
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Diplolepideae are the larger group within the Arthrodontae mosses, characterized by peristomes formed from residual cell walls. It is now understood that these peristomes exhibit diverse hygroscopic movements, playing a crucial role in spore release. However, the exact mechanism behind this movement remains unclear, lacking direct evidence. This study investigated the microscopic and submicroscopic structures of the peristomes in three Diplolepideae species: Hypopterygium fauriei (Besch.), Pylaisia levieri (Müll. Hal.) Arikawa and Regmatodon declinatus (Hook.) Brid. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to reveal the differences in their hygroscopic movement mechanisms.
    RESULTS: The three species exhibited distinct responses upon wetting: H. fauriei\'s exostome closed inwards, P. levieri\' opened outwards, and R. declinatus\' elongated significantly. These differences are attributed to the varying microfibril deposition in the exostome layers. Uniform deposition in the inner layer and minimal deposition in the outer layer enabled exostome opening upon wetting and closing when dry. Our findings suggest that the diastole and contraction of fine microfibrils in the exostome plates and ridges are the key drivers of hygroscopic movement.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides further evidence at both the structural and submicroscopic levels, contributing to the unraveling of the hygroscopic movement mechanism in Diplolepideae peristomes. This enhanced understanding sheds light on the relationship between peristome structure and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The selection of the appropriate biomonitor species is a crucial criterion for biomonitoring on a broad spatial scale. Mosses Hypnum cupressiforme and Brachythecium spp. and lichen Evernia prunastri were sampled at 22 remote sites over Serbia aiming interspecies comparison of their bioconcentration capacities. The concentration of 16 potentially toxic elements (PTEs), Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sr, V, and Zn, was measured in the samples. Between the co-located mosses, linear regression analysis (type II) showed significant determination coefficients only for a couple of the elements (Cd and S), while for H. cupressiforme vs. lichen, significant regression lines were obtained for a broader set of elements (Ba, Cd, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Sr). The ratio of the PTEs in the mosses discovered higher concentrations in H. cupressiforme than in another moss at some sites and vice versa at other sites. According to the PTE ratios, H. cupressiforme accumulated much more element content than the lichen, but followed a similar spatial pattern. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) pointed out a different grouping of the PTEs depending on the species tested. The poor correlation of the moss-moss data is perhaps because several species of the genus Brachythecium were sampled, which possibly influenced the average genus accumulation capacity. In addition, morphological features of the mosses (concave vs. flat leaflets, creeping vs. cushiony life form) presumably delegate differences in PTE accumulation. To conclude, it should be careful with using more biomonitor species, even of the same genus, within the same study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bryophytes can both emit and take up biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) to and from the environment. Despite the scarce study of these exchanges, BVOCs have been shown to be important for a wide range of ecological roles. Bryophytes are the most ancient clade of land plants and preserve very similar traits to those first land colonisers. Therefore, the study of these plants can help understand the early processes of BVOC emissions as an adaptation to terrestrial life. Here, we determine the emission rates of BVOCs from different bryophyte species to understand what drives such emissions. We studied 26 bryophyte species from temperate regions that can be found in mountain springs located in NE Spain. Bryophyte BVOC emission presented no significant phylogenetic signal for any of the compounds analysed. Hence, we used mixed linear models to investigate the species-specific differences and eco-physiological and environmental drivers of bryophyte BVOC emission. In general, species-specific variability was the main factor explaining bryophyte BVOC emissions; but additionally, photosynthetic rates and light intensity increased BVOC emissions. Despite emission measurements reported here were conducted at 30°, and may not directly correspond to emission rates in natural conditions, most of the screened species have never been measured before for BVOC emissions and therefore this information can help understand the drivers of the emissions of BVOCs in bryophytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of moss calyptra form and function began almost 250 years ago, but calyptra research has remained a niche endeavor focusing on only a small number of species. Recent advances have focused on calyptra cuticular waxes, which function in dehydration protection of the immature sporophyte apex. The physical presence of the calyptra also plays a role in sporophyte development, potentially via its influence on auxin transport. Progress developing genomic resources for mosses beyond the model Physcomitrium patens, specifically for species with larger calyptrae and taller sporophytes, in combination with advances in CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing will enable the influence of the calyptra on gene expression and the production of RNAs and proteins that coordinate sporophyte development to be explored.