Neuronal cultures

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological neural networks are well known for their capacity to process information with extremely low power consumption. Fields such as Artificial Intelligence, with high computational costs, are seeking for alternatives inspired in biological systems. An inspiring alternative is to implement hardware architectures that replicate the behavior of biological neurons but with the flexibility in programming capabilities of an electronic device, all combined with a relatively low operational cost. To advance in this quest, here we analyze the capacity of the HEENS hardware architecture to operate in a similar manner as an in vitro neuronal network grown in the laboratory. For that, we considered data of spontaneous activity in living neuronal cultures of about 400 neurons and compared their collective dynamics and functional behavior with those obtained from direct numerical simulations (in silico) and hardware implementations (in duris silico). The results show that HEENS is capable to mimic both the in vitro and in silico systems with high efficient-cost ratio, and on different network topological designs. Our work shows that compact low-cost hardware implementations are feasible, opening new avenues for future, highly efficient neuromorphic devices and advanced human-machine interfacing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary neuronal cultures are commonly used to study genetic and exogenous factors influencing neuronal development and maturation. During development, neurons undergo robust morphological changes involving expansion of dendritic arbor, formation of dendritic spines, and expression of synaptic proteins. In this chapter, we will cover methodological approaches allowing quantitative assessment of in vitro cultured neurons. Various quantitative characteristics of dendritic arbor can be derived based on immunostaining against anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 followed by dendrite tracing with the SNT plug-in of the FIJI software package. The number and subtypes of dendritic spines can be assessed by double labeling with DiI and Phalloidin iFluor448 followed by laser scanning confocal microscopy analysis. Finally, expression of presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins can be determined by immunohistochemistry and quantification using several available software packages including FIJI and Imaris, which also allows for 3D rendering and statistical displaying of the expression level of synaptic proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three-dimensional (3D) neuronal cultures grown in hydrogels are promising platforms to design brain-like neuronal networks in vitro. However, the optimal properties of such cultures must be tuned to ensure a hydrogel matrix sufficiently porous to promote healthy development but also sufficiently rigid for structural support. Such an optimization is difficult since it implies the exploration of different hydrogel compositions and, at the same time, a functional analysis to validate neuronal culture viability. To advance in this quest, here we present a combination of a rheological protocol and a network-based functional analysis to investigate PEGylated fibrin hydrogel networks with gradually higher stiffness, achieved by increasing the concentration of thrombin. We observed that moderate thrombin concentrations of 10% and 25% in volume shaped healthy networks, although the functional traits depended on the hydrogel stiffness, which was much higher for the latter concentration. Thrombin concentrations of 65% or higher led to networks that did not survive. Our results illustrate the difficulties and limitations in preparing 3D neuronal networks, and stress the importance of combining a mechano-structural characterization of a biomaterial with a functional one.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Microelectrode array (MEA) recordings are commonly used to compare firing and burst rates in neuronal cultures. MEA recordings can also reveal microscale functional connectivity, topology, and network dynamics-patterns seen in brain networks across spatial scales. Network topology is frequently characterized in neuroimaging with graph theoretical metrics. However, few computational tools exist for analyzing microscale functional brain networks from MEA recordings. Here, we present a MATLAB MEA network analysis pipeline (MEA-NAP) for raw voltage time-series acquired from single- or multi-well MEAs. Applications to 3D human cerebral organoids or 2D human-derived or murine cultures reveal differences in network development, including topology, node cartography, and dimensionality. MEA-NAP incorporates multi-unit template-based spike detection, probabilistic thresholding for determining significant functional connections, and normalization techniques for comparing networks. MEA-NAP can identify network-level effects of pharmacologic perturbation and/or disease-causing mutations and, thus, can provide a translational platform for revealing mechanistic insights and screening new therapeutic approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three-dimensional (3D) neuronal cultures are valuable models for studying brain complexity in vitro, and the choice of the bulk material in which the neurons grow is a crucial factor in establishing successful cultures. Indeed, neuronal development and network functionality are influenced by the mechanical properties of the selected material; in turn, these properties may change due to neuron-matrix interactions that alter the microstructure of the material. To advance our understanding of the interplay between neurons and their environment, here we utilized a PEGylated fibrin hydrogel as a scaffold for mouse primary neuronal cultures and carried out a rheological characterization of the scaffold over a three-week period, both with and without cells. We observed that the hydrogels exhibited an elastic response that could be described in terms of the Young\'s modulus E. The hydrogels without neurons procured a stable E≃420 Pa, while the neuron-laden hydrogels showed a higher E≃590 Pa during the early stages of development that decreased to E≃340 Pa at maturer stages. Our results suggest that neurons and their processes dynamically modify the hydrogel structure during development, potentially compromising both the stability of the material and the functional traits of the developing neuronal network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an abundantly expressed peptide in the nervous system. Its widespread distribution along with its receptors, both centrally and peripherally, indicates its broad functions in numerous biological processes. However, the low endogenous concentration and diffuse distribution of NPY make it challenging to study its actions and dynamics directly and comprehensively. Studies on the role of NPY have primarily been limited to exogenous application, transgene expression, or knock-out in biological systems, which are often combined with pharmacological probes to delineate the involvement of specific NPY receptors. Therefore, to better understand the function of NPY in time and space, direct visualization of the real-time dynamics of endogenous NPY is a valuable and desired tool. Using the first-generation and newly developed intensiometric green fluorescent