• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study analyzed the intersecting biophysical, biochemical, and functional properties of extracellular particles (EPs) with the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) beyond the currently accepted size range for HIV-1. We isolated five fractions (Frac-A through Frac-E) from HIV-infected cells by sequential differential ultracentrifugation (DUC). All fractions showed a heterogeneous size distribution with median particle sizes greater than 100 nm for Frac-A through Frac-D but not for Frac-E, which contained small EPs with an average size well below 50 nm. Synchronized and released cultures contained large infectious EPs in Frac-A, with markers of amphisomes and viral components. Additionally, Frac-E uniquely contained EPs positive for CD63, HSP70, and HIV-1 proteins. Despite its small average size, Frac-E contained membrane-protected viral integrase, detectable only after SDS treatment, indicating that it is enclosed in vesicles. Single particle analysis with dSTORM further supported these findings as CD63, HIV-1 integrase, and the viral surface envelope (Env) glycoprotein (gp) colocalized on the same Frac-E particles. Surprisingly, Frac-E EPs were infectious, and infectivity was significantly reduced by immunodepleting Frac-E with anti-CD63, indicating the presence of this protein on the surface of infectious small EPs in Frac-E. To our knowledge, this is the first time that extracellular vesicle (EV) isolation methods have identified infectious small HIV-1 particles (smHIV-1) that are under 50 nm. Collectively, our data indicate that the crossroads between EPs and HIV-1 potentially extend beyond the currently accepted biophysical properties of HIV-1, which may have further implications for viral pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endothelial cell activation, injury, and dysfunction underlies the pathophysiology of vascular diseases and infections associated with vascular dysfunction, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Despite viral suppression with combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), people living with HIV (PLWH) are prone to many comorbidities, including neurological and neuropsychiatric complications, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, premature aging, and malignancies. HIV and viral proteins can directly contribute to the development of these comorbidities. However, with the continued high prevalence of these comorbidities despite viral suppression, it is likely that ART or some antiretroviral (ARVs) drugs contribute to the development and persistence of comorbid diseases in PLWH. These comorbid diseases often involve vascular activation, injury, and dysfunction. The purpose of this manuscript is to review the current literature on ARVs and the vascular endothelium in PLWH, animal models, and in vitro studies. I also summarize evidence of an association or lack thereof between ARV drugs or drug classes and the protection or injury/dysfunction of the vascular endothelium and vascular diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review article will describe the (wide) variety of approaches that I envisaged to develop a specific therapy for viral infections: (i) interferon and its inducers, (ii) HSV, VZV and CMV inhibitors, (iii) NRTIs (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors), NtRTIs (nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors) and NNRTIs (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors) as HIV inhibitors, (iv) NtRTIs as HBV inhibitors, and finally, (v) the transition of an HIV inhibitor to a stem cell mobilizer, as exemplified by AMD-3100 (Mozobil®).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the availability of a wide range of preventive measures and comprehensive treatment options following infection, the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) remains a persistent challenge. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) represent the most commonly utilized therapeutic approach, despite being on the pharmaceutical market for nearly four decades. During this time, a spectrum of side effects ranging from mild discomfort and hypersensitivity reactions to the more prevalent nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity has been documented. In light of these considerations, our study aimed to investigate the impacts of two NRTIs, lamivudine and zidovudine, on lipid metabolism in HMC3 microglial cells. Our findings revealed statistically significant reductions in the ATP levels (nearly 8%) and increased mitochondrial superoxide levels (around 10%) after 24 h of treatment with the maximum therapeutic concentration of zidovudine compared to the untreated microglial cells. Furthermore, the concentrations of fatty-acid-binding proteins 4 and 5 were significantly lower (approximately 40%) in the microglial cells that were exposed to NRTIs than in the untreated cells. Notably, the total lipid concentration within the microglial cells markedly increased following NRTI administration with a 13% rise after treatment with 10 µM lamivudine and a remarkable 70% surge following the administration of 6 µM zidovudine. These results suggest that the prolonged administration of NRTIs may potentially lead to lipid accumulation, posing a significant risk to the delicate homeostasis of the neuronal system and potentially triggering a pro-inflammatory response in microglial cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repurposing drugs already approved in the clinic to be used off-label as geroprotectors, compounds that combat mechanisms of aging, are a promising way to rapidly reduce age-related disease incidence in society. Several recent studies have found that a class of drugs-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)-originally developed as treatments for cancers and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, could be repurposed to slow the aging process. Interestingly, these studies propose complementary mechanisms that target multiple hallmarks of aging. At the molecular level, NRTIs repress LINE-1 elements, reducing DNA damage, benefiting the hallmark of aging of \'Genomic Instability\'. At the organellar level, NRTIs inhibit mitochondrial translation, activate ATF-4, suppress cytosolic translation, and extend lifespan in worms in a manner related to the \'Loss of Proteostasis\' hallmark of aging. Meanwhile, at the cellular level, NRTIs inhibit the P2X7-mediated activation of the inflammasome, reducing inflammation and improving the hallmark of aging of \'Altered Intercellular Communication\'. Future development of NRTIs for human aging health will need to balance out toxic side effects with the beneficial effects, which may occur in part through hormesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a human viral infectious disease caused by the positive-sense single-stranded (ss) RNA Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (Retroviridae family, Ortervirales order). HIV-1 can be distinguished into various worldwide spread groups and subtypes. HIV-2 also causes human immunodeficiency, which develops slowly and tends to be less aggressive. HIV-2 only partially homologates to HIV-1 despite the similar derivation. