Muscle injuries

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adductor longus muscle strains are one of the most common injuries occurring in intermittent sports such as soccer.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to know the effect of a specific rehabilitation and reconditioning program, which was previously validated, after adductor longus injury in professional soccer players.
    METHODS: A specific rehabilitation and reconditioning program was applied to 11 injured male professional soccer players.
    METHODS: Eleven male professional soccer players (age = 29.18 [4.45] y; height = 179.64 [4.97] cm; mass = 75.33 [3.84] kg).
    METHODS: In the first place, the days taken to return to full team training and to return to competition (RTP) was analyzed; second, the most important performance parameters were analyzed and compared in the preinjury match (PRE) and after the return to competition at 2 different points in time (RTP1-RTP2).
    RESULTS: The return to full team training recorded was 11.91 (1.92) days and the RTP was 15.36 (3.04) days. Match performance parameters showed significant improvements after injury. Significant improvements were observed during RTP2, in the variables of high-speed running (P = .002), very high-speed running (P = .006), acceleration (>3 m/s2; P = .048), and high metabolic load distance (P = .009).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results allow us to conclude that this program was very effective, as it allowed the players to obtain similar and/or higher performance values in a reduced period of time after the injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transtendinous technique has been used to treat partial-thickness gluteus medius tears in the setting of concomitant arthroscopy for labral tears. The tendon compression bridge technique for gluteus medius repair has been developed as an alternative method, providing several advantages; however, comparative studies between the 2 techniques are lacking in the literature.
    (1) To evaluate the short-term patient-reported outcomes (PROs) of the tendon compression bridge technique and (2) to compare these findings with short-term PROs of the transtendinous technique.
    Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3.
    Data were prospectively collected on patients who were followed for a minimum of 2 years after an endoscopic tendon compression bridge procedure for gluteus medius repair in the setting of concomitant hip arthroscopy for labral tears. The following PROs were collected preoperatively and postoperatively: modified Harris Hip Score, Nonarthritic Hip Score, Hip Outcome Score-Sports Specific Subscale, visual analog scale score for pain, and the International Hip Outcome Tool. Clinical outcomes were assessed using the Patient Acceptable Symptom State, minimal clinically important difference, and maximum outcome improvement satisfaction threshold. Patients were propensity matched 1:1 to a cohort that underwent gluteus medius repair using the endoscopic transtendinous technique with concomitant hip arthroscopy.
    A total of 48 hips (48 patients) that met inclusion criteria (age, 53.3 ± 9.8 years; 92% female; body mass index, 26.7 ± 4.6), with a mean follow-up of 38.5 ± 15.7 months, were matched to 48 hips (46 patients) that underwent gluteus medius repair using the transtendinous technique. Both groups demonstrated significant improvement from preoperative scores to latest follow-up (P < .05). Mean magnitude of improvement and latest follow-up scores were not significantly different between the tendon compression bridge group and the transtendinous group, and the groups demonstrated similar favorable rates of achieving Minimal Clinically Important Difference (79% vs 79%, respectively), Patient Acceptable Symptom State (73% vs 73%, respectively), and Maximum Outcome Improvement Satisfaction threshold (65% vs 58%, respectively) for modified Harris Hip Score (P > .05). Patient satisfaction between groups was similar (8.1 ± 2.2 vs 7.7 ± 2.7, respectively) (P = .475).
    At minimum 2-year follow-up, the endoscopic tendon compression bridge technique for partial-thickness gluteus medius tears, when performed with concomitant hip arthroscopy, was associated with significant improvement in functional outcomes. These postoperative results were comparable with those of a matched cohort that underwent the endoscopic transtendinous technique for partial-thickness gluteus medius tears, suggesting that the tendon compression bridge technique for gluteus medius repair is an effective treatment option for partial-thickness gluteus medius tears.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Groin pain is a common and complex problem in athletes, especially soccer players, associated with a wide variety of possible injuries in numerous anatomical structures. One of the causes of groin pain is damage to the deep muscles of the hip region, with isolated traumatic injury of the obturator externus muscle rarely described and probably underdiagnosed. This report describes a clinical case of a soccer player who presented with acute hip pain and buttock pain resulting from a rapid change of position in load, associated with pain with active hip external rotation and passive internal rotation. MRI demonstrated the presence of subaponeurotic/myo-aponeurotic obturator externus muscle tear. A conservative treatment was decided, targeting pain reduction and progressing range of motion gain and muscle strengthening of the stabilizing muscles of the pelvis and hip, and subsequently, it led to re-athletisation, with soccer-specific exercises. Return to play was 23 days after injury. This case shows that a high level of suspicion is necessary for the correct diagnosis; treatment is generally conservative and the isolated rupture of the external obturator can be considered relatively benign. However, it has the potential to be associated with a long period of absence from training and games.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The human genome is the complete set of genetic instructions encoded in an individual\'s DNA. Genetics plays an important role in the development and progression of muscle injuries. Many genes are involved in muscle development, growth, and repair, and variations in these genes can affect an athlete\'s susceptibility to muscle injury.
