
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Much of our understanding of how the brain processes dynamic faces comes from research that compares static photographs to dynamic morphs, which exhibit simplified, computer-generated motion. By comparing static, video recorded, and dynamic morphed expressions, we aim to identify the neural correlates of naturalistic facial dynamism, using time-domain and time-frequency analysis. Dynamic morphs were made from the neutral and peak frames of video recorded transitions of happy and fearful expressions, which retained expression change and removed asynchronous and non-linear features of naturalistic facial motion. We found that dynamic morphs elicited increased N400 amplitudes and lower LPP amplitudes compared to other stimulus types. Video recordings elicited higher LPP amplitudes and greater frontal delta activity compared to other stimuli. Thematic analysis of participant interviews using a large language model revealed that participants found it difficult to assess the genuineness of morphed expressions, and easier to analyse the genuineness of happy compared to fearful expressions. Our findings suggest that animating real faces with artificial motion may violate expectations (N400) and reduce the social salience (LPP) of dynamic morphs. Results also suggest that delta oscillations in the frontal region may be involved with the perception of naturalistic facial motion in happy and fearful expressions. Overall, our findings highlight the sensitivity of neural mechanisms required for face perception to subtle changes in facial motion characteristics, which has important implications for neuroimaging research using faces with simplified motion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we assessed whether predictability affected the early processing of facial expressions. To achieve this, we measured lateralised early- and mid-latency event-related potentials associated with visual processing. Twenty-two participants were shown pairs of bilaterally presented fearful, happy, angry, or scrambled faces. Participants were required to identify angry faces on a spatially attended side whilst ignoring happy, fearful, and scrambled faces. Each block began with the word HAPPY or FEARFUL which informed participants the probability at which these faces would appear. Attention effects were found for the lateralised P1, suggesting that emotions do not modulate the P1 differentially, nor do predictions relating to emotions. Pairwise comparisons demonstrated that, when spatially unattended, unpredicted fearful faces produced larger lateralised N170 amplitudes compared to predicted fearful faces and unpredicted happy faces. Finally, attention towards faces increased lateralised EPN amplitudes, as did both fearful expressions and low predictability. Thus, we demonstrate that the N170 and EPN are sensitive to top-down predictions relating to facial expressions and that low predictability appears to specifically affect the early encoding of fearful faces when unattended, possibly to initiate attentional capture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies of social cognition have shown gender differences regarding human face processing. One interesting finding is the enhanced processing of opposite-gender faces at different time stages, as revealed by event-related brain potentials. Crucially, from an evolutionary perspective, such a bias might interact with the emotional expression of the face. To investigate this, 100 participants (50 female, 50 male) completed an expression-detection task while their EEG was recorded. In three blocks, fearful, happy and neutral faces (female and male) were randomly presented, with participants instructed to respond to only one predefined target expression level in each block. Using linear mixed models, we observed both faster reaction times as well as larger P1 and late positive potential (LPP) amplitudes for women compared to men, supporting a generally greater female interest in faces. Highly interestingly, the analysis revealed an opposite-gender bias at P1 for happy target faces. This suggests that participants\' attentional templates may include more opposite-gender facial features when selectively attending to happy faces. While N170 was influenced by neither the face nor the participant gender, LPP was modulated by the face gender and specific combinations of the target status, face gender and expression, which is interpreted in the context of gender-emotion stereotypes. Future research should further investigate this expression and attention dependency of early opposite-gender biases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emoticons have been considered pragmatic cues that enhance emotional expressivity during computer-mediated communication. Yet, it is unclear how emoticons are processed in ambiguous text-based communication due to incongruences between the emoticon\'s emotional valence and its context. In this study, we investigated the electrophysiological correlates of contextual influence on the early emotional processing of emoticons, during an emotional congruence judgment task. Participants were instructed to judge the congruence between a text message expressing an emotional situation (positive or negative), and a subsequent emoticon expressing positive or negative emotions. We analyzed early event-related potentials elicited by emoticons related to face processing (N170) and emotional salience in visual perception processing (Early Posterior Negativity, EPN). Our results show that accuracy and Reaction Times depend on the interaction between the emotional valence of the context and the emoticon. Negative emoticons elicited a larger N170, suggesting that the emotional information of the emoticon is integrated at the early stages of the perceptual process. During emoticon processing, a valence effect was observed with enhanced EPN amplitudes in occipital areas for emoticons representing negative valences. Moreover, we observed a congruence effect in parieto-temporal sites within the same time-window, with larger amplitudes for the congruent condition. We conclude that, similar to face processing, emoticons are processed differently according to their emotional content and the context in which they are embedded. A congruent context might enhance the emotional salience of the emoticon (and therefore, its emotional expression) during the early stages of their processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even though some recent research revealed individuals with HSA typically display enhanced processing in the early stages of emotional information processing due to hypervigilance and vulnerability to negative stimuli, it is still unclear whether social anxiety affects the time course underlying processing bias for emotional stimuli. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore the early stage of processing social threat stimuli in high social anxiety (HSA) individuals by recording RTs and EEG data in the emotional Stroop task. Behavioral data showed that the HSA group responded to the threat words faster than neutral words (i.e. negative bias), but no emotional effects in the low social anxiety (LSA) group. Although the P1 component did not show any early effects, ERP data exhibited an enhanced N170 for HSA than for LSA groups. Threat words elicited larger N170 than neutral words in the LSA group only; this emotion effect was not evident in the HSA group. These findings indicated that social anxiety modulates early processing for social threat words. This study revealed the neural mechanisms underlying early emotional processing in individuals with social anxiety, providing insights for the evaluation and intervention of social anxiety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The quality of early experiences with caregivers affects individual adjustment and can modulate adults\' responses to salient social stimuli, like infant faces. However, in the framework of Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory (IPARTheory), no research to date has examined whether early experiences of acceptance or rejection from caregivers are associated with individual differences in the electrophysiological (EEG) responses to infant faces.
