
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two classic experimental paradigms - masked repetition priming and the boundary paradigm - have played a pivotal role in understanding the process of visual word recognition. Traditionally, these paradigms have been employed by different communities of researchers, with their own long-standing research traditions. Nevertheless, a review of the literature suggests that the brain-electric correlates of word processing established with both paradigms may show interesting similarities, in particular with regard to the location, timing, and direction of N1 and N250 effects. However, as of yet, no direct comparison has been undertaken between the two paradigms. In the current study, we used combined eye-tracking/EEG to perform such a within-subject comparison using the same materials (single Chinese characters) as stimuli. To facilitate direct comparisons, we used a simplified version of the boundary paradigm - the single word boundary paradigm. Our results show the typical early repetition effects of N1 and N250 for both paradigms. However, repetition effects in N250 (i.e., a reduced negativity following identical-word primes/previews as compared to different-word primes/previews) were larger with the single word boundary paradigm than with masked priming. For N1 effects, repetition effects were similar across the two paradigms, showing a larger N1 after repetitions as compared to alternations. Therefore, the results indicate that at the neural level, a briefly presented and masked foveal prime produces qualitatively similar facilitatory effects on visual word recognition as a parafoveal preview before a single saccade, although such effects appear to be stronger in the latter case.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grainger et al. (2006) were the first to use ERP masked priming to explore the differing contributions of phonological and orthographic representations to visual word processing. Here we adapted their paradigm to examine word processing in deaf readers. We investigated whether reading-matched deaf and hearing readers (n = 36) exhibit different ERP effects associated with the activation of orthographic and phonological codes during word processing. In a visual masked priming paradigm, participants performed a go/no-go categorization task (detect an occasional animal word). Critical target words were preceded by orthographically-related (transposed letter - TL) or phonologically-related (pseudohomophone - PH) masked non-word primes were contrasted with the same target words preceded by letter substitution (control) non-words primes. Hearing readers exhibited typical N250 and N400 priming effects (greater negativity for control compared to TL or PH primed targets), and the TL and PH priming effects did not differ. For deaf readers, the N250 PH priming effect was later (250-350 ms), and they showed a reversed N250 priming effect for TL primes in this time window. The N400 TL and PH priming effects did not differ between groups. For hearing readers, those with better phonological and spelling skills showed larger early N250 PH and TL priming effects (150-250 ms). For deaf readers, those with better phonological skills showed a larger reversed TL priming effect in the late N250 window. We speculate that phonological knowledge modulates how strongly deaf readers rely on whole-word orthographic representations and/or the mapping from sublexical to lexical representations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous experiments have shown that a brief encounter with a previously unfamiliar person leads to the establishment of new facial representations, which can be activated by completely novel pictures of the newly learnt face. The present study examined how stable such novel neural representations are over time, and, specifically, how they become consolidated within the first 24 h after learning. Using event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in a between-participants design, we demonstrate that clear face familiarity effects in the occipito-temporal N250 are evident immediately after learning. These effects then undergo change, with a nearly complete absence of familiarity-related ERP differences 4 h after the initial encounter. Critically, 24 h after learning, the original familiarity effect re-emerges. These findings suggest that the neural correlates of novel face representations are not stable over time but change during the first day after learning. The resulting pattern of change is consistent with a process of consolidation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individual differences in face memory abilities have been shown to be related to individual differences in brain activity. The present study investigated brain-behavior relationships for the N250 component in event-related brain potentials, which is taken as a neural sign of face familiarity. We used a task in which a designated, typical target face and several (high- and low-distinctive) nontarget faces had to be distinguished during multiple presentations across a session. Separately, face memory/recognition abilities were measured with easy versus difficult tasks. We replicated an increase of the N250 amplitude to the target face across the session and observed a similar increase for the non-target faces, indicating the build-up of memory representations also for these faces. On the interindividual level, larger across-session N250 amplitude increases to low-distinctive non-target faces were related to faster face recognition as measured in an easy task. These findings indicate that non-intentional encoding of non-target faces into memory is associated with the swift recognition of explicitly learned faces; that is, there is shared variance of incidental and intentional face memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Valentine\'s influential norm-based multidimensional face-space model (nMDFS) predicts that perceived distinctiveness of a face increases with its distance to the norm. Occipito-temporal event-related potentials (ERPs) have been recently shown to respond selectively to variations in distance-to-norm (P200) or familiarity (N250, late negativity), respectively (Wuttke & Schweinberger, 2019). Despite growing evidence on interindividual differences in face perception skills at the behavioral level, little research has focused on their electrophysiological correlates. To reveal potential interindividual differences in face spaces, we contrasted high and low performers in face recognition in regards to distance-to-norm (P200) and familiarity (N250). We replicated both the P200 distance-to-norm and the N250 familiarity effect. Importantly, we observed: i) reduced responses in low compared to high performers of face recognition, especially in terms of smaller distance-to-norm effects in the P200, possibly indicating less \'expanded\' face spaces in low compared to high performers; ii) increased N250 responses to familiar original faces in high performers, suggesting more robust face identity representations. In summary, these findings suggest the contribution of both early norm-based face coding and robust face representations to individual face recognition skills, and indicate that ERPs can offer a promising route to understand individual differences in face perception and their neurocognitive