Neural coding

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eating behaviors are influenced by the integration of gustatory, olfactory, and somatosensory signals, which all contribute to the perception of flavor. Although extensive research has explored the neural correlates of taste in the gustatory cortex (GC), less is known about its role in encoding thermal information. This study investigates the encoding of oral thermal and chemosensory signals by GC neurons compared to the oral somatosensory cortex. In this study, we recorded the spiking activity of more than 900 GC neurons and 500 neurons from the oral somatosensory cortex in mice allowed to freely lick small drops of gustatory stimuli or deionized water at varying non-nociceptive temperatures. We then developed and used a Bayesian-based analysis technique to assess neural classification scores based on spike rate and phase timing within the lick cycle. Our results indicate that GC neurons rely predominantly on rate information, although phase information is needed to achieve maximum accuracy, to effectively encode both chemosensory and thermosensory signals. GC neurons can effectively differentiate between thermal stimuli, excelling in distinguishing both large contrasts (14°C vs. 36°C) and, although less effectively, more subtle temperature differences. Finally, a direct comparison of the decoding accuracy of thermosensory signals between the two cortices reveals that while the somatosensory cortex showed higher overall accuracy, the GC still encodes significant thermosensory information. These findings highlight the GC\'s dual role in processing taste and temperature, emphasizing the importance of considering temperature in future studies of taste processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Typical statistical practices in the biological sciences have been increasingly called into question due to difficulties in the replication of an increasing number of studies, many of which are confounded by the relative difficulty of null significance hypothesis testing designs and interpretation of p-values. Bayesian inference, representing a fundamentally different approach to hypothesis testing, is receiving renewed interest as a potential alternative or complement to traditional null significance hypothesis testing due to its ease of interpretation and explicit declarations of prior assumptions. Bayesian models are more mathematically complex than equivalent frequentist approaches, which have historically limited applications to simplified analysis cases. However, the advent of probability distribution sampling tools with exponential increases in computational power now allows for quick and robust inference under any distribution of data. Here we present a practical tutorial on the use of Bayesian inference in the context of neuroscientific studies in both rat electrophysiological and computational modeling data. We first start with an intuitive discussion of Bayes\' rule and inference followed by the formulation of Bayesian-based regression and ANOVA models using data from a variety of neuroscientific studies. We show how Bayesian inference leads to easily interpretable analysis of data while providing an open-source toolbox to facilitate the use of Bayesian tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our memories help us plan for the future. In some cases, we use memories to repeat the choices that led to preferable outcomes in the past. The success of these memory-guided decisions depends on close interactions between the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. In other cases, we need to use our memories to deduce hidden connections between the present and past situations to decide the best choice of action based on the expected outcome. Our recent study investigated neural underpinnings of such inferential decisions by monitoring neural activity in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in rats. We identified several neural activity patterns indicating awake memory trace reactivation and restructuring of functional connectivity among multiple neurons. We also found that these patterns occurred concurrently with the ongoing hippocampal activity when rats recalled past events but not when they planned new adaptive actions. Here, we discussed how these computational properties might contribute to success in inferential decision-making and propose a working model on how the medial prefrontal cortex changes its interaction with the hippocampus depending on whether it reflects on the past or looks into the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurostimulation protocols are increasingly used as therapeutic interventions, including for brain injury. In addition to the direct activation of neurons, these stimulation protocols are also likely to have downstream effects on those neurons\' synaptic outputs. It is well known that alterations in the strength of synaptic connections (long-term potentiation, LTP; long-term depression, LTD) are sensitive to the frequency of stimulation used for induction; however, little is known about the contribution of the temporal pattern of stimulation to the downstream synaptic plasticity that may be induced by neurostimulation in the injured brain. We explored interactions of the temporal pattern and frequency of neurostimulation in the normal cerebral cortex and after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), to inform therapies to strengthen or weaken neural circuits in injured brains, as well as to better understand the role of these factors in normal brain plasticity. Whole-cell (WC) patch-clamp recordings of evoked postsynaptic potentials in individual neurons, as well as field potential (FP) recordings, were made from layer 2/3 of visual cortex in response to stimulation of layer 4, in acute slices from control (naive), sham operated, and mTBI rats. We compared synaptic plasticity induced by different stimulation protocols, each consisting of a specific frequency (1 Hz, 10 Hz, or 100 Hz), continuity (continuous or discontinuous), and temporal pattern (perfectly regular, slightly irregular, or highly irregular). At the individual neuron level, dramatic differences in plasticity outcome occurred when the highly irregular stimulation protocol was used at 1 Hz or 10 Hz, producing an overall LTD in controls and shams, but a robust overall LTP after mTBI. Consistent with the individual neuron results, the plasticity outcomes for simultaneous FP recordings were similar, indicative of our results generalizing to a larger scale synaptic network than can be sampled by individual WC recordings alone. In addition to the differences in plasticity outcome between control (naive or sham) and injured brains, the dynamics of the changes in synaptic responses that developed during stimulation were predictive of the final plasticity outcome. Our results demonstrate that the temporal pattern of stimulation plays a role in the polarity and magnitude of synaptic plasticity induced in the cerebral cortex while highlighting differences between normal and injured brain responses. Moreover, these results may be useful for optimization of neurostimulation therapies to treat mTBI and other brain disorders, in addition to providing new insights into downstream plasticity signaling mechanisms in the normal brain.