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bryophytes, including the lineages of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, are the second-largest photoautotroph group on Earth. Recent work across terrestrial ecosystems has highlighted how bryophytes retain and control water, fix substantial amounts of carbon (C), and contribute to nitrogen (N) cycles in forests (boreal, temperate, and tropical), tundra, peatlands, grasslands, and deserts. Understanding how changing climate affects bryophyte contributions to global cycles in different ecosystems is of primary importance. However, because of their small physical size, bryophytes have been largely ignored in research on water, C, and N cycles at global scales. Here, we review the literature on how bryophytes influence global biogeochemical cycles, and we highlight that while some aspects of global change represent critical tipping points for survival, bryophytes may also buffer many ecosystems from change due to their capacity for water, C, and N uptake and storage. However, as the thresholds of resistance of bryophytes to temperature and precipitation regime changes are mostly unknown, it is challenging to predict how long this buffering capacity will remain functional. Furthermore, as ecosystems shift their global distribution in response to changing climate, the size of different bryophyte-influenced biomes will change, resulting in shifts in the magnitude of bryophyte impacts on global ecosystem functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyadesimyia clausa Bigot is a morphologically striking tachinid that inhabits the Sub-Antarctic Ecoregion of the Magallanes Region in Chile and Tierra del Fuego province in Argentina. Much of the distributional information about this species is restricted to the Cape Horn islands, which have extreme environmental conditions, but the species\' natural history, range limits, and habitat use have never been described or confirmed. Our goals were to describe the distributional limits of this sub-Antarctic fly with the help of citizen science and use this information type to describe this tachinid\'s habitat use and potential biological interactions with nonvascular and vascular flora. We found that citizen science significantly increased our understanding of the extent of occurrence, expanding the known distributional range by 195 km to the north and 153 km to the west. On the contrary, the values for the area of occupancy were not significant, but the occupancy overlap between different records was very low. We confirmed that H. clausa\'s habitat uses peatlands and although we have not provided evidence of pollination or movement of spores, we hypothesized, that the walking activity of H. clausa could help move sperm from mosses and pollen from the flowers of vascular plants, so they could act as potential pollinators. Citizen science can reduce and eliminate some scientific knowledge shortfalls and propose new ecological questions that could increase our knowledge of extreme ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Fiber-like cells with thickened cell walls of specific structure and polymer composition that includes (1 → 4)-β-galactans develop in the outer stem cortex of several moss species gametophytes. The early land plants evolved several specialized cell types and tissues that did not exist in their aquatic ancestors. Of these, water-conducting elements and reproductive organs have received most of the research attention. The evolution of tissues specialized to fulfill a mechanical function is by far less studied despite their wide distribution in land plants. For vascular plants following a homoiohydric trajectory, the evolutionary emergence of mechanical tissues is mainly discussed starting with the fern-like plants with their hypodermal sterome or sclerified fibers that have xylan and lignin-based cell walls. However, mechanical challenges were also faced by bryophytes, which lack lignified cell-walls. To characterize mechanical tissues in the bryophyte lineage, following a poikilohydric trajectory, we used six wild moss species (Polytrichum juniperinum, Dicranum sp., Rhodobryum roseum, Eurhynchiadelphus sp., Climacium dendroides, and Hylocomium splendens) and analyzed the structure and composition of their cell walls. In all of them, the outer stem cortex of the leafy gametophytic generation had fiber-like cells with a thickened but non-lignified cell wall. Such cells have a spindle-like shape with pointed tips. The additional thick cell wall layer in those fiber-like cells is composed of sublayers with structural evidence for different cellulose microfibril orientation, and with specific polymer composition that includes (1 → 4)-β-galactans. Thus, the basic cellular characters of the cells that provide mechanical support in vascular plant taxa (elongated cell shape, location at the periphery of a primary organ, the thickened cell wall and its peculiar composition and structure) also exist in mosses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In September 2012, a comprehensive survey of Pico Island was conducted along an elevational transect, starting at Manhenha (10 m a.s.l.) and culminating at the Pico Mountain caldera (2200 m a.s.l.). The primary objective was to systematically inventory the bryophytes inhabiting the best-preserved areas of native vegetation environments. Twelve sites were selected, each spaced at 200 m elevation intervals. Within each site, two 10 m x 10 m plots were established in close proximity (10-15 m apart). Within these plots, three 2 m x 2 m quadrats were randomly selected and sampled for bryophytes using microplots measuring 10 cm x 5 cm, which were then collected into paper bags. Six substrates were surveyed in each quadrat: rock, soil, humus, organic matter, tree bark and leaves/fronds. Three replicates were obtained from all substrates available and colonised by bryophytes, resulting in a maximum of 18 microplots per quadrat, 54 microplots per plot, 108 microplots per site, and a total of 1296 microplots across the 12 sites on Pico Island.
