
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuromuscular signal transmission is affected in various diseases including myasthenia gravis, congenital myasthenic syndromes, and sarcopenia. We used an ATF2-luciferase system to monitor the phosphorylation of MuSK in HEK293 cells introduced with MUSK and LRP4 cDNAs to find novel chemical compounds that enhanced agrin-mediated acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering. Four compounds with similar chemical structures carrying benzene rings and heterocyclic rings increased the luciferase activities 8- to 30-folds, and two of them showed continuously graded dose dependence. The effects were higher than that of disulfiram, a clinically available aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor, which we identified to be the most competent preapproved drug to enhance ATF2-luciferase activity in the same assay system. In C2C12 myotubes, all the compounds increased the area, intensity, length, and number of AChR clusters. Three of the four compounds increased the phosphorylation of MuSK, but not of Dok7, JNK. ERK, or p38. Monitoring cell toxicity using the neurite elongation of NSC34 neuronal cells as a surrogate marker showed that all the compounds had no effects on the neurite elongation up to 1 μM. Extensive docking simulation and binding structure prediction of the four compounds with all available human proteins using AutoDock Vina and DiffDock showed that the four compounds were unlikely to directly bind to MuSK or Dok7, and the exact target remained unknown. The identified compounds are expected to serve as a seed to develop a novel therapeutic agent to treat defective NMJ signal transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a rare, autoimmune, neurological disorder. Most MG patients have autoantibodies against acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). Some have autoantibodies against muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK) or lipoprotein-receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4), and some are seronegative. Standard of care, which includes anti-cholinesterase drugs, thymectomy, corticosteroids (CS), and off-label use of non-steroidal immunosuppressive drugs (NSISTs), is bounded by potential side effects and limited efficacy in refractory generalized MG (gMG) patients. This highlights the need for new therapeutic approaches for MG. Eculizumab, a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the complement system, has been recently approved in Italy for refractory gMG. A panel of 11 experts met to discuss unmet therapeutic needs in the acute and chronic phases of the disease, as well as the standard of care for refractory patients. Survival was emphasized as an acute phase outcome. In the chronic phase, persistent remission and early recognition of exacerbations to prevent myasthenic crisis and respiratory failure were considered crucial. Refractory patients require treatments with fast onset of action, improved tolerability, and the ability to slow disease progression and increase life expectancy. The Panel agreed that eculizumab would presumably meet the therapeutic needs of many refractory gMG patients. The panel concluded that the unmet needs of current standard of care treatments for gMG are significant. Evaluating new therapeutic options accurately is essential to find the best balance between efficacy and tolerability for each patient. Collecting real-world data on novel molecules in routine clinical practice is necessary to address unmet needs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Myasthenia gravis with positive MuSK antibody often involves the bulbar muscles and is usually refractory to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. For MuSK-MG patients who experience acute exacerbations and do not respond to conventional treatments, there is an urgent need to find more suitable treatment options. With the advent of biologic agents, efgartigimod has shown promising results in the treatment of MG. We report a 65-year-old MuSK-MG patient who presented with impaired eye movements initially, and the symptoms rapidly worsened within a week, affecting the limbs and neck muscles, and had difficulties in chewing and swallowing. Lymphoplasmapheresis did not achieve satisfactory results, but after a cycle of efgartigimod treatment, the patient\'s symptoms gradually improved and remained in a good clinical state for several months.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients occasionally present with reports of ocular exposure to fluids from rattlesnakes, claiming or suspecting the substance to be venom. This study set out to evaluate and characterize reported cases of suspected venom-induced ophthalmia in humans. A retrospective review of rattlesnake exposures reported to the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center over a 24-year period was conducted for ocular exposures. Recorded information included patient demographics, clinical course, laboratory results, and treatments. Documentation regarding interactions between patients and snakes was reviewed by Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center herpetologists to evaluate what substance was expelled from the snake resulting in ocular exposure. Our review of rattlesnake encounters found a total of 26 ocular exposure cases. Patient demographics were largely intentional interactions and involved the male sex. Symptoms ranged from asymptomatic to minor effects with 46.2% managed from home and treated with fluid irrigation. A review of cases by herpetologists concluded the exposure patients commonly experienced was to snake musk. Kinematics of venom expulsion by rattlesnakes conclude the venom gland must be compressed, fangs erected to ≥60o, and fang sheath compressed against the roof of the mouth for venom expulsion. Evidence suggests the chance of venom \"spitting\" by rattlesnakes is close to zero. Rattlesnakes are documented to forcefully expel airborne malodorous \"musk\" defensively. An important distinction to remember is musk has a foul odor and is usually colorless, while venom is comparatively odorless and yellow. Rattlesnake venom-induced ophthalmia is a rare event as venom expulsion requires the kinematics of feeding or defensive bites. If the rattlesnake is not in the process of biting or otherwise contacting some other object with its mouth, it is more biologically plausible patients are being exposed to snake musk as a deterrent. Whether it\'s venom or musk, topical exposure to the eyes should prompt immediate irrigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Myasthenia gravis (MG) with MuSK antibodies (MuSK-MG) represents a distinct subtype with different responses to treatments compared to patients with AChR antibodies, especially in terms of tolerance to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI). However, AChEI are often used as first line symptomatic treatment in MuSK-MG, despite reports that they are poorly tolerated, seldom effective or even deleterious.
