Nature-based Solutions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nature-based solutions (NBS) have been promoted as a holistic way to solve a variety of societal issues while benefiting biodiversity at the same time. To date, applications of NBS approaches that help ensure food security have yet been systematically reviewed. In this paper, we critically review the specific NBS for food security, highlighting their limitations, to provide recommendations that promote their applications for improving global food security. We accessed and evaluated publications on four different scholastic databases, and our systematic review of relevant materials indicated that many NBS approaches can be applied to enhance food security dimensions individually or together. However, there is a strong bias towards food availability, and not enough research has been done to link NBS with improvements in food access and utilization. Over 80 % of the reviewed papers were of short-term studies or without specific timeframes, and 25 % offered no information on the economic effectiveness of NBS. Environmental benefits of NBS were explicitly described in about 60 % of these papers, and biodiversity enhancement was measured in only about 10 %. We, therefore, recommend future applications of NBS to safeguard food security be shifted to food access and utilization with careful consultation with local communities to address their specific context, using indicators that are easily measured and managed. Systematic monitoring regimes and robust and diversified financial support systems are also equally important in efforts to successfully implement NBS. Moreover, environmental and societal benefits, especially water productivity and biodiversity, must be incorporated into the planning and design of NBS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Constructed Wetlands (CW) have gained popularity over the last decades due to their cost-effectiveness, easy and simple operation and environmental compatibility in wastewater treatment. This ecological engineering technology appears particularly ideal for low-income regions. In this study, three widely used CW types (horizontal flow, vertical flow, and hybrid CW) were constructed and evaluated for their effectiveness in removing various pollution parameters (BOD5, COD, TSS, NH4-N, NO3-N, and TP) from an industrial effluent. Different configurations were tested such as CW type, hydraulic residence time, plants presence, and artificial aeration. Results showed that the hybrid CW configuration (i.e., vertical flow CW followed by horizontal subsurface flow CW) achieved the highest removal rates of all pollutants, i.e., more than 90% of BOD5, COD, TSS, and NH4-N. The single horizontal flow and vertical flow CW designs showed variations in the removal of NO3-N and TP (less than 30%), which were significantly improved (50% and 70%, respectively) by using the hybrid CW system. Artificial aeration significantly improves the performance of the CW system, especially for ammonia nitrogen and organic matter removal, while plants presence is also beneficial in the treatment performance. An 8-days HRT seems to be adequate for high removal rates in passive CW designs, though in aerated wetlands a lower HRT of 4 days seems sufficient. These findings suggest that the hybrid CW system could be a promising option for efficient wastewater treatment in developing regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neglected and underutilized species of plants (NUS) have been identified by the Food and Agriculture Organization as valuable resources for fighting poverty, hunger and malnutrition as they can help make agricultural production systems more sustainable and resilient. Adaptation of NUS to changing environments over several millennia has rendered most of these plants resistant to pests and climate change. In this paper, we explore the potential values of some of the Mayan fruit trees justifying conservation efforts in their native habitats. Our research was primarily based on a scoping review using Google Scholar. We considered articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Our review rendered two sets of articles including those focusing on the nutritional and medicinal properties of NUS and their products, and those focusing on their uses in traditional medicine. Both sets of papers strongly support arguments for conservation of NUS. Additionally, our scoping review expands and includes a case study on the conservation of NUS, highlighting the critical role of civil society on how it can spearhead rescue efforts of botanical resources through the creation of what is possibly the first arboretum of its kind in the Americas. Among the project\'s key selling points was not only the rescue of an important component of Yucatan\'s cultural heritage but its nutritional value as well as its potential medicinal properties. Our paper is not prescriptive on how to preserve or even commercially exploit NUS. It is intended as a thought-provoking piece on the potential of a One Health approach as a multisectoral platform to support conservation efforts, while stimulating greater interest in the subject and encouraging more action from the academic and pharmaceutical sectors as well as civil society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the global significance of wetlands, conservation strategies often fall short in preserving these ecosystems due to failures in incorporating processes that sustain the ecosystem functioning, hydrological dynamics, ecological processes, and biodiversity of wetlands. Nature-based solutions, such as the reintroduction of beavers, have emerged as effective tools for promoting wetland restoration. Whilst the impact of beavers on wetland restoration is well known, their broader influence on ecosystem health, particularly in modifying habitats for other species, remains inadequately understood. Here we assess the impact that habitat modification through the reintroduction of beavers has on bat populations. There