
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 140 000 or so fungal species reported so far are heterogeneously defined based on varying criteria such as morphological, physiological, mating, and (or) molecular features. Incongruences are common among traits used to separating closely related species and it is often difficult to compare fungal taxonomic groups defined based on different species recognition criteria. Though DNA sequence-based classification and identification have been made, a consensus has not been reached, primarily due to intrinsic limitations in the proposed one or a few genes. Here, I argue that the fundamental reason for the observed inconsistencies is that speciation is a stochastic process with the emergence and fixation of different traits influenced differently by many non-deterministic factors such as population size, random mutation, mode(s) of reproduction, selection imposed by interacting biotic and abiotic factors, and chance events. Each species concept attempts to capture one or a few traits emerged in the continuous process of speciation. I propose that a genome sequence-based classification and identification system could unify and stabilize fungal taxonomy and help integrate taxonomy with other fields of fungal biology. The genomic species concept could be similarly argued for other groups of eukaryotic microbes as well as for plants and animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure to mould is a potential risk factor for asthma in both adults and children. In adult, the relation between exposure, sensitization and symptoms has been demonstrated in severe asthmatics sensitized to Alternaria. For children, exposure to mould in childhood is a risk factor for asthma in both atopic and non-atopic individuals. Exposure or sensitization to moulds are a risk factor for severe asthma and/or exacerbations in children. There appears to be a causal relationship between exposure and asthma. This link seems less significant in adults. However, in adults mould sensitive asthma seems to determine a phenotype of severe asthma associated with more marked obstructive lung disease. Moulds can stimulate either innate or the acquired immunity. They are responsible for a marked Th2 inflammation leading to more severe asthma. Besides the immunological mechanisms, toxic mechanisms can also intervene. It is therefore not correct to reduce the effect of moulds, particularly in respiratory symptoms, to only allergic mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) are typically subacute in their presentation and the diagnosis may be difficult.
    METHODS: We report a case of a hypersensitivity pneumonitis in a 27-years-old woman, caused by exposure to mould in an insalubrious mobile home. The initial presentation was with acute respiratory distress syndrome complicating RSV pneumonia, treated with ribavirin and corticosteroids in winter 2013-2014. The diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis was based on clinical and radiological relapse occurring during winter 2014-2015 with confirmed exposure to antigen with fungal sampling at home, respiratory deterioration with antigen rechallenge and a compatible chest CT-scan.
    CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis should be considered in similar cases. Treatment is based mainly on removing exposure to the causative antigen.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Hot tub lung is a hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) due to exposure to inhaled non-tuberculous mycobacteria, the most frequent being Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC).
    METHODS: A French couple developed typicalHP in the context of a repeated use of hot tubs. The husband had a severe hypoxemic form whereas his wife had a micronodular form with patchy ground glass on the thoracic scan, with less severe functional impairment. MAC was recovered in the hot tub water, but not in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid, and serologies were negative. Samples taken at home showed unusual exposure to Aureobasidium pullulans and Aspergillus flavus, as well as the presence of potentially responsible domestic molds. Blood precipitins for these microorganisms were identified. The evolution was favorable after removal of the hot tub.
    CONCLUSIONS: These cases represent two of the typical presentations of hot tub lung, with a possible HP to an antigen other than MAC, which may have been enhanced by chronic exposure to multiple microorganisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Moulds and mite allergens present in indoor environments are well known for their effects on respiratory health.
    METHODS: From 2011 to 2015, the Paris Service for Environmental Health (SPSE) conducted investigations in 293 dwellings following medical referral. These audits included fungal analysis of air (in 12% of dwellings), in mattress surface and floor dust (24%), and mite allergen quantifications in mattresses and carpets (18%).