    METHODS: We analyzed demographic, clinical and therapeutic responses and side-effects in the large cohort of 202 MuSK-MG patients cared for at the MG Clinic of Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana.
    RESULTS: 165 patients had received AChEI at first evaluation. Only 7/165 patients (4.2%) reported an initial clinical benefit. Conversely, 76.9% of patients reported at least one side effect, most commonly neuromuscular hyperexcitability (68.4%), gastrointestinal (53.9%) and neurovegetative (35.8%) disturbances. 56 (33.9%) patients reported a concomitant worsening of muscle weakness and twelve patients (7.3%) suffered a cholinergic crisis. According to these patients, the severity of cholinergic side effects was greater at higher doses of AChEI, but side effects occurred regardless of the dose administered and ceased once the drug was discontinued.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest population of MuSK-MG patients reported for perceived responsiveness and tolerance to AChEI treatment. Our obervations strongly suggest avoiding this treatment in MuSK-MG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The disassembly of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is an early event in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), ultimately leading to motor dysfunction and lethal respiratory paralysis. The hexanucleotide GGGGCC repeat expansion in the C9orf72 gene is the most common genetic mutation, and the dipeptide repeat (DPR) proteins have been shown to cause neurodegeneration. While no drugs can treat ALS patients efficiently, new treatment strategies are urgently needed. Here, we report that a MuSK agonist antibody alleviates poly-PR-induced NMJ deficits in C9orf72-ALS mice. The HB9-PRF/F mice, which express poly-PR proteins in motor neurons, exhibited impaired motor behavior and NMJ deficits. Mechanistically, poly-PR proteins interacted with Agrin to disrupt the interaction between Agrin and Lrp4, leading to attenuated activation of MuSK. Treatment with a MuSK agonist antibody rescued NMJ deficits, and extended the lifespan of C9orf72-ALS mice. Moreover, impaired NMJ transmission was observed in C9orf72-ALS patients. These findings identify the mechanism by which poly-PR proteins attenuate MuSK activation and NMJ transmission, highlighting the potential of promoting MuSK activation with an agonist antibody as a therapeutic strategy to protect NMJ function and prolong the lifespan of ALS patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscle-specific kinase myasthenia gravis (MuSK MG) is caused by autoantibodies against MuSK in the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). MuSK MG patients have fluctuating, fatigable skeletal muscle weakness, in particular of bulbar muscles. Severity differs greatly between patients, in spite of comparable autoantibody levels. One explanation for inter-patient and inter-muscle variability in sensitivity might be variations in compensatory muscle responses. Previously, we developed a passive transfer mouse model for MuSK MG. In preliminary ex vivo experiments, we observed that muscle contraction of some mice, in particular those with milder myasthenia, had become partially insensitive to inhibition by μ-Conotoxin-GIIIB, a blocker of skeletal muscle NaV1.4 voltage-gated sodium channels. We hypothesised that changes in NaV channel expression profile, possibly co-expression of (μ-Conotoxin-GIIIB insensitive) NaV1.5 type channels, might lower the muscle fibre\'s firing threshold and facilitate neuromuscular synaptic transmission. To test this hypothesis, we here performed passive transfer in immuno-compromised mice, using \'high\', \'intermediate\' and \'low\' dosing regimens of purified MuSK MG patient IgG4. We compared myasthenia levels, μ-Conotoxin-GIIIB resistance and muscle fibre action potential characteristics and firing thresholds. High- and intermediate-dosed mice showed clear, progressive myasthenia, not seen in low-dosed animals. However, diaphragm NMJ electrophysiology demonstrated almost equal myasthenic severities amongst all regimens. Nonetheless, low-dosed mouse diaphragms showed a much higher degree of μ-Conotoxin-GIIIB resistance. This was not explained by upregulation of Scn5a (the NaV1.5 gene), lowered muscle fibre firing thresholds or histologically detectable upregulated NaV1.5 channels. It remains to be established which factors are responsible for the observed μ-Conotoxin-GIIIB insensitivity and whether the NaV repertoire change is compensatory beneficial or a bystander effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The scent of musk plays a unique role in the history of perfumery. Musk odorants comprise 6 diverse chemical classes and perception differences in strength and quality among human panelists have long puzzled the field of