were significantly greater activity levels within beaver-modified wetland habitats for multiple bat species, including higher activity levels of 393 % for Barbastella barbastellus and 313 % for Plecotus spp.. Additionally, we observed positive effects on bat populations in the woodland habitat surrounding beaver-modified wetland for certain taxa. In the face of escalating challenges posed by climate change and habitat loss, addressing biodiversity loss necessitates a shift toward ecosystem-centric mitigation measures. Our study demonstrates that the reintroduction of keystone species like beavers can re-establish historical facilitative links between aquatic and terrestrial food webs, highlighting the importance of such interventions in fostering the resilience and sustainability of entire ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The combination of treatment wetlands (TWs) with microbial electrochemical technologies (MET) is often studied in the lab to improve the performance and decrease the footprint of TWs. In this article we evaluated the long-term performance of four pilot-scale vertical sub-surface flow TWs for major pollutants\' and organic micropollutants\' removal from domestic wastewater. Three of them were filled with electroconductive material and operated under saturated (MET SAT), unsaturated (MET UNSAT) and unsaturated-saturated (MET HYBRID) conditions while the fourth one was a saturated intensified aerated system (AEW) filled with gravel. The MET-TWs achieved significant removals of COD (>78 %) with no clogging issues at the maximum applied OLR (249 g COD m-3 d-1) while under these loading conditions TSS removal exceeded 84 %. Among all electroactive TWs, UNSAT could remove 25 g NH4-N m-3 d-1 through nitrification when peak ammonium loading rate was applied; however this removal was significantly lower than AEW (35 g NH4-N m-3d-1). No important removal of P was observed in all systems with the exception of MET-SAT were precipitation reactions of P with iron occurred when anaerobic pretreated wastewater was used. The removal of the sum of studied organic micropollutants ranged between 70 ± 18 % (MET UNSAT) to 91 ± 4 % (AEW) and improved with feeding pulses increase. Moderate to high removal of specific microcontaminants was observed depending on the target compound, the studied system and the operational conditions. AEW and MET HYBRID systems complied with the limits set by EU for wastewater discharge to non-sensitive water bodies and for Class B water reuse. Scale-up calculations for a settlement of 500 PE showed that these systems require much less area per PE (0.51 m2 PE-1) comparing to conventional TWs while the operational cost was calculated to 0.07 € m-3 for the AEW and 0.02 € m-3 for the MET HYBRID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal blue carbon ecosystems, typically comprising interconnected habitat mosaics, are globally important pathways of carbon sequestration and play a significant role in climate change regulation and mitigation. Current coastal management strategies often rely on simplified regional carbon stock estimates, that overlook the geographical variability and intricate ecological dynamics within these ecosystems. This study adopts a seascape ecology approach to evaluate the role of multiple seascape characteristics on carbon storage in two arid region coastal lagoons. We show that seascape location is the most influential driver of carbon stocks. Additionally, carbon isotopic variability, a proxy for connectivity, can be as influential as habitat type, particularly in the UAQ lagoon. This challenges the conventional reliance on data from individual habitat types (e.g., seagrass, mangrove, or tidal marsh) and highlights the context-dependency of carbon stocks. Moreover, the specific characteristics driving carbon stocks vary between seascapes: in Khor Faridah, connectivity to seagrass and mangrove habitats is crucial, while in the UAQ lagoon, sheltered and elevated areas are more influential. Our findings suggest that the interconnectivity between different habitat types, such as mangroves and saltmarshes, significantly enhances carbon storage. This is especially pronounced in large, sheltered mangrove habitat types within upper intertidal zones. Notably, small patches of mangroves, up to 10 ha, are associated with an approximate 10 % increase in carbon stocks. These results underscore the need for a more holistic, context-specific approach to designing nature-based solutions for coastal management and ecosystem restoration. By considering the specific characteristics and connectivity of seascape mosaics, we can more effectively enhance carbon stock potential in coastal ecosystems. This study contributes to a deeper spatially explicit understanding of the complex factors influencing carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystems, highlighting the importance of tailored management strategies that reflect the unique ecological patterns of each seascape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eco-engineering of coastal infrastructure aims to address the insufficient intertidal habitat provided by coastal development and flood defence. There are numerous ways to enhance coastal infrastructure with habitat features, but a common method involves retrofitting artificial rockpools. Often these are \'bolt-on\' units that are fixed to existing coastal infrastructure but there is a paucity of literature on how to optimise their arrangement for biodiversity. In this study, 24 artificial rockpools were installed at three levels between High Water Neaps and Mean Tide Level on a vertical concrete seawall on the south coast of the UK. The species abundance of the rockpools and adjacent seawall were surveyed at low tide for 2 years following rockpool installation and compared. Over the course of the study, sediment had begun to accumulate in some of the rockpools. At the 2-year mark, the sediment was removed and assessed for macrofauna. Algal biomass of the seawall and rockpools