two types of oligodendrocytes could be recognized; both reacted intensely with Oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2 (Olig2). The proliferative neurons of the substantia grisea centralis expressed myostatin, Nrf2, and Sox9. The findings of this study suggest that molly fish possess highly developed structural features conducive to spinal cord regeneration. Consequently, they could be deemed an exemplary model for investigating central nervous system regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain energy budgets specify metabolic costs emerging from underlying mechanisms of cellular and synaptic activities. While current bottom-up energy budgets use prototypical values of cellular density and synaptic density, predicting metabolism from a person\'s individualized neuropil density would be ideal. We hypothesize that in vivo neuropil density can be derived from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, consisting of longitudinal relaxation (T1) MRI for gray/white matter distinction and diffusion MRI for tissue cellularity (apparent diffusion coefficient, ADC) and axon directionality (fractional anisotropy, FA). We present a machine learning algorithm that predicts neuropil density from in vivo MRI scans, where ex vivo Merker staining and in vivo synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A Positron Emission Tomography (SV2A-PET) images were reference standards for cellular and synaptic density, respectively. We used Gaussian-smoothed T1/ADC/FA data from 10 healthy subjects to train an artificial neural network, subsequently used to predict cellular and synaptic density for 54 test subjects. While excellent histogram overlaps were observed both for synaptic density (0.93) and cellular density (0.85) maps across all subjects, the lower spatial correlations both for synaptic density (0.89) and cellular density (0.58) maps are suggestive of individualized predictions. This proof-of-concept artificial neural network may pave the way for individualized energy atlas prediction, enabling microscopic interpretations of functional neuroimaging data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual circuit development is characterized by subdivision of neuropils into layers that house distinct sets of synaptic connections. We find that, in the Drosophila medulla, this layered organization depends on the axon guidance regulator Plexin A. In Plexin A null mutants, synaptic layers of the medulla neuropil and arborizations of individual neurons are wider and less distinct than in controls. Analysis of semaphorin function indicates that Semaphorin 1a, acting in a subset of medulla neurons, is the primary partner for Plexin A in medulla lamination. Removal of the cytoplasmic domain of endogenous Plexin A has little effect on the formation of medulla layers; however, both null and cytoplasmic domain deletion mutations of Plexin A result in an altered overall shape of the medulla neuropil. These data suggest that Plexin A acts as a receptor to mediate morphogenesis of the medulla neuropil, and as a ligand for Semaphorin 1a to subdivide it into layers. Its two independent functions illustrate how a few guidance molecules can organize complex brain structures by each playing multiple roles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The balance between proliferation and quiescence of stem cells is crucial in maintaining tissue homeostasis. Neural stem cells (NSCs) in the brain have the ability to be reactivated from a reversible quiescent state to generate new neurons. However, how NSCs transit between quiescence and reactivation remains largely elusive. Drosophila larval brain NSCs, also known as neuroblasts, have emerged as an excellent in vivo model to study molecular mechanisms underlying NSC quiescence and reactivation. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the reactivation of quiescent NSCs in Drosophila. We review the most recent advances on epigenetic regulations and microtubule cytoskeleton in Drosophila quiescent NSCs and their cross-talk with signaling pathways that are required in regulating NSC reactivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Survivors of pediatric brain tumors are at high risk for long-term neuropsychological difficulties. In the current case study, we present longitudinal neuropsychological data spanning 10 years (from age 9 to 19 years) of a patient with a rare, very large, bifrontal, embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes (ETANTR), which is typically associated with poor survivorship and significant neurological impact. Results demonstrated that the patient had largely intact cognitive functioning with specific difficulties in executive functioning, fine motor skills, and adaptive functioning at her most recent neuropsychology 10-year follow-up. These results highlight outcomes for a patient with remarkable resiliency in the context of numerous risk factors (a very large tumor size, multi-modal treatment, and seizure history). Patient protective factors (a high level of cognitive reserve, family support, and appropriate comprehensive educational services) likely contributed to the patient\'s favorable neuropsychological outcome. The patient\'s age at brain tumor diagnosis (9 years) and associated treatment was at a critical period of development for emerging higher order cognitive functions which likely impacted acquisition of executive functioning skills and secondarily adaptive skill outcomes. Consequently, pediatric brain tumor survivors with ETANTR or other frontal tumors require targeted screening of executive functions and proactive interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Felids have evolved a specialized suite of morphological adaptations for obligate carnivory. Although the musculoskeletal anatomy of the Felidae has been studied extensively, the comparative neuroanatomy of felids is relatively unexplored. Little is known about how variation in the cerebral anatomy of felids relates to species-specific differences in sociality, hunting strategy, or activity patterns.
