
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dancers and musicians have unique physical demands that can lead to injury of the peripheral nerves. Specific dance movements and specific instrument positions, combined with countless hours of practice and repetition, create an environment for potential nerve injury. Familiarity with these variables and recognition of the common presentations of neuropathic syndromes are essential in the evaluation of a performing artist with a suspected peripheral nerve injury. Assessment should include an understanding and analysis of their dance style or instrument playing posture, particularly in the position or motion that recreates the symptoms if possible. Practice and performance schedules should also be considered. Diagnosis may require electrodiagnostic testing, imaging, or diagnostic injections. Treatment should be comprehensive and may include modifications in practice schedule, posture/position, and technique in addition to consideration of medications, splints/orthoses, physical therapy, and injections. The instructor/teacher should be involved in the treatment plan if applicable. Complete rest in this population may not be realistic or necessary. Early and accurate diagnosis of nerve injury is important for safe return to dance or instrumental music.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expert consensus is aimed to develop an algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of mononeuropathies for outpatient neurologists. Leading experts in the field of neurology have suggested workup options for certain types of tunnel mononeuropathies based on current data on the effectiveness and safety of various types of conservative and surgical treatment.
    Консенсус экспертов посвящен созданию алгоритма диагностики и лечения мононейропатий для врачей-неврологов амбулаторного звена. На основании актуальных данных об эффективности и безопасности различных вариантов консервативного и хирургического лечения ведущими специалистами в области неврологии были сформированы предложения по тактике ведения пациентов с некоторыми видами туннельных мононейропатий.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present the case of a child with neuritis ossificans after acute trauma, treated conservatively. The aim of the review is to compare several parameters in this disease. Emphasis is placed on the clinical-radiological features distinguishing neuritis ossificans from malignancy to avoid unnecessary biopsy and surgery.A literature review was performed. Only 18 cases were described. Except for one, all describe adults, and none had acute trauma. Nearly all were treated surgically.Our 13-year-old patient presented with posterior knee pain after trauma. MRI demonstrated a mass within the tibial nerve with oedema, some lymph nodes and increased avidity on 18fluoro-2-deoxyglucose-positron emission tomography. These findings can be reactive but also associated with malignancy. However, eggshell-like calcifications in the periphery of the mass were seen on CT. Biopsy and resection were proposed. Follow-up visits over the next weeks showed remarkable clinical improvement. Wait-and-scan was advised after international discussion. Follow-up imaging after 2 months showed resolution of the oedema and volume reduction of the mass, suggesting a benign pathology. Diagnosis of neuritis ossificans was proposed based on the clinical and radiological features. There was a favorable course with no complaints after two months. Imaging after seven months showed an almost complete regression.Neuritis ossificans should be considered within a painfull (mono)neuropathy. The initial inflammatory phase may mimic malignancy, misleading clinicians toward biopsy or surgery with the risk of nerve damage. As seen in our case, neuritis ossificans can be a self-limiting process. Therefore, conservative therapy should be considered with a wait-and-scan approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropathies secondary to tophus compression in gout patients are well known; however, limited data exist on other types of peripheral neuropathies (PN). Our aim was to describe PN frequency, characteristics, distribution, patterns, and associated factors in gout patients through clinical evaluation, a PN questionnaire, and nerve conduction studies (NCS). This cross-sectional descriptive study included consecutive gout patients (ACR/EULAR 2015 criteria) from our clinic. All underwent evaluation by Rheumatology and Rehabilitation departments, with IRB approval. Based on NCS, patients were categorized as PN + (presence) or PN- (absence). PN + patients were further classified as local peripheral neuropathy (LPN) or generalized somatic peripheral neuropathy (GPN). We enrolled 162 patients, 98% male (72% tophaceous gout). Mean age (SD): 49.4 (12) years; mean BMI: 27.9 (6.0) kg/m2. Comorbidities included dyslipidemia (53%), hypertension (28%), and obesity (23.5%). Abnormal NCS: 65% (n = 106); 52% LPN, 48% GPN. PN + patients were older, had lower education, and severe tophaceous gout. GPN patients were older, had lower education, and higher DN4 scores compared to LPN or PN- groups (p = 0.05); other risk factors were not significant. Over half of gout patients experienced neuropathy, with 48% having multiplex mononeuropathy or polyneuropathy. This was associated with joint damage and