
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To present the results of our case series on laparoscopic nephrectomy in xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP).
    METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted that included 143 patients treated with laparoscopic nephrectomy for non-functioning kidney, of whom 15 had XGP, within the time frame of 2011 to 2019. The demographic and clinical data were collected, along with the intraoperative results, complications, and days of hospital stay.
    RESULTS: Transperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy was successfully performed on 15 patients with XGP, with no need for conversion. Mean intraoperative time was 124.4 minutes (range 70-240) and intraoperative blood loss was 148.5 ml (range 30-550), with no blood transfusion required. No intraoperative complications occurred but there was one postoperative complication (6.6%), classified as Clavien-Dindo I (surgical wound infection). Mean hospital stay was 2.85 days (range 2-7).
    CONCLUSIONS: Nephrectomy is the definitive management for XGP, and the laparoscopic approach should be considered a treatment modality, despite the fact that the pathology involves a severe chronic inflammatory process. Its benefits are reduced surgery duration, less blood loss, a lower complication rate, and fewer days of hospital stay, when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon.
    OBJECTIVE: Presentar los resultados de nuestra serie de nefrectomía laparoscópica en pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa (PXG).
    UNASSIGNED: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo que incluyó 143 pacientes tratados con nefrectomía laparoscópica por exclusión renal, de los cuales 15 fueron por PXG, en el periodo comprendido de 2011 a 2019. Se recolectaron datos demográficos y clínicos, resultados transoperatorios, complicaciones y días de estancia hospitalaria.
    RESULTS: Se realizó nefrectomía laparoscópica transperitoneal de forma exitosa en 15 pacientes con PXG, sin necesidad de conversión. El tiempo transoperatorio promedio fue de 124.4 minutos (rango: 70-240). El sangrado transoperatorio fue de 148.5 ml (rango: 30-550), sin requerimiento de transfusión sanguínea. No se reportaron complicaciones transoperatorias; se presentó una complicación en el posoperatorio (6.6%) clasificada como Clavien-Dindo I (infección de la herida quirúrgica). La estancia hospitalaria promedio fue de 2.85 días (rango: 2-7).
    CONCLUSIONS: El manejo definitivo de la PXG es la nefrectomía, y el abordaje laparoscópico debe ser considerado como una modalidad de tratamiento a pesar de ser una patología que presenta un proceso inflamatorio grave y crónico, obteniéndose beneficios como disminución en el tiempo quirúrgico, menor sangrado, menor tasa de complicaciones y menos días de estancia hospitalaria cuando es realizado por un cirujano experimentado.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: Currently there are no studies that determine the safety and quality of life of kidney donors in Mexico.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the safety of being a kidney donor and the quality of life, comparing the open approach with hand-assisted laparoscopic technique.
    METHODS: Observational, cross-sectional, analytical study of the kidney donors in our hospital from January 2015 to December 2018, in two groups: open technique and hand-assisted laparoscopic. To determine safety, the Clavien-Dindo scale and transoperative bleeding were used, and the SF-36 health-related quality of life questionnaire was applied.
    RESULTS: There are no reports of peri-operative complications in any type of approach. All the patients obtained a grade I in the Clavien-Dindo scale. When the difference in the score of the SF-36 health-related quality of life questionnaire in kidney donor patients with hand-assisted laparoscopic surgical approach versus open approach was compared, a difference between both means of 14.05 was obtained, with p < 0.0001 in favor of the hand-assisted approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: Being a kidney donor is safe and the approach that we recommend is hand-assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy.
    BACKGROUND: Actualmente en México no hay estudios que determinen la seguridad y la calidad de vida de los donadores renales.
    OBJECTIVE: Determinar la seguridad de ser donador renal y la calidad de vida, comparando el abordaje abierto frente al laparoscópico mano-asistido.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio observacional, transversal, analítico, de todos los donadores renales de nuestro hospital de enero de 2015 a diciembre de 2018, con seguimiento mínimo de 2 años. Se dividieron en dos grupos: operados con técnica abierta o laparoscópica mano-asistida. Para determinar la seguridad se utilizaron la escala de Clavien-Dindo y el sangrado transquirúrgico, y se les aplicó el cuestionario SF-36 de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud.