    METHODS: We quantitatively analyzed neuropil variation in the prefrontal, primary motor, and primary visual cortices of six species of Felidae (Panthera leo, Panthera uncia, Panthera tigris, Panthera leopardus, Acinonyx jubatus, Felis sylvestris domesticus) to investigate relationships with brain size, neuronal cell parameters, and select behavioral and ecological factors. Neuropil is the dense, intricate network of axons, dendrites, and synapses in the brain, playing a critical role in information processing and communication between neurons.
    RESULTS: There were significant species and regional differences in neuropil proportions, with African lion, cheetah, and tiger having more neuropil in all three cortical regions in comparison to the other species. Based on regression analyses, we find that the increased neuropil fraction in the prefrontal cortex supports social and behavioral flexibility, while in the primary motor cortex, this facilitates the neural activity needed for hunting movements. Greater neuropil fraction in the primary visual cortex may contribute to visual requirements associated with diel activity patterns.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide a cross-species comparison of neuropil fraction variation in the Felidae, particularly the understudied Panthera, and provide evidence for convergence of the neuroanatomy of Panthera and cheetahs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The study of non-laboratory species has been part of a broader effort to establish the basic organization of the mammalian neocortex, as these species may provide unique insights relevant to cortical organization, function, and evolution.
    METHODS: In the present study, the organization of three somatosensory cortical areas of the medium-sized (5-11 kg body mass) Amazonian rodent, the paca (Cuniculus paca), was determined using a combination of electrophysiological microelectrode mapping and histochemical techniques (cytochrome oxidase and NADPH diaphorase) in tangential sections.
    RESULTS: Electrophysiological mapping revealed a somatotopically organized primary somatosensory cortical area (S1) located in the rostral parietal cortex with a characteristic foot-medial/head-lateral contralateral body surface representation similar to that found in other species. S1 was bordered laterally by two regions housing neurons responsive to tactile stimuli, presumably the secondary somatosensory (S2) and parietal ventral (PV) cortical areas that evinced a mirror-reversal representation (relative to S1) of the contralateral body surface. The limits of the putative primary visual (V1) and primary auditory (A1) cortical areas, as well as the complete representation of the contralateral body surface in S1, were determined indirectly by the histochemical stains. Like the barrel field described in small rodents, we identified a modular arrangement located in the face representation of S1.
    CONCLUSIONS: The relative location, somatotopic organization, and pattern of neuropil histochemical reactivity in the three paca somatosensory cortical areas investigated are similar to those described in other mammalian species, providing additional evidence of a common plan of organization for the somatosensory cortex in the rostral parietal cortex of mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astrocytes are predominant glial cells that tile the central nervous system (CNS). A cardinal feature of astrocytes is their complex and visually enchanting morphology, referred to as bushy, spongy, and star-like. A central precept of this review is that such complex morphological shapes evolved to allow astrocytes to contact and signal with diverse cells at a range of distances in order to sample, regulate, and contribute to the extracellular milieu, and thus participate widely in cell-cell signaling during physiology and disease. The recent use of improved imaging methods and cell-specific molecular evaluations has revealed new information on the structural organization and molecular underpinnings of astrocyte morphology, the mechanisms of astrocyte morphogenesis, and the contributions to disease states of reduced morphology. These insights have reignited interest in astrocyte morphological complexity as a cornerstone of fundamental glial biology and as a critical substrate for multicellular spatial and physiological interactions in the CNS.





