
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pneumatosis intestinalis is a radiological finding characterized by the presence of gas in the bowel wall that is associated with multiple entities. Our aim is to know its incidence in lung transplant patients, its physiopathology and its clinical relevance.
    METHODS: A search of patients with pneumatosis intestinalis was performed in the database of the Lung Transplant Unit of our hospital. The presence of pneumatosis after transplantation was confirmed in all of them and relevant demographic, clinical and imaging variables were collected to evaluate its association and clinical expression, as well as the therapeutic approach after the findings.
    RESULTS: The incidence of pneumatosis intestinalis after lung transplantation in our center was 3.1% (17/546), developing between 9 and 1270 days after transplantation (mean, 198 days; median 68 days). Most of the patients were asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, without any major analytical alterations, and with a cystic and expansive radiological appearance. Pneumoperitoneum was associated in 70% of the patients (12/17). Conservative treatment was chosen in all cases. The mean time to resolution was 389 days.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pneumatosis intestinalis in lung transplant patients is a rare complication of uncertain origin, which can appear for a very long period of time after transplantation. It has little clinical relevance and can be managed without other diagnostic or therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present the case of a 44 year old woman with systemic sclerosis who presented with intense abdominal pain without signs of peritonitis. An abdominal computed tomography showed generalized intestinal dilation, intestinal pneumatosis and an extensive pneumoperitoneum. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed but no perforation nor gastrointestinal leakage were found. Spontaneous pneumoperitoneum in patients with systemic sclerosis without visceral perforation is an extremely rare complication. Physicians must have a low threshold of suspicion for this entity when a patient with systemic sclerosis presents with spontaneous pneumoperitoneum in the absence of peritoneal signs.
    Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 44 años con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica, quien presentó dolor abdominal intenso sin datos de irritación peritoneal. Una tomografía computarizada de abdomen mostró dilatación generalizada de asas intestinales, neumatosis intestinal y neumoperitoneo extenso, por lo cual se realizó una laparoscopía diagnóstica, sin encontrar sitio de perforación. El neumoperitoneo espontáneo en pacientes con esclerodermia sin evidencia de perforación visceral es una complicación extremadamente rara. El médico deberá mantener un alto índice de sospecha para esta condición ante un paciente con esclerosis sistémica que se presente con un neumoperitoneo espontáneo sin datos de irritación peritoneal.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Post-incisional ventral hernia is estimated at 5-30%, when the content of the abdominal cavity migrates to the hernial sac (HSV), with a HSV/abdominal cavity volume ratio > 25%, conditioning systemic changes defined as \"loss of domain\". A 27-year-old male presented with ventral hernia with loss of domain that required pre-operative preparation techniques, using application of botulinum toxin A (IncobotulinumtoxinA) and pneumoperitoneum, both guided by image. A ventral plasty was performed with adequate return of the viscera to the abdominal cavity. The combination of both techniques seems to be a safe procedure to carry out a tension-free repair.
    La hernia ventral postincisional se estima en 5 al 30%, cuando el contenido de la cavidad abdominal migra al saco herniario, con una relación VSH/VCA > 25% condicionando cambios sistémicos se define como “pérdida de dominio”. Masculino de 27 años con hernia ventral con pérdida de dominio que ameritó técnicas de preparación preoperatoria, utilizando toxina botulínica A (IncobotulinumtoxinA) y neumoperitoneo, ambos guíados por imagen. Se realizó una plastia ventral con adecuado regreso de las vísceras a la cavidad abdominal. La combinación de ambas técnicas es un procedimiento seguro para realizar una reparación libre de tensión.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Simultaneous ventral hernia repair with another intestinal surgery have been described.
    METHODS: A case of complex ventral hernia in a patient with colostomy status is described. Infiltration of botulinic toxin and progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum was performed successfully prior to the surgical procedure during which mechanic restitution of gastrointestinal and ventral hernioplasty.
    CONCLUSIONS: In selected patients, complex ventral hernia repair, with prior progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum, and restitution of gastrointestinal tract can be done in a single surgical procedure, considering the patient\'s clinical conditions and the surgeon\'s experience.
    BACKGROUND: Se ha descrito la reparación de hernias ventrales y alguna otra cirugía intestinal de manera simultánea.
    UNASSIGNED: Se describe el caso de una hernia ventral compleja con pérdida de dominio, en un paciente masculino en estatus de colostomía. Se realizó infiltración de toxina botulínica más neumoperitoneo progresivo preoperatorio previo al acto quirúrgico, durante el cual se realizó restitución mecánica del tránsito intestinal y hernioplastia ventral exitosamente.
