NK cell receptors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The long story of NK cells started about 50 y ago with the first demonstration of a natural cytotoxic activity within an undefined subset of circulating leukocytes, has involved an ever-growing number of researchers, fascinated by the apparently easy-to-reach aim of getting a \"universal anti-tumor immune tool\". In fact, in spite of the impressive progress obtained in the first decades, these cells proved far more complex than expected and, paradoxically, the accumulating findings have continuously moved forward the attainment of a complete control of their function for immunotherapy. The refined studies of these latter years have indicated that NK cells can epigenetically calibrate their functional potential, in response to specific environmental contexts, giving rise to extraordinarily variegated subpopulations, comprehensive of memory-like cells, tissue-resident cells, or cells in various differentiation stages, or distinct functional states. In addition, NK cells can adapt their activity in response to a complex body of signals, spanning from the interaction with either suppressive or stimulating cells (myeloid-derived suppressor cells or dendritic cells, respectively) to the engagement of various receptors (specific for immune checkpoints, cytokines, tumor/viral ligands, or mediating antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity). According to this picture, the idea of an easy and generalized exploitation of NK cells is changing, and the way is opening toward new carefully designed, combined and personalized therapeutic strategies, also based on the use of genetically modified NK cells and stimuli capable of strengthening and redirecting their effector functions against cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural killer (NK) cells hold promise in cancer treatment due to their ability to spontaneously lyse cancer cells. For clinical use, high quantities of pure, functional NK cells are necessary. Combining adherence-based isolation with specialized media showed the unreliability of the isolation method, but demonstrated the superiority of the NK MACS® medium, particularly in suboptimal conditions. Neither human pooled serum, fetal calf serum (FCS), human platelet lysate, nor chemically defined serum replacement could substitute human AB serum. Interleukin (IL-)2, IL-15, IL-21, and combined CD2/NKp46 stimulation were assessed. IL-21 and CD2/NKp46 stimulation increased cytotoxicity, but reduced NK cell proliferation. IL-15 stimulation alone achieved the highest proliferation, but the more affordable IL-2 performed similarly. The RosetteSep™ human NK cell enrichment kit was effective for isolation, but the presence of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the culture enhanced NK cell proliferation, despite similar expression levels of CD16, NKp46, NKG2D, and ICAM-1. In line with this, purified NK cells cultured in NK MACS® medium with human AB serum and IL-2 demonstrated high cytotoxicity against primary glioblastoma stem cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural killer (NK) cells are central components of the innate immunity system against cancers. Since tumor cells have evolved a series of mechanisms to escape from NK cells, developing methods for increasing the NK cell antitumor activity is of utmost importance. It is previously shown that an ex vivo stimulation of patient-derived NK cells with interleukin (IL)-2 and Hsp70-derived peptide TKD (TKDNNLLGRFELSG, aa450-461) results in a significant upregulation of activating receptors including CD94 and CD69 which triggers exhausted NK cells to target and kill malignant solid tumors expressing membrane Hsp70 (mHsp70). Considering that TKD binding to an activating receptor is the initial step in the cytolytic signaling cascade of NK cells, herein this interaction is studied by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation computational modeling. The in silico results showed a crucial role of the heterodimeric receptor CD94/NKG2A and CD94/NKG2C in the TKD interaction with NK cells. Antibody blocking and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout studies verified the key function of CD94 in the TKD stimulation and activation of NK cells which is characterized by an increased cytotoxic capacity against mHsp70 positive tumor cells via enhanced production and release of lytic granules and pro-inflammatory cytokines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innate lymphocytes comprise cytotoxic natural killer (NK) cells and tissue-resident innate lymphoid cells (ILC) that are subgrouped according to their cytokine profiles into group 1 ILC (ILC1), ILC2, and ILC3. However, cell surface receptors unambiguously defining or specifically activating such ILC subsets are scarcely known. Here, we report on the physiologic expression of the human activating C-type lectin-like receptor (CTLR) NKp65, a high-affinity receptor for the CTLR keratinocyte-associated C-type lectin (KACL). Tracking rare NKp65 transcripts in human blood, we identify ILC3 to selectively express NKp65. NKp65 expression not only demarcates \"bona fide\" ILC3 from likewise RORγt-expressing ILC precursors and lymphoid tissue inducer cells but also from mature NK cells which acquire the NKp65-relative NKp80 during a Notch-dependent differentiation from NKp65+ precursor cells. Hence, ILC3 and NK cells mutually exclusively and interdependently express the genetically coupled sibling receptors NKp65 and NKp80. Much alike NKp80, NKp65 promotes cytotoxicity by innate lymphocytes which may become relevant during pathophysiological reprogramming of ILC3. Altogether, we report the selective expression of the activating immunoreceptor NKp65 by ILC3 demarcating ILC3 from mature NK cells and endowing ILC3 with a dedicated immunosensor for the epidermal immune barrier.