
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cetacean morbillivirus is an etiologic agent associated with strandings of live and dead cetacean species occurring sporadically or as epizootics worldwide. We report 2 cases of cetacean morbillivirus in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Brazil and describe the anatomopathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular characterization findings in the specimens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The life cycle of most baleen whales involves annual migrations from low-latitude breeding grounds to high latitude feeding grounds. In most species, these migrations are traditionally considered to be carried out according to information acquired through vertical social learning during the first months of life and made individually. However, some recent studies have suggested a more complex scenario, particularly for the species of the Balaenoptera genus.
    METHODS: Here, we studied the variation of δ15N and δ13C values along the growth axis of the baleen plate from 24 fin whales feeding off western Iceland to delve into their pattern of movements and to identify potential associations between individuals. The segment of baleen plate analyzed informed about at least two complete migratory cycles. We performed cluster analyses through two different methodologies and, whenever possible, we genotyped 20 microsatellite loci to determine potential existence of kinship.
    RESULTS: Results of the of δ15N and δ13C values agree with a dispersion strategy in the winter breeding grounds. However, and despite the overall large variability, several pairs or groups of individuals with no kinship showed highly similar isotopic patterns for two consecutive years for both δ15N and δ13C values.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that, notably, some whales without kinship share the same migratory regime and destinations. We hypothesize that this could reflect either: (i) the sharing of particularly beneficial migratory regimes, and/or (ii) long-term association between individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past several decades, scientists have constructed bioenergetic models for marine mammals to assess potential population-level consequences following exposure to a disturbance, stressor, or environmental change, such as under the Population Consequences of Disturbance (pCOD) framework. The animal\'s metabolic rate (rate of energy expenditure) is a cornerstone for these models, yet the cryptic lifestyles of marine mammals, particularly cetaceans, have limited our ability to quantify basal (BMR) and field (FMR) metabolic rates using accepted \'gold standard\' approaches (indirect calorimeter via oxygen consumption and doubly labeled water, respectively). Thus, alternate methods have been used to quantify marine mammal metabolic rates, such as extrapolating from known allometric relationships (e.g. Kleiber\'s mouse to elephant curve) and developing predictive relationships between energy expenditure and physiological or behavioral variables. To understand our current knowledge of marine mammal metabolic rates, we conducted a literature review (1900-2023) to quantify the magnitude and variation of metabolic rates across marine mammal groups. A compilation of data from studies using \'gold standard\' methods revealed that BMR and FMR of different marine mammal species ranges from 0.2 to 3.6 and 1.1 to 6.1 x Kleiber, respectively. Mean BMR and FMR varied across taxa; for both measures odontocete levels were intermediate to higher values for otariids and lower values of phocids. Moreover, multiple intrinsic (e.g. age, sex, reproduction, molt, individual) and extrinsic (e.g. food availability, water temperature, season) factors, as well as individual behaviors (e.g. animal at water\'s surface or submerged, activity level, dive effort and at-sea behaviors) impact the magnitude of these rates. This review provides scientists and managers with a range of reliable metabolic rates for several marine mammal groups as well as an understanding of the factors that influence metabolism to improve the discernment for inputs into future bioenergetic models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Observations of animals\' vocal actions can provide important clues about how they communicate and about how they perceive and react to changing situations. Here, analyses of consecutive songs produced by singing humpback whales recorded off the coast of Hawaii revealed that singers constantly vary the acoustic qualities of their songs within prolonged song sessions. Unlike the progressive changes in song structure that singing humpback whales make across months and years, intra-individual acoustic variations within song sessions appear to be largely stochastic. Additionally, four sequentially produced song components (or \"themes\") were each found to vary in unique ways. The most extensively used theme was highly variable in overall duration within and across song sessions, but varied relatively little in frequency content. In contrast, the remaining themes varied greatly in frequency content, but showed less variation in duration. Analyses of variations in the amount of time singers spent producing the four themes suggest that the mechanisms that determine when singers transition between themes may be comparable to those that control when terrestrial animals move their eyes to fixate on different positions as they examine visual scenes. The dynamic changes that individual whales make to songs within song sessions are counterproductive if songs serve mainly to provide conspecifics with indications of a singer\'s fitness. Instead, within-session changes to the acoustic features of songs may serve to enhance a singer\'s capacity to echoically detect, localize, and track conspecifics from long distances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flexible production and perception of vocalizations is linked to an impressive array of cognitive capacities including language acquisition by humans, song learning by birds, biosonar in bats, and vocal imitation by cetaceans. Here, we characterize a portion of the repertoire of one of the most impressive vocalizers in nature: the humpback whale. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of sounds (units) produced by humpback whales revealed that singers gradually morphed streams of units along multiple acoustic dimensions within songs, maintaining the continuity of spectral content across subjectively dissimilar unit \"types.