    RESULTS: No se reportan complicaciones transquirúrgicas en ningún tipo de abordaje. Todos los pacientes obtuvieron grado I en escala de Clavien-Dindo. En el puntaje del cuestionario SF-36 en pacientes donadores renales con abordaje quirúrgico laparoscópico mano-asistido versus abordaje abierto se obtuvo una diferencia entre ambas medias de 14.05, con p < 0.0001 a favor del abordaje mano-asistido.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ser donador renal es seguro y el abordaje que recomendamos ofrecer es el laparoscópico mano-asistido.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of urolithiasis is 7-10% and has increased over the past years. Simple nephrectomy is, therefore, indicated when renal exclusion is associated with recurrent urinary tract infections and/or chronic pain.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to describe the surgical experience of laparoscopic nephrectomy (LPN) due to urolithiasis in Mexican South-east and which factors can predispose conversion to open surgery.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective study including patients with renal exclusion secondary to urolithiasis, who underwent laparoscopic simple nephrectomy between 2016 and 2019.
    RESULTS: Forty simple LPN for renal exclusion due to urolithiasis was performed between 2016 and 2019. Mean age was 47 ± 10.8 and 82.5% were female. The mean BMI was 30.2 ± 5 kg/m2, mean operative time was 165.2 ± 64. Conversion rate was 12.5% (n = 5). Conversion was significantly associated with abnormal hilum vascular anatomy (p = 0.001), hilum adherences (p = 0.001), and hydronephrosis (p = 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: LPN is a safe surgical technique for renal exclusion due to urolithiasis. Hydronephrosis, abnormal vascular anatomy, and the adherences that involved de hilum are the factors that could predictive conversion to open surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: La prevalencia the urolitiasis es del 7-10% sin embargo a presentado un incremento del numero de casos en los ultimos años. La nefrectomia simple laparoscopica esta indicada en pacientes con exclusión renal asociado a cuadros repetitivos de infecciones en el tracto urinario y o dolor cronico a nivel fosa renal.
    OBJECTIVE: Describir la experiencia de nefrectomia simple laparoscopica en pacientes con exclusion renal secundario litiasis en un hospital del sur de México, y que factores pueden predisponer la conversión a cirugia abierta.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio restrospectivo que incluyo pacientes con exclusion renal secundario a urolitiasis durante el periodo comprendido entre 2016 y 2019.
    RESULTS: Se realizaron 40 nefrectomias simples laparoscopica durante el periodo comprendido 2016 y 2019 en paciente con exclusion renal asociada a litiasis. La media edad 47 ± 10.8 años, el 82.5% de los pacientes fueron del sexo femenino. La media de Indice de masa corporal fue de 30.2 ± 5 kg/m2, La tasa de conversion fue del 12.5% (n = 5), los factores que se asociaron a conversion a cirugia abierta fueron anormalidades dependientes del hilio vascular renal (p = 0.001)., adherencias dependientes del hilio renal (p = 0.001). e hidronefrosis (p = 0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: La nefrectomia simple laparocopica es un procedimiento seguro en pacienres con exclusion renal secundaria a urolitiasis. Hidronefrosis, anormalidades dependientes del hilio vascular renal y adherencias que involucren el hilio renal son factores que pueden predisponer conversion a cirugia abierta.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a life-threatening infection of the kidney and surrounding tissues associated with a high mortality rate. The aim of this study was to determine predictive factors for mortality and intensive care unit admission in patients with emphysematous pyelonephritis, and to propose a therapeutic algorithm based on current literature and our experience.
