• 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most difficult challenges that military personnel face when operating in foreign countries is clear and successful communication with the local population. To address this issue, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is funding academic institutions and industrial organizations through the Spoken Language Communication and Translation System for Tactical Use (TRANSTAC) program to develop practical machine translation systems. The goal of the TRANSTAC program is to demonstrate capabilities to rapidly develop and field free-form, two-way, speech-to-speech translation systems that enable speakers of different languages to communicate with one another in real-world tactical situations without an interpreter. Evaluations of these technologies are a significant part of the program and DARPA has asked the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to lead this effort. This article presents the experimental design of the TRANSTAC evaluations and the metrics, both quantitative and qualitative, that were used to comprehensively assess the systems\' performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell counting is a fundamental measurement for determining viable cell numbers in biomanufacturing processes. The properties of different cell types and the range of intended uses for cell counts within a biomanufacturing process can lead to challenges in identifying suitable counting methods for each potential application. This is further amplified by user subjectivity in identifying the cells of interest and further identifying viable cells. Replacement of traditionally used manual counting methods with automated systems has alleviated some of these issues. However, a single cell type can exhibit different physical properties at various stages of cell processing which is further compounded by process impurities such as cell debris or magnetic beads. These factors make it challenging to develop a robust cell counting method that offers a high level of confidence in the results. Several initiatives from standards development organizations have attempted to address this critical need for standardization in cell counting. This study utilizes flow-based and image-based methods for the quantitative measurement of cell concentration and viability in the absence of a reference material, based on the tools and guidance provided by the International of Standards (ISO) and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Primary cells were examined at different stages of cell processing in a cell therapy workflow. Results from this study define a systematic approach that enables the identification of counting methods and parameters that are best suited for specific cell types and workflows to ensure accuracy and consistency. Cell counting is a foundational method used extensively along various steps of cell and gene therapy. The standard used in this study may be applied to other cell and gene therapy processes to enable accurate measurement of parameters required to guide critical decisions throughout the development and production process. Using a framework that confirms the suitability of the cell counting method used can minimize variability in the process and final product.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The numbers of vitamin D inadequacies has reportedly increased in the general population, especially in the Northern hemisphere. However, routine measurement of 25(OH) vitamin D is usually associated with a substantial effort due to the requirement of a venous blood sample taken by medical professionals. Thus, the objective of this work is to develop and validate an easy and minimal-invasive method, using a microsampling technique for autonomous blood collections by medically untrained individuals. The assay enables a simplified monitoring of the vitamin D-status in both, risk group and normal population throughout the year. For this purpose, a simple methanol extraction without derivatization combined with a UHPLC-HRMS method was developed to quantify 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 in capillary blood. For sample collection, a 20 μl Mitra® device with VAMS® technology is used. By employing the six-fold deuterium-labelled 25(OH)D3 as internal standard, the validated assay provides accurate (<10%) and precise (<11%) results. With a LOQ of 5 ng/ml, the approach also proved sensitive enough to adequately identify potential vitamin D deficiencies (< 12 ng/ml), and proof-of-concept analyses of authentic VAMS® samples (n = 20) yielded test results in the expected blood concentration range. Implementing VAMS® sampling for vitamin D-status monitoring enables a higher frequency due to a simplified, straightforward, and time-effective sample collection. VAMS® assures accurate sample volumes because of its absorptive capacities and, thus, area bias and homogeneity issues associated with conventional DBS are avoided. Regular monitoring of 25(OH)D status throughout the year supports people in high-risk groups for vitamin D-deficiency by early identifying inadequacies and, thus, preventing adverse health consequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the massive application of IoT and sensor technologies, the study of lightweight ciphers has become an important research topic. In this paper, an effective lightweight LZUC (lightweight Zu Chongzhi) cipher based on chaotic system is proposed to improve the traditional ZUC algorithm. In this method, a further algorithm is designed for the process of integrating chaos into the lightweighting of ZUC. For the first time, this design introduces the logistic chaotic system into both the LFSR (linear feedback shift register) and nonlinear F-function of the cryptographic algorithm. The improved LZUC algorithm not only achieves a certain effect in lightweighting, but also has good statistical properties and security of the output sequence. To verify the performance of the LZUC cipher, we performed NIST statistical tests and information entropy analysis on its output key streams and discussed the typical attacks on the algorithm\'s resistance to weak key analysis, guess-determination analysis, time-stored data trade-off analysis, and algebraic analysis. In addition, we completed the design of an image security system using the LZUC cipher. Histogram analysis and correlation analysis are used to analyze both plaintext and ciphertext data. At the end of the article, the plaintext and ciphertext images displayed by LCD can be further visualized to verify the encryption effectiveness of the LZUC cipher.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of techniques to measure number concentrations and size distributions of submicrometer particles has recently increased. Submicrometer particle standards are needed to improve the accuracy and reproducibility of these techniques. The number concentrations of fluorescently labeled polystyrene submicrometer sphere suspensions with nominal 100 nm, 200 nm and 500 nm diameters were measured using seven different techniques. Diameter values were also measured where possible. The diameter values were found to agree within 20%, but the number concentration values differed by as much as a factor of two. Accuracy and reproducibility related with the different techniques are discussed with the goal of using number concentration standards for instrument calibration. Three of the techniques were used to determine SI-traceable number concentration values, and the three independent values were averaged to give consensus values. This consensus approach is proposed as a protocol for certifying SI-traceable number concentration standards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of mycotoxins in food and feed using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry is considered advantageous because the hyphenated technology enables simultaneous determination of multiple mycotoxins. Multi-mycotoxin analysis requires special consideration of quality control parameters to ensure proper evaluation of data quality for all target mycotoxins in method development and routine sample analysis. Mycotoxin matrix reference materials, especially certified reference materials, are stable and homogeneous matrices with certified traceability, concentrations, and uncertainty for mycotoxin(s) of interest. The use of these reference materials for single mycotoxin analysis has been a well-accepted practice and should be extended to multi-mycotoxin analysis. This opinion piece discusses the following essential metrological and operational components to improve data quality: (1) purposes of multi-mycotoxin reference materials; (2) comparison of reference materials, certified reference materials, and in-house quality control materials; (3) advantages of using reference materials for multi-mycotoxin analysis; (4) current trends and challenges of multi-mycotoxin reference materials. Potential applications of reference materials discussed here can improve routine mycotoxin determination and will lead to better accuracy and consistency of results. Quality control processes that incorporate reference materials in the field of mycotoxin analysis ensure successful development and implementation of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry-based multi-mycotoxin methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine baseline accuracy and reproducibility of T1 and T2 relaxation times over 12 months on a dedicated radiotherapy MRI scanner.
