Motor Endplate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While it has been over half a century since primary cross-facial nerve grafting was first described for facial reanimation, the outcome of this procedure, remains inconsistent and provide lesser smile excursion when compared to the likes of the masseteric nerve. However, the latter itself has limitations in terms of the lack of spontaneity and resting tone. While combinations have been attempted more proximally, we ask the question as to whether more distal nerve transfers with vascularized nerve grafts are a better option. In a retrospective review of clinical practice at our institute, 16 consecutive patients had single, double, and finally triple distal nerve transfers, close to the target facial muscle to reinnervate the motor endplates directly, over a 6-year period (2018-23). All patients had the onset of facial palsy within 18 months. Statistical analysis of the comparison between three sub-cohorts was performed using student\'s t-test and one-way ANOVA, respectively. Qualitatively, masseteric neurotization of a single facial nerve branch translated into smile improvement in 50% of cases, as opposed to all cases of double- and triple-neurotization of the smile muscles. In terms of upper lip elevation, single neurotization showed improvement in 25% of cases, double-neurotization in 40% of cases and triple-neurotization in 100% of cases. Upper lip elevation was also significantly better in those who had a vascularized cross-facial nerve graft (Student\'s t-test <0.05). In summary, increasing neural input to the motor endplates of smile muscles can significantly improve smile activation, in acute flaccid facial palsies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age-related conditions, such as sarcopenia, cause physical disabilities for an increasing section of society. At the neuromuscular junction, the postsynaptic-derived neurotrophic factors brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin 4 (NT-4) have neuroprotective functions and contribute to the correct regulation of the exocytotic machinery. Similarly, presynaptic muscarinic signalling plays a fundamental modulatory function in this synapse. However, whether or not these signalling pathways are compromised in ageing neuromuscular system has not yet been analysed. The present study analyses, through Western blotting, the differences in expression and activation of the main key proteins of the BDNF/NT-4 and muscarinic pathways related to neurotransmission in young versus ageing Extensor digitorum longus (EDL) rat muscles. The main results show an imbalance in several sections of these pathways: (i) a change in the stoichiometry of BDNF/NT-4, (ii) an imbalance of Tropomyosin-related kinase B receptor (TrkB)-FL/TrkB-T1 and neurotrophic receptor p 75 (p75NTR), (iii) no changes in the cytosol/membrane distribution of phosphorylated downstream protein kinase C (PKC)βI and PKCε, (iv) a reduction in the M2-subtype muscarinic receptor and P/Q-subtype voltage-gated calcium channel, (v) an imbalance of phosphorylated mammalian uncoordinated-18-1 (Munc18-1) (S313) and synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) (S187), and (vi) normal levels of molecules related to the management of acetylcholine (Ach). Based on this descriptive analysis, we hypothesise that these pathways can be adjusted to ensure neurotransmission rather than undergoing negative alterations caused by ageing. However, further studies are needed to assess this hypothetical suggestion. Our results contribute to the understanding of some previously described neuromuscular functional age-related impairments. Strategies to promote these signalling pathways could improve the neuromuscular physiology and quality of life of older people.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facial expressions are important in pain recognition in horses, but current observation-based pain scales remain subjective. A promising technique to quantitatively measure subtle changes in expression patterns, including changes invisible to the human eye, is surface electromyography (sEMG). To achieve high-quality and reliable sEMG signals, unilateral placement of bipolar electrodes is required in relation to the motor endplates (MEP). We aimed to localize the nerve entry points (NEPs; where the nerve branch first pierced the muscle belly) and the direction of the terminal nerve endings to estimate MEP locations of the innervating nerves in five equine facial muscles involved in pain expression. Three cadaveric Dutch Warmblood horse heads were dissected to identify the NEPs in the musculi caninus, levator anguli oculi medialis, nasolabialis, masseter and zygomaticus. These points were marked with pins and measured in relation to a reference line between two anatomical landmarks near the origin and insertion of the respective muscle. Relative distances were calculated from the most caudally situated landmark. NEPs were located at 33%-38% (caninus), 69%-86% (levator anguli oculi medialis) and 0%-18% (zygomaticus) from the caudal landmark. The nasolabialis showed two innervations zones. Its NEPs were located at 47%-72% (dorsal muscle branch) and 52%-91% (ventral branch). All terminal nerve endings were found to run in rostral direction. The masseter showed numerous NEPs diffusely spread within the muscle belly. Therefore, calculation of relative positions was not performed. These results could form the basis for feasibility studies and standardization of bipolar electrode positioning in vivo to measure facial muscle activity patterns in horses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Protein kinase A (PKA) enhances neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), which is retrogradely regulated by nerve-induced muscle contraction to promote Acetylcholine (ACh) release through the phosphorylation of molecules involved in synaptic vesicle exocytosis (SNAP-25 and Synapsin-1). However, the molecular mechanism of the retrograde regulation of PKA subunits and its targets by BDNF/TrkB pathway and muscarinic signalling has not been demonstrated until now. At the NMJ, retrograde control is mainly associated with BDNF/TrkB signalling as muscle contraction enhances BDNF levels and controls specific kinases involved in the neurotransmission. Neurotransmission at the NMJ is also highly modulated by muscarinic receptors M1 and M2 (mAChRs), which are related to PKA and TrkB signallings. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that TrkB, in cooperation with mAChRs, regulates the activity-dependent dynamics of PKA subunits to phosphorylate SNAP-25 and Synapsin-1.