    METHODS: A retrospective study was done including patients with emphysematous pyelonephritis in a single center in the north of Mexico from 2011 to 2016. Demographic, clinical, microbiological and biochemical parameters, therapeutic management, and outcomes were assessed. Factors associated with admission to intensive care unit and mortality were determined. Comparison was assessed using X2 test for categorical variables, and T-test for numerical variables. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Statistical significance was set at P < .05.
    RESULTS: A total of 63 patients were included, of which 55 (87.3%) were females, with a mean age of 55.5 ± 12.2 years. The most common comorbidities were diabetes and hypertension. Escherichia coli was the most common isolated microorganism (51.7%) and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing agents were reported in 31.7%. Conservative therapy was provided to 38.7%, double J stent 42.9%, open/percutaneous drainage 12.7%, and nephrectomy 25.3%. Overall mortality and intensive care admission were 20.6% and 36.5%, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, hemodynamic instability (P = .005), qSOFA ≥ 2 (P = .003), hypoalbuminemia (P = .02), and early nephrectomy (P = .002) were associated with intensive care admission. Huang scale 4 (P = .006) and early nephrectomy (P = .001) were associated to mortality.
    CONCLUSIONS: Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a life-threatening disease and evidence of management is based in small case series due to the low incidence of this condition. Hemodynamic instability, hypoalbuminemia, qSOFA ≥ 2, Huang scale ≥3, and early nephrectomy are associated with poor prognosis.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    Living donor kidney transplantation is the best therapeutic option in a patient with end-stage renal failure, because it provides excellent functionality and graft survival. Laparoscopic living donor nephrectomyis the gold-standard for obtaining the graft. In exper thands, different minimally invasive surgeries can be offered with the main advantage of improving the a esthetic results. Although there may be controversy regarding laparoscopic devices for vascular ligation during living donor nephrectomy, both endostaplers and locking clips have proven to be safe as long as the proper techniqueis performed. Living donor nephrectomy has minimal morbidity and mortality. Age and glomerular filtration rate of the donor candidate are prognostic factor of long-term renal failure. In relation to the implant surgery,robotic kidney transplantation is now probably at the beginning of its development. Published series still do not allow to clearly establish its role compared to conventional open surgery.
    El trasplante renal de donante vivo suponela mejor opción terapéutica en un paciente con insuficiencia renal terminal, por su excelente funcionalidad y supervivencia del injerto. La nefrectomía laparoscópica de donante vivo es la técnica de elección para la obtención del injerto. En manos expertas, distintas variantes mínimamente invasivas pueden ofrecerse con la principal ventaja de mejorar los resultados estéticos del donante. Aunque pueda existir controversia en relación a los dispositivos laparoscópicos para la ligadura vascular durante la nefrectomía de donante vivo, tanto las endograpadoras como los clips con cierre tipo Hem-olokhan demostrado ser seguros siempre que se respete la técnica adecuada en su empleo. La nefrectomía de donante vivo no está exenta de una mínima morbi-mortalidad.La edad y el filtrado glomerular del candidato a donante son orientativas del riesgo de enfermedad renal a largo plazo. En relación a la cirugía del implante, el trasplante renal robótico se encuentra en los albores de su desarrollo. Las series publicadas no permiten aún establecer claramente su papel frente a la cirugía abierta convencional.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The role of cytoreductive nephrectomy on the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) is controversial due to its high complexity.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify risk factors associated to postoperative complications in patients with mRCC after cytoreductive nephrectomy.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective, observational study in 67 patients who underwent cytoreductive nephrectomy for the management of mRCC. Demographic, perioperative and clinicopathologic -characteristics were registered. Surgical complications were classified using the Clavien-Dindo system; major complications were those of grade 3 or higher. We performed a binary logistic regression analysis to identify risk factors associated with surgical complications.
    RESULTS: Mean age was 56 years (37-83). Symptoms were present in 58 patients (89.7%). Weight loss was the predominant symptom (50.8%). Mean tumor diameter was 10.8 cm (4.6-22.5 cm). The rate of postoperative complications was 65%; 21 patients (31.4%) had major complications. Risk factors were estimated blood loss > 500 ml (OR 44.5, CI 95% 2.51-789, p = 0.01) and tumor diameter > 10 cm (OR 17.9, CI 95% 1.2-273, p = 0.04).