    OBJECTIVE: This study examined the associations between the perceived quality of care during childhood and the behavioral and EEG responses to infant and adult faces in non-parent young adults.
    METHODS: N = 60 non-parent young adults (30 males; 30 females) completed an Emotion Recognition task displaying emotional and unemotional infant and adult faces during an EEG recording. Memories of past care experiences with mothers and fathers were collected using the short form version of the Parental Acceptance-Rejection scale.
    RESULTS: At the behavioral level, slower Reaction Times (RTs) in recognizing all faces were related to higher levels of perceived maternal rejection in young adults; in particular, males who reported higher levels of maternal rejection displayed longer RTs in recognizing faces compared to females. At the neurophysiological level, as the level of perceived paternal rejection increased, the N170 amplitude to infant faces increased. Females who reported higher levels of paternal rejection, compared to males, had a larger increase in the N170 amplitude and a larger decrease in the LPP amplitude in response to emotional faces.
    CONCLUSIONS: While a higher perception of maternal rejection hindered the behavioral responses of adults in recognizing faces, those who felt more rejected by their own father during childhood showed an enhanced N170 amplitude to infant faces. This might reflect a greater need for discrimination resources, at a very early stage of infant face processing, in those adults who perceived higher levels of paternal rejection. Adults\' sex modulated the associations found at the behavioral and neurophysiological levels. Overall, our findings extended the IPARTheory postulates that being neglected during childhood might trigger perceptual changes in adults, hindering the elaboration of social cues like infant and adult faces at different levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common mental disorders during childhood and adolescence. Yet, little is known about its maintenance in youth. Cognitive models of SAD indicate that attentional biases play a key role in the dysfunctional processing of social information, such as emotional faces. However, previous research investigating neural correlates of childhood SAD has produced inconsistent findings. The current study aims to investigate neural face processing in children and adolescents with SAD, while taking into consideration methodological limitations of previous studies. We measured event-related potentials (P100, N170, EPN, LPP) in response to happy, neutral, and angry adult faces, and non-social household objects, in a sample of youth (aged 10-15 years) with SAD (n = 57), clinical controls with specific phobias (SP; n = 41), and healthy controls (HC; n = 61). Participants completed an emotion/object identification task while continuous EEG was recorded. Analyses revealed lower N170 amplitudes in the SAD group compared to HCs, irrespective of emotion. In addition, younger children (aged 10-12 years) with SAD showed lower EPN amplitudes and higher early LPP amplitudes (only trend level) in response to neutral and happy faces compared to younger HCs. These effects were specific to faces and were not evident in the neural processing of non-social household objects. Overall, the findings indicate that different neural response patterns are already present in youth with SAD. Group differences, particularly in younger children, suggest age-related differences in neural face processing in childhood SAD and underpin the necessity of developmental approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extensive studies have been conducted on the impact of foreign language reading anxiety on reading, primarily focusing on pedagogy and behavior but lacking electrophysiological evidence. The current study aimed to investigate the influence of foreign language reading anxiety on reading and its underlying mechanisms. The results revealed a negative correlation between foreign language reading anxiety and foreign language reading performance, irrespective of the native language. Adults with low levels of foreign language reading anxiety (LFLRA) demonstrated a significant difference in early lexical component N170 amplitude between foreign and native languages. However, this effect was not observed in adults with high levels of foreign language reading anxiety (HFLRA). In terms of N170 latency, HFLRA showed a longer N170 for the foreign language compared to the native language. Furthermore, the N170 effects were predominantly localized over the left occipitotemporal electrodes. Regarding N400 latency, a significant difference was found in LFLRA individuals between foreign and native language processing, while HFLRA individuals did not exhibit this difference. These findings suggest that HFLRA individuals experience inefficient lexical processing (such as orthography or semantics) during reading in foreign language.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impaired facial expression perception is a core element in depression, but the underlying mechanism remains controversial. This event-related potential study investigated how attention modulates facial expression perception in depression using a nonclinical sample. A group of healthy controls (HC, N = 39) and a group of individuals with subsyndromal depression (SD, N = 39) categorized faces based on either facial expression (happy vs. sad) or gender (male vs. female). Behaviorally, the SD group was less sensitive to the emotional valence of facial expression than the HC group when their attention was directed to facial expression, as revealed by comparable subjective ratings and accuracy rates in response to facial expressions. When attention was directed towards facial gender, the SD group versus the HC group showed a negative bias, as revealed by a faster N170 for sad faces than happy faces. Together, our findings suggest that attention plays a role in understanding the relationship between depression and facial expression perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to examine the intervention effect of group sensory integration training on social responsiveness, and the latency and amplitude of N170 event-related potential of children with autism. The social responsiveness scale was employed to assess alterations in the social response of individuals with ASD before and after training, while event-related potentials were utilized to measure changes in N170 latency and amplitude. This study revealed that group sensory integration training can significantly enhance social responsiveness in children diagnosed with ASD. Children with ASD exhibit atypical N170 responses to faces in the right parietal region. The latency of N170 changes may serve as a valuable indicator for assessing the effectiveness of an intervention or diagnosing ASD.





