
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subsurface chlorophyll maxima (SCM) significantly contributes to oceanic primary productivity, emphasizing the need to study its dynamics and governing mechanisms. We used datasets from various platforms to investigate relationships between the SCM characteristics (SCM depth (ZSCM), SCM magnitude (Chlmax), SCM thickness (TSCM)) and environmental variables modulated by various physical processes in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO). In the Arabian Sea (western NIO), seasonal processes like convective mixing and upwelling, primarily regulated the SCM characteristics. In the Bay of Bengal (eastern NIO), SCM characteristics were jointly influenced by fresh water influx, barrier layer formation, presence of eddies, and the propagation of Kelvin and Rossby waves. Any changes in these oceanic processes, potentially driven by climate change, could therefore impact oceanic primary production. Additionally, a positive association obtained between Chlmax and downward CO2 flux, while a shallower ZSCM, associated with higher concentrations of DMS, indicated SCM\'s role in regulating atmospheric gases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sea surface microlayer (SML), particularly in monsoon-influenced regions, remains largely unexplored. This study aims to determine the concentrations, enrichment, and factors controlling the enrichment processes of surface-active substances (SASs), which include surfactants, dissolved monosaccharides (MCHOs), polysaccharides (PCHOs), total dissolved carbohydrates (TDCHOs), and transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs) around the coastal area of Malaysian Peninsula. The SML samples and underlying water (ULW) from a depth of 1 m were collected during the southwest (August and September 2023) and northeast (November 2023) monsoons. Surfactants, TEPs, and dissolved carbohydrates were measured spectrometrically using methylene blue, the Alcian blue assay, and 2,4,6-Tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine (TPTZ), respectively. The results showed that stations influenced by anthropogenic activities were generally enriched with surfactants (Enrichment factor, EF = 1.40 ± 0.91) and carbohydrate species (TDCHOs = 1.38 ± 0.28, MCHOs = 1.54 ± 0.57, PCHOs = 1.85 ± 1.43). However, TEP enrichment was not observed in our study (EF = 0.68 ± 0.24). The SASs in the SML were correlated with their underlying concentrations, implying that transport from underlying water could be a major source of substances in the SML. High carbohydrate concentrations and enrichment were found during the northeast monsoon, implying that rain and runoff water affect concentrations in the SML. Besides, the enrichment of SASs persists at moderate wind speeds and is depleted at high wind speeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study describes the seasonal distribution of microplastics (MPs) and their associated biofilms in the water column of the Netravathi-Gurupura estuary, southwest India. An average abundance of 8.15 (±3.81) particles/l and 1.14 (±0.78) particles/l was observed during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Fibres, films, and fragments accounted for majority of the microplastics. Polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polyurethane, polyester, polystyrene, and high-density polyethylene were the major polymers. The risk assessment revealed a low Pollution Load Index, but the Polymer Hazard Index showed higher toxicity. Diatoms from nine genera were observed attached to the microplastic samples with Amphora and Navicula spp. reported in both estuaries during both seasons. The considerable diversity of diatoms, along with other microbial groups, in microplastic-associated biofilms in this study, highlights the urgent need to understand the structure and development of microplastic-associated biofilms and their role in the vertical and horizontal transport of microplastics in tropical estuaries.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of a 26-year-old male, a student by profession, who noticed black-ink-like stains over palms not removed with soap and water on relocating to a new flat during monsoons. The patient had no history of trauma, contact with chemicals, or drug intake. Sudden onset during monsoons, absence of symptoms, characteristic clinical and dermoscopic findings, and spontaneous resolution within 10 days led to a diagnosis of cydnidae pigmentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics, an emerging contaminant, are widespread in oceans around the world, and rivers are the key conveyors of these pollutants into the oceans. There exists a dearth of available data pertaining to seasonal fluctuation, spatial distribution and risk assessment of microplastics in rivers extending from upper reaches to the lower reaches. The collection of such data is of utmost importance for the purpose of formulating beneficial management strategies for riverine microplastics. In order to bridge this research gap, an investigation was made in the Periyar River in Kerala, India, which is exposed to anthropogenic stress and is at risk of microplastic pollution. A total of eighteen sites (six sites each from downstream, midstream and upstream) along the 244 km of the river were investigated across three seasons in a year. The study revealed a discernible pattern in the spatial distribution of microplastic concentrations, wherein there was a rise in abundance from the upstream to midstream and then a sudden increase of abundance along the downstream regions towards the lower reaches. The highest mean microplastic abundance of 124.95 items/L was obtained during the monsoon season followed by post-monsoon season i.e. 123.21 items/L and pre-monsoon i.e. 120.50 items/L. The predominant forms of microplastics were found to be fibres, fragments and filaments. Most prevalent polymer types acquired were polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Pollution hazard index (PHI) and pollution load index (PLI) were also evaluated to assess the water quality of this river. The findings of this study conclude that the Periyar River is polluted with microplastics throughout its course and offer significant insights into the detection of microplastic origins in river systems and lend support to the implementation of potential measures aimed at mitigating their impact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plastic debris accumulating on beaches pose a major threat to marine ecosystems. Unexpected events affecting human operations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which prompted governments to implement safety measures and restrictions, can serve as an unplanned investigation of anthropogenic pressure on the marine environment. This study aimed to explore deviations in macroplastic delivery rates to the central eastern Red Sea shoreline during three distinct population mobility periods: before, during, and after COVID-19 restrictions, spanning from January 2019 to June 2022. We observed a 50 % reduction in the estimated macroplastic delivery rates during the lockdown, followed by a 25 % increase after restrictions were eased. Seasonal variations in delivery rates were also observed, with higher values during the winter monsoon. Reduced shoreline litter delivery during the pandemic highlights human operations as a cause of macroplastic litter and suggests the potential of temporary measures to reduce plastic pollution