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The principle of efficient coding posits that sensory cortical networks are designed to encode maximal sensory information with minimal metabolic cost. Despite the major influence of efficient coding in neuroscience, it has remained unclear whether fundamental empirical properties of neural network activity can be explained solely based on this normative principle. Here, we rigorously derive the structural, coding, biophysical and dynamical properties of excitatory-inhibitory recurrent networks of spiking neurons that emerge directly from imposing that the network minimizes an instantaneous loss function and a time-averaged performance measure enacting efficient coding. The optimal network has biologically-plausible biophysical features, including realistic integrate-and-fire spiking dynamics, spike-triggered adaptation, and a non-stimulus-specific excitatory external input regulating metabolic cost. The efficient network has excitatory-inhibitory recurrent connectivity between neurons with similar stimulus tuning implementing feature-specific competition, similar to that recently found in visual cortex. Networks with unstructured connectivity cannot reach comparable levels of coding efficiency. The optimal biophysical parameters include 4 to 1 ratio of excitatory vs inhibitory neurons and 3 to 1 ratio of mean inhibitory-to-inhibitory vs. excitatory-to-inhibitory connectivity that closely match those of cortical sensory networks. The efficient network has biologically-plausible spiking dynamics, with a tight instantaneous E-I balance that makes them capable to achieve efficient coding of external stimuli varying over multiple time scales. Together, these results explain how efficient coding may be implemented in cortical networks and suggests that key properties of biological neural networks may be accounted for by efficient coding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One major challenge of neuroscience is identifying structure in seemingly disorganized neural activity. Different types of structure have different computational implications that can help neuroscientists understand the functional role of a particular brain area. Here, we outline a unified approach to characterize structure by inspecting the representational geometry and the modularity properties of the recorded activity and show that a similar approach can also reveal structure in connectivity. We start by setting up a general framework for determining geometry and modularity in activity and connectivity and relating these properties with computations performed by the network. We then use this framework to review the types of structure found in recent studies of model networks performing three classes of computations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synapses preferentially respond to particular temporal patterns of activity with a large degree of heterogeneity that is informally or tacitly separated into classes. Yet, the precise number and properties of such classes are unclear. Do they exist on a continuum and, if so, when is it appropriate to divide that continuum into functional regions? In a large dataset of glutamatergic cortical connections, we perform model-based characterization to infer the number and characteristics of functionally distinct subtypes of synaptic dynamics. In rodent data, we find five clusters that partially converge with transgenic-associated subtypes. Strikingly, the application of the same clustering method in human data infers a highly similar number of clusters, supportive of stable clustering. This nuanced dictionary of functional subtypes shapes the heterogeneity of cortical synaptic dynamics and provides a lens into the basic motifs of information transmission in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We study how stimulus information can be represented in the dynamical signatures of an oscillatory model of neural activity-a model whose activity can be modulated by input akin to signals involved in working memory (WM). We developed a neural field model, tuned near an oscillatory instability, in which the WM-like input can modulate the frequency and amplitude of the oscillation. Our neural field model has a spatial-like domain in which an input that preferentially targets a point-a stimulus feature-on the domain will induce feature-specific activity changes. These feature-specific activity changes affect both the mean rate of spikes and the relative timing of spiking activity to the global field oscillation-the phase of the spiking activity. From these two dynamical signatures, we define both a spike rate code and an oscillatory phase code. We assess the performance of these two codes to discriminate stimulus features using an information-theoretic analysis. We show that global WM input modulations can enhance phase code discrimination while simultaneously reducing rate code discrimination. Moreover, we find that the phase code performance is roughly two orders of magnitude larger than that of the rate code defined for the same model solutions. The results of our model have applications to sensory areas of the brain, to which prefrontal areas send inputs reflecting the content of WM. These WM inputs to sensory areas have been established to induce oscillatory changes similar to our model. Our model results suggest a mechanism by which WM signals may enhance sensory information represented in oscillatory activity beyond the comparatively weak representations based on the mean rate activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain signal patterns generated in the central nervous system of brain-computer interface (BCI) users are closely related to BCI paradigms and neural coding. In BCI systems, BCI paradigms and neural coding are critical elements for BCI research. However, so far there have been few references that clearly and systematically elaborated on the definition and design principles of the BCI paradigm as well as the definition and modeling principles of BCI neural coding. Therefore, these contents are expounded and the existing main BCI paradigms and neural coding are introduced in the review. Finally, the challenges and future research directions of BCI paradigm and neural coding were discussed, including user-centered design and evaluation for BCI paradigms and neural coding, revolutionizing the traditional BCI paradigms, breaking through the existing techniques for collecting brain signals and combining BCI technology with advanced AI technology to improve brain signal decoding performance. It is expected that the review will inspire innovative research and development of the BCI paradigm and neural coding.