olfaction research. Three odorant receptors (OR) had recently been described for musk odorants: OR5AN1, OR1N2, and OR5A2. High functional expression of the difficult-to-express human OR5A2 was achieved by a modification of the C-terminal domain and the link between sensory perception and receptor activation for the trilogy of these receptors and their key genetic variants was investigated: All 3 receptors detect only musky smelling compounds among 440 commercial fragrance compounds. OR5A2 is the key receptor for the classes of polycyclic and linear musks and for most macrocylic lactones. A single P172L substitution reduces the sensitivity of OR5A2 by around 50-fold. In parallel, human panelists homozygous for this mutation have around 40-60-fold higher sensory detection threshold for selective OR5A2 ligands. For macrocyclic lactones, OR5A2 could further be proven as the key OR by a strong correlation between in vitro activation and the sensory detection threshold in vivo. OR5AN1 is the dominant receptor for the perception of macrocyclic ketones such as muscone and some nitromusks, as panelists with a mutant OR5A2 are still equally sensitive to these ligands. Finally, OR1N2 appears to be an additional receptor involved in the perception of the natural (E)-ambrettolide. This study for the first time links OR activation to sensory perception and genetic polymorphisms for this unique class of odorants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease in which autoantibodies target structures within the neuromuscular junction, affecting neuromuscular transmission. Muscle-specific tyrosine kinase receptor-associated MG (MuSK-MG) is a rare, often more severe, subtype of the disease with different pathogenesis and specific clinical features. It is characterized by a more severe clinical course, more frequent complications, and often inadequate response to treatment. Here, we review the current state of knowledge about potential pathomechanisms of the MuSK-MG and their therapeutic implications as well as ongoing research in this field, with reference to key points of immune-mediated processes involved in the background of myasthenia gravis.






  • 重症肌无力(MG)是一种自身免疫性疾病,其特征是神经肌肉接头功能障碍,导致骨骼肌无力。它在男性和女性中同样普遍,但在女性中年龄较小,在男性中年龄较大。眼睑下垂,复视,面部延髓无力,和四肢无力是最常见的症状。MG可以基于血清自身抗体的存在进行分类。乙酰胆碱受体(AChR)抗体在80%-85%的患者中发现,肌肉特异性激酶(MuSK)抗体在5%-8%,和<1%可能有低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白4(Lrp4)抗体。大约10%的患者对于结合已知疾病相关抗原的抗体是血清阴性的。在AChRMG患者中,10%-20%有胸腺瘤,通常在疾病发作时检测到。临床表现之间的重要差异,治疗反应性,在这些不同的血清MG类别之间观察到了疾病机制。除了典型的临床特征和血清学检测,诊断可以通过额外的测试来确定,包括重复的神经刺激,单纤维肌电图,和冰袋测试。MG的治疗选择包括对症治疗(如吡啶斯的明),免疫抑制治疗,或者胸腺切除术.尽管用对症药物治疗,保留类固醇的免疫抑制剂,静脉注射免疫球蛋白,血浆置换,和胸腺切除术,很大一部分患者仍然长期依赖皮质类固醇(CS).在过去的十年里,MG的治疗选择数量大大增加。对病理生理学的理解的进步导致了针对B或T细胞的新治疗选择。互补级联,新生儿Fc受体或细胞因子。在未来,这些新疗法可能会减少CS的长期使用,减少副作用,减少难治性疾病患者的数量。
    Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease characterized by dysfunction of the neuromuscular junction resulting in skeletal muscle weakness. It is equally prevalent in males and females, but debuts at a younger age in females and at an older age in males. Ptosis, diplopia, facial bulbar weakness, and limb weakness are the most common symptoms. MG can be classified based on the presence of serum autoantibodies. Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies are found in 80%-85% of patients, muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) antibodies in 5%-8%, and <1% may have low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (Lrp4) antibodies. Approximately 10% of patients are seronegative for antibodies binding the known disease-related antigens. In patients with AChR MG, 10%-20% have a thymoma, which is usually detected at the onset of the disease. Important differences between clinical presentation, treatment responsiveness, and disease mechanisms have been observed between these different serologic MG classes. Besides the typical clinical features and serologic testing, the diagnosis can be established with additional tests, including repetitive nerve stimulation, single fiber EMG, and the ice pack test. Treatment options for MG consist of symptomatic treatment (such as pyridostigmine), immunosuppressive treatment, or thymectomy. Despite the treatment with symptomatic drugs, steroid-sparing immunosuppressants, intravenous immunoglobulins, plasmapheresis, and thymectomy, a large proportion of patients remain chronically dependent on corticosteroids (CS). In the past decade, the number of treatment options for MG has considerably increased. Advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology have led to new treatment options targeting B or T cells, the complement cascade, the neonatal Fc receptor or cytokines. In the future, these new treatments are likely to reduce the chronic use of CS, diminish side effects, and decrease the number of patients with refractory disease.