    CONCLUSIONS: Cytoreductive nephrectomy is a good option in highly selected patients with mRCC. Our major complication rate was 31.4%. Risk factors associated were blood loss and tumor diameter.
    BACKGROUND: El papel de la nefrectomía citorreductora como tratamiento del carcinoma de células renales metastásico (CCRm) es controversial debido a su alta complejidad.
    OBJECTIVE: Identificar factores de riesgo para complicaciones posquirúrgicas en pacientes con CCRm tratados con nefrectomía citorreductora.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, de 67 pacientes tratados con nefrectomía citorreductora por CCRm. Se registraron las características demográficas, perioperatorias y clinicopatológicas. Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas fueron clasificadas con el sistema Clavien-Dindo (mayores aquellas de grado 3 o superior). Se realizó un análisis de regresión logística binaria para identificar factores de riesgo para complicaciones.
    RESULTS: La edad media fue de 56 años (rango: 37-83), y 58 pacientes (89.7%) presentaron síntomas, predominando la pérdida de peso (50.8%). El diámetro tumoral medio fue de 10.8 cm (rango: 4.6-22.5). Un 65% tuvo complicaciones posquirúrgicas; en el 31.4% fueron mayores. Los factores de riesgo asociados fueron el sangrado transoperatorio ≥ 500 ml (odds ratio [OR]: 44; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC 95%]: 2.51-789; p = 0.01) y el diámetro tumoral > 10 cm (OR: 17.9; IC 95%: 1.2-273; p = 0.04).
    CONCLUSIONS: La nefrectomía citorreductora es una opción de tratamiento para pacientes estrictamente seleccionados. Nuestra tasa de complicaciones mayores fue del 31.4%. Los factores de riesgo asociados fueron el sangrado transoperatorio y el diámetro tumoral.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Identificar factores de riesgo asociados a complicaciones mayores en pacientes con pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa sometidos a nefrectomía.
    UNASSIGNED: Análisis retrospectivo de expedientes clínicos de pacientes con pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa sometidos a nefrectomía. Se analizaron el sexo, el índice de masa corporal, el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson, la clasificación del estado físico de la American Society of Anesthesiologists, la etapa de Malek, el conteo leucocitario y los valores de creatinina. Las complicaciones se estratificaron en menores y mayores según la clasificación de Clavien-Dindo. Se realizó análisis univariado y bivariado usando las pruebas exacta de Fisher y ji al cuadrado de Pearson, y se establecieron medidas de riesgo utilizando la odds ratio (OR).
    UNASSIGNED: Se analizaron 72 pacientes con una edad media de 50 años, el 83% mujeres, el 58.3% con urocultivo positivo y el 66% con litiasis renal. El 32% tuvieron alguna complicación mayor y el 15% requirieron admisión a la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Los valores elevados de creatinina (OR: 3.8; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: 1.1-13; p = 0.02) y la etapa Malek II-III (OR: 4.5; IC95%: 1.2-17.5; p = 0.02) se asociaron con complicaciones mayores.
    UNASSIGNED: El estadio de Malek y los valores elevados de creatinina incrementan el riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones mayores en los pacientes con pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa sometidos a nefrectomía.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify preoperative risk factors associated with major complications in patients with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis undergoing total nephrectomy.
    METHODS: Retrospective analysis of patient’s charts with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis who underwent nephrectomy. Risk factors included for analysis were gender, body mass index, Charlson comorbidity index, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification, Malek’s stage, leukocyte count and creatinine levels. Postoperative complications were stratified in minor and major according to Clavien-Dindo’s classification. Univariate and bivariate analysis using Fisher’s exact test, Pearson’s chi-squared and odds ratio (OR) was performed.
