
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasites are known for their ability to rapidly adapt to changing conditions. For parasitic helminths, changes in climate, along with farming and management practices associated with the intensification of livestock farming, provide novel challenges which can impact on their epidemiology and control. The sustainability of livestock production partially relies on effective control of helminth infection. Therefore, understanding changes in parasite behaviour, and what drives these, is of great importance. Nematodirus battus is an economically important helminth in the UK and temperate regions. Its infective larvae typically overwinter in eggs on pasture and hatch synchronously in spring, causing acute disease in lambs. Attempts to control disease typically rely on whole-flock benzimidazole (BZ) treatments. In recent years, the emergence of BZ-resistance, alongside the hatching of eggs without the classical over-winter \'chill stimulus\', have made N. battus more difficult to control. In three previous studies, after collecting a large number of N. battus populations alongside farm management data from commercial farms, we explored the prevalence of genetic mutations associated with BZ-resistance (n = 253 farms), the ability of eggs to hatch with and without a chill stimulus (n = 90 farms) and how farm management practices varied throughout the UK (n = 187 farms). In the present study, we identify factors which may be acting as drivers, or barriers, to either the development of resistance or the variable hatching behaviour of N. battus eggs. Generalised linear mixed effect models were applied to regress experimental hatching and genotyping data on farm management and additional environmental data. Both variable hatching and resistance development appeared associated with the maintenance of parasite refugia as well as grazing management, particularly reseeding of pasture routinely grazed by young lambs each spring and the practice of set-stocked grazing. Effective quarantine measures were identified as the main protective factor for the development of BZ-resistance whereas set stocked grazing and population bottlenecks, resulting from reseeding heavily contaminated pastures, were risk factors. Spring maximum temperature and other climatic factors were associated with \'typical\' hatching of eggs following a chill stimulus whilst several management factors were linked with hatching without prior chilling. For example, practices which reduce parasite numbers on pasture (e.g. re-seeding) or restrict availability of hosts (e.g. resting fields), were found to increase the odds of non-chill hatching. Retention of the timing of lambing and infection level of the host within the fitted model indicated that requirement for a chill stimulus prior to hatching may be plastic, perhaps subject to change throughout the grazing season, in response to immune development or parasite density-dependence within the host. Further investigation of the influence of the factors retained within the fitted models, particularly the theme of parasite refugia which was highlighted in relation to both the presence of BZ-resistance alleles and alternative hatching, is required to establish robust, sustainable parasite control and farm management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sheep husbandry in Patagonia, Argentina, started at the beginning of the 20th century from European settlers. Sanitary management is minimal, which has serious implications for the sheep health. Sheep can be infested by diverse parasites, with well over 150 species of internal and external parasites reported worldwide. Gastrointestinal parasitism is one of the most common and important infections in sheep concerning the health status, and is the cause of significant morbidity and mortality, which generates considerable production losses. The present work is the first paleoparasitological study of sheep coprolites from Patagonia throughout historical times. Fifty-seven coprolites from the \'Cueva Peligro\' archaeological site (Patagonia, Argentina) were analyzed using the Lutz spontaneous sedimentation technique and the modified Faust flotation technique. Ancient DNA (aDNA) study was carried out in order to identify the zoological origin of coprolites. The results obtained from Cytb analysis confirmed the identity of the host as Ovis aries (domestic sheep). A total of 39 coprolites examined were positive for parasites by at least one of the studied methods. Thirty eight samples were positive by spontaneous sedimentation and 10 samples were positive by the modified Faust technique. The parasitic fauna found was Trichuris sp. (Trichinellida: Trichuridae), Nematodirus sp., Nematodirus spathiger (Strongylida, Trichostrongyloidea), two unidentified Strongylida-type egg morphotypes, Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda: Digenea) and coccidia oocysts of Eimeria spp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae). The modified Faust technique provided satisfactory results in terms of sensitivity for the detection of Eimeria spp. The use of this methodology as a routine procedure enables the processing of ancient samples, in order to increase recoveries. These results show the importance of integrating different diagnostic approaches in order to optimize parasitic findings. The recorded parasite diversity appears to have not changed over the last 120 years. The study displayed the presence of different parasitic species which suggests potential exposure to parasitic diseases through the historical times, both for sheep and for other domestic and wild mammals from Patagonia. Also, suggests the presence of fasciolosis, a zoonotic disease that implies a potential risk for Patagonian populations in the past.