
Mod (Mdg4)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Su(Hw) belongs to the class of proteins that organize chromosome architecture, determine promoter activity, and participate in formation of the boundaries/insulators between the regulatory domains. This protein contains a cluster of 12 zinc fingers of the C2H2 type, some of which are responsible for binding to the consensus site. The Su(Hw) protein forms complex with the Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and the CP190 proteins, where the last one binds to all known Drosophila insulators. To further study functioning of the Su(Hw)-dependent complexes, we used the previously described su(Hw)E8 mutation with inactive seventh zinc finger, which produces mutant protein that cannot bind to the consensus site. The present work shows that the Su(Hw)E8 protein continues to directly interact with the CP190 and Mod(mdg4)-67.2 proteins. Through interaction with Mod(mdg4)-67.2, the Su(Hw)E8 protein can be recruited into the Su(Hw)-dependent complexes formed on chromatin and enhance their insulator activity. Our results demonstrate that the Su(Hw) dependent complexes without bound DNA can be recruited to the Su(Hw) binding sites through the specific protein-protein interactions that are stabilized by Mod(mdg4)-67.2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin architecture is critical for the temporal and tissue-specific activation of genes that determine eukaryotic development. The functional interaction between enhancers and promoters is controlled by insulators and tethering elements that support specific long-distance interactions. However, the mechanisms of the formation and maintenance of long-range interactions between genome regulatory elements remain poorly understood, primarily due to the lack of convenient model systems. Drosophila became the first model organism in which architectural proteins that determine the activity of insulators were described. In Drosophila, one of the best-studied DNA-binding architectural proteins, Su(Hw), forms a complex with Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and CP190 proteins. Using a combination of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and attP-dependent integration technologies, we created a model system in which the promoters and enhancers of two reporter genes are separated by 28 kb. In this case, enhancers effectively stimulate reporter gene promoters in cis and trans only in the presence of artificial Su(Hw) binding sites (SBS), in both constructs. The expression of the mutant Su(Hw) protein, which cannot interact with CP190, and the mutation inactivating Mod(mdg4)-67.2, lead to the complete loss or significant weakening of enhancer-promoter interactions, respectively. The results indicate that the new model system effectively identifies the role of individual subunits of architectural protein complexes in forming and maintaining specific long-distance interactions in the D. melanogaster model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asynchronous replication of chromosome domains during S phase is essential for eukaryotic genome function, but the mechanisms establishing which domains replicate early versus late in different cell types remain incompletely understood. Intercalary heterochromatin domains replicate very late in both diploid chromosomes of dividing cells and in endoreplicating polytene chromosomes where they are also underreplicated. Drosophila SNF2-related factor SUUR imparts locus-specific underreplication of polytene chromosomes. SUUR negatively regulates DNA replication fork progression; however, its mechanism of action remains obscure. Here, we developed a novel method termed MS-Enabled Rapid protein Complex Identification (MERCI) to isolate a stable stoichiometric native complex SUMM4 that comprises SUUR and a chromatin boundary protein Mod(Mdg4)-67.2. Mod(Mdg4) stimulates SUUR ATPase activity and is required for a normal spatiotemporal distribution of SUUR in vivo. SUUR and Mod(Mdg4)-67.2 together mediate the activities of gypsy insulator that prevent certain enhancer-promoter interactions and establish euchromatin-heterochromatin barriers in the genome. Furthermore, SuUR or mod(mdg4) mutations reverse underreplication of intercalary heterochromatin. Thus, SUMM4 can impart late replication of intercalary heterochromatin by attenuating the progression of replication forks through euchromatin/heterochromatin boundaries. Our findings implicate a SNF2 family ATP-dependent motor protein SUUR in the insulator function, reveal that DNA replication can be delayed by a chromatin barrier, and uncover a critical role for architectural proteins in replication control. They suggest a mechanism for the establishment of late replication that does not depend on an asynchronous firing of late replication origins.