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the treatment approved to control HIV infection, based on multiple antiretroviral drugs that belong to different classes: (i) NNRTIs, (ii) NRTIs, (iii) PIs, (iv) INSTIs, and (v) entry inhibitors. These drugs, acting on different stages of the HIV life cycle, decrease the patient\'s total burden of HIV, maintain the function of the immune system, and prevent opportunistic infections. The appearance of several strains resistant to these drugs, however, represents a problem today that needs to be addressed as best as we can. New outbreaks of strains show a widespread geographic distribution and a highly variable mortality rate, even affecting treated patients significantly. Therefore, novel treatment approaches should be explored. The present review discusses updated information on HIV-1- and HIV-2-resistant strains, including details on different mutations responsible for drug resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a global public health issue and is a major cause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hepatitis D virus (HDV) requires the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to replicate. The eradication of HBV, therefore, can also cure HDV. The current therapies for chronic hepatitis B and D are suboptimal and cannot definitely cure the viruses. In order to achieve functional or complete cure of these infections, novel therapeutic agents that target the various sites of the viral replicative cycle are necessary. Furthermore, novel immunomodulatory agents are also essential to achieve viral clearance. Many of these new promising compounds such as entry inhibitors, covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) inhibitors, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), capsid assembly modulators and nucleic acid polymers are in various stages of clinical developments. In this review article, we provided a comprehensive overview of the structure and lifecycle of HBV, the limitations of the current therapies and a summary of the novel therapeutic agents for both HDV and HBV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PrimPol is required to re-prime DNA replication at both nucleus and mitochondria, thus facilitating fork progression during replicative stress. ddC is a chain-terminating nucleotide that has been widely used to block mitochondrial DNA replication because it is efficiently incorporated by the replicative polymerase Polγ. Here, we show that human PrimPol discriminates against dideoxynucleotides (ddNTP) when elongating a primer across 8oxoG lesions in the template, but also when starting de novo synthesis of DNA primers, and especially when selecting the 3\'nucleotide of the initial dimer. PrimPol incorporates ddNTPs with a very low efficiency compared to dNTPs even in the presence of activating manganese ions, and only a 40-fold excess of ddNTP would significantly disturb PrimPol primase activity. This discrimination against ddNTPs prevents premature termination of the primers, warranting their use for elongation. The crystal structure of human PrimPol highlights Arg291 residue as responsible for the strong dNTP/ddNTP selectivity, since it interacts with the 3\'-OH group of the incoming deoxynucleotide, absent in ddNTPs. Arg291, shown here to be critical for both primase and polymerase activities of human PrimPol, would contribute to the preferred binding of dNTPs versus ddNTPs at the 3\'elongation site, thus avoiding synthesis of abortive primers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    4\'-Ethynyl-2-fluoro-2\'-deoxyadenosine (EFdA, MK-8591, islatravir) is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase translocation inhibitor (NRTTI) with exceptional potency against wild-type (WT) and drug-resistant HIV-1 in phase III clinical trials. EFdA resistance is not well characterized. To study EFdA resistance patterns that may emerge in naive or tenofovir (TFV)-, emtricitabine/lamivudine (FTC/3TC)-, or zidovudine (AZT)-treated patients, we performed viral passaging experiments starting with WT, K65R, M184V, or D67N/K70R/T215F/K219Q HIV-1. Regardless of the starting viral sequence, all selected EFdA-resistant variants included the M184V reverse transcriptase (RT) mutation. Using recombinant viruses, we validated the role for M184V as the primary determinant of EFdA resistance; none of the observed connection subdomain (R358K and E399K) or RNase H domain (A502V) mutations significantly contributed to EFdA resistance. A novel EFdA resistance mutational pattern that included A114S was identified in the background of M184V. A114S/M184V exhibited higher EFdA resistance (∼24-fold) than either M184V (∼8-fold) or A114S alone (∼2-fold). Remarkably, A114S/M184V and A114S/M184V/A502V resistance mutations were up to 50-fold more sensitive to tenofovir than was WT HIV-1. These mutants also had significantly lower specific infectivities than did WT. Biochemical experiments confirmed decreases in the enzymatic efficiency (kcat/Km) of WT versus A114S (2.1-fold) and A114S/M184V/A502V (6.5-fold) RTs, with no effect of A502V on enzymatic efficiency or specific infectivity. The rather modest EFdA resistance of M184V or A114S/M184V (8- and 24-fold), their hypersusceptibility to tenofovir, and strong published in vitro and in vivo data suggest that EFdA is an excellent therapeutic candidate for naive, AZT-, FTC/3TC-, and especially tenofovir-treated patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drugs targeting DNA and RNA in mammalian cells or viruses can also affect bacteria present in the host and thereby induce the bacterial SOS system. This has the potential to increase mutagenesis and the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Here, we have examined nucleoside analogues (NAs) commonly used in anti-viral and anti-cancer therapies for potential effects on mutagenesis in Escherichia coli, using the rifampicin mutagenicity assay. To further explore the mode of action of the NAs, we applied E. coli deletion mutants, a peptide inhibiting Pol V (APIM-peptide) and metabolome and proteome analyses. Five out of the thirteen NAs examined, including three nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and two anti-cancer drugs, increased the mutation frequency in E. coli by more than 25-fold at doses that were within reported plasma concentration range (Pl.CR), but that did not affect bacterial growth. We show that the SOS response is induced and that the increase in mutation frequency is mediated by the TLS polymerase Pol V. Quantitative mass spectrometry-based metabolite profiling did not reveal large changes in nucleoside phosphate or other central carbon metabolite pools, which suggests that the SOS induction is an effect of increased replicative stress. Our results suggest that NAs/NRTIs can contribute to the development of AMR and that drugs inhibiting Pol V can reverse this mutagenesis.