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In an effort to generate data for regulatory purposes on the therapeutic efficacy of eprinomectin 5% w/v extended-release injection (Eprinomectin ERI) (LongRange®, Boehringer Ingelheim) against infections of immature and adult stages of some nematode species (or stages) which are generally less common or predominantly seen in younger cattle, nine studies (minimum two per parasite and stage) were conducted in the USA and Germany. A total of 218 young cattle were included in seven experimentally induced infection studies (180 animals) and two studies with naturally acquired nematode infections (38 animals), which were compliant with WAAVP and VICH guidelines. In each study, cattle were randomly assigned into groups which received 1 mL per 50 kg body weight of either saline (controls) or Eprinomectin ERI (equivalent to 1 mg eprinomectin per kg body weight) via subcutaneous injection when the parasites were developing fourth-stage larval (L4) or adult nematodes. Following necropsy and parasite recovery, percentage efficacy was calculated based on the comparison of geometric mean nematode counts of the Eprinomectin ERI- vs. the saline-treated animals. Eprinomectin ERI-treated cattle had significantly (p < 0.05) lower counts of each species and stage of nematodes than the controls. Eprinomectin ERI treatment was demonstrated to be efficacious (> 90%) against L4 and adult Bunostomum phlebotomum and Nematodirus helvetianus; against L4 Haemonchus placei, Oesophagostomum radiatum, and Trichostrongylus colubriformis; and against adult H. contortus. Percentage efficacy against L4 H. contortus was variable (69.6 to 100%). All treatments were well accepted, and no treatment-related health problems were observed in any study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Old World Camelids (OWC) represent two species (Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius) with increasing numbers in North America. Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism is a major cause of clinical disease in camelids and leads to significant economic impacts. Literature reporting on clinical parasitism of camels is localized to India, Africa, and the Middle East, with limited information available on OWCs in North America. Objectives of this study were to report on clinical presentation and diagnostic findings in Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius with GI parasitism and provide a comparative analysis between geographic regions. Medical records of OWCs presenting to two veterinary teaching hospitals (of the University of Tennessee and University of Wisconsin) were evaluated. Thirty-one camels including 11 Bactrians and six dromedaries (14 species not recorded) were included for the clinical component of this study, reporting on signalment, presenting complaint, and clinical pathology. Anorexia, weight loss, and diarrhea were the most common presenting complaint. Clinical pathology findings included eosinophilia, hypoproteinemia, and hyponatremia. For the second component of this study, a total of 77 fecal parasite examination results were evaluated for parasite identification and regional variation. Trichuris, Capillaria, Strongyloides, Nematodirus, Dictyocaulus, Moniezia, and protozoan parasites (Eimeria, Cryptosporidium, Giardia) were recorded. Strongyle-type eggs predominated, followed by Trichuris and Eimeria spp. There was a statistically significant variation in prevalence of coccidia between the two regions, with fecal examinations from Tennessee more likely to contain Eimeria (P = 0.0193). Clinicians treating camels in North America should recognize anorexia, weight loss, and diarrhea combined with clinical pathologic changes of hypoproteinemia, eosinophilia and hyponatremia as possible indications of GI parasitism. Clinicians should also consider the potential for regional variation to exist for GI parasites of camels in different areas of North America.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Nematodirus battus infection is a major health concern in lambs. Development and hatch of infective larvae on pastures is temperature dependent, making model-based risk forecasting a useful tool for disease control.
    Air and 30 cm soil temperature-based risk models were used to predict hatch dates using meteorological data from 2019 and compared to infection dates, estimated from the first appearance of N. battus eggs, on 18 sheep farms distributed across Great Britain.
    The air temperature model was more accurate in its predictions than the soil temperature model on 12 of the 18 farms, but tended to predict late hatch dates in the early part of the season.
    Overall, the air temperature model appears the more appropriate choice for predicting N. battus peak hatch in the UK in terms of accuracy and practicality, but some adjustment might be needed to account for microclimatic variations at the soil-air interface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nematodirus battus, unlike most other gastrointestinal nematodes, undergoes maturation to an infective larva within the egg. Historically, eggs were considered to require a period of chilling over winter followed by a period of temperature above 10 °C for synchronous hatching to occur (generally in spring). Anecdotal reports of Nematodirus infection out-with spring in veterinary journals and the farming press suggest that the concentrated pasture abundance of N. battus infective larvae may be changing. In order for control practices to be adapted, and unexpected disease outbreaks to be avoided, it is important to quantify how parasite epidemiology is changing and research the drivers behind it.
    METHODS: The present study investigated the in vitro hatching response to temperature experiences (with and without a period of chilling) for egg samples of 90 N. battus populations obtained from 73 commercial sheep farms. Six aliquots of larvated eggs were prepared per population, three aliquots were placed at 4 °C for 6  weeks to provide a chill stimulus then incubated at the optimal hatching temperature for the species. The remaining three aliquots of eggs were incubated at the hatching temperature without a prior chill stimulus and the number of hatched larvae was compared between treatments.