in the coastal environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The unicellular calcareous planktic foraminifera sequester a significant portion of the carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean, thus burying the carbon in sediments for millions of years. The global warming and associated processes are likely to affect the planktic foraminiferal abundance and diversity. Therefore, their baseline distribution has to be documented and correlated with ambient parameters to assess its fate under different climate change scenarios. Here, we report an exceptionally high abundance of planktic foraminifera and thus large carbon burial in the southwestern Bay of Bengal. The very high absolute abundance of planktic foraminifera in the Cauvery River basin is attributed to biannual productivity, warmer and saline waters. Globigerinita glutinata is the highest abundant species followed by Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerina bulloides. Globigerina bulloides is abundant on the shelf, where the upwelling is more frequent. The relative abundance of Globorotalia menardii is positively correlated with thermocline salinity and negatively correlated with thermocline temperature. Similarly, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globoquadrina conglomerata are negatively correlated with mixed layer as well as thermocline temperature and mixed layer salinity. Both these species are positively correlated with thermocline salinity. Globigerina falconensis is more abundant in the southernmost transect influenced by intense winter monsoon precipitation. We report that G. ruber prefers high saline and warmer waters with the highest abundance in the southernmost transect. From the foraminiferal distribution, it is evident that the temperature and salinity of the mixed layer as well as thermocline, food availability, and monsoon-associated processes affect the planktic foraminiferal abundance and thus carbon burial in the southwestern Bay of Bengal. The changes in influx of southeastern Arabian Sea water will affect the planktic foraminiferal population and subsequent carbon burial in the southwestern Bay of Bengal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change alters the climate condition and ocean environment, leading to accelerated coastal erosion and a shift in the coastline shape. From previous studies, Southeast Asia\'s coastal region is suffering from severe coastal erosion. It is most sensitive and vulnerable to climate change, has broad and densely populated coastlines, and is under ecological pressure. Efforts to systematically review these studies are still insufficient despite many studies on the climate change linked to coastal erosion, the correlation between coastal erosion and coastal communities, and the adaptative measures to address these issues and their effectiveness in Southeast Asia. Therefore, by analyzing the existing literature, the purpose of this review was to bridge the knowledge gap and identify the link between climate change and coastal erosion in Southeast Asia in terms of sea-level rise, storm surge, and monsoon patterns. The RepOrting standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses (ROSES) guided the study protocol, including articles from the Scopus and Dimension databases. There were five main themes considered: 1) climate change impact, 2) contributing factors to coastal erosion, 3) coastal erosion impact on coastal communities, 4) adaptation measure and 5) effectiveness of adaptation measure using thematical analysis. Subsequently, nine sub-themes were produced from the themes. Generally, in Southeast Asia, coastal erosion was reflected by the rising sea level. Throughout reviewing past literature, an interesting result was explored. Storm surges also had the potential to affect coastal erosion due to alterations of the atmospheric system and seasonal monsoon as the result of climate change. Meanwhile, an assessment of current erosion control strategies in relation to the relative hydrodynamic trend was required to avoid the failure of defence structures and the resulting danger to coastal communities. Systematically reviewing the existing literature was critical, hence it could significantly contribute to the body of knowledge. It provides valuable information for interested parties, such as authorities, the public, researchers, and environmentalists, while comprehending existing adaptation practices. This kind of review could strategize adaptation and natural resource management in line with coastal communities\' needs, abilities, and capabilities in response to environmental and other change forms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study documents information on the composition, diversity, richness, and temporal occurrence of snakes at Sekayu\'s lowland forest (SLF), Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia for the first time. The snakes recorded within the SLF were sampled opportunistically from 2013 to 2019, employing the Visual Encounter Survey method (VES) and L-shape pitfall traps with drift fences. Forty-six snake species from 37 genera belonging to the nine families were recorded, of which 11 were new records to Terengganu. Individual-based rarefaction and extrapolation curves were not reaching asymptote, indicating that additional species can be recorded at the study area. Non-parametric species richness estimators estimated and produced a range between 51 and 57 species. ACE was the best estimator based on the quantitative evaluation. All species showed some variations of occurrence patterns across months. Fourteen species were only encountered once across the sampling years, and interestingly 11 of them were only detected during the rainy season (late October to January). In general, the number of species richness, abundance, and rare species were high during this season. Species richness of snakes is high at SLF but sampling effort should be intensified, especially during these rainy months, to obtain a robust estimated snake species richness in SLF. Terengganu harbor considerably high species richness of snakes with a total of 71 species to date (excluding marine snakes), but snake diversity is still underestimated as only a few localities were surveyed in the past years, primarily at the northern part. Future surveys should be commenced at the central and southern parts of Terengganu to complement the current investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the Indian Ocean receives a large amount of land-based plastic waste, the studies on pathways of riverine plastic debris are limited to date. Therefore, a particle tracking model that included ocean surface currents, horizontal diffusion, Stokes drift, windage, and beaching/re-drifting processes was developed to reproduce the behavior of riverine plastic debris in the Indian Ocean. The modeled particles were released in the model domain based on riverine plastic debris database. The maximum abundance of beached particles occurred during the southwesterly monsoon season, particularly in the Bay of Bengal. The particles released from the rivers were trapped in the northern Indian Ocean unless both Stokes drift and windage were excluded from transportation velocity. These results suggest that the riverine plastic debris was trapped in the northern Indian Ocean until it fragmented into less buoyant small microplastics drifting in the subsurface layer, free from windage and Stokes drift at increasing depths.