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCT) is a procedure commonly used in treatment of various haematological disorders which is associated with significantly improved survival rates. However, one of its drawbacks is the possibility of development of post-transplant complications, including acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) or CMV infection. Various studies suggested that NK cells and their receptors may affect the transplant outcome. In the present study, patients and donors were found to significantly differ in the distribution of the NKG2A rs7301582 genetic variants - recipients carried the C allele more often than their donors (0.975 vs 0.865, p<0.0001). Increased soluble HLA-E (sHLA-E) levels detected in recipients\' serum 30 days after transplantation seemed to play a prognostic and protective role. It was observed that recipients with higher sHLA-E levels were less prone to chronic GvHD (11.65 vs 6.33 pg/mL, p=0.033) or more severe acute GvHD grades II-IV (11.07 vs 8.04 pg/mL, p=0.081). Our results also showed an unfavourable role of HLA-E donor-recipient genetic incompatibility in CMV infection development after transplantation (OR=5.92, p=0.014). Frequencies of NK cells (both CD56dim and CD56bright) expressing NKG2C were elevated in recipients who developed CMV, especially 30 and 90 days post-transplantation (p<0.03). Percentages of NKG2C+ NK cells lacking NKG2A expression were also increased in these patients. Moreover, recipients carrying a NKG2C deletion characterized with decreased frequency of NKG2C+ NK cells (p<0.05). Our study confirms the importance of NK cells in the development of post-transplant complications and highlights the effect of HLA-E and NKG2C genetic variants, sHLA-E serum concentration, as well as NKG2C surface expression on transplant outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    简介:自然杀伤细胞是异基因造血干细胞移植(HSCT)后重建的第一个淋巴细胞亚群。它们的活性受各种受体-配体相互作用的调节,包括MICA分子对激活NKG2D受体的刺激,和抑制性NKG2A受体与HLA-E相互作用。在这项研究中,研究工作集中在选定的NKG2A和NKG2D受体及其配体(HLA-E和MICA分子)多态性的作用上,这些多态性可能会影响儿童HSCT后移植后并发症的病理机制。方法:调查了来自单个儿科移植中心的100对供体-受体对。总共对六个单核苷酸取代(NKG2Ars7301582;NKG2Drs1049174,rs1154831;HLA-Ers1264457;MICArs1051792,rs1063635)进行了基因分型,并分析了多态性对急性和慢性移植物抗宿主病(GvHD)的影响,巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染发生率,疾病复发和生存。结果:评估的多态性的分布在患者和他们的供体之间没有差异。结果显示HLA-Ers1264457多态性对患者HLA-E*01:01等位基因有显著影响,与CMV感染风险增加相关(p=0.050),特别是在移植前CMVIgG阳性的儿童中(p=0.001)。此外,HLA-E*01:01等位基因对CMV感染的影响在7岁以上儿童中更为明显(p=0.031).受体的NKG2A或MICA多态性也观察到与急性GvHD风险相关的强烈倾向(0.05 Introduction: Natural Killer cells are the first subpopulation of lymphocytes that reconstitute after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Their activity is regulated by various receptor-ligand interactions, including stimulation of the activating NKG2D receptor by the MICA molecule, and inhibitory NKG2A receptor interacting with the HLA-E. In this study the research effort focused on the effect of selected NKG2A and NKG2D receptors and their ligands (HLA-E and MICA molecules) polymorphisms that may affect the pathomechanisms of post-transplant complications after HSCT in children. Methods: One hundred donor-recipient pairs from a single paediatric transplantation centre were investigated. Altogether six single nucleotide substitutions (NKG2A rs7301582; NKG2D rs1049174, rs1154831; HLA-E rs1264457; MICA rs1051792, rs1063635) were genotyped, and the influence of polymorphisms was analysed on acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection incidence, disease relapse and survival. Results: The distribution of the evaluated polymorphisms did not differ between patients and their donors. The results showed a significant influence of HLA-E rs1264457 polymorphism in patients\' HLA-E*01:01 allele, which was associated with increased risk of CMV infection (p = 0.050), especially in children positive for CMV IgG before transplantation (p = 0.001). Furthermore, the effect of HLA-E*01:01 allele on CMV infections was more evident in children above the age of 7 years (p = 0.031). Strong tendencies (0.05 < p < 0.10) towards association with the risk of acute GvHD were also observed for the NKG2A or MICA polymorphisms of the recipients. In addition, NKG2D rs1154831 AA and MICA rs1063635 GG might play a protective role as they were not present in any recipient who died after transplantation. Conclusion: In summary, there is emerging evidence that genotyping results of NKG2 receptors and their ligands, may have prognostic value for the outcome of paediatric allogeneic HSCT, but more extensive studies performed on larger groups of donors and transplant recipients are required to confirm these observations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMOylation is a reversible modification that involves the covalent attachment of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) to target proteins, leading to changes in their