correlates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aims to explore how familiarity modulates the neural processing of faces under different conditions: upright or inverted, neutral or emotional. To this purpose, 32 participants (25 female; age: M = 27.7 years, SD = 9.3) performed two face/emotion identification tasks during EEG recording. In the first task, to study facial processing, three different categories of facial stimuli were presented during a target detection task: famous familiar faces, faces of loved ones, and unfamiliar faces. To explore the face inversion effect according to each level of familiarity, these facial stimuli were also presented upside down. In the second task, to study emotional face processing, an emotional identification task on personally familiar and unfamiliar faces was conducted. The behavioural results showed an improved performance in the identification of facial expressions of emotion with the increase of facial familiarity, consistent with the previous literature. Regarding electrophysiological results, we found increased amplitudes of the P100, N170, and N250 for inverted compared to upright faces, independently of their degree of familiarity. Moreover, we did not find familiarity effects at the P100 and N170 time-windows, but we found that N250 amplitude was larger for personally familiar compared to unfamiliar faces. This result supports the reasoning that the facial familiarity increases the neural activity during the N250 time-window, which may be explained by the processing of additional information prompted by the viewing of our loved ones faces, in contrast to what happens with unfamiliar individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well-established that familiar and unfamiliar faces are processed differently, but surprisingly little is known about how familiarity builds up over time and how novel faces gradually become represented in the brain. Here, we used event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in a pre-registered, longitudinal study to examine the neural processes accompanying face and identity learning during the first eight months of knowing a person. Specifically, we examined how increasing real-life familiarity affects visual recognition (N250 Familiarity Effect) and the integration of person-related knowledge (Sustained Familiarity Effect, SFE). Sixteen first-year undergraduates were tested in three sessions, approximately one, five, and eight months after the start of the academic year, with highly variable \"ambient\" images of a new friend they had met at university and of an unfamiliar person. We observed clear ERP familiarity effects for the new friend after one month of familiarity. While there was an increase in the N250 effect over the course of the study, no change in the SFE was observed. These results suggest that visual face representations develop faster relative to the integration of identity-specific knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recognizing people from their voices may be facilitated by a voice\'s distinctiveness, in a manner similar to that which has been reported for faces. However, little is known about the neural time-course of voice learning and the role of facial information in voice learning. Based on evidence for audiovisual integration in the recognition of familiar people, we studied the behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of voice learning associated with distinctive or non-distinctive faces. We repeated twelve unfamiliar voices uttering short sentences, together with either distinctive or non-distinctive faces (depicted before and during voice presentation) in six learning-test cycles. During learning, distinctive faces increased early visually-evoked (N170, P200, N250) potentials relative to non-distinctive faces, and face distinctiveness modulated voice-elicited slow EEG activity at the occipito-temporal and fronto-central electrodes. At the test, unimodally-presented voices previously learned with distinctive faces were classified more quickly than were voices learned with non-distinctive faces, and also more quickly than novel voices. Moreover, voices previously learned with faces elicited an N250-like component that was similar in topography to that typically observed for facial stimuli. The preliminary source localization of this voice-induced N250 was compatible with a source in the fusiform gyrus. Taken together, our findings provide support for a theory of early interaction between voice and face processing areas during both learning and voice recognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faces learnt in a single experimental session elicit a familiarity effect in event-related brain potentials (ERPs), with more negative amplitudes for newly learnt relative to unfamiliar faces in the N250 component. However, no ERP study has examined face learning following a brief real-life encounter, and it is not clear how long it takes to learn new faces in such ecologically more valid conditions. To investigate these questions, the present study examined whether robust image-independent representations, as reflected in the N250 familiarity effect, could be established after a brief unconstrained social interaction by analysing the ERPs elicited by highly variable images of the newly learnt identity and an unfamiliar person. Significant N250 familiarity effects were observed after a 30-min (Experiment 1) and a 10-min (Experiment 2) encounter, and a trend was observed after 5 min of learning (Experiment 3), demonstrating that 5-10 min of exposure were sufficient for the initial establishment of image-independent representations. Additionally, the magnitude of the effects reported after 10 and 30 min was comparable suggesting that the first 10 min of a social encounter might be crucial, with extra 20 min from the same encounter not adding further benefit for the initial formation of robust face representations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study examines the extent to which hearing individual-level names (e.g., Jimmy) and category-level labels (e.g., Hitchel) paired with novel objects impacts neural responses across a brief (6 min) learning period. Event-related Potentials (ERPs) were recorded while adult participants (n = 44) viewed and heard exemplars of two different species of named novel objects. ERPs were examined for each labeling condition and compared across the first and second half of the learning trials (∼3 min/half). Mean amplitude decreased for the P1 and increased for the N170 from the first to the second half of trials. The decrease in P1 was right lateralized. In addition, the P1 amplitude recorded over right occipitotemporal regions was greater than left occipitotemporal areas, but only for objects paired with individual-level labels. Category-level labels did not show regional P1 differences. The N250 component was greatest over the right occipitotemporal region and was enhanced for objects labeled with individual-level relative to category-level names during the second half of trials. Overall, these findings highlight the unfolding of label-dependent visual processing across a short training period in adults. The results suggest that linguistic labels have an important, top-down impact, on visual processing and that label specificity shapes visuo-cortical responses within a 6-min learning period.