    UNASSIGNED: Several genes have been linked to muscle injury, such as myostatin (MSTN), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and several collagen genes (COL). In addition to genes involved in muscle development, growth, and repair, genes involved in inflammation and pain signaling, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), mu opioid receptor (OPRM1), and interleukin (IL) genes, may also play a role in the development and progression of muscle injury.
    UNASSIGNED: Genetic testing can be a helpful tool in the prevention of muscle injuries in athletes. Testing for variations in genes associated with muscle development, repair, and growth, as well as collagen formation, can provide valuable information about an athlete\'s susceptibility to muscle injury. It is important to note that while genetic testing can provide valuable information for injury prevention, it is only one piece of the puzzle. Other factors such as an individual\'s training history, general health, and lifestyle habits also play a role in injury risk. Therefore, all injury prevention strategies should be individualized and based on a comprehensive assessment of all relevant factors.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Das menschliche Genom ist der vollständige Satz genetischer Anweisungen, die in der DNA eines Individuums codiert sind. Die Genetik kann eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung und dem Verlauf von Muskelverletzungen spielen. Viele Gene sind an der Entwicklung, dem Wachstum und der Reparatur von Muskeln beteiligt, und Variationen in diesen Genen können die Anfälligkeit eines Sportlers für Muskelverletzungen beeinflussen.
    UNASSIGNED: Mehrere Gene wurden mit Muskelverletzungen in Verbindung gebracht, z. B. Myostatin (MSTN), der insulinähnliche Wachstumsfaktor 1 (IGF-1) und verschiedene Kollagene (COL). Neben den Genen, die an der Entwicklung, dem Wachstum und der Reparatur von Muskeln beteiligt sind, können auch Gene, die an Entzündungsprozessen und der Schmerzsignalgebung beteiligt sind, wie der Tumornekrosefaktor alpha (TNF-α), der Mu-Opioidrezeptor (OPRM1) und Interleukin-Gene (IL), eine Rolle bei der Entstehung und dem Fortschreiten von Muskelverletzungen spielen.
    UNASSIGNED: Genetische Tests können bei der Prävention von Muskelverletzungen bei Sportlern hilfreich sein. Die Untersuchung auf Variationen in Genen, die mit Muskelentwicklung, -reparatur und -wachstum sowie mit der Kollagenbildung in Verbindung stehen, kann wertvolle Informationen über die Anfälligkeit eines Sportlers für Muskelverletzungen liefern. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Gentests zwar wertvolle Informationen für die Verletzungsprävention liefern können, aber nur ein Teil des Puzzles sind. Andere Faktoren, wie die Trainingsbelastung einer Person, der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand und die Lebensgewohnheiten, spielen ebenfalls eine Rolle für das Verletzungsrisiko. Daher sollten alle Strategien zur Verletzungsprävention individuell angepasst werden und auf einer umfassenden Bewertung aller relevanten Faktoren beruhen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscle injuries commonly occur in sports and can be classified as indirect and direct, according to the 2013 Munich Consensus Statement (MCS). Since recent evidence suggests that extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) improves muscular microcirculation and may increase regeneration after acute muscle injury, we performed a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement guidelines to access the efficacy and safety of ESWT in the treatment of patients with muscle injuries. PubMed and Cochrane were searched to screen for potentially relevant articles and the literature search was last updated in June 2023. The inclusion criteria were randomized controlled trials, observational studies, or case controls published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish that studied the effect of ESWT on indirect and direct muscle injuries in individuals aged ≥18, with at least one of the following reported outcomes: pain on the visual analog scale (VAS), functionality assessed either with disability scales or subjectively, time for return to play (RTP), re-injury rate, and ultrasonographic evaluation. The exclusion criteria were literature reviews, systematic reviews, studies in animals, studies in other languages, studies that failed to meet the targeted population or intervention and studies that didn\'t report any of the outcomes of interest. The quality of the studies was analyzed using the Cochrane Assessment Tool, the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale, and the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist. Eight studies were included in the systematic review (two randomized controlled trials, one prospective observational study, two retrospective observational studies, and three case reports), with a total of 143 adult participants. ESWT was associated with less pain on VAS, better function, reduction of size of lesion on ultrasound evaluation, faster RTP and/or lower re-injury rate in patients with indirect and direct muscle injuries and muscular hematomas, a frequent secondary complication of muscle injuries. The evidence regarding the use of ESWT for these types of injuries is therefore promising. Nevertheless, higher-quality studies are needed in the future to prove its efficacy, better comprehend its mechanisms of action and define treatment protocols (timing, type and parameters of ESWT).