Moonlighting function

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dark-light and light-dark transitions during the day are switching points of leaf metabolism that strongly affect the regulatory state of the cells, and this change is hypothesized to affect the translatome. The cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases GAPC1 and GAPC2 function in glycolysis, and carbohydrate and energy metabolism, but GAPC1/C2 also shows moonlighting functions in gene expression and post-transcriptional regulation. In this study we examined the rapid reprogramming of the translatome that occurs within 10 min at the end of the night and the end of the day in wild-type (WT) Arabidopsis and a gapc1/c2 double-knockdown mutant. Metabolite profiling compared to the WT showed that gapc1/c2 knockdown led to increases in a set of metabolites at the start of day, particularly intermediates of the citric acid cycle and linked pathways. Differences in metabolite changes were also detected at the end of the day. Only small sets of transcripts changed in the total RNA pool; however, RNA-sequencing revealed major alterations in polysome-associated transcripts at the light-transition points. The most pronounced difference between the WT and gapc1/c2 was seen in the reorganization of the translatome at the start of the night. Our results are in line with the proposed hypothesis that GAPC1/C2 play a role in the control of the translatome during light/dark transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citrullinemia type 1 (CTLN1) is a rare autosomal recessive urea cycle disorder caused by deficiency of the cytosolic enzyme argininosuccinate synthetase 1 (ASS1) due to pathogenic variants in the ASS1 gene located on chromosome 9q34.11. Even though hyperammenomia is considered the major pathomechanistic factor for neurological impairment and cognitive dysfunction, a relevant subset of individuals presents with a neurodegenerative course in the absence of hyperammonemic decompensations. Here we show, that ASS1 deficiency induced by antisense-mediated knockdown of the zebrafish ASS1 homologue is associated with defective neuronal differentiation ultimately causing neuronal cell loss and consecutively decreased brain size in zebrafish larvae in vivo. Whereas ASS1-deficient zebrafish larvae are characterized by markedly elevated concentrations of citrulline - the biochemical hallmark of CTLN1, accumulation of L-citrulline, hyperammonemia or therewith associated secondary metabolic alterations did not account for the observed phenotype. Intriguingly, coinjection of the human ASS1 mRNA not only normalized citrulline concentration but also reversed the morphological cerebral phenotype and restored brain size, confirming conserved functional properties of ASS1 across species. The results of the present study imply a novel, potentially non-enzymatic (moonlighting) function of the ASS1 protein in neurodevelopment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The circadian clock and cell metabolism are both dysregulated in cancer cells through intrinsic cell-autonomous mechanisms and external influences from the tumor microenvironment. The intricate interplay between the circadian clock and cancer cell metabolism exerts control over various metabolic processes, including aerobic glycolysis, de novo nucleotide synthesis, glutamine and protein metabolism, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial metabolism, and redox homeostasis in cancer cells. Importantly, oncogenic signaling can confer a moonlighting function on core clock genes, effectively reshaping cellular metabolism to fuel cancer cell proliferation and drive tumor growth. These interwoven regulatory mechanisms constitute a distinctive feature of cancer cell metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The metabolic enzyme branched-chain amino acid transaminase 1 (BCAT1) drives cell proliferation in aggressive cancers such as glioblastoma. Here, we show that BCAT1 localizes to mitotic structures and has a non-metabolic function as a mitotic regulator. Furthermore, BCAT1 is required for chromosome segregation in cancer and induced pluripotent stem cells and tumor growth in human cerebral organoid and mouse syngraft models. Applying gene knockout and rescue strategies, we show that the BCAT1 CXXC redox motif is crucial for controlling cysteine sulfenylation specifically in mitotic cells, promoting Aurora kinase B localization to centromeres, and securing accurate chromosome segregation. These findings offer an explanation for the well-established role of BCAT1 in promoting cancer cell proliferation. In summary, our data establish BCAT1 as a component of the mitotic apparatus that safeguards mitotic fidelity through a moonlighting redox functionality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schistosomiasis is a debilitating parasitic disease caused by intravascular flatworms called schistosomes (blood flukes) that affects >200 million people worldwide. Proteomic analysis has revealed the surprising presence of classical glycolytic enzymes - typically cytosolic proteins - located on the extracellular surface of the parasite tegument (skin). Immunolocalization experiments show that phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) is widely expressed in parasite tissues and is highly expressed in the tegument. We demonstrate that live Schistosoma mansoni parasites express enzymatically active PGM on their tegumental surface. Suppression of PGM using RNA interference (RNAi) diminishes S. mansoni PGM (SmPGM) gene expression, protein levels, and surface enzyme activity. Sequence comparisons place SmPGM in the cofactor (2,3-bisphosphoglycerate)-dependent PGM (dPGM) family. We have produced recombinant SmPGM (rSmPGM) in an enzymatically active form in Escherichia coli. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) of rSmPGM for its glycolytic substrate (3-phosphoglycerate) is 0.85 mM ± 0.02. rSmPGM activity is inhibited by the dPGM-specific inhibitor vanadate. Here, we show that rSmPGM not only binds to plasminogen but also promotes its conversion to an active form (plasmin) in vitro. This supports the hypothesis that host-interactive tegumental proteins (such as SmPGM), by enhancing plasmin formation, may help degrade blood clots around the worms in the vascular microenvironment and thus promote parasite survival in vivo.