\" Singers consistently produced some unit forms more frequently and intensely than others, suggesting that units are functionally heterogeneous. The precision with which singing humpback whales continuously adjusted the acoustic characteristics of units shows that they possess exquisite vocal control mechanisms and vocal flexibility beyond what is seen in most animals other than humans. The gradual morphing of units within songs that we observed is inconsistent with past claims that humpback whales construct songs from a fixed repertoire of discrete unit types. These findings challenge the results of past studies based on fixed-unit classification methods and argue for the development of new metrics for characterizing the graded structure of units. The specific vocal variations that singers produced suggest that humpback whale songs are unlikely to provide detailed information about a singer\'s reproductive fitness, but can reveal the precise locations and movements of singers from long distances and may enhance the effectiveness of units as sonar signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sense of touch in the largest marine mammals is poorly understood. While mysticetes possess specialized sensory hairs that are present through adulthood, descriptions of these structures are based almost entirely on examination of tissues in post-mortem individuals. Sensory hairs have rarely been observed and described in living whales. We photographed Antarctic minke whales Balaenoptera bonaerensis in the Western Antarctic Peninsula and used high-resolution images to describe the number, distribution, orientation, and relative size of sensory hairs in freely swimming individuals. Sensory hairs were well developed. They were distributed on the tip of the lower jaw, the margins of the upper and lower jaw, and near the blowhole. Far fewer hairs were observed than reported for other mysticete species, including the related species Balaenoptera acutorostrata. Placement and apparent stiffness of sensory hairs within living tissue combined with observations and images of moving whales suggest these structures aid in detecting air and ice interfaces, and possibly, the boundaries of submerged prey fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The history of cetaceans demonstrates dramatic macroevolutionary changes that have aided their transformation from terrestrial to obligate aquatic mammals. Their fossil record shows extensive anatomical modifications that facilitate life in a marine environment. To better understand the constraints on this transition, we examined the physical dimensions of the bony auditory complex, in relation to body size, for both living and extinct cetaceans. We compared the dimensions of the tympanic bulla, a conch-shaped ear bone unique to cetaceans, with bizygomatic width-a proxy for cetacean body size. Our results demonstrate that cetacean ears scale non-isometrically with body size, with about 70% of variation explained by increases in bizygomatic width. Our results, which encompass the breadth of the whale fossil record, size diversity, and taxonomic distribution, suggest that functional auditory capacity is constrained by congruent factors related to cranial morphology, as opposed to allometrically scaling with body size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Singing humpback whales (Megaptera noavaengliae) collectively and progressively change the sounds and patterns they produce within their songs throughout their lives. The dynamic modifications that humpback whales make to their songs are often cited as an impressive example of cultural transmission through vocal learning in a non-human. Some elements of song change challenge this interpretation, however, including: (1) singers often incrementally and progressively morph phrases within and across songs as time passes, with trajectories of change being comparable across multiple time scales; (2) acoustically isolated subpopulations singing similar songs morph the acoustic properties of songs in similar ways; and (3) complex sound patterns, including phrases, themes, and whole songs, recur across years and populations. These properties of song dynamics suggest that singing humpback whales may be modulating song features in response to local conditions and genetic predispositions rather than socially learning novel sound patterns by copying other singers. Experimental and observational tests of key predictions of these alternative hypotheses are critical to identifying how and why singing humpback whales constantly change their songs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past fifty years, interactions between anthropogenic debris and a wide range of marine species have increased. In cetaceans, the most frequent interactions have occurred through ingestion and/or entanglement, with results ranging from minor injuries to death in affected animals. While debris ingestion is widely documented in odontocetes, records are scarcer in mysticetes. This study describes the finding of plastic litter in the digestive tract of a southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) juvenile male, which was found dead on the shores of Golfo Nuevo, Chubut, Argentina in 2014. During the examination of intestinal contents, anthropogenic waste was found and classified as macro-debris (25 mm-1 m). Although this whale likely died of causes not related to this finding, it is the first record of anthropogenic debris ingestion for this species. This event adds information about the potential impact of human-made debris on a variety of aquatic species and ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rise of inexpensive, user-friendly cameras and editing software promises to revolutionize data collection with minimal disturbance to marine mammals. Video sequences recorded by aerial drones and GoPro cameras provided close-up views and unique perspectives of humpback whales engulfing juvenile salmon at or just below the water surface in Southeast Alaska and Prince William Sound. Although humpback feeding is famous for its flexibility, several stereotyped events were noted in the 47 lunges we analyzed. Engulfment was rapid (mean 2.07 s), and the entrance through which the tongue inverts into the ventral pouch was seen as water rushes in. Cranial elevation was a major contributor to gape, and pouch contraction sometimes began before full gape closure, with reverberating waves indicating rebounding flow of water within the expanded pouch. Expulsion of filtered water began with a small splash at the anterior of the mouth, followed by sustained excurrent flow in the mouth\'s central or posterior regions. Apart from a splash of rebounding water, water within the mouth was surprisingly turbulence-free during engulfment, but submersion of the whale\'s head created visible surface whirlpools and vortices which may aggregate prey for subsequent engulfment.