localization, function, stability, and interactor profile. SUMOylation and additional related post-translational modifications have emerged as important modulators of various biological processes, including regulation of genomic stability and immune responses. Natural killer (NK) cells are innate immune cells that play a critical role in host defense against viral infections and tumors. NK cells can recognize and kill infected or transformed cells without prior sensitization, and their activity is tightly regulated by a balance of activating and inhibitory receptors. Expression of NK cell receptors as well as of their specific ligands on target cells is finely regulated during malignant transformation through the integration of different mechanisms including ubiquitin- and ubiquitin-like post-translational modifications. Our review summarizes the role of SUMOylation and other related pathways in the biology of NK cells with a special emphasis on the regulation of their response against cancer. The development of novel selective inhibitors as useful tools to potentiate NK-cell mediated killing of tumor cells is also briefly discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interest in NK cells and their cytotoxic activity against tumour, infected or transformed cells continuously increases as they become a new efficient and off-the-shelf agents in immunotherapies. Their actions are balanced by a wide set of activating and inhibitory receptors, recognizing their complementary ligands on target cells. One of the most studied receptors is the activating CD94/NKG2C molecule, which is a member of the C-type lectin-like family. This review is intended to summarise latest research findings on the clinical relevance of NKG2C receptor and to examine its contribution to current and potential therapeutic strategies. It outlines functional characteristics and molecular features of CD94/NKG2C, its interactions with HLA-E molecule and presented antigens, pointing out a key role of this receptor in immunosurveillance, especially in the human cytomegalovirus infection. Additionally, the authors attempt to shed some light on receptor\'s unique interaction with its ligand which is shared with another receptor (CD94/NKG2A) with rather opposite properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-grade serous epithelial ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) is an immunogenic tumor with a unique tumor microenvironment (TME) that extends to the peritoneal cavity. The immunosuppressive nature of TME imposes the major challenge to develop effective treatment options for HGSOC. Interaction of immune cells in TME is an important factor. Hence, a better understanding of immune profile of TME may be required for exploring alternative treatment options. Immune profiling of peritoneal fluid (PF), tumor specimens, and blood were carried out using flowcytometry, ELISA, and Procartaplex immunoassay. The frequency of CD56BrightNK cells and expression of functional receptors were reduced in PF. Increased activating NKp46+CD56DimNK cells may indicate differential antitumor response in PF. Functional receptors on NK, NKT-like and T cells were reduced more drastically in tumor specimens. Soluble ligands MIC-B and PVR were reduced, whereas B7-H6 was increased in PF. Dissemination of tumor cells contributes to soluble ligands in PF. A differential cytokine profile was found in serum and PF as IL-2, IL-8, IL-15, IL-27, IFN-γ, and GM-CSF were elevated specifically in PF. In conclusion, the differential immune profile and correlation of soluble parameters and NK cell receptors with chemo response score may add knowledge to understand anti-tumor immune response to develop effective treatment modality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural killer (NK) cells are one of the first lines of defense against infections and malignancies. NK cell-based immunotherapies are emerging as an alternative to T cell-based immunotherapies. Preclinical and clinical studies of NK cell-based immunotherapies have given promising results in the past few decades for hematologic malignancies. Despite these achievements, NK cell-based immunotherapies have limitations, such as limited performance/low therapeutic efficiency in solid tumors, the short lifespan of NK cells, limited specificity of adoptive transfer and genetic modification, NK cell rejection by the patient\'s immune system, insignificant infiltration of NK cells into the tumor microenvironment (TME), and the expensive nature of the treatment. Nanotechnology could potentially assist with the activation, proliferation, near-real time imaging, and enhancement of NK cell cytotoxic activity by guiding their function, analyzing their performance in near-real time, and improving immunotherapeutic efficiency. This paper reviews the role of NK cells, their mechanism of action in killing tumor cells, and the receptors which could serve as potential targets for signaling. Specifically, we have reviewed five different areas of nanotechnology that could enhance immunotherapy efficiency: nanoparticle-assisted immunomodulation to enhance NK cell activity, nanoparticles enhancing homing of NK cells, nanoparticle delivery of RNAi to enhance NK cell activity, genetic modulation of NK cells based on nanoparticles, and nanoparticle activation of NKG2D, which is the master regulator of all NK cell responses.