    RESULTS: 72 patients were analyzed, 83% women, mean age of 50 years, 58.3% positive urine cultures and 66% kidney stones. Major complications were present in 32% of cases, and 15% were admitted to the intensive care unit. Elevated creatinine (OR: 3.8; 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 1.1-13; p = 0.02) and Malek’s stage II to III (OR: 4.5; 95%CI: 1.2-17.5; p = 0.02) were associated with major complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Malek Stage and elevated creatinine increases the risk of major complications in patients undergoing nephrectomy due to xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to compare nephrectomies with kidney resections in terms of their influence on renal function and blood loss. We compared laparoscopic nephrectomies with open nephrectomies in terms of the length of the procedure and the hospital stay. METHODS: We retrospectively included patients who were operated for renal tumors (n=148) between January 2016 to July 2018 in a single secondary center. We considered the type of operation (nephrectomies versus kidney resections), the approach to the kidney (open or laparoscopic) and compared the following outcomes: the length of the operation, perioperative blood loss, the changes in hemoglobin concentrations, in creatinine levels and in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). RESULTS: Kidney resections when compared to nephrectomies resulted in a significantly smaller decline in the estimated glomerular filtration rates (β=38.78 ml/min;p<0.001). When compared to baseline values, there was a significant drop in the eGFR on both day 1 and 3-6 months after the operation in the nephrectomy group (p<0.001 for both intervals); this drop was not present in the resection group. The decline in hemoglobin levels was bigger in the resection than in the nephrectomy group. However, during a follow up evaluation 3-6 months after the procedures, the values did not differ between the groups. We then compared open nephrectomies with laparoscopic nephrectomies. Laparoscopy involved more time (β=38.6 minutes; p<0.001), was used for early stage tumors and involved a shorter hospital stay (β=3 days;p<0.001) in comparison to open surgeries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Data from our center confirmed the findings from other literature that nephron-sparing surgeries lead to a lower decline in kidney function than with nephrectomies. This benefit for kidney function also remained during the follow-up. When performing a nephrectomy, the laparoscopic approach offers a shorter hospital stay for the patient than with an open surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: Nuestro objetivo fue comparar las nefrectomías en términos de resultados de función renal y perdida de sangre. Comparamos las nefrectomías laparoscópicas con las abiertas en términos de duración de la cirugía y estancia hospitalaria. MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron retrospectivamente pacientes que fueron operados por tumores renales (n=148) entre enero 2016 y julio 2018 en un único centro secundario. Consideramos el tipo de cirugía (nefrectomía vs resección renal), la técnica quirúrgica (abierta vs laparoscópica) y comparando sus resultados: tiempo de cirugía, perdida sanguínea, cambios en la concentración hemoglobina, niveles de creatinina y filtrado glomerular estimado. RESULTADOS: Las resecciones renales en comparación con las nefrectomías presentaron una caída estimada de FG menor (β=38,78 ml/min; p<0,001). Al comparar con los valores basales, se mostro una caída significativa de FG en los días 1 y a los 3-6 meses después de la operación en el grupo nefrectomía (p<0,001 en ambos intervalos); esta caída no estaba presente en el grupo de resección renal. La caída de hemoglobina fue superior en las resecciones renales en comparación con las nefrectomías. Aunque durante el seguimiento de 3 a 6 meses después del procedimiento, el valor no cambio entre grupos. Comparamos también las nefrectomías abiertas con laparoscópicas. Las laparoscópicas implican más tiempo (β=38,6 minutos; p<0,001), se usaron en estadíos más precoces e implicaron menos estancia hospitalaria en comparación con las abiertas (β=3 días; p<0,00).
    UNASSIGNED: Los datos de nuestro centro confirmanlos hallazgos que la cirugía de resección renal implica menos caída de FG que las nefrectomías. Este beneficio se mantuvo en el seguimiento. Cuando realizamos una nefrectomía, la laparoscopia aporta una menor estancia hospitalaria que la cirugía abierta.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Live surgery has become an excellent tool for medical training. Despite this, there is controversy about the safety of the patients involved.