    Inside cells, molecules of DNA provide the instructions needed to make proteins. Cells carefully maintain and repair their DNA, and typically make a complete copy of the genome before they divide to ensure that after division, each daughter cell has a full set. Within human, fly and other eukaryotic nuclei, DNA is packaged into structures known as chromosomes. Cells follow precisely controlled programs to replicate distinct regions of chromosomes at different times. To start copying a particular region, the cell machinery that replicates DNA binds to a sequence known as the origin of replication. It is thought that as-yet unknown cues from the cell may lead the replication machinery to bind to different origins of replication at different times. In some circumstances, cells make extra copies of their DNA without dividing. For example, many cells in the larvae of fruit flies contain hundreds of extra DNA copies to sustain their increased sizes. However, the entire genome is not copied during this process, so cells end up with more copies of some regions of the genome than others. A protein called SUUR is required for hindering the replication of the ‘underrepresented’ regions, but it is not clear how it works. To address this question, Andreyeva, Emelyanov et al. developed a new approach based on liquid chromatography and quantitative proteomics to identify the native form of SUUR in fruit flies. This revealed that SUUR exists as a stable complex with a protein called Mod(Mdg4), which is needed to recruit SUUR to the chromosomes. Further experiments suggested that SUUR and Mod(Mdg4) work together to bind to regions of DNA known as gypsy insulator elements, creating a physical barrier that hinders the replication machinery from accessing some parts of the genome. The findings of Andreyeva, Emelyanov et al. provide an alternative explanation for how individual cells may stagger the process of copying their DNA without relying on the replication machinery binding to various replication origins at different times. Rather, late replication timing may be instructed by an insulator-born delay of the progression of replication over particular genomic regions. This mechanism adds to the list of nuclear processes (chromosome partitioning, transcriptional regulation, etc.) that are known to be directed by insulators and associated architectural proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The best-studied Drosophila insulator complex consists of two BTB-containing proteins, the Mod(mdg4)-67.2 isoform and CP190, which are recruited to the chromatin through interactions with the DNA-binding Su(Hw) protein. It was shown previously that Mod(mdg4)-67.2 is critical for the enhancer-blocking activity of the Su(Hw) insulators and it differs from more than 30 other Mod(mdg4) isoforms by the C-terminal domain required for a specific interaction with Su(Hw) only. The mechanism of the highly specific association between Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and Su(Hw) is not well understood. Therefore, we have performed a detailed analysis of domains involved in the interaction of Mod(mdg4)-67.2 with Su(Hw) and CP190. We found that the N-terminal region of Su(Hw) interacts with the glutamine-rich domain common to all the Mod(mdg4) isoforms. The unique C-terminal part of Mod(mdg4)-67.2 contains the Su(Hw)-interacting domain and the FLYWCH domain that facilitates a specific association between Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and the CP190/Su(Hw) complex. Finally, interaction between the BTB domain of Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and the M domain of CP190 has been demonstrated. By using transgenic lines expressing different protein variants, we have shown that all the newly identified interactions are to a greater or lesser extent redundant, which increases the reliability in the formation of the protein complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The best-studied Drosophila insulator complex consists of two BTB-containing proteins, the Mod(mdg4)-67.2 isoform and CP190, which are recruited cooperatively to chromatin through interactions with the DNA-binding architectural protein Su(Hw). While Mod(mdg4)-67.2 interacts only with Su(Hw), CP190 interacts with many other architectural proteins. In spite of the fact that CP190 is critical for the activity of Su(Hw) insulators, interaction between these proteins has not been studied yet. Therefore, we have performed a detailed analysis of domains involved in the interaction between the Su(Hw) and CP190. The results show that the BTB domain of CP190 interacts with two adjacent regions at the N-terminus of Su(Hw). Deletion of either region in Su(Hw) only weakly affected recruiting of CP190 to the Su(Hw) sites in the presence of Mod(mdg4)-67.2. Deletion of both regions in Su(Hw) prevents its interaction with CP190. Using mutations in vivo, we found that interactions with Su(Hw) and Mod(mdg4)-67.2 are essential for recruiting of CP190 to the Su(Hw) genomic sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent data suggest that insulators organize chromatin architecture in the nucleus. The best characterized Drosophila insulator, found in the gypsy retrotransposon, contains 12 binding sites for the Su(Hw) protein. Enhancer blocking, along with Su(Hw), requires BTB/POZ domain proteins, Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and CP190. Inactivation of Mod(mdg4)-67.2 leads to a direct repression of the yellow gene promoter by the gypsy insulator. Here, we have shown that such repression is regulated by the level of the EAST protein, which is an essential component of the interchromatin compartment. Deletion of the EAST C-terminal domain suppresses Su(Hw)-mediated repression. Partial inactivation of EAST by mutations in the east gene suppresses the enhancer-blocking activity of the