Multi-site learning

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many clinical and research studies of the human brain require accurate structural MRI segmentation. While traditional atlas-based methods can be applied to volumes from any acquisition site, recent deep learning algorithms ensure high accuracy only when tested on data from the same sites exploited in training (i.e., internal data). Performance degradation experienced on external data (i.e., unseen volumes from unseen sites) is due to the inter-site variability in intensity distributions, and to unique artefacts caused by different MR scanner models and acquisition parameters. To mitigate this site-dependency, often referred to as the scanner effect, we propose LOD-Brain, a 3D convolutional neural network with progressive levels-of-detail (LOD), able to segment brain data from any site. Coarser network levels are responsible for learning a robust anatomical prior helpful in identifying brain structures and their locations, while finer levels refine the model to handle site-specific intensity distributions and anatomical variations. We ensure robustness across sites by training the model on an unprecedentedly rich dataset aggregating data from open repositories: almost 27,000 T1w volumes from around 160 acquisition sites, at 1.5 - 3T, from a population spanning from 8 to 90 years old. Extensive tests demonstrate that LOD-Brain produces state-of-the-art results, with no significant difference in performance between internal and external sites, and robust to challenging anatomical variations. Its portability paves the way for large-scale applications across different healthcare institutions, patient populations, and imaging technology manufacturers. Code, model, and demo are available on the project website.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multi-site learning has attracted increasing interests in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) identification tasks by its efficacy on capturing data heterogeneity of neuroimaging taken from different medical sites. However, existing multi-site graph convolutional network (MSGCN) often ignores the correlations between different sites, and may obtain suboptimal identification results. Moreover, current feature extraction methods characterizing temporal variations of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals require the time series to be of the same length and cannot be directly applied to multi-site fMRI datasets. To address these problems, we propose a dual graph based dynamic multi-site graph convolutional network (DG-DMSGCN) for multi-site ASD identification. First, a sliding-window dual-graph convolutional network (SW-DGCN) is introduced for feature extraction, simultaneously capturing temporal and spatial features of fMRI data with different series lengths. Then we aggregate the features extracted from multiple medical sites through a novel dynamic multi-site graph convolutional network (DMSGCN), which effectively considers the correlations between different sites and is beneficial to improve identification performance. We evaluate the proposed DG-DMSGCN on public ABIDE I dataset containing data from 17 medical sites. The promising results obtained by our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with increase in identification accuracy, indicating that it has a potential clinical prospect for practical ASD diagnosis. Our codes are available on






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are considerable interests in automatic stroke lesion segmentation on magnetic resonance (MR) images in the medical imaging field, as stroke is an important cerebrovascular disease. Although deep learning-based models have been proposed for this task, generalizing these models to unseen sites is difficult due to not only the large inter-site discrepancy among different scanners, imaging protocols, and populations, but also the variations in stroke lesion shape, size, and location. To tackle this issue, we introduce a self-adaptive normalization network, termed SAN-Net, to achieve adaptive generalization on unseen sites for stroke lesion segmentation. Motivated by traditional z-score normalization and dynamic network, we devise a masked adaptive instance normalization (MAIN) to minimize inter-site discrepancies, which standardizes input MR images from different sites into a site-unrelated style by dynamically learning affine parameters from the input; i.e., MAIN can affinely transform the intensity values. Then, we leverage a gradient reversal layer to force the U-net encoder to learn site-invariant representation with a site classifier, which further improves the model generalization in conjunction with MAIN. Finally, inspired by the \"pseudosymmetry\" of the human brain, we introduce a simple yet effective data augmentation technique, termed symmetry-inspired data augmentation (SIDA), that can be embedded within SAN-Net to double the sample size while halving memory consumption. Experimental results on the benchmark Anatomical Tracings of Lesions After Stroke (ATLAS) v1.2 dataset, which includes MR images from 9 different sites, demonstrate that under the \"leave-one-site-out\" setting, the proposed SAN-Net outperforms recently published methods in terms of quantitative metrics and qualitative comparisons.