    METHODS: An International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine/National Institute of Standards and Technology (ISMRM/NIST) System Phantom was scanned monthly on a 3T MRI scanner for 1 year. T1 was measured using inversion recovery (T1 -IR) and variable flip angle (T1 -VFA) sequences and T2 was measured using a multi-echo spin echo (T2 -SE) sequence. For each vial in the phantom, accuracy errors (%bias) were determined by the relative differences in measured T1 and T2 times compared to reference values. Reproducibility was measured by the coefficient of variation (CV) of T1 and T2 measurements across monthly scans. Accuracy and reproducibility were mainly assessed on vials with relaxation times expected to be in physiological ranges at 3T.
    RESULTS: A strong linear correlation between measured and reference relaxation times was found for all sequences tested (R2  > 0.997). Baseline bias (and CV[%]) for T1 -IR, T1 -VFA and T2 -SE sequences were +2.0% (2.1), +6.5% (4.2), and +8.5% (1.9), respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The accuracy and reproducibility of T1 and T2 on the scanner were considered sufficient for the sequences tested. No longitudinal trends of variation were deduced, suggesting less frequent measurements are required following the establishment of baselines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of chaotic systems in electronics, such as Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs), is very appealing. Among them, continuous-time ones are used less because, in addition to having strong temporal correlations, they require further computations to obtain the discrete solutions. Here, the time step and discretization method selection are first studied by conducting a detailed analysis of their effect on the systems\' statistical and chaotic behavior. We employ an approach based on interpreting the time step as a parameter of the new \"maps\". From our analysis, it follows that to use them as PRNGs, two actions should be achieved (i) to keep the chaotic oscillation and (ii) to destroy the inner and temporal correlations. We then propose a simple methodology to achieve chaos-based PRNGs with good statistical characteristics and high throughput, which can be applied to any continuous-time chaotic system. We analyze the generated sequences by means of quantifiers based on information theory (permutation entropy, permutation complexity, and causal entropy × complexity plane). We show that the proposed PRNG generates sequences that successfully pass Marsaglia Diehard and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) tests. Finally, we show that its hardware implementation requires very few resources.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) generates and maintains thousands of Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) to serve commerce worldwide. Many SRMs contain metrologically traceable mass fractions of known organic chemicals and are commercially available to aid the analytical chemistry community. One such material, NIST SRM 1957 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Serum, was one of the first materials issued by NIST with measurements for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) listed on the Certificate of Analysis and was commercially available in 2009. Since the release of SRM 1957, nearly 400 units have been sold to date, and over 50 publications related to PFAS measurements have included this material for multiple analytical purposes, such as a quality control material, for interlaboratory comparison, as an in-house comparison tool, for inter- and intra-day measurement accuracy, as an indicator of isomeric patterns of PFAS, and for other uses. This perspective details the ways SRM 1957 is utilized by the analytical community and how data have been reported in the literature. A discussion on accurately comparing SRM data to generated data is included. Furthermore, we conducted an in-depth investigation around additional applications for NIST SRMs, such as a matrix-matched reference material, and for the identification of targeted compounds during high-resolution mass spectrometry data collection. Ultimately, this manuscript illustratively describes the ways to utilize a NIST SRMs for chemicals of emerging concern.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of independence between statistical randomness tests has had great attention in the literature recently. Dependency detection between statistical randomness tests allows one to discriminate statistical randomness tests that measure similar characteristics, and thus minimize the amount of statistical randomness tests that need to be used. In this work, a method for detecting statistical dependency by using mutual information is proposed. The main advantage of using mutual information is its ability to detect nonlinear correlations, which cannot be detected by the linear correlation coefficient used in previous work. This method analyzes the correlation between the battery tests of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, used as a standard in the evaluation of randomness. The results of the experiments show the existence of statistical dependencies between the tests that have not been previously detected.