G-protein-coupled NPY sensor (GRAB NPY1.0), we, for the first time, demonstrate and characterize the direct detection of endogenously released NPY in cultured cortical neurons. A dose-dependent fluorescent signal was observed upon exogenous NPY application in nearly all recorded neurons. Pharmacologically evoked neuronal activity induced a significant increase in fluorescent signal in 32% of neurons, reflecting the release of NPY, despite only 3% of all neurons containing NPY. The remaining pool of neurons expressing the sensor were either non-responsive or displayed a notable decline in the fluorescent signal. Such decline in fluorescent signal was not rescued in cortical cultures transduced with an NPY overexpression vector, where 88% of the neurons were NPY-positive. Overexpression of NPY did, however, result in sensor signals that were more readily distinguishable. This may suggest that biological factors, such as subtle changes in intracellular pH, could interfere with the fluorescent signal, and thereby underestimate the release of endogenous NPY when using this new sensor in its present configuration. However, the development of next-generation NPY GRAB sensor technology is expected soon, and will eventually enable much-wanted studies on endogenous NPY release dynamics in both cultured and intact biological systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lactoferrin (Lf) is a multifunctional protein from the transferrin family. Of particular interest is the ability of Lf to affect a wide range of neuronal processes by modulating the expression of genes involved in long-term neuroplasticity. The expression of the immediate early gene c-fos that is rapidly activated in response to external influences, and its product, transcription factor c-Fos, is widely used as a marker of long-term neuronal plasticity. The present study aims to examine the effect of human Lf on the induction of transcription factor c-Fos in the primary mouse neuronal cultures after stimulation and to determine the cellular localization of human Lf and its colocalization with induced c-Fos protein. Primary dissociated cultures of hippocampal cells were obtained from the brains of newborn C57BL/6 mice (P0-P1). On day 7 of culturing, human Lf was added to the medium. After 24 h (day 8 in culture), c-Fos protein was induced in cells by triple application of 50 mM KCl. c-Fos content was analyzed using the immunofluorescent method 2 h after stimulation. Stimulation promoted exogenous Lf translocation into the nuclei of cultured neuronal cells, which correlated with increased induction of transcription factor c-Fos and was accompanied by nuclear colocalization of these proteins. These results attest to the potential of Lf as a modulator of neuronal processes and open up new prospects in studying the mechanisms of the regulatory effects of lactoferrin on cell function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In the core of a brain infarct, perfusion is severely impeded, and neuronal death occurs within minutes. In the penumbra, an area near the core with more remaining perfusion, cells initially remain viable, but activity is significantly reduced. In principle, the penumbra can be saved if reperfusion is established on time, making it a promising target for treatment. In vitro models with cultured neurons on microelectrode arrays (MEAs) provide a useful tool to investigate how ischemic stroke affects neuronal functioning. These models tend to be uniform, focusing on the isolated penumbra, and typically lack adjacent regions such as a core and unaffected regions (normal perfusion). However, processes in these regions may affect neuronal functioning and survival in the penumbra.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we designed, fabricated, and characterized a cytocompatible device that generates an oxygen gradient across in vitro neuronal cultures to expose cells to hypoxia of various depths from near anoxia to near normoxia. This marks a step in the path to mimic core, penumbra, and healthy tissue, and will facilitate better in vitro modeling of ischemic stroke.
    UNASSIGNED: The generator forms a stable and reproducible gradient within 30 min. Oxygen concentrations at the extremes are adjustable in a physiologically relevant range. Application of the generator did not negatively affect electrophysiological recordings or the viability of cultures, thus confirming the cytocompatibility of the device.
    UNASSIGNED: The developed device is able to impose an oxygen gradient on neuronal cultures and may enrich in vitro stroke models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Time-lapse light microscopy combined with in vitro neuronal cultures has provided a significant contribution to the field of Developmental Neuroscience. The establishment of the neuronal polarity, i.e., formation of axons and dendrites, key structures responsible for inter-neuronal signaling, was described in 1988 by Dotti, Sullivan and Banker in a milestone paper that continues to be cited 30 years later. In the following decades, numerous fluorescently labeled tags and dyes were developed for live cell imaging, providing tremendous advancements in terms of resolution, acquisition speed and the ability to track specific cell structures. However, long-term recordings with fluorescence-based approaches remain challenging because of light-induced phototoxicity and/or interference of tags with cell physiology (e.g., perturbed cytoskeletal dynamics) resulting in compromised cell viability leading to cell death. Therefore, a label-free approach remains the most desirable method in long-term imaging of living neurons. In this paper we will focus on label-free high-resolution methods that can be successfully used over a prolonged period. We propose novel tools such as scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) or digital holography microscopy (DHM) that could provide new insights into live cell dynamics during neuronal development and regeneration after injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association between Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been extensively demonstrated, but despite this, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying it are still unknown. In previous work, we discovered a central role for the autophagy pathway in the common alterations observed between AD and T2DM. In this study, we further investigate the role of genes belonging to this pathway, measuring their mRNA expression and protein levels in 3xTg-AD transgenic mice, an animal model of AD. Moreover, primary mouse cortical neurons derived from this model and the human H4Swe cell line were used as cellular models of insulin resistance in AD brains. Hippocampal mRNA expression showed significantly different levels for Atg16L1, Atg16L2, GabarapL1, GabarapL2, and Sqstm1 genes at different ages of 3xTg-AD mice. Significantly elevated expression of Atg16L1, Atg16L2, and GabarapL1 was also observed in H4Swe cell cultures, in the presence of insulin resistance. Gene expression analysis confirmed that Atg16L1 was significantly increased in cultures from transgenic mice when insulin resistance was induced. Taken together, these results emphasise the association of the autophagy pathway in AD-T2DM co-morbidity, providing new evidence about the pathophysiology of both diseases and their mutual interaction.





