Mycotic keratitis

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Mycotic keratitis (MK) represents a corneal infection, with Fusarium species identified as the leading cause. Fusarium is a genus of filamentous fungi commonly found in soil and plants. While many Fusarium species are harmless, some can cause serious infections in humans and animals, particularly Fusarium keratitis, that can lead to severe ocular infections, prevalent cause of monocular blindness in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Due to its incidence and importance in ophthalmology, we conducted a systematic analysis of clinical cases to increase our understanding of Fusarium keratitis by gathering clinical and demographic data.
    METHODS: To conduct an analysis of Fusarium keratitis, we looked through the literature from the databases PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, and Google Scholar and found 99 papers that, between March 1969 and September 2023, corresponded to 163 cases of Fusarium keratitis.
    RESULTS: Our analysis revealed the Fusarium solani species complex as the predominant isolate, with females disproportionately affected by Fusarium keratitis. Notably, contact lens usage emerged as a significant risk factor, implicated in nearly half of cases. Diagnosis primarily relied on culture, while treatment predominantly involved topical natamycin, amphotericin B, and/or voriconazole. Surprisingly, our findings demonstrated a prevalence of cases originating from the United States, suggesting potential underreporting and underestimation of this mycosis in tropical regions. This shows the imperative for heightened vigilance, particularly in underdeveloped regions with substantial agricultural activity, where Fusarium infections may be more prevalent than currently reported.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study sheds light on the clinical complexities of Fusarium keratitis and emphasizes the need for further research and surveillance to effectively tackle this vision-threatening condition. Furthermore, a timely identification and early initiation of antifungal treatment appear to be as important as the choice of initial treatment itself.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Keratomycosis is a form of infectious keratitis, an infection of the cornea, which is caused by fungi. This disease is a leading cause of ocular morbidity globally with at least 60 % of the affected individuals becoming monocularly blind.
    OBJECTIVE: This bibliometric analysis aimed to comprehensively assess the existing body of literature, providing insights of the evolution of keratomycosis research by identifying key themes and research gaps.
    METHODS: This work used the modeling method Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify and interpret scientific information on topics concerning existing categories in a set of documents. The HJ-Biplot method was also used to determine the relationship between the analyzed topics, taking into consideration the years under study.
    RESULTS: This bibliometric analysis was performed on a total of 2,599 scientific articles published between 1992 and 2022. The five leading countries with more scientific production and citations on keratomycosis were The United States of America, followed by India, China, United Kingdom and Australia. The top five topics studied were Case Reports and Corneal Infections, which exhibited a decreasing trend; followed by Penetrating Keratoplasty and Corneal Surgery, Ocular Effects of Antifungal Drugs, Gene Expression and Inflammatory Response in the Cornea and Patient Data which have been increasing throughout the years. However Filamentous Fungi and Specific Pathogens, and Antifungal Therapies research has been decreasing in trend.
    CONCLUSIONS: Additional investigation into innovative antifungal drug therapies is crucial for proactively tackling the potential future resistance to antifungal agents in scientific writing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal keratitis represents a potentially sight-threatening infection associated with poor prognosis, as well as financial burden. Novel diagnostic methods include polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR)-based approaches, metagenomic deep sequences, in vivo confocal microscopy, and antifungal susceptibility testing. The ideal therapeutic approaches and outcomes have been widely discussed in recent times, with early therapy being of the utmost importance for the preservation of visual acuity, minimizing corneal damage and reducing the scar size. However, combination therapy can be more efficacious compared to monotherapy. Understanding the pathogenesis, early diagnosis, and prevention strategies can be of great importance. In this narrative, we discuss the recent progress that may aid our understanding of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mycotic keratitis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Scedosporium apiospermum, an opportunistic and filamentous fungus, is a rarely seen ocular entity that is difficult to identify and heal. We report a challenging case of S. apiospermium keratitis and discuss the treatment modalities in light of previous studies.
    METHODS: A 30-year-old Turkish farmer with a history of contact lens misuse presented to our clinic with a painful corneal abscess and severe vision loss in his left eye. S. apiospermum was identified by spectrophotometric analysis. The patient was successfully treated with therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty, but was resistant to fluconazole and amphotericin B and susceptible but unresponsive to voriconazole.
    CONCLUSIONS: S. apiospermum keratitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients with history of ocular trauma and contact lens use, especially those who do not respond to treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate baseline characteristics, microbiological spectrum, management, and outcomes of patients with culture-proven fungal keratitis.
    METHODS: Retrospective review of all patients with culture-proven fungal keratitis seen over 6 years at a tertiary referral center.