    CONCLUSIONS: En pacientes seleccionados, la reparación de la hernia ventral compleja, previo manejo con neumoperitoneo preoperatorio y restitución del tránsito intestinal, puede realizarse en un solo procedimiento quirúrgico, considerando las condiciones clínicas del paciente y la experiencia del cirujano.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: La neumatosis quística intestinal es una condición infrecuente, caracterizada por la formación de quistes de contenido gaseoso debajo de la mucosa y la serosa intestinales.
    UNASSIGNED: Mujer de 84 años, con antecedente de artritis reumatoide en tratamiento inmunosupresor, intervenida hace 2 años por neumoperitoneo, con diagnóstico de diverticulosis yeyunal y enfisema mesentérico, acude con cuadro de dolor abdominal difuso de 2 días de evolución, sin otra sintomatología. En la radiografía de abdomen se observa neumoperitoneo con elevación del hemidiafragma derecho y distensión de asas del intestino delgado. Ante la sospecha de perforación de víscera hueca se decide intervención quirúrgica, en la cual se diagnostica a la paciente de neumatosis quística intestinal.
    UNASSIGNED: La neumatosis quística intestinal es de causa desconocida, aunque en un elevado porcentaje de pacientes se ha visto asociada a enfermedades pulmonares obstructivas, enfermedades del tejido conectivo, inmunosupresión o enfermedades gastrointestinales. Se localiza más frecuentemente en el colon y el intestino delgado. Se diagnostica principalmente mediante pruebas de imagen (radiografía o tomografía computarizada). El tratamiento es conservador, realizándose intervención quirúrgica si existe sospecha de necrosis intestinal. Es difícil el diagnóstico diferencial con un neumoperitoneo por perforación de víscera hueca.
    BACKGROUND: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is an infrequent condition, characterized by the formation of gaseous content cysts under the mucosa and intestinal serous.
    METHODS: 84-year-old woman, with a history of rheumatoid arthritis under immunosuppressive treatment, operated 2 years ago by pneumoperitoneum, where she was diagnosed of jejunal diverticulosis and mesenteric emphysema, with diffuse abdominal pain of 2 days of evolution, without other symptoms. In abdominal radiography: pneumoperitoneum with elevation of right hemidiaphragm and distention of small intestine. Given the suspicion of perforation of the intestinal wall, surgical intervention was decided, in which the patient was diagnosed with pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis has an unknown etiology, although in a high percentage of patients it has been associated with obstructive pulmonary pathologies, connective tissue diseases, immunosuppression or gastrointestinal diseases. It is located more frequently in the colon and small intestine. It is diagnosed mainly through imaging tests (radiography or computed tomography). The treatment is conservative, performing surgical intervention if there is suspicion of intestinal necrosis; being difficult the differential diagnosis with a pneumoperitoneum by perforation of hollow viscera..






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Surgical intervention in necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is correct when there is intestinal gangrene. This is evident when gangrene produces perforation and pneumoperitoneum, with this being the only universally accepted radiological indication for the surgical intervention of NEC.
    OBJECTIVE: To perform an analysis on patients with surgically managed NEC, including determining how the decision to intervene is reached, the outcomes, and if patients with perforation had a pneumoperitoneum.
    METHODS: Retrospective review of neonates with surgical NEC over a period of 10years (2006-2015). An analysis was made of pre-surgical x-ray findings, which were compared with surgical ones, in addition to the morbidity and mortality, depending on the presence (N+) or absence (N-) of pneumoperitoneum. An evaluation was also made of the interobserver concordance with a paediatric radiologist blinded to the clinical reason using the kappa agreement index.
    RESULTS: A total of 53 neonates were included in the study. Surgical treatment was indicated after observing pneumoperitoneum in 36%. In the remaining neonates, the surgical decision was made after noting a clinical and metabolic deterioration with classical x-ray findings. Intestinal perforation was observed in 39% of the N- neonates. There were no statistical differences between either group on analysing the excised intestinal length, days of intubation, starting of enteral nutrition, and the mortality rate. Comparisons in terms of duration of symptoms and total hospital stay were statistically significant (7 vs. 2 days, P=.008; 127 vs. 79 days, P=.003, respectively), with both being more favourable in the N+ group. These differences remained when the groups were adjusted by birthweight.
    CONCLUSIONS: Surgical indication has to be done on an ensemble of clinical and radiological evidence, as 39% of the neonates in the N- groups were perforated. In our study, the presence of a pneumoperitoneum did not correlate with a worse prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Splenic abscesses are rare entities; reports are commonly described in immunocompromised patients (72%) as: hematologic diseases, diabetes, endocarditis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, transplant patients and subjects who had abdominal trauma or splenic infarction. The main and most serious complication is the abscess rupture into the peritoneal cavity or adjacent organs (stomach or colon), which determines hemodynamic instability or septic state.