    METHODS: To explore this, we stimulated the rat phrenic nerve at 1Hz (30 minutes), with or without subsequent contraction (abolished by µ-conotoxin GIIIB). Pharmacological treatments were conducted with the anti-TrkB antibody clone 47/TrkB for TrkB inhibition and exogenous h-BDNF; muscarinic inhibition with Pirenzepine-dihydrochloride and Methoctramine-tetrahydrochloride for M1 and M2 mAChRs, respectively. Diaphragm protein levels and phosphorylation\' changes were detected by Western blotting. Location of the target proteins was demonstrated using immunohistochemistry.
    RESULTS: While TrkB does not directly impact the levels of PKA catalytic subunits Cα and Cβ, it regulates PKA regulatory subunits RIα and RIIβ, facilitating the phosphorylation of critical exocytotic targets such as SNAP-25 and Synapsin-1. Furthermore, the muscarinic receptors pathway maintains a delicate balance in this regulatory process. These findings explain the dynamic interplay of PKA subunits influenced by BDNF/TrkB signalling, M1 and M2 mAChRs pathways, that are differently regulated by pre- and postsynaptic activity, demonstrating the specific roles of the BDNF/TrkB and muscarinic receptors pathway in retrograde regulation.
    CONCLUSIONS: This complex molecular interplay has the relevance of interrelating two fundamental pathways in PKA-synaptic modulation: one retrograde (neurotrophic) and the other autocrine (muscarinic). This deepens the fundamental understanding of neuromuscular physiology of neurotransmission that gives plasticity to synapses and holds the potential for identifying therapeutic strategies in conditions characterized by impaired neuromuscular communication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has an elaborate anatomy to ensure agile and accurate signal transmission. Based on our formerly obtained expressions of the thermal and conductance induced voltage fluctuations, in this paper, the mechanisms underlying the conductance-induced voltage fluctuation are characterized from two aspects: the scaling laws with respect to either of the two system-size factors, the number of receptors or the membrane area; and the \"seesaw effect\" with respect to the intensive parameter, the concentration of acetylcholine. According to these mechanisms, several aspects of the NMJ anatomy are explained from a denoising perspective. Finally, the power spectra of the two types of voltage fluctuations are characterized by their specific scaling laws, based on which we explain why the endplate noise has the low-frequency property that is described by the term \"seashell sound\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many esophageal striated muscles of mammals are dually innervated by the vagal and enteric nerves. Recently, substance P (SP)-sensory nerve terminals with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) were found on a few striated muscle fibers in the rat esophagus, implying that these muscle fibers are triply innervated. In this study, we examined the localization and origin of CGRP-nerve endings in striated muscles to consider their possible roles in the esophagus regarding triple innervation.
    METHODS: Wholemounts of the rat esophagus were immunolabeled to detect CGRP-nerve endings in striated muscles. Also, retrograde tracing was performed by injecting Fast Blue (FB) into the esophagus, and cryostat sections of the medulla oblongata, nodose ganglion (NG), and the tenth thoracic (T10) dorsal root ganglion (DRG) were immunostained to identify the origin of the CGRP-nerve endings.