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the development and validation of a low-cost electromyography (EMG) device for monitoring muscle activity and muscle fatigue by monitoring the key features in EMG time and frequency domains. The device consists of a Raspberry Pico microcontroller interfacing a Myoware EMG module. The experiment involved 34 volunteers (14 women, 20 men) who performed isometric and isotonic contractions using a hand dynamometer. The low-cost EMG device was compared to a research-grade EMG device, recording EMG signals simultaneously. Key features including root mean square (RMS), median power frequency (MDF), and mean power frequency (MNF) were extracted to evaluate muscle fatigue. During isometric contraction, a strong congruence between the two devices, with similar readings and behavior of the extracted features, was observed, and the Wilcoxon signed rank test confirmed no significant difference in the ability to detect muscle fatigue between the devices. For isotonic contractions, the low-cost device demonstrated behavior similar to the professional EMG device in 70.58% of cases, despite some susceptibility to noise and movement. This suggests the potential viability of the low-cost EMG device as a portable tool for assessing muscle fatigue, enabling accessible and cost-effective management of muscle health in various work scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hamstring strain injury (HSI) is the most frequently sustained injury in Major League Baseball (MLB). However, the beliefs and practices of practitioners working in MLB regarding HSI risk factors and prevention strategies in baseball athletes have not been documented.
    OBJECTIVE: To document the current beliefs and practices of practitioners working in MLB regarding HSI prevention.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional study.
    METHODS: Major League Baseball via an online survey.
    METHODS: Athletic trainers, physical therapists, and strength and conditioning coaches working in MLB during the 2021 season.
    METHODS: An online survey was conducted, with participants completing the survey once. Questions pertained to risk factor identification, the use and perceived effectiveness of prevention strategies, and barriers to implementation. Descriptive statistics were calculated for each question.
    RESULTS: A total of 91 responses were received featuring respondents from 28 of 30 MLB organizations. The perceived most important intrinsic risk factors were tolerance to high-speed running for first-time HSI and previous HSI for recurrent injury. The perceived most important extrinsic risk factor for both first-time and recurrent HSI was internal communication between staff. The perceived most effective prevention strategies were managing overall workload, regular exposure to high-speed running, and periodization. The most used prevention strategies were core or lumbopelvic strengthening, traditional resistance-training exercises, and managing overall workload. Approximately half (53%) of respondents reported barriers to effective implementation of HSI prevention strategies, including player and coach buy-in, compliance, workload management, and scheduling.
    CONCLUSIONS: This was the first survey to investigate MLB practitioner beliefs and practices regarding HSI prevention. Responses from practitioners regarding their beliefs about risk factors and appropriate prevention strategies varied, and discrepancies existed between the perceived most effective strategies and those most frequently used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Muscle strain injuries in the human calf muscles are frequent sports injuries with high recurrence. Potential structural and functional changes in the medial head of the musculus gastrocnemius (GM) and the associated aponeurosis are not well documented.
    OBJECTIVE: To test whether a GM muscle strain injury affects muscle fascicle length, pennation angle, and the morphology of the deep aponeurosis at rest and during muscle contraction long time after the injury. Additionally, electromyography (EMG) of the GM and the soleus muscle during a unilateral heel rise was measured in the injured and uninjured calf.
    METHODS: GM fascicle length, pennation angle, and aponeurosis thickness was analyzed on dynamic ultrasonography (US) recordings in 10 participants with a chronic calf strain. In addition, US images taken across the distal portion and mid-belly of the GM were analyzed at three different ankle positions. EMG recordings were obtained during a unilateral heel rise.