    RESULTS: Median hatch rate across all populations with chilling was 45% (95% CI: 42-48%) and without chilling was 4% (95% CI: 2-6%). Inter-population variation in hatching ranged from 0 to 87% of eggs able to hatch in the absence of a chill stimulus, mean non-chill hatching was 13 ± 2% of eggs (mean ± SE). Non-chill hatching rates were greater than chilled hatching rates in seven of the 90 populations tested.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clearly, the variation in hatching responses to temperature experience is very large and therefore the seasonality of the parasite may vary not only between regions but also at farm level. In contrast to what previous work has suggested, there was a geographical trend towards higher non-chill hatching in the Northern parts of the UK.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benzimidazoles (BZ) have been the anthelmintic of choice for controlling Nematodirus battus infections since their release in the 1950s. Despite heavy reliance on this single anthelmintic drug class, resistance was not identified in this nematode until 2010 (Mitchell et al., 2011). The study aimed to explore the prevalence of BZ-resistance mutations in N. battus from UK sheep flocks using deep amplicon sequencing and pyrosequencing platforms. Based on evidence from other gastrointestinal nematodes, resistance in N. battus is likely to be conferred by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within the β-tubulin isotype 1 locus at codons 167, 198 and 200. Pyrosequencing and deep amplicon sequencing assays were designed to identify the F167Y (TTC to TAC), E198A (GAA to GCA) and F200Y (TTC to TAC) SNPs. Nematodirus battus populations from 253 independent farms were analysed by pyrosequencing; 174 farm populations were included in deep amplicon sequencing and 170 were analysed using both technologies. F200Y was the most prevalent SNP identified throughout the UK, in 12-27% of the populations tested depending on assay, at a low overall individual frequency of 2.2 ± 0.6% (mean ± SEM, based on pyrosequencing results). Four out of the five populations with high frequencies (>20%) of the F200Y mutation were located in NW England. The F167Y SNP was identified, for the first time in this species, in four of the populations tested at a low frequency (1.2% ± 0.01), indicating the early emergence of the mutation. E198A or E198L were not identified in any of the isolates. Results obtained were comparable between both techniques for F200Y (Lins\' CCC, rc = 0.96) with discrepancies being limited to populations with low frequencies. The recent emergence of resistance in this species will provide a unique opportunity to study the early stages of anthelmintic resistance within a natural setting and track its progress in the future.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) host numerous parasites. Although there is a general knowledge about parasite diversity in reindeer, detailed baseline information about parasitic infections is limited. Detailed knowledge of parasite prevalence and diversity provide a pathway for more targeted parasite control, an increasing need expected in the future. The main aim of our cross-sectional study was to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in semidomesticated reindeer calves. The 480 reindeer calves included in our study were aged 6-7 months, originated from 9 reindeer herding cooperatives in Finland and 1 in Norway, and were slaughtered during September-November 2015 in 10 reindeer slaughterhouses. All the reindeer calves passed meat inspection, and the detected parasitic infections were subclinical. As the reindeer included in this study were young animals intended for slaughter, they had never been administrated any antiparasitic treatment. Assessments of gastrointestinal parasitism among these reindeer calves were based on fecal examination and morphological identification of coccidian oocysts or helminth eggs. Individual fecal samples collected from the rectum of each of the reindeer were examined using a modified McMaster method. Most (78.3%) of the reindeer calves had eggs or oocysts of at least one parasite species in their feces, and more than half (53.5%) had a mixed infection. Strongylid eggs were detected in 75.6%, Eimeria sp. oocysts in 50.6%, Moniezia sp. eggs in 28.1%, Nematodirus sp. eggs in 22.1%, Capillaria sp. eggs in 9.4%, and Trichuris sp. eggs in 0.6% of the samples. The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites was similar or higher relative to previous estimates from the region; the proportion of reindeer calves shedding strongylid eggs and the proportion of reindeer calves shedding Moniezia sp. eggs had increased. Prevalence varied by geographical region, which may reflect different herding practices or environmental parameters. Higher reindeer density was a risk factor for testing positive for Eimeria sp. oocysts, and the odds of testing positive for Nematodirus sp. eggs were higher if a peroral route was used for antiparasitic treatment in the reindeer herding cooperative. The mean proportion of reindeer estimated to receive antiparasitic treatment in Finland was 86% in 2004-2005 and 91% in 2014-2015. During the historical time frames of current management practices, this routine annual antiparasitic treatment of breeding reindeer has not decreased the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in reindeer calves, which can be seen as sentinels or indicators of the infection pressure.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Carnivorous mammals are a trophic guild with an important role in the dissemination of parasite infective stages (larvae, eggs, cysts, and oocysts). In the present study, new samples of coprolites attributed to carnivorous mammals, obtained from 2 archaeological caves, were analyzed for the presence of parasites with the aim to increase the knowledge about parasites in rockshelters that could have spread to humans and other mammals. To this purpose, fragments of 3 coprolites from Cerro Casa de Piedra, cave 5 and cave 7, were examined. Coprolites were rehydrated in aqueous trisodium phosphate and processed by spontaneous sedimentation. High parasite richness was observed and new parasite species for archaeological contexts were found. The parasitological findings in Puma concolor coprolites associated with caves suggest the importance of these carnivores in the dissemination of parasites in areas with high re-use of space and steady conditions of temperature, humidity, and radiation.