    RESULTS: CGRP-fine, varicose nerve endings were localized in motor endplates on a few esophageal striated muscle fibers (4 %), most of which received nitric oxide (NO) synthase nerve terminals, and most of the CGRP nerve endings were SP- and transient receptor potential vanilloid member 1 (TRPV1)-positive. Retrograde tracing showed many FB-labeled CGRP-neurons positive for SP and TRPV1 in the NG and T10 DGR.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the CGRP-varicose nerve endings containing SP and TRPV1 in motor endplates are sensory, and a few esophageal striated muscle fibers are triply innervated. The nerve endings may detect acetylcholine-derived acetic acid from the vagal motor nerve endings and NO from esophageal intrinsic nerve terminals in the motor endplates to regulate esophageal motility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motor endplates of the interossei muscles become destabilized, whereas those of the biceps muscles remain stable in a rat model of obstetric brachial plexus palsy. However, it is unclear whether the morphology of the motor endplates of the interossei muscles is different from that of the biceps muscles in normal rat. We hypothesized that the motor endplates in the interossei muscles have specific characteristics different from those in the biceps muscles. The motor endplates were labeled with α-bungarotoxin and synaptophysin. The cross-sectional areas of the muscle fibers, the morphologies of the motor endplates, and the absolute and normalized areas (corrected by muscle fiber diameter) of the motor endplates of the interossei muscles and the biceps muscles were compared in rats at 1, 3, and 5 weeks after birth. The cross-sectional area of the interossei muscles and biceps muscle fibers were found to have increased gradually at 1, 3, and 5 weeks, but that of the biceps muscles was larger than that of the interossei muscles. The motor endplates of the interossei muscles and the biceps muscles gradually develop from crescent to pretzel shape after birth, and those of the interossei muscles have a smaller area. At 1, 3, and 5 weeks postnatally, the area of postnatal normalized motor endplates of the interossei muscles was much smaller than that of the biceps muscles. A better understanding of the morphological differences of the motor endplates between the interossei muscles and the biceps muscles may help to understand their physiological and pathological changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motion predictions for limbs can be performed using commonly called Hill-based muscle models. For this type of models, a surface electromyogram (sEMG) of the muscle serves as an input signal for the activation of the muscle model. However, the Hill model needs additional information about the mechanical system state of the muscle (current length, velocity, etc.) for a reliable prediction of the muscle force generation and, hence, the prediction of the joint motion. One feature that contains potential information about the state of the muscle is the position of the center of the innervation zone. This feature can be further extracted from the sEMG. To find the center, a wavelet-based algorithm is proposed that localizes motor unit potentials in the individual channels of a single-column sEMG array and then identifies innervation point candidates. In the final step, these innervation point candidates are clustered in a density-based manner. The center of the largest cluster is the estimated center of the innervation zone. The algorithm has been tested in a simulation. For this purpose, an sEMG simulator was developed and implemented that can compute large motor units (1,000\'s of muscle fibers) quickly (within seconds on a standard PC).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myofascial pain syndrome caused by myofascial trigger points is a musculoskeletal disorder commonly encountered in clinical practice. The infraspinatus muscle is the region most frequently involved in the myofascial pain syndrome in the scapular region. The characteristics of the myofascial trigger points are that they can be found constantly in the motor endplate zone. However, localizing myofascial trigger points within the motor endplate zone and establishing an accurate injection site of the infraspinatus muscle has been challenging because the anatomical position of the motor endplate zone of the infraspinatus muscle is yet to be described. Therefore, this cadaveric study aimed to scrutinize the motor endplate zone of the infraspinatus muscle, propose potential myofascial trigger points within the muscle, and recommend therapeutic injection sites. Twenty specimens of the infraspinatus muscle for nerve staining and 10 fresh frozen cadavers for evaluation of the injection were used in this study. The number of nerve branches penetrating the infraspinatus muscle and their entry locations were analyzed and photographed. Modified Sihler\'s staining was performed to examine the motor endplate regions of the infraspinatus muscle. The nerve entry points were mostly observed in the center of the muscle belly. The motor endplate was distributed equally throughout the infraspinatus muscle, but the motor endplate zone was primarily identified in the B area, which is approximately 20-40% proximal to the infraspinatus muscle. The second-most common occurrence of the motor endplate zone was observed in the center of the muscle. These detailed anatomical data would be very helpful in predicting potential pain sites and establishing safe and effective injection treatment using botulinum neurotoxin, steroids, or lidocaine to alleviate the pain disorder of the infraspinatus muscle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  We have developed a novel muscle reinnervation technique called \"nerve-muscle-endplate grafting (NMEG) in the native motor zone (NMZ).\" This study aimed to augment the outcomes of the NMEG-NMZ (NN) by focal application of exogenous neurotrophic factors (ENFs) for limb reinnervation.
    METHODS:  Adult rats were used to conduct NN plus ENF (NN/ENF) and autologous nerve grafting (ANG, technique control). The nerve innervating the left tibialis anterior (TA) muscle was resected and the denervated TA was immediately treated with NN/ENF or ANG. For NN procedure, an NMEG pedicle was taken from the lateral gastrocnemius muscle and transferred to the NMZ of the denervated TA. For ANG, the nerve gap was bridged with sural nerve. Three months after treatment, the extent of functional and neuromuscular recovery was assessed by measuring static toe spread, maximal muscle force, wet muscle weight, regenerated axons, and innervated motor endplates (MEPs).
    RESULTS:  NN/ENF resulted in 90% muscle force recovery of the treated TA, which is far superior to ANG (46%) and NN alone (79%) as reported elsewhere. Toe spread recovered up to 89 and 49% of the control for the NN/ENF and ANG groups, respectively. The average wet muscle weight was 87 and 52% of the control for muscles treated with NN/ENF and ANG, respectively. The mean number of the regenerated axons was 88% of the control for the muscles treated with NN/ENF, which was significantly larger than that for the ANG-repaired muscles (39%). The average percentage of the innervated MEPs in the NN/ENF-treated TA (89%) was higher compared with that in the ANG-repaired TA (48%).
    CONCLUSIONS:  ENF enhances nerve regeneration and MEP reinnervation that further augment outcomes of NN. The NN technique could be an alternative option to treat denervated or paralyzed limb muscles caused by traumatic nerve injuries or lesions.





