Neuronal wiring

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The piRNA pathway in animal gonads functions as an \'RNA-based immune system\', serving to silence transposable elements and prevent inheritance of novel invaders. In Drosophila, this pathway relies on three gonad-specific Argonaute proteins (Argonaute-3, Aubergine and Piwi) that associate with 23-28 nucleotide piRNAs, directing the silencing of transposon-derived transcripts. Transposons constitute a primary driver of genome evolution, yet the evolution of piRNA pathway factors has not received in-depth exploration. Specifically, channel nuclear pore proteins, which impact piRNA processing, exhibit regions of rapid evolution in their promoters. Consequently, the question arises whether such a mode of evolution is a general feature of transposon silencing pathways.
    RESULTS: By employing genomic analysis of coding and promoter regions within genes that function in transposon silencing in Drosophila, we demonstrate that the promoters of germ cell-specific piRNA factors are undergoing rapid evolution. Our findings indicate that rapid promoter evolution is a common trait among piRNA factors engaged in germline silencing across insect species, potentially contributing to gene expression divergence in closely related taxa. Furthermore, we observe that the promoters of genes exclusively expressed in germ cells generally exhibit rapid evolution, with some divergence in gene expression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that increased germline promoter evolution, in partnership with other factors, could contribute to transposon silencing and evolution of species through differential expression of genes driven by invading transposons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obesity is a key medical challenge of our time. The increasing number of children born to overweight or obese women is alarming. During pregnancy, the circulation of the mother and her fetus interact to maintain the uninterrupted availability of essential nutrients for fetal organ development. In doing so, the mother\'s dietary preference determines the amount and composition of nutrients reaching the fetus. In particular, the availability of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), chiefly their ω-3 and ω-6 subclasses, can change when pregnant women choose a specific diet. Here, we provide a succinct overview of PUFA biochemistry, including exchange routes between ω-3 and ω-6 PUFAs, the phenotypes, and probable neurodevelopmental disease associations of offspring born to mothers consuming specific PUFAs, and their mechanistic study in experimental models to typify signaling pathways, transcriptional, and epigenetic mechanisms by which PUFAs can imprint long-lasting modifications to brain structure and function. We emphasize that the ratio, rather than the amount of individual ω-3 or ω-6 PUFAs, might underpin physiologically correct cellular differentiation programs, be these for neurons or glia, during pregnancy. Thereupon, the PUFA-driven programming of the brain is contextualized for childhood obesity, metabolic, and endocrine illnesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drosophila Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 1 (Dscam1) encodes tens of thousands of cell recognition molecules via alternative splicing, which are required for neural function. A canonical self-avoidance model seems to provide a central mechanistic basis for Dscam1 functions in neuronal wiring. Here, we reveal extensive noncanonical functions of Dscam1 isoforms in neuronal wiring. We generated a series of allelic cis mutations in Dscam1, encoding a normal number of isoforms, but with an altered isoform composition. Despite normal dendritic self-avoidance and self-/nonself-discrimination in dendritic arborization (da) neurons, which is consistent with the canonical self-avoidance model, these mutants exhibited strikingly distinct spectra of phenotypic defects in the three types of neurons: up to ∼60% defects in mushroom bodies, a significant increase in branching and growth in da neurons, and mild axonal branching defects in mechanosensory neurons. Remarkably, the altered isoform composition resulted in increased dendrite growth yet inhibited axon growth. Moreover, reducing Dscam1 dosage exacerbated axonal defects in mushroom bodies and mechanosensory neurons but reverted dendritic branching and growth defects in da neurons. This splicing-tuned regulation strategy suggests that axon and dendrite growth in diverse neurons cell-autonomously require Dscam1 isoform composition. These findings provide important insights into the functions of Dscam1 isoforms in neuronal wiring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative splicing of Drosophila Dscam1 into 38,016 isoforms provides neurons with a unique molecular code for self-recognition and self-avoidance. A canonical model suggests that the homophilic binding of identical Dscam1 isoforms on the sister branches of mushroom body (MB) axons supports segregation with high fidelity, even when only a single isoform is expressed. Here, we generated a series of mutant flies with a single exon 4, 6, or 9 variant, encoding 1,584, 396, or 576 potential isoforms, respectively. Surprisingly, most of the mutants in the latter two groups exhibited obvious defects in the growth, branching, and segregation of MB axonal sister branches. This demonstrates that the repertoires of 396 and 576 Dscam1 isoforms were not sufficient for the normal patterning of axonal branches. Moreover, reducing Dscam1 levels largely reversed the defects caused by reduced isoform diversity, suggesting a functional link between Dscam1 expression levels and isoform diversity. Taken together, these results indicate that canonical self-avoidance alone does not explain the function of Dscam1 in MB axonal wiring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal morphogenesis, integration into circuits, and remodeling of synaptic connections occur in temporally and spatially defined steps. Accordingly, the expression of proteins and specific protein isoforms that contribute to these processes must be controlled quantitatively in time and space. A wide variety of post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, which act on pre-mRNA and mRNA molecules contribute to this control. They are thereby critically involved in physiological and pathophysiological nervous system development, function, and maintenance. Here, we review recent findings on how mRNA metabolism contributes to neuronal development, from neural stem cell maintenance to synapse specification, with a particular focus on axon growth, guidance, branching, and synapse formation. We emphasize the role of RNA-binding proteins, and highlight their emerging roles in the poorly understood molecular processes of RNA editing, alternative polyadenylation, and temporal control of splicing, while also discussing alternative splicing, RNA localization, and local translation. We illustrate with the example of the evolutionary conserved Musashi protein family how individual RNA-binding proteins are, on the one hand, acting in different processes of RNA metabolism, and, on the other hand, impacting multiple steps in neuronal development and circuit formation. Finally, we provide links to diseases that have been associated with the malfunction of RNA-binding proteins and disrupted post-transcriptional regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Female reproductive behaviors and physiology change profoundly after mating. The control of pregnancy-associated changes in physiology and behaviors are largely hard-wired into the brain to guarantee reproductive success, yet the gene expression programs that direct neuronal differentiation and circuit wiring at the end of the sex determination pathway in response to mating are largely unknown. In Drosophila, the post-mating response induced by male-derived sex-peptide in females is a well-established model to elucidate how complex innate behaviors are hard-wired into the brain. Here, we use a genetic approach to further characterize the molecular and cellular architecture of the sex-peptide response in Drosophila females.