    RESULTS: Indoor air fungal concentrations are not significantly different from those in outdoor air. When there is no ventilation or when the system is malfunctioning, an increase in indoor/outdoor air ratios is observed, indicating mould enrichment in the dwelling\'s indoor air. With regard to house dust samples, fungal spore concentrations vary according to the media from which samples were collected. Mattress fungal contamination is higher in dwellings where observed surface moulds exceed 1 per square meter. In the same way Der p1 mite allergens levels are greater in mattress dust in dwellings where mould contamination is visible.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the levels of contamination in the dwellings of Parisian patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The proportion of moldy housing in France is around 20%. It is not simple to establish that a health impact of mold is not allergic, because the identification of allergy is itself difficult. Moreover, exposure to molds and their metabolites may have a protective effect. Non-allergic health impacts may occur due to the multiple aerocontaminants found in damp or mold-containing dwellings: glucans, microbial volatile organic compounds, mycotoxins, bacteria and endotoxins. The heath impacts of indoor mold have been addressed by numerous toxicologic and epidemiologic investigations, the results of which have been summarized in three notable reports. These conclude that mold exposure is linked to a risk of ENT and bronchial symptoms, both the genesis and exacerbation of asthma and, lastly, hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Finally, other studies highlight the protective role of fungal metabolites with respect to asthma and allergy. Pulmonologists should be aware of these data, which can be useful in clinical practice and also in legal work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children exposure to molds in the school and preschool environment is not well described in France. A nationwide survey was performed in 2009-2011 in 310 schools and nurseries from France including two oversea territories, Reunion and Martinique. It showed that 5 % of the audited rooms had visible molds, mainly on the ceiling. These rooms belonged to 34 buildings (11 %). The multivariate analysis shows that several factors are associated with visible molds in rooms: the presence of textile wall covering, the location of the building in a suburban area, the size of the building (less visible molds in large buildings), the absence of a ventilation system with exhaust located in the room, and the absence of double-glazed windows. The prevalence of visible molds is comparable to the one observed in large European studies: 7 % of the 334 classrooms in the frame of the SINPHONIE project and 11 % of the buildings in 193 elementary schools in the HITEA study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mould spores constitute the largest portion of biologic particulate matter suspended in the outdoor atmosphere. There is no universal method for collecting airborne mould spores. The most used sampler, Hirst\'s apparatus, operates continuously and gives results in individual spores per cubic metre of air. Spore concentrations depend on available substrates, human activities such as agriculture, season, diurnal meteorological variations and climate changes. Under natural conditions, concentrations of over 100,000 spores per cubic metre are not exceptional. Cladosporium is the most commonly identified outdoor mould. The association between respiratory health and outdoor mould spore exposure has been assessed in clinical studies, and also by cross-sectional, and less often longitudinal, epidemiological studies. The relationship between asthma exacerbations and specific mould spores has been demonstrated in longitudinal studies. Cross sectional studies have related measurements of mould spore concentrations to severity of bronchial symptoms, drug consumption and peak-flow measurements in groups of asthmatic subjects. Ecological time-series studies use daily indicators of asthma exacerbations (emergency room visits, hospitalizations) within the general population. The moulds mainly incriminated are Cladosporium and Alternaria. They are associated with seasonal, but also perennial, asthma and rhinitis. Further studies are needed to better assess the impact of outdoor moulds on health, particularly basidiomycetes. Studies with molecular biology tools are probably a way forward.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Superficial fungal infections, particularly of the skin, scalp and nails are very common and have been reported worldwide. The most common causative agents of these mycoses are dermatophytes, yeasts and molds. However, these agents vary with time and depend on many factors including the geography. The objective of this study was to identify the causative agents of superficial mycoses diagnosed at the Le Dantec University Hospital in Dakar (Senegal).
    METHODS: The study concerned 1851 outpatients received in the parasitological and mycological laboratory of Le Dantec hospital during the period from January 2011 to December 2015. Every patient benefited from direct examination and mycological culture.
    RESULTS: Among the 1851 patients, 633 were confirmed with superficial mycoses and the prevalence was 34.2 %. The age of patients ranged from two months to 81 years with a mean age of 31 years. Superficial mycoses were found more in women (70.3 %) than men (29.7 %) and a little more than thirty-nine percent (39.3 %) were adults. The causative agents identified were: dermatophytes (58 %), yeast (36.7 %) and non-dermatophytic filamentous fungi (NDFF, 5.3 %). The most isolated species were: Candida albicans (26.9 %), Trichophyton soudanense (24.9 %) and T. rubrum (13.7 %). These fungi were responsible for different clinical aspects, isolated and other associated. Among the isolated clinical aspects, those affecting hair (tinea capitis) were by far the largest with 44.8 %, followed by tinea unguium (34.5 %). Associations were especially type of tinea capitis and tinea manuum (2.4 %) and toenails onychomycosis associated with interdigital tinea pedis (2.7 %). Tinea capitis agents were exclusively dermatophytes and the predominant agent was T. soudanense with 47,8 %. Tinea unguium agents were yeast (79 %), dermatophytes (18 %) or NDFF (3 %) and the most found species was C. albicans (63.9 %). Dermatophytes, yeasts and molds were respectively found more in children and young adults, older adults and young adults and older adults and the elderly.
    CONCLUSIONS: In definitive, these epidemiological data should enable better diagnostic and therapeutic management of superficial mycoses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal interdigital tinea pedis (FITP) is the most frequent dermatomycosis in industrial countries. In African tropics, it\'s a rare motive of consultation and is discovered while complicated. The aims of this article were: to determine the frequency of interdigital tinea pedis among overall mycological analysis in our laboratory; to study epidemiological, clinical and mycological aspects of FITP in outpatients attending the Le Dantec mycology laboratory in Dakar. A total of 62 males (60%) and 42 females (40%), mean age: 43.15 years (range: 11-81 years), were received from January 2011 to December 2015 for suspicion of FITP. Skin specimens were taken from all patients for microscopy and fungal culture. The frequency of ITP represents 5.6% (104/1851) among our overall mycological analysis. FITP was confirmed in 68 patients (SPI=65.38%), mainly located between the 4th and 5th toes and 71 fungal species were isolated (CPI=68.27%). Among patients with confirmed FITP, there were 38 males (56%) and 30 females (44%). The prevalence was highest in patients between 44 and 54 years (26%). Candida albicans, Fusarium solani and Trichophyton interdigitale were shown to be the most common pathogens respectively for yeasts (39%), non-dermatophytic filamentous fungi (NDFF; 21%) and dermatophytes (11%). So FITP isn\'t a common reason for consultation in Dakar but its simple parasitic index (SPI) is still very high and dermatophytes formerly the main causative agents are being relegated to third place behind yeasts and NDFF.