    RESULTS: The pennation angle of the injured distal GM was significantly larger compared to the uninjured GM in the contracted, but not the relaxed state. Pennation angle increased more in the injured compared to the uninjured GM during contraction. Fascicle length was shorter in the most distal portion of the injured GM. Fascicles at the distal portion of the injured GM showed a pronounced curvilinear shape as the muscle contracted and the aponeurosis was enlarged in the injured compared to the uninjured GM. The ratio between GM and soleus EMG activity showed a significantly higher relative soleus activity in the injured compared to the healthy calf.
    CONCLUSIONS: The greater change in pennation angle and curvilinear fascicle shape during contraction suggest that a long-term consequence after a muscle strain injury is that some muscle fibers at the distal GM are not actively engaged. The significantly enlarged aponeurosis indicates a substantial and long-lasting connective tissue involvement following strain injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Rugby is a popular contact sport played with little to no protective clothing. There exist few comprehensive studies investigating emergency department (ED) visit patterns for rugby-related injuries.We hypothesize that male athletes remain the most common patient demographic to present to the ED with rugby-related injuries and that the number of patients diagnosed with soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System database was examined for rugby injuries from January 2012 through December 2021. Cases were stratified by sex, age, and injury type to monitor epidemiological patterns. This is a descriptive epidemiology study. Level of evidence III. Results A total of 2,896 individuals with rugby-related ED visits were identified. ED patients were most common among males (73.9%), Caucasians (45.3%), and in the 15-19-year-old age range (44.9%). Injuries most commonly affected the upper body, specifically the head (23.1%), face (13.8%), and shoulder (12.4%) with fractures and sprains comprising 22.3% and 18.5% of ED diagnoses, respectively. Concussions were the most frequent injury to any one body part (11.2%). During the COVID-19 pandemic, ED patients with rugby-related injuries were significantly more likely to be males presenting with lacerations or hemorrhages. ED visits for sprains and strains significantly decreased in the peri-COVID-19 period. Conclusions Annual ED visits due to rugby injuries are declining. The head and neck are the most common sites of injuries. Decreased presentation to the ED during the COVID-19 pandemic may raise concern for the potential for untreated injuries. Physicians should anticipate the presence of chronic sports-related injuries when evaluating future patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a paucity of information available to clinicians on outcomes of patients undergoing endoscopic surgery for labral repairs and femoroacetabular impingement syndrome with simultaneous repair of the gluteus medius and/or minimus muscles.
    To determine whether patients with labral tears and concomitant gluteal pathology who undergo simultaneous endoscopic labral and gluteus medius and/or minimus repair experience similar outcomes to patients with isolated labral tears who undergo endoscopic labral repair alone.
    Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3.
    A matched retrospective comparative cohort study was performed. Patients who underwent gluteus medius and/or minimus repair with concomitant labral repair between January 2012 and November 2019 were identified. These patients were matched in a 1:3 ratio by sex, age, and body mass index (BMI) to patients who underwent labral repair alone. Preoperative radiographs were assessed. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) were assessed preoperatively and 2 years postoperatively. PRO measures included the Hip Outcome Score Activities of Daily Living and Sports subscales, modified Harris Hip Score, 12-Item International Hip Outcome Tool, and visual analog scales for pain and satisfaction. Published labral repair minimal clinically important difference (MCID) and Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) thresholds were utilized for these measures.
    A total of 31 patients who underwent gluteus medius and/or minimus repair with concomitant labral repair (27 female, 4 male; age, 50.8 ± 7.3 years; BMI, 27.9 ± 5.2) were matched with 93 patients who underwent labral repair alone (81 female, 12 male; age, 50.9 ± 8.1 years; BMI, 28.5 ± 6.2). There were no significant differences in sex (P > .99), age (P = .869), or BMI (P = .592); preoperative radiographic measurements; or preoperative or 2-year postoperative PRO scores (P≥ .081). Changes between preoperative and 2-year postoperative PRO scores were significantly different for both groups for all PROs assessed (P < .001 for all). There were no significant differences in MCID or PASS achievement rates (P≥ .123), with low PASS achievement rates of 40% to 60% found in both groups.
    Patients who were treated with endoscopic gluteus medius and/or minimus repair with concomitant labral repair demonstrated comparable outcomes with those who were treated with endoscopic labral repair alone.





