Neural sequences

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Converging experimental and computational evidence indicate that on the scale of seconds the brain encodes time through changing patterns of neural activity. Experimentally, two general forms of neural dynamic regimes that can encode time have been observed: neural population clocks and ramping activity. Neural population clocks provide a high-dimensional code to generate complex spatiotemporal output patterns, in which each neuron exhibits a nonlinear temporal profile. A prototypical example of neural population clocks are neural sequences, which have been observed across species, brain areas, and behavioral paradigms. Additionally, neural sequences emerge in artificial neural networks trained to solve time-dependent tasks. Here, we examine the role of neural sequences in the encoding of time, and how they may emerge in a biologically plausible manner. We conclude that neural sequences may represent a canonical computational regime to perform temporal computations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behaviors emerge via a combination of experience and innate predispositions. As the brain matures, it undergoes major changes in cellular, network, and functional properties that can be due to sensory experience as well as developmental processes. In normal birdsong learning, neural sequences emerge to control song syllables learned from a tutor. Here, we disambiguate the role of tutor experience and development in neural sequence formation by delaying exposure to a tutor. Using functional calcium imaging, we observe neural sequences in the absence of tutoring, demonstrating that tutor experience is not necessary for the formation of sequences. However, after exposure to a tutor, pre-existing sequences can become tightly associated with new song syllables. Since we delayed tutoring, only half our birds learned new syllables following tutor exposure. The birds that failed to learn were the birds in which pre-tutoring neural sequences were most \'crystallized,\' that is, already tightly associated with their (untutored) song.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biohybrid circuits of interacting living and model neurons are an advantageous means to study neural dynamics and to assess the role of specific neuron and network properties in the nervous system. Hybrid networks are also a necessary step to build effective artificial intelligence and brain hybridization. In this work, we deal with the automatized online and offline adaptation, exploration and parameter mapping to achieve a target dynamics in hybrid circuits and, in particular, those that yield dynamical invariants between living and model neurons. We address dynamical invariants that form robust cycle-by-cycle relationships between the intervals that build neural sequences from such interaction. Our methodology first attains automated adaptation of model neurons to work in the same amplitude regime and time scale of living neurons. Then, we address the automatized exploration and mapping of the synapse parameter space that lead to a specific dynamical invariant target. Our approach uses multiple configurations and parallel computing from electrophysiological recordings of living neurons to build full mappings, and genetic algorithms to achieve an instance of the target dynamics for the hybrid circuit in a short time. We illustrate and validate such strategy in the context of the study of functional sequences in neural rhythms, which can be easily generalized for any variety of hybrid circuit configuration. This approach facilitates both the building of hybrid circuits and the accomplishment of their scientific goal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mormyridae, a family of weakly electric fish, use electric pulses for communication and for extracting information from the environment (active electroreception). The electromotor system controls the timing of pulse generation. Ethological studies have described several sequences of pulse intervals (SPIs) related to distinct behaviors (e.g., mating or exploratory behaviors). Accelerations, scallops, rasps, and cessations are four different SPI patterns reported in these fish, each showing characteristic stereotyped temporal structures. This article presents a computational model of the electromotor command circuit that reproduces a whole set of SPI patterns while keeping the same internal network configuration. The topology of the model is based on a simplified representation of the network with four neuron clusters (nuclei). An initial configuration was built to reproduce nucleus characteristics and network topology as described by detailed morphological and electrophysiological studies. Then, a methodology based on a genetic algorithm (GA) was developed and applied to tune the model connectivity parameters to automatically reproduce a whole set of patterns recorded from freely-behaving Gnathonemus petersii specimens. Robustness analyses of input variability were performed to discard overfitting and assess validity. Results show that the set of SPI patterns is consistently reproduced reaching a dynamic balance between synaptic properties in the network. This model can be used as a tool to test novel hypotheses regarding temporal structure in electrogeneration. Beyond the electromotor model itself, the proposed methodology can be adapted to fit models of other biological networks that also exhibit sequential patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent work has highlighted that many types of variables are represented in each neocortical area. How can these many neural representations be organized together without interference and coherently maintained/updated through time? We recorded from excitatory neural populations in posterior cortices as mice performed a complex, dynamic task involving multiple interrelated variables. The neural encoding implied that highly correlated task variables were represented by less-correlated neural population modes, while pairs of neurons exhibited a spectrum of signal correlations. This finding relates to principles of efficient coding, but notably utilizes neural population modes as the encoding unit and suggests partial whitening of task-specific information where different variables are represented with different signal-to-noise levels. Remarkably, this encoding function was multiplexed with sequential neural dynamics yet reliably followed changes in task-variable correlations throughout the trial. We suggest that neural circuits can implement time-dependent encodings in a simple way using random sequential dynamics as a temporal scaffold.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Converging evidence suggests that the brain encodes time through dynamically changing patterns of neural activity, including neural sequences, ramping activity, and complex spatiotemporal dynamics. However, the potential computational significance and advantage of these different regimes have remained unaddressed. We combined large-scale recordings and modeling to compare population dynamics between premotor cortex and striatum in mice performing a two-interval timing task. Conventional decoders revealed that the dynamics within each area encoded time equally well; however, the dynamics in striatum exhibited a higher degree of sequentiality. Analysis of premotor and striatal dynamics, together with a large set of simulated prototypical dynamical regimes, revealed that regimes with higher sequentiality allowed a biologically constrained artificial downstream network to better read out time. These results suggest that, although different strategies exist for encoding time in the brain, neural sequences represent an ideal and flexible dynamical regime for enabling downstream areas to read out this information.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is involved in a broad range of cognitive functions, integrating rich sensory, motor, and spatial signals from multiple brain areas, including the hippocampal system. RSC neurons show hippocampus-dependent activity reminiscent of place cell sequences. Using cellular calcium imaging in a virtual reality (VR)-based locomotion task, we investigate how the integration of visual and locomotor inputs may give rise to such activity in RSC. A substantial population shows neural sequences that track position in the VR environment. This activity is driven by the conjunction of visual stimuli sequences and active movement, which is suggestive of path integration. The activity is anchored to a reference point and predominantly follows the VR upon manipulations of optic flow against locomotion. Thus, locomotion-gated optic flow, combined with the presence of contextual cues at the start of each trial, is sufficient to drive the sequential activity. A subpopulation shows landmark-related visual responses that are modulated by animal\'s position in the VR. Thus, rather than fragmenting the spatial representation into equivalent locomotion-based ensemble versus optic-flow-based ensemble, in RSC, optic flow appears to override locomotion signals coherently in the population, when the gain between the two signals is altered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sequential activation of neurons has been observed in various areas of the brain, but in no case is the underlying network structure well understood. Here we examined the circuit anatomy of zebra finch HVC, a cortical region that generates sequences underlying the temporal progression of the song. We combined serial block-face electron microscopy with light microscopy to determine the cell types targeted by HVC(RA) neurons, which control song timing. Close to their soma, axons almost exclusively targeted inhibitory interneurons, consistent with what had been found with electrical recordings from pairs of cells. Conversely, far from the soma the targets were mostly other excitatory neurons, about half of these being other HVC(RA) cells. Both observations are consistent with the notion that the neural sequences that pace the song are generated by global synaptic chains in HVC embedded within local inhibitory networks.