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of live surgeries performed in 17 consecutive retroperitoneoscopy courses organized in our center. Procedures performed were partial nephrectomy (PN), radical nephrectomy (RN) and nephroureterectomy (NU).
    METHODS: Review from January 2010 to October 2017 of all live surgeries carried out by an expert surgical team in the retroperitoneoscopy courses, compared with a control group of surgeries performed in standard conditions. A matching (1:1 for each RN and 1:2 for each PN and NU) according to age, body mass index and comorbidities was performed.
    RESULTS: Twenty-one live surgeries were analyzed (eight PN, seven RN and six NU) with a global median follow-up of 38 months. No significant differences were observed between both groups in terms of perioperative variables (operative time, operative bleeding and intraoperative complications) or of postoperative complications and length of hospital stay. Likewise, there were no differences between recurrence rates (PN: 0% vs. 6.3%, p = 0.47, NU: 33.3% vs. 66.7%, p = 0.180, RN: 0% vs. 28.6%, p = 0,127).
    CONCLUSIONS: Live surgery in the hands of expert surgeons in a suitable environment and with well-selected patients does not increase the risk of complications and allows maintaining the same oncological outcomes.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in stage T1a has partial nephrectomy (PN) as asurgical indication. The RENAL Score (RS) is useful for the prediction of post-surgical complications (PC) and recurrence.
    To evaluate patients who have undergone a PN and to identify if there is an association between the RS and the achievement of the MIC.
    Prospective and observational cohort that includes laparoscopic PN from March 2017 to July 2018. The RS was calculated in the pre-surgicalCT scan iv contrast.
    33 patients were included, 69.7% were classified as low complexity RS (LRS), 27.3% medium complexity RS (MRS) and 3% high complexity RS. The meansurgical time was 146.82 min (SD 34.93), the mean warm ischemia time was 16.21 min (SD 10.29) and the estimated blood loss was 280.61 ml (SD 217.6). We found a difference in the surgical time between the means of LRS and MRS (p=0.0150), but not in the time of warm ischemia and estimated blood loss (p=0.1896 and p=0.0618). The MIC was reached in 66.6% of the sample. The mean follow-up was 10.32 months (range18-2 months), with no tumor relapse or metastasis.
    The laparoscopic NP in our center hasa MIC scope similar to international series, without havinga direct association with the RS.
    INTRODUCCIÓN: El carcinoma de células renales (CCR) en estadio T1 tiene como indicación quirúrgica la nefrectomía parcial (NP). El RENAL Score (RS) es útil para la predicción de complicaciones post quirúrgicas (CP) y recidiva.OBJETIVO: Evaluar a los pacientes que se hayan sometido a una NP e identificar si existe asociación entre el RS y el logro del MIC (márgenes libres tumor, tiempo isquemia menor a 20 minutos, complicaciones quirúrgicas menores).PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Cohorte prospectiva y observacional que incluye a las NP laparoscópicas desde marzo de 2017 hasta julio de 2018. Se calculó el RS en las tomografías pre quirúrgicas con contraste endovenoso.RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 33 pacientes, el 69,7% se clasificó como RS de baja complejidad (RSB), 27,3% RS de media complejidad (RSM) y el 3% RS de alta complejidad. El tiempo quirúrgico medio fue de 146,82 min (DE 34,93), el tiempo medio de isquemia caliente fue de 16,21 min (DE 10,29) y la pérdida hemática estimada de 280,61 ml (DE 217,6). Se halló diferencia en el tiempo quirúrgico entre las medias de RSB y RSM (p=0,0150), no así en el tiempo de isquemia caliente y pérdida hemática estimada (p=0,1896 y p=0,0618). Se alcanzó el MIC en el 66,6% de la muestra. La media de seguimiento fue de 10,32 meses (rango 18-2 meses) no observándose recaídas tumorales ni metástasis.CONCLUSIÓN: La NP laparoscópica en nuestro centro tiene un alcance del MIC similar a las series internacionales, sin tener una asociación directa con el RS.





