Mountainous river

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intermittent rivers in semiarid and arid regions, constituting over half of the world\'s rivers, alternate the carbon cycle interactions among the biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Inadequate quantification of flow duration and river water surface area, along with overlooked CO2 emissions from dry riverbeds, result in notable inaccuracies in global carbon cycle assessments. High-resolution remote sensing images combined with intensive field measurements and hydrological modelling were used to estimate and extract the flow duration, river water surface area and dry riverbed area of Huangfuchuan, an intermittent river watershed that acts as a major tributary of the Yellow River in semiarid Northwest China. CO2 emission rates and partial pressures in water and air across the watershed were in-situ measured. In 2018, the flow duration of Huangfuchuan increased from less than 5 days in the first-order tributary to 150 days in the sixth-order mainstream. River water surface area estimated by remote sensing extraction plus the hydrodynamic model simulation varied from 3.9 to 88.6 km2 under 5 %-95 % discharge frequencies. CO2 emissions from the water-air interface and dry riverbed in 2018 were estimated at 582.3 × 103 and 355.2 × 103 ton, respectively. The estimated total annual emission (937.5 × 103 ton) aligns closely with the range of emissions (67.3 × 103-1377.2 × 103 ton) calculated for the water-air interface alone, derived using DEM river length and hydraulic geometry method. This similarity can be attributed to the overestimation of flow duration and flow velocity, as well as the over- or under-estimation of river water surface area and slope. The new method proposed in this study has large potential to be applied in estimating CO2 emissions from data-scarce intermittent rivers located in mountainous regions and provides a standardized solution in the estimation of CO2 emission. Results of this research reveal the spatiotemporal distribution of CO2 emissions along an intermittent river system and highlight the substantial role of dry riverbed in carbon cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dominant functions usually vary greatly in different reaches of mountainous rivers and are influenced by different adjacent land uses. Assessing river health based on dominant functions is of great practical value to river management. To reveal the health status of different reaches in Beijing\'s northern mountainous rivers, 60 investigated plots (river length 38.1 km) were surveyed in 2016 in the Huaijiu River, which is a typical mountainous river in northern Beijing, and a hierarchy-comprehensive analysis method was employed. Based on the degree of human influences, the Huaijiu River could be classified into six types, including natural reaches, near-natural reaches, artificial bank plant reaches, artificial bank ornamental plant reaches, artificial bank sparse plant dry-stone reaches and artificial bank masonry reaches. The river health assessment index system was established based on flood control, landscape, hydrology and water quality, and ecological functions. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to determine the weights of the function layer and indicator layer. The assessment results showed that healthy, subhealthy, slightly damaged, damaged and severely damaged plots accounted for 20.0%, 26.7%, 26.7%, 15.0% and 11.6% of the total plots, respectively. In summary, all plots in natural reaches, artificial bank plant reaches and artificial bank ornamental plant reaches were either healthy, subhealthy or slightly damaged. Plots in artificial bank masonry reaches were either subhealthy, slightly damaged, damaged or severely damaged, accounting for 9.1%, 27.3%, 27.3% and 36.4% of the total plots, respectively. The study proposed a method to assess mountainous river health based on dominant functions, which is a multiobjective approach and is not based solely on natural river functions. The assessment method is appropriate for the socioeconomic development and management of river basins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As an important part of the riparian zone, bars are an important barrier for the interception of phosphorus (P) originated from leaching and runoff. The spatial variation in P as well as the influence of factors on the said spatial variation in mountainous river (Lingshan River) bars was investigated. A total of 100 soil samples were collected from 11 sampling sites. Soil total phosphorus (TP) and soil available P were determined to explore the spatial variation of soil P in mountainous river bars. One-way analysis of variance, Pearson\'s correlation analyses, stepwise multiple linear regressions and curve fitting were used to explore the dominant factors affecting the spatial variation of soil P in mountainous river bars. Affected by erosion effect of flowing water, the TP of the bar soils decreased in the longitudinal direction, the TP and available P of the bar soils increased in the cross-sectional direction and the variation in TP between the surface and deep soils firstly increased and then decreased as the height of the bar above the water surface increased. The stronger the erosion effect of flowing water, the more P releases to the water, which may cause the spatial variation of soil P in mountainous river bars, and the results of this study facilitated control of non-point source pollution in mountainous river and restoration of the ecosystems in mountainous river bars.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Watershed ecological security is strongly associated with the aquatic ecological status of the upper mountainous area. The present study aimed to assess the watershed ecological security status of the mountainous area under the PSFR (Pressure-State-Function-Response) assessment framework. An evaluation index system was established according to the watershed characteristics, which included four project hierarchical layers, i.e., aquatic ecological pressure, aquatic ecological state, ecological function, and social response, 11 component layers and 23 evaluation indexes. This index system was applied to evaluate the watershed ecological security status of the mountainous area (35 sub-watersheds) in the Taizi River Basin, Liaoning Province. Our results showed that the aquatic ecological status of the study area could be classified into three groups: insecure, general secure and secure, no very insecure and very secure status. Nine sub-watersheds were at the insecure ecological status, accounting for 25.7% of the total sub-watersheds, whereas 22 sub-watersheds were at the general secure state, representing 62.9% of the study area. In contrast, only four sub-watersheds were grouped at the secure status. Furthermore, agricultural activity was identified as the most significant factor responsible for the aquatic ecological security of mountainous area in the Taizi River Basin. Habitat degradation, including water quality deterioration and habitat loss, significantly reduced the ecological functions of the Taizi River Basin, and decreases in rare and peculiar species and biodiversity also posed a threat to the ecological integrity of the study region. Our results could be applied to diagnose the major factors affecting aquatic ecological security, and provide information for effective ecological restoration.