    UNASSIGNED: La phosphoglycérate mutase de Schistosoma mansoni – une ectoenzyme glycolytique avec un potentiel thrombolytique.
    UNASSIGNED: La schistosomiase est une maladie parasitaire débilitante causée par des vers plats intravasculaires appelés schistosomes qui affecte plus de 200 millions de personnes dans le monde. L’analyse protéomique a révélé la présence surprenante d’enzymes glycolytiques classiques – typiquement des protéines cytosoliques – situées sur la surface extracellulaire du tégument du parasite. Des expériences d’immunolocalisation montrent que la phosphoglycérate mutase (PGM) est largement exprimée dans les tissus parasitaires et fortement exprimée dans le tégument. Nous démontrons que les parasites Schistosoma mansoni vivants expriment une PGM enzymatiquement active sur leur surface tégumentaire. La suppression de la PGM à l’aide de l’interférence ARN (ARNi) diminue l’expression du gène PGM de S. mansoni (SmPGM), les niveaux de protéines et l’activité enzymatique de surface. Les comparaisons de séquences placent la SmPGM dans la famille des PGM dépendantes du cofacteur (2,3-bisphosphoglycérate) (dPGM). Nous avons produit de la SmPGM recombinante (rSmPGM) sous une forme enzymatiquement active dans Escherichia coli. La constante de Michaelis-Menten (Km) de rSmPGM pour son substrat glycolytique (3-phosphoglycérate) est de 0,85 mM ± 0,02. L’activité de la rSmPGM est inhibée par le vanadate, un inhibiteur spécifique des dPGM. Ici, nous montrons que rSmPGM non seulement se lie au plasminogène mais favorise également sa conversion en une forme active (plasmine) in vitro. Cela soutient l’hypothèse selon laquelle les protéines tégumentaires interactives avec l’hôte (telles que SmPGM), en améliorant la formation de plasmine, peuvent aider à dégrader les caillots sanguins autour des vers dans le microenvironnement vasculaire et ainsi favoriser la survie du parasite in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although transplantation of single genes in yeast plays a key role in elucidating gene functionality in metazoans, technical challenges hamper humanization of full pathways and processes. Empowered by advances in synthetic biology, this study demonstrates the feasibility and implementation of full humanization of glycolysis in yeast. Single gene and full pathway transplantation revealed the remarkable conservation of glycolytic and moonlighting functions and, combined with evolutionary strategies, brought to light context-dependent responses. Human hexokinase 1 and 2, but not 4, required mutations in their catalytic or allosteric sites for functionality in yeast, whereas hexokinase 3 was unable to complement its yeast ortholog. Comparison with human tissues cultures showed preservation of turnover numbers of human glycolytic enzymes in yeast and human cell cultures. This demonstration of transplantation of an entire essential pathway paves the way for establishment of species-, tissue-, and disease-specific metazoan models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase is a ubiquitous cytosolic enzyme that catalyzes the fourth step of glycolysis. Aldolases are classified into three groups: Class-I, Class-IA, and Class-II; all classes share similar structural features but low amino acid identity. Apart from their conserved role in carbohydrate metabolism, aldolases have been reported to perform numerous non-enzymatic functions. Here we review the myriad \"moonlighting\" functions of this classical enzyme, many of which are centered on its ability to bind to an array of partner proteins that impact cellular scaffolding, signaling, transcription, and motility. In addition to the cytosolic location, aldolase has been found the extracellular surface of several pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and metazoans. In the extracellular space, the enzyme has been reported to perform virulence-enhancing moonlighting functions e.g., plasminogen binding, host cell adhesion, and immunomodulation. Aldolase\'s importance has made it both a drug target and vaccine candidate. In this review, we note the several inhibitors that have been synthesized with high specificity for the aldolases of pathogens and cancer cells and have been