was estimated using previously obtained dry weight values for the dominant algae taxa. After 2 years, it was determined that artificial rockpools successfully increase species richness of seawalls, particularly at higher tidal levels where water-retaining refugia are crucial for many species. The rockpools hosted 37 sessile taxa and 9 sessile taxa were recorded on the seawall. Rockpools increased the vertical elevation for brown canopy-forming seaweeds by providing better attachment surfaces. Although the retained sediment only hosted 3 infaunal species, it was observed to provide shelter for shore crabs during surveys. As sea levels and ocean and air temperatures continue to rise, vertical eco-engineering arrangements will play a crucial role in allowing species to migrate up the tidal zone, negating habitat loss and localised extinction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dhaka ranks among the world\'s most densely populated cities, with built-up areas expanding to accommodate the demands of a growing population. The rapid urbanization has reduced green space and exacerbated urban heat and pollution in the city. In the quest for a greener and healthier urban environment, rooftop agriculture has emerged as a promising solution, offering opportunities for the restoration of the environment and safe food production. Despite its potential, limited studies have explored the viability of this alternative greening solution for Dhaka. Therefore, this study aims to assess the suitability of rooftops for agricultural activities employing Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques. First, seven criteria were selected based on the literature, such as building age, height, rooftop size, building utility, property value, sunlight, and water availability. Second, an expert opinion survey was conducted using the Best Worst Method (BWM) to calculate the criteria\'s weights. Finally, the suitability map for Dhaka was derived by combining the criteria layers and was subsequently validated. Rooftop area and property value were identified as the most and least important criteria. Approximately 9% (6.27 km2), 68% (46.59 km2), 22% (15.15 km2), and a negligible portion (0.1 km2) of Dhaka city has been classified as highly suitable, suitable, moderately suitable, and not suitable, respectively, for rooftop agriculture. By identifying and promoting the most suitable locations for rooftop agriculture and highlighting existing opportunities, this research will help to initiate and expand sustainable agriculture practices that can contribute to climate change adaptation and urban resilience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between green and grey urban infrastructure, local meteorological conditions, and traffic-related air pollution is complex and dynamic. This case study examined the effect of evolving morphologies around a city square park in Dublin and explores the twin impacts of local urban development (grey) and maturing parks (green) on particulate matter (PM) pollution. A fixed air quality monitoring campaign and computational fluid dynamic modelling (ENVI-met) were used to assess current (baseline) and future scenarios. The baseline results presented the distribution of PM in the study area, with bimodal (PM2.5) and unimodal (PM10) diurnal profiles. The optimal vegetation height for air quality within the park also differed by wind direction with 21 m vegetation optimal for parallel winds (10.45% reduction) and 7 m vegetation optimal for perpendicular winds (30.36% reduction). Increased building heights led to higher PM2.5 concentrations on both footpaths ranging from 25.3 to 37.0% under perpendicular winds, whilst increasing the height of leeward buildings increased PM2.5 concentrations by up to 30.9% under parallel winds. The findings from this study provide evidence of the importance of more in-depth analysis of green and grey urban infrastructure in the urban planning decision-making process to avoid deteriorating air quality conditions around city square parks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As nature-based solutions, urban park plant communities play a pivotal role in regulating urban carbon cycles, alleviating global climate change, and fostering sustainable urban development. However, the factors influencing the carbon sink efficiency of plant communities in urban parks within temperate monsoon climate zones have not been fully investigated. This study used multivariate heterogeneous data to evaluate plant communities\' carbon storage (CS) and annual carbon sequestration (ACS) in 25 urban parks across different biotope types in Jinan, a city located in China\'s temperate monsoon climate zone. The driving mechanisms affecting carbon sink efficacy were revealed using Spearman correlation, regression, principal component analyses, and structural equation modeling. Results demonstrated that: 1) Closed broadleaf multi-layer green space has significant carbon sink potential compared to other vegetation structures. 2) The carbon sink efficiency of the plant communities negatively correlated with the sky view factor and planting layout density. Three-dimensional green quantity (3DGQ), the ratio of trees and shrubs, species richness, and vertical structures positively correlated with plant communities\' carbon storage and sequestration. 3) Whether increasing 3DGQ, the ratio of trees and shrubs, or the total number of individuals of all species, there is a certain threshold bottleneck in enhancing the carbon sink benefits of plant communities. 4) Plant community structure, species composition, and species diversity influenced carbon sink efficiency, collectively forming the first principal component. The 3DGQ affected carbon sink efficiency as the second principal component. Synergistic effects existed among these driving factors, jointly explained 64.3 % and 90.1 % of the CS and ACS of plant communities, respectively. Optimization design strategies for different plant communities in urban parks were proposed.