    Screening for mutations that affect the sensitivity to sex-peptide, we identified the channel nuclear pore protein Nup54 gene as an essential component for mediating the sex-peptide response, with viable mutant alleles leading to the inability of laying eggs and reducing receptivity upon sex-peptide exposure. Nup54 directs correct wiring of eight adult brain neurons that express pickpocket and are required for egg-laying, while additional channel Nups also mediate sexual differentiation. Consistent with links of Nups to speciation, the Nup54 promoter is a hot spot for rapid evolution and promoter variants alter nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling.
    These results implicate nuclear pore functionality to neuronal wiring underlying the sex-peptide response and sexual differentiation as a response to sexual conflict arising from male-derived sex-peptide to direct the female post-mating response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drosophila melanogaster Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam1) can generate 38,016 different isoforms through largely stochastic, yet highly biased, alternative splicing. These isoforms are required for nervous functions. However, the functional significance of splicing bias remains unknown. Here, we provide evidence that Dscam1 splicing bias is required for mushroom body (MB) axonal wiring. We generate mutant flies with normal overall protein levels and an identical number but global changes in exon 4 and 9 isoform bias (DscamΔ4D-/- and DscamΔ9D-/-), respectively. In contrast to DscamΔ4D-/-, DscamΔ9D-/- exhibits remarkable MB defects, suggesting a variable domain-specific requirement for isoform bias. Importantly, changes in isoform bias cause axonal defects but do not influence the self-avoidance of axonal branches. We conclude that, in contrast to the isoform number that provides the molecular basis for neurite self-avoidance, isoform bias may play a role in MB axonal wiring by influencing non-repulsive signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative splicing (AS) allows a single gene to generate multiple protein isoforms. It has been hypothesized that AS plays a role in brain wiring by increasing the number of cell recognition molecules necessary for forming connections between neurons. Many studies have characterized isoform expression patterns of various genes in the brain, but very few have addressed whether specific isoforms play a functional role in neuronal wiring. In our recent work, we reported the cell-type-specific AS of the cell recognition molecule Dscam2. Exclusive expression of Dscam2 isoforms allows tightly associated neurons to signal repulsion selectively within the same cell-types, without interfering with one another. We show that preventing cell-specific isoform expression in 2 closely associated neurons disrupts their axon terminal morphology. We propose that the requirement for isoform specificity extends to synapses and discuss experiments that can test this directly. Factors that regulate Dscam2 cell-type-specific AS likely regulate the splicing of many genes involved in neurodevelopment. These regulators of alternative splicing may act broadly to control many genes involved in the development of specific neuron types. Identifying these factors is a key step in understanding how AS contributes to the brain connectome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odorant receptors (ORs) control several aspects of cell fate in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs), including singular gene choice and axonal identity. The mechanisms of OR-induced axon guidance have been suggested to principally rely on G-protein signalling. Here, we report that for a subset of OSNs, deleting G proteins or altering their levels of signalling does not affect axonal identity. Signalling-deficient ORs or surrogate receptors that are unable to couple to Gs/Golf still provide axons with distinct identities and the anterior-posterior targeting of axons does not correlate with the levels of cAMP produced by genetic modifications. In addition, we refine the models of negative feedback by showing that ectopic ORs can be robustly expressed without suppressing endogenous gene choice. In conclusion, our results uncover a new feature of ORs, showing that they can instruct axonal identity and regulate olfactory map formation independent of canonical G-protein signalling and cAMP production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Axon branching is remodeled by sensory-evoked and spontaneous neuronal activity. However, the underlying molecular mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the netrin family member netrin-4 (NTN4) contributes to activity-dependent thalamocortical (TC) axon branching. In the postnatal developmental stages of rodents, ntn4 expression was abundant in and around the TC recipient layers of sensory cortices. Neuronal activity dramatically altered the ntn4 expression level in the cortex in vitro and in vivo. TC axon branching was promoted by exogenous NTN4 and suppressed by depletion of the endogenous protein. Moreover, unc-5 homolog B (Unc5B), which strongly bound to NTN4, was expressed in the sensory thalamus, and knockdown of Unc5B in thalamic cells markedly reduced TC axon branching. These results suggest that NTN4 acts as a positive regulator for TC axon branching through activity-dependent expression.