shown to inhibit classical enzyme activity and moonlighting functions. We also review the many trials in which recombinant aldolases have been used as vaccine targets against a wide variety of pathogenic organisms including bacteria, fungi, and metazoan parasites. Most of such trials generated significant protection from challenge infection, correlated with antigen-specific cellular and humoral immune responses. We argue that refinement of aldolase antigen preparations and expansion of immunization trials should be encouraged to promote the advancement of promising, protective aldolase vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Moonlighting proteins are defined as proteins with two or more functions that are unrelated and independent to each other, so that inactivation of one of them should not affect the second one and vice versa. Intriguingly, all the glycolytic enzymes are described as moonlighting proteins in some organisms. Hexokinase (HXK) is a critical enzyme in the glycolytic pathway and displays a wide range of functions in different organisms such as fungi, parasites, mammals, and plants. This review discusses HXKs moonlighting functions in depth since they have a profound impact on the responses to nutritional, environmental, and disease challenges. HXKs\' activities can be as diverse as performing metabolic activities, as a gene repressor complexing with other proteins, as protein kinase, as immune receptor and regulating processes like autophagy, programmed cell death or immune system responses. However, most of those functions are particular for some organisms while the most common moonlighting HXK function in several kingdoms is being a glucose sensor. In this review, we also analyze how different regulation mechanisms cause HXK to change its subcellular localization, oligomeric or conformational state, the response to substrate and product concentration, and its interactions with membrane, proteins, or RNA, all of which might impact the HXK moonlighting functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer development is a complicated process controlled by the interplay of multiple signaling pathways and restrained by oxygen and nutrient accessibility in the tumor microenvironment. High plasticity in using diverse nutrients to adapt to metabolic stress is one of the hallmarks of cancer cells. To respond to nutrient stress and to meet the requirements for rapid cell proliferation, cancer cells reprogram metabolic pathways to take up more glucose and coordinate the production of energy and intermediates for biosynthesis. Such actions involve gene expression and activity regulation by the moonlighting function of oncoproteins and metabolic enzymes. The signal - moonlighting protein - metabolism axis facilitates the adaptation of tumor cells under varying environment conditions and can be therapeutically targeted for cancer treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The C5-methylation of uracil to form 5-methyluracil (m5U) is a ubiquitous base modification of nucleic acids. Four enzyme families have converged to catalyze this methylation using different chemical solutions. Here, we investigate the evolution of 5-methyluracil synthase families in Mollicutes, a class of bacteria that has undergone extensive genome erosion. Many mollicutes have lost some of the m5U methyltransferases present in their common ancestor. Cases of duplication and subsequent shift of function are also described. For example, most members of the Spiroplasma subgroup use the ancestral tetrahydrofolate-dependent TrmFO enzyme to catalyze the formation of m5U54 in tRNA, while a TrmFO paralog (termed RlmFO) is responsible for m5U1939 formation in 23S rRNA. RlmFO has replaced the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)-enzyme RlmD that adds the same modification in the ancestor and which is still present in mollicutes from the Hominis subgroup. Another paralog of this family, the TrmFO-like protein, has a yet unidentified function that differs from the TrmFO and RlmFO homologs. Despite having evolved towards minimal genomes, the mollicutes possess a repertoire of m5U-modifying enzymes that is highly dynamic and has undergone horizontal transfer.