    RESULTS: The present study included 62 eyes from 62 patients. Infection with filamentous organisms was more common than with yeast (66.1% vs 27.4%). The most common filamentous organisms were Fusarium (17.7%) and Aspergillus (16.1%), while the most common yeast was Candida (24.2%). The main predisposing factor for filamentous keratitis was contact lens use. Yeast keratitis is most associated with an immunocompromised host and ocular surface disease. Corneal perforation (20.0%) and surgical interventions (46.8%) were common, with 27.4% of eyes requiring at least one penetrating keratoplasty. Filamentous keratitis is more likely than yeast keratitis to require urgent penetrating keratoplasty or enucleation and to receive more than one topical and systemic antifungal agent. Visual outcomes were poor with nearly half of the eyes remaining at 20/200 or worse upon resolution of infection. Worse visual outcomes were associated with poor vision at presentation and a history of ocular surface disease. Antifungal susceptibility testing was not routinely performed, but it demonstrated a relatively high minimum inhibitory concentration for at least one antifungal drug in 90% of cases when performed (16.1%) and guided the direction of treatment for 80% of the cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fungal keratitis is visually devastating. Infections with filamentous fungi predominated over yeast and were generally treated more aggressively both medically and surgically. Filamentous and yeast keratitis had similar durations of infections and visual outcomes. Antifungal susceptibility testing influenced treatment in 80% of cases in which it was performed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal keratitis (FK) is one of the most common microbial keratitis, which often leads to poor prognosis as a result of delayed diagnosis. Several studies implied that early differentiation of the two major FK, Fusarium and Aspergillus keratitis, could be helpful in selecting effective anti-fungal regimens. Therefore, a novel dot hybridization array (DHA) was developed to diagnose FK and differentiate Fusarium and Aspergillus keratitis in this study. One hundred forty-six corneal scrapes obtained from one hundred forty-six subjects impressed with clinically suspected FK were used to evaluate the performance of the DHA. Among these patients, 107 (73.3%) patients had actual FK confirmed by culture and DNA sequencing. We found that the DHA had 93.5% sensitivity and 97.4% specificity in diagnosing FK. In addition, this array had 93.2% sensitivity and 93.8% specificity in diagnosing Fusarium keratitis, as well as 83.3% sensitivity and 100% specificity in diagnosing Aspergillus keratitis. Furthermore, it had 83.9% sensitivity and 100% specificity in identifying Fusarium solani keratitis. Thus, this newly developed DHA will be beneficial to earlier diagnosis, more precise treatment, and improve prognosis of FK, by minimizing medical refractory events and surgical needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycotic or fungal keratitis (FK) is a sight-threatening disease, caused by infection of the cornea by filamentous fungi or yeasts. In tropical, low and middle-income countries, it accounts for the majority of cases of microbial keratitis (MK). Filamentous fungi, in particular Fusarium spp., the aspergilli and dematiaceous fungi, are responsible for the greatest burden of disease. The predominant risk factor for filamentous fungal keratitis is trauma, typically with organic, plant-based material. In developed countries, contact lens wear and related products are frequently implicated as risk factors, and have been linked to global outbreaks of Fusarium keratitis in the recent past. In 2020, the incidence of FK was estimated to be over 1 million cases per year, and there is significant geographical variation; accounting for less than 1% of cases of MK in some European countries to over 80% in parts of south and south-east Asia. The proportion of MK cases is inversely correlated to distance from the equator and there is emerging evidence that the incidence of FK may be increasing. Diagnosing FK is challenging; accurate diagnosis relies on reliable microscopy and culture, aided by adjunctive tools such as in vivo confocal microscopy or PCR. Unfortunately, these facilities are infrequently available in areas most in need. Current topical antifungals are not very effective; infections can progress despite prompt treatment. Antifungal drops are often unavailable. When available, natamycin is usually first-line treatment. However, infections may progress to perforation in ~25% of cases. Future work needs to be directed at addressing these challenges and unmet needs. This review discusses the epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, management and aetiology of FK.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dematiaceous hyphomycetes (DH) are darkly pigmented fungi ubiquitously found all over the world as plant pathogens and saprophytes, and many of the members of this group have emerged as opportunistic pathogens. These fungi are responsible for a wide variety of infections including mycotic keratitis, which is considered as one of the major causes of corneal blindness, particularly in tropical and subtropical countries with an annual global burden of about 1 000 000 patients. The infection is more common in workers working in an outdoor environment. Moreover, trauma is found to be the most important predisposing cause of mycotic keratitis. Considerable delay in diagnosis and scarcity of effective pharmacological drugs are the major factors responsible for increased morbidity and visual impairment. Considering the crucial role of DH in mycotic keratitis, in the present review, we have focused on major DH with special emphasis on their pathogenicity, diagnosis and treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We hereby report a successfully salvaged eye due to mycotic keratitis by Cylindrocarpon lichenicola in a 60-year-old female from Kasaragod (Kerala). The patient came with a history of pain, photophobia and decreased vision of the right eye. The microbiological investigations of the corneal scraping revealed C. lichenicola. C. lichenicola is a soil saprophyte. Since the ulcer worsened paracentesis followed by therapeutic keratoplasty and adjunct therapy with natamycin drops, voriconazole drops and oral ketoconazole was given. We stress that evidence-based timely medical and surgical intervention helped in the restoration of the vision in an infected eye.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycotic keratitis is a fungal infection of corneal epithelium. It is more common in tropical and subtropical countries and is one of the leading causes of blindness. Many of the antifungal drugs have been less effective in treating this condition and certain drugs which are efficient and yet limited in use due to its extreme side effects. Hence, in this study an attempt is made to identify potential and least toxic antifungal inhibitors that targets thiamine thiazole synthase, a novel target for suppressing Fusarium solani subsp.pisi (Nectria haematococca MPVI) infections, to combat mycotic keratitis. Integrative computational approaches involving model refinement, molecular dynamics simulation and High throughput virtual screening (HTVS) were applied through integrative multi precision mode in order to identify potential inhibitors. Moreover, machine learning approach was also implemented to prioritize potential inhibitors that are ophthalmic adaptive, as well as antifungal molecule. From the NCI and Maybridge datasets, for HTVS only 209,872 compounds that surpassed ligand property filtration were considered, which resulted in 209 compounds after XP docking. Among the top 5 compounds from XP docking, on cumulative analysis only 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)-1,3-thiazole-4-carboxamide was prioritized as the most potential hit, as it showed higher order of significance in terms of binding affinity, structural stability and therapeutic relevance for the treatment of Mycotic keratitis. Thus, widening the scope for novel antifungal therapy in ophthalmic infections.