    METHODS: Fifty-year-old man, who was admitted at Emergency Room due eight days\' progressive, oppressive, and current pain; intensity 4/10, irradiated at hemi-back, which was higher intensity during the standing and decreased at supine position. It was accompanied by nausea and vomiting in two occasions.
    UNASSIGNED: Hemoglobin 15.1g/dl, hematocrit 45.2%, platelets 176×103, 23.1×103 leukocytosis, neutrophils 92%. Simple abdominal radiographic studies revealed in \'ground glass\' and radiopaque imagines.
    CONCLUSIONS: At presence of free air inside the abdominal cavity, is usually to think of a complicated diverticular disease, intestinal perforation or perforated peptic ulcer. The actual medical literature described very few cases of splenic abscess with pneumoperitoneum as cardinal manifestation. In our case, the splenic abscess was detected during exploratory laparotomy and only in retrospective the imaging studies were interpreted.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic surgery has begun to replace a great number of procedures that were previously practiced using open or conventional techniques. This is due to the minimal invasion, small incisions, and short time recovery. However, it has come to knowledge, that the increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic surgery causes cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and renal alterations.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the nephroprotective effect of telmisartan, an angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist, on glomerular filtration in laparoscopic surgery.
    METHODS: Analytical prospective, randomised, double-blind study was conducted on patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. They were randomised into 2 groups, with the treatment group receiving a single dose of 40mg telmisartan orally 2hours prior to surgery, and the placebo group.
    RESULTS: There were 20 patients in each group (n=40), with a mean age of 32.65 years in the treatment group. Plasma creatinine did not show any significant change in the different time lapse in which blood samples were taken, but creatinine clearance at the end of surgery (196.415±56.507 vs. 150.1995±75.081; p=0.034), and at 2 h postoperative period (162.105±44.756 vs. 113.235±31.228; p≤0.001) was statistically significant, which supports an increase in renal function in the telmisartan group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of telmisartan, an angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist, offers renal protection during laparoscopic surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Pneumomediastinum is the presence of free air around mediastinal structures, which may be spontaneous or secondary, and can occur in 10% of patients with blunt chest trauma, with the Macklin effect being its main pathophysiology.
    METHODS: A 21 year old male, hit by motor vehicle, with alvéolopalatal fracture and blunt chest trauma, who, 72 hrs after admission, shows subcutaneous emphysema in the anterior chest. A simple tomography of the chest and abdomen was performed, finding a pneumomediastinum, bilateral pulmonary contusions and pneumoperitoneum. Oesophageal, tracheobronchial or intra-abdominal viscera injuries were ruled out, establishing the cause of pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum due to the Macklin effect. This required conservative management in intensive care unit, with a favourable clinical course and discharged after a 10 day hospital stay.
    CONCLUSIONS: Macklin effect is caused by dissection of air medially along the bronchoalveolar sheath (interstitial emphysema), secondary to alveolar breakdown and extending into mediastinal and other anatomical structures (pneumoperitoneum). It has been documented in blunt trauma, as well as in acute asthma, positive pressure ventilation, or after Valsalva manoeuvres. The imaging method of choice is computed tomography, and its characteristic findings, interstitial emphysema adhering to a bronchus and pulmonary blood vessel.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the presence of pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum is necessary to rule out oesophageal and tracheobronchial injury before establishing the Macklin effect as its cause. The diagnosis is made with computed tomography and managed conservatively.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Splenic abscess is a rare clinic entity, its incidence has increased due to the rising number of clinical conditions involving immunosuppression. Endocarditis is the most frequent cause, and gram-positive aerobes are the main causal agents. Its clinical presentation is non-specific and delays diagnosis. Computed tomography scan is the method of choice, and the treatment is based on antibiotics and drainage, radiological or surgical, involving splenectomy in special cases that require it.
    METHODS: A 55-year-old man with abdominal pain and fever. The analysis revealed leukocytosis 14,000/mm3, prothrombin activity 53%, and metabolic acidosis. Computed tomography scan showed a peri-hepatic pneumoperitoneum, liquid fluid, and peri-splenic bubbles, and slight trabeculation of fat around the duodenal bulb with pneumoperitoneum in this area. Patient underwent a median laparotomy, finding a purulent peritonitis due to a ruptured abscess in the spleen, splenectomy was performed. Fluid culture showed polymorphonuclears, with no microorganisms identified. The patient progressed and was discharged on the 5th post-operative day.
    CONCLUSIONS: Splenic abscess is an uncommon condition, in which the diagnosis is delayed and mortality, in untreated patients, is high. Its association with pneumoperitoneum may confuse the diagnosis towards viscera perforation. Thus it must be suspected in the finding of unknown cause of pneumoperitoneum by complementary examinations. The treatment of choice is splenectomy, because the capsular rupture is the norm in all of them.