gypsy insulator. The binding of insulator proteins to chromatin is highly sensitive to the level of EAST expression. These results suggest that EAST, one of the main components of the interchromatin compartment, can regulate the activity of chromatin insulators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Belle (Bel), the Drosophila homolog of the yeast DEAD-box RNA helicase DED1 and human DDX3, has been shown to be required for oogenesis and female fertility. Here we report a novel role of Bel in regulating the expression of transgenes. Abrogation of Bel by mutations or RNAi induces silencing of a variety of P-element-derived transgenes. This silencing effect depends on downregulation of their RNA levels. Our genetic studies have revealed that the RNA helicase Spindle-E (Spn-E), a nuage RNA helicase that plays a crucial role in regulating RNA processing and PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) biogenesis in germline cells, is required for loss-of-bel-induced transgene silencing. Conversely, Bel abrogation alleviates the nuage-protein mislocalization phenotype in spn-E mutants, suggesting a competitive relationship between these two RNA helicases. Additionally, disruption of the chromatin remodeling factor Mod(mdg4) or the microRNA biogenesis enzyme Dicer-1 (Dcr-1) also alleviates the transgene-silencing phenotypes in bel mutants, suggesting the involvement of chromatin remodeling and microRNA biogenesis in loss-of-bel-induced transgene silencing. Finally we show that genetic inhibition of Bel function leads to de novo generation of piRNAs from the transgene region inserted in the genome, suggesting a potential piRNA-dependent mechanism that may mediate transgene silencing as Bel function is inhibited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MYST family histone acetyltransferases play important roles in gene regulation. Here, we have characterized the Drosophila MYST histone acetyltransferase (HAT) encoded by cg1894, whose closest homolog is Drosophila MOF, and which we have termed MYST5. We found it localized to a large number of interbands as well as to the telomeres of polytene chromosomes, and it showed strong colocalization with the interband protein Z4/Putzig and RNA polymerase II. Accordingly, genome-wide location analysis by ChIP-seq showed co-occurrence of MYST5 with the Z4-interacting partner Chriz/Chromator. Interestingly, MYST5 bound to the promoter of actively transcribed genes, and about half of MYST5 sites colocalized with the transcription factor DNA replication-related element-binding factor (DREF), indicating a role for MYST5 in gene expression. Moreover, we observed substantial overlap of MYST5 binding with that of the insulator proteins CP190, dCTCF, and BEAF-32, which mediate the organization of the genome into functionally distinct topological domains. Altogether, our data suggest a broad role for MYST5 both in gene-specific transcriptional regulation and in the organization of the genome into chromatin domains, with the two roles possibly being functionally interconnected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unlike typical cis-splicing, trans-splicing joins exons from two separate transcripts to produce chimeric mRNA and has been detected in most eukaryotes. Trans-splicing in trypanosomes and nematodes has been characterized as a spliced leader RNA-facilitated reaction; in contrast, its mechanism in higher eukaryotes remains unclear. Here we investigate mod(mdg4), a classic trans-spliced gene in Drosophila, and report that two critical RNA sequences in the middle of the last 5\' intron, TSA and TSB, promote trans-splicing of mod(mdg4). In TSA, a 13-nucleotide (nt) core motif is conserved across Drosophila species and is essential and sufficient for trans-splicing, which binds U1 small nuclear RNP (snRNP) through strong base-pairing with U1 snRNA. In TSB, a conserved secondary structure acts as an enhancer. Deletions of TSA and TSB using the CRISPR/Cas9 system result in developmental defects in flies. Although it is not clear how the 5\' intron finds the 3\' introns, compensatory changes in U1 snRNA rescue trans-splicing of TSA mutants, demonstrating that U1 recruitment is critical to promote trans-splicing in vivo. Furthermore, TSA core-like motifs are found in many other trans-spliced Drosophila genes, including lola. These findings represent a novel mechanism of trans-splicing, in which RNA motifs in the 5\' intron are sufficient to bring separate transcripts into close proximity to promote trans-splicing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alteration of regulatory DNA elements or their binding proteins may have drastic consequences for morphological evolution. Chromatin insulators are one example of such proteins and play a fundamental role in organizing gene expression. While a single insulator protein, CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor), is known in vertebrates, Drosophila melanogaster utilizes six additional factors. We studied the evolution of these proteins and show here that-in contrast to the bilaterian-wide distribution of CTCF-all other D. melanogaster insulators are restricted to arthropods. The full set is present exclusively in the genus Drosophila whereas only two insulators, Su(Hw) and CTCF, existed at the base of the arthropod clade and all additional factors have been acquired successively at later stages. Secondary loss of factors in some lineages further led to the presence of different insulator subsets in arthropods. Thus, the evolution of insulator proteins within arthropods is an ongoing and dynamic process that reshapes and supplements the ancient CTCF-based system common to bilaterians. Expansion of insulator systems may therefore be a general strategy to increase an organism\'s gene regulatory repertoire and its potential for morphological plasticity.