functional impairment. Mechanisms and risk factors remain unclear. Early recognition and management are crucial for optimizing clinical outcomes and quality of life in these patients. Key Points Peripheral neuropathies in gout patients had been scarcely reported and studied. This paper report that: • PN in gout is more frequent and more diverse than previously reported. • Mononeuropathies are frequent, median but also ulnar, peroneal and tibial nerves could be injured. • Unexpected, generalized neuropathies (polyneuropathy and multiplex mononeuropathy) are frequent and associated to severe gout. • The direct role of hyperuricemia /or gout in peripheral nerves require further studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Total supported abduction, or TSA, is a position for ultrasound evaluations and guided interventions of the upper extremity. It provides optimal access to the medial arm through the volar wrist and palmar hand for diagnostic evaluations of the median and ulnar nerves as well as procedures including injections for carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, and stenosing tenosynovitis. It enables ease of both ipsilateral and bilateral evaluations/interventions without the need for significant positional changes by the patient or physician. Incorporation of TSA may enhance clinical efficiency by reducing the amount of time, materials, and space required to provide such services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropathic pain in the upper extremity is a serious problem, commonly involving relatively young patients. The pain causes loss of function and productivity, changes a patient\'s lifestyle and can progress into a chronic pain syndrome with secondary psychosocial co-morbidities. Treating patients with a painful mononeuropathy remains challenging, with a monodisciplinary approach often having limited treatment efficacy. This narrative review discusses how to deal with this challenge in the treatment of patients with peripheral nerve injury pain, addressing the four important pillars: (1) diagnosing a painful mononeuropathy; (2) clinical pain phenotyping; (3) personalized pain treatment; and (4) using a multidisciplinary team approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrodiagnostic (EDX) testing plays an important role in confirming a mononeuropathy, localizing the site of nerve injury, defining the pathophysiology, and assessing the severity and prognosis. The combination of nerve conduction studies (NCS) and needle electromyography findings provides the necessary information to fully assess a nerve. The pattern of NCS abnormalities reflects the underlying pathophysiology, with focal slowing or conduction block in neuropraxic injuries and reduced amplitudes in axonotmetic injuries. Needle electromyography findings, including spontaneous activity and voluntary motor unit potential changes, complement the NCS findings and further characterize chronicity and degree of axon loss and reinnervation. EDX is used as an objective marker to follow the progression of a mononeuropathy over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The femoral and obturator nerves both arise from the L2, L3, and L4 spinal nerve roots and descend into the pelvis before emerging in the lower limbs. The femoral nerve\'s primary function is knee extension and hip flexion, along with some sensory innervation to the leg. The obturator nerve\'s primary function is thigh adduction and sensory innervation to a small area of the medial thigh. Each may be injured by a variety of potential causes, many of them iatrogenic. Here, we review the anatomy of the femoral and obturator nerves and the clinical features and potential etiologies of femoral and obturator neuropathies. Their necessary investigations, including electrodiagnostic studies and imaging, their prognosis, and potential treatments, are discussed in this chapter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fibular neuropathy has variable presenting features depending on the site of the lesion. Anatomical features make it susceptible to injury from extrinsic factors, particularly the superficial location of the nerve at the head of the fibula. There are many mechanisms of compression or other traumatic injury of the fibular nerve, as well as entrapment and intrinsic nerve lesions. Intraneural ganglion cysts are increasingly recognized when the mechanism of neuropathy is not clear from the medical history. Electrodiagnostic testing can contribute to the localization as well as the characterization of the pathologic process affecting the nerve. When the mechanism of injury is unclear from the analysis of the presentation, imaging with MRI and ultrasound may identify nerve lesions that warrant surgical intervention. The differential diagnosis of foot drop includes fibular neuropathy and other neurologic conditions, which can be distinguished through clinical and electrodiagnostic assessment. Rehabilitation measures, including ankle splinting, are important to improve function and safety when foot drop is present. Fibular neuropathy is less frequently painful than many other nerve lesions, but when it is painful, neuropathic medication may be required. Failure to spontaneously recover or the detection of a mass lesion may require surgical management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