    UNASSIGNED: Two-thirds of the maximum expected number of microplots (n = 878; 67.75%) were successfully collected, yielding a total of 4896 specimens. The vast majority (n = 4869) were identified at the species/subspecies level. The study identified a total of 70 moss and 71 liverwort species or subspecies. Elevation levels between 600-1000 m a.s.l., particularly in the native forest plots, exhibited both a higher number of microplots and greater species richness. This research significantly enhanced our understanding of Azorean bryophyte diversity and distribution, contributing valuable insights at both local and regional scales. Notably, two new taxa for the Azores were documented during the MOVECLIM study, namely the pleurocarpous mosses Antitrichiacurtipendula and Isotheciuminterludens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Chernobyl accident exposed large areas of northern Europe to radiocaesium (137Cs). We investigated temporal and spatial variation in concentrations of radiocaesium among five functional groups of alpine plants at two mountain areas in central Norway over a 31-year period from 1991 to 2022. Average concentrations of radiocaesium were initially high in lichens and bryophytes at around 4600-6400 Bq/kg dry weight during 1991-1994 but then decreased dramatically over three decades to current concentrations of <200 Bq/kg for all plant groups in 2019-2022. The effective half-life of radiocaesium was estimated to be 4-6 years in lichens and mosses, 7-13 years in herbaceous plants, and 22-30 years in woody plants, which were less than the physical half-life of 30.2 years. Concentrations of radiocaesium were greater at the nutrient-poor site than at the nutrient-rich site, probably due to greater deposition levels at higher elevations and the geographical pattern of the deposition. Functional groups of plants differed with higher concentrations among non-vascular than vascular plants. Common heather Calluna vulgaris was unusual among woody plants with high concentration of radiocaesium, especially in the new shoots. Our new estimates of concentrations and dynamics of radiocaesium for alpine plants in natural environments will be useful for modelling herbivore exposure and evaluating potential impacts on wildlife and human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biodiversity data records contain inaccuracies and biases. To overcome this limitation and establish robust geographic patterns, ecologists often curate records keeping those that are most suitable for their analyses. Yet, this choice is not straightforward and the outcome of the analysis may vary due to a trade-off between data quality and volume. This problem is particularly recurrent for less-studied groups with patchy sampling effort. The latitudinal pattern of mosses richness remains inconsistent across studies and these may emerge purely from sampling artefacts. Our main objective here is to assess the effect of different curation criteria on this spatial pattern in the Temperate Northern Hemisphere (above 20° latitude). We contrasted the geographical distribution of moss species records and the latitude-species richness relation obtained under different data curation scenarios. These scenarios comprehend five sources of taxonomical standardisations and eight data cleaning filters. The analyses are based on the selection of well-surveyed cells at 100 km cell resolution. The application of some \'data curation scenarios\' severely affects the number of records selected for analysis and substantially changes the proportion of richness per cell. The sensitivity to data curation becomes detectable at regional and at the cell scales showing a large shift in the latitudinal richness peak in Europe, from 60° N to 45° N latitude, when only preserved specimens are selected and duplicates based on date of collection and coordinates are excluded. Our results stress the importance of justifying the criteria used for filtering biodiversity data retrieved from biodiversity databases to avoid detecting misleading patterns. Curating records under particular criteria compromises the information in some areas displaying different spatial information of mosses. This problem can be ameliorated if data filtering is combined with identifying well-surveyed cells, render relatively constant results under different combinations of filtering even for less well-known groups such as mosses.





