
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Kratom is a herbal substance belonging to the group of new psychoactive substances. It contains psychoactive indole alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. At low doses, they act as psychostimulants and at higher doses they mediate an opioid-like effect. The increasing misuse of kratom requires the development of analytical methods that will accurately and reliably identify and quantify its psychoactive alkaloids in biological samples. Therefore, the development of effective, precise, and reliable green analytical methods that are easy to implement in practice is of great importance. On-line combination of capillary zone electrophoresis with tandem mass spectrometry (CZE-MS/MS) seems to be a promising solution.
    RESULTS: We present a novel green approach based on capillary zone electrophoresis - tandem mass spectrometry (CZE-MS/MS) method with on-line dynamic pH junction sample pretreatment to identify and determine mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in urine samples. The separation was performed in a background electrolyte composed of 100 mM formic acid (pH 2.39). The dynamic pH junction was ensured by injection of a short plug of 12.5 % NH4OH before the sample. Under optimal conditions, the developed method was validated and parameters such as linearity (r2 > 0.99), precision (2.2-8.7 %), accuracy (89.2-102.5 %) or stability of the sample (86.6-114.7 %) met the defined FDA guideline criteria (%RSD and %RE values where within ±15 %). Introduction of a simple in-capillary preconcentration strategy based on dynamic pH junction enabled significant improvement in analytical signal intensity and also the applicability of the method. Applying the presented approach, high sensitivity was achieved as indicated by limit of detection values, which were 0.5 ng mL-1 and 2 ng mL-1 for mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, respectively. Greenness of the proposed approach was confirmed by the AGREE metrics (score 0.63). The application potential of the developed method was successfully verified using blinded urine model samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: For the first time a fully validated CZE-MS/MS method for kratom alkaloids determination was introduced. The presented novel method is a cheaper and more ecological alternative to conventionally used chromatographic techniques what was clearly confirmed by its greenness evaluation and comparison with previously published liquid chromatography (LC) approaches. In-capillary sample pretreatment (dynamic pH junction) has been demonstrated to be an effective and fast tool in bioanalysis, minimizing the number of pretreatment steps and the manipulation with the sample. Moreover, LOD values comparable to those obtained by LC methods were recorded. High potential for the implementation of this approach into the toxicology environment in the near future is expected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We apply the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria for substance use disorders (SUDs) to the herbal product kratom. Similarities and differences between kratom use disorder (KUD) and other SUDs are explored, along with assessment, diagnostic, and therapeutic recommendations for KUD.
    RESULTS: Literature reports of \"kratom addiction\" or KUD rarely specify the criteria by which patients were diagnosed. Individuals meeting DSM-5 KUD criteria typically do so via tolerance and withdrawal, using more than intended, and craving, not functional or ​psychosocial disruption, which occur rarely. Most clinicians who use medication to treat patients with isolated KUD select buprenorphine formulations, although there are no controlled studies showing that buprenorphine is safe or efficacious in this patient population. Diagnosis and treatment decisions for KUD should be systematic. We propose an algorithm that takes into consideration whether KUD occurs with comorbid opioid use disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Used in Southeast Asia for generations, kratom gained popularity in the United States and elsewhere over the past several decades. Derived from Mitragyna speciosa, kratom preparations including leaves, teas, powders, capsules, and extracts may yield stimulant, analgesic, and opioid-like effects that occur dose-dependently based on concentrations of kratom\'s key alkaloids, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Such effects are responsible for kratom\'s potential as a reduced-harm alternative to opiates and as a withdrawal treatment. But these properties are also associated with tolerance development and addictive potential. Given mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine activity on cytochrome P450 isoforms and opioid receptors, adverse effects among polysubstance users are a concern. Current literature on the toxicology of kratom is reviewed, including product alkaloid concentrations, in vitro and in vivo data, epidemiological evidence, and human case data. The potential harms and benefits of kratom products are discussed within an exposure assessment framework, and recommendations for industry are presented. Current evidence indicates that kratom may have therapeutic potential in some persons and that products present few risks with typical, non-polysubstance use. However, few studies identified alkaloid doses at which adverse effects were expected in humans or animals. Such research is needed to inform future assessments of kratom\'s risks and benefits.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Kratom/ketum is a psychoactive herbal preparation that has been used for a long time as a remedy and performance-enhancing substance in Southeast Asia. The advancement of globalization is making kratom increasingly more available in the western world, where it is becoming increasingly more used.
    OBJECTIVE: The current research on kratom and its ingredients is presented.
    METHODS: An overview of the use and effects of kratom is exemplary given on the basis of reports. The instrumentalization of the drug and its consequences up to the development of addiction are discussed.
    RESULTS: Consumption is accompanied by several instrumentalizeable effects so that kratom is used as a therapeutic substance in the self-management of pain, anxiety and depression as well as other substance addictions. Another benefit comes from the performance-enhancing effects on physical work and in a social context. Consumption is usually well controlled, rarely escalates and has few and mostly mild aversive side effects. The danger arises from consumption particularly when there is an escalation of the dose and from mixed consumption with other psychoactive substances. The main alkaloid mitragynine and the more potent 7‑hydroxy-mitragynine are considered mainly responsible for the effect. Both have a complex pharmacology that involves partial µ‑opioid receptor agonism.
    CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiological, clinical and neurochemical studies have shown that kratom only has a limited addictive drug profile, which might suggest a medical use as a remedy or substitute in addiction treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Kratom/Ketum ist ein psychoaktives Pflanzenpräparat, das seit langer Zeit als Heilmittel und leistungssteigernde Substanz in Südostasien eingesetzt wird. Die Globalisierung macht es zunehmend auch in der westlichen Welt verfügbar, wo es wachsende Verbreitung findet.
    UNASSIGNED: Die aktuelle Forschung zu Kratom und seinen Inhaltsstoffen wird dargestellt.
    UNASSIGNED: Anhand exemplarischer Berichte wird eine Übersicht über die Nutzung und die Effekte von Kratom gegeben. Die Instrumentalisierung der Droge und deren Folgen bis hin zur Suchtentwicklung werden diskutiert.
    UNASSIGNED: Der Konsum bringt eine Reihe instrumentalisierbarer Effekte mit sich, sodass Kratom als therapeutische Substanz im Selbstmanagement von Schmerz, Ängsten und Depressionen, aber auch von Substanzsüchten benutzt wird. Ein weiterer Nutzen ergibt sich aus seiner leistungssteigernden Wirkung bei physischer Arbeit und im sozialen Kontext. Der Konsum ist in der Regel gut kontrollierbar, eskaliert selten und hat nur wenig und zumeist milde aversive Nebenwirkungen. Gefahr durch den Konsum entsteht insbesondere, wenn es doch zu einer Eskalation der Dosis kommt und durch Mischkonsum mit anderen psychoaktiven Substanzen. Für die Wirkung gelten das Hauptalkaloid Mitragynin und das potentere 7‑Hydroxy-Mitragynin als hauptsächlich verantwortlich. Beide weisen eine komplexe Pharmakologie auf, die einen partiellen Agonismus an µ‑Opioid-Rezeptoren beinhaltet.
    CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiologische, klinische und neurochemische Untersuchungen zeigen ein nur eingeschränktes suchtdrogentypisches Profil von Kratom, was für einen medizinischen Einsatz als Heil- oder Substitutionsmittel in der Suchtbehandlung sprechen könnte.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitragynine, an alkaloid present in the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa (kratom), has a complex pharmacology that includes low efficacy agonism at μ-opioid receptors (MORs). This study examined the activity of mitragynine at adrenergic α2 receptors (Aα2Rs) in vitro and in vivo. Mitragynine displaced a radiolabeled Aα2R antagonist ([3H]RX821002) from human Aα2ARs in vitro with lower affinity (Ki = 1260 nM) than the agonists (-)-epinephrine (Ki = 263 nM) or lofexidine (Ki = 7.42 nM). Mitragynine did not significantly stimulate [35S]GTPγS binding at Aα2ARs in vitro, but in rats trained to discriminate 32 mg/kg mitragynine from vehicle (intraperitoneally administered; i.p.), mitragynine exerted an Aα2R agonist-like effect. Both α2R antagonists (atipamezole and yohimbine) and MOR antagonists (naloxone and naltrexone) produced rightward shifts in mitragynine discrimination dose-effect function and Aα2R agonists lofexidine and clonidine produced leftward shifts. In the mitragynine trained rats, Aα2R agonists also produced leftward shifts in discrimination dose-effect functions for morphine and fentanyl. In a separate rat cohort trained to discriminate 3.2 mg/kg i.p. morphine from vehicle, naltrexone produced a rightward shift, but neither an Aα2R agonist or antagonist affected morphine discrimination. In a hypothermia assay, both lofexidine and clonidine produced marked effects antagonized by yohimbine. Mitragynine did not produce hypothermia. Together, these data demonstrate that mitragynine acts in vivo like an Aα2R agonist, although its failure to induce hypothermia or stimulate [35S]GTPγS binding in vitro, suggests that mitragynine maybe a low efficacy Aα2R agonist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The research examined the impact of an ethanolic extract from the leaves of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil.) on the growth, antioxidant capacity, immune-related gene expression, and resistance to disease caused by Edwardsiella tarda in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The findings revealed that the extract had the important phytochemical content in the extract included total phenolics content, total flavonoids content, vitamin C, and total antioxidant capacity and 5.42 % of the crude extract was mitragynine. The extract demonstrated antioxidant activity, as evidenced by its IC50 values against ABTS and DPPH radicals and its ferric reducing power in vitro. Moreover, the MIC-IC50 value of 0.625 mg/mL indicated that the growth of the bacteria was reduced by approximately 50 %, and the MBC was 2.50 mg/mL against E. tarda. Furthermore, the orally administered Kratom leaf extract to fingerling tilapia for 8 weeks exhibited a noticeable increase in oxidative stress, as demonstrated by the increase in MDA production in the 10 and 25 g/kg groups. It also exhibited an increase in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in muscle tissue at the 50 g/kg group. However, when administered at a feeding rate of 5-10 g/kg feed, the extract showed an increase in the expression of immune-related genes (IL1, IL6, IL8, NF-kB, IFNγ, TNFα, Mx, CC-chemokine, CD4, TCRβ, MHC-IIβ, IgM, IgT, IgD) and enhanced resistance to E. tarda infection in fish. Conversely, administering the extract at 25-50 g/kg feed resulted in contrasting effects, suppressing and reducing the observed parameters. Nevertheless, feeding the extract at all concentrations for 8 weeks did not produce any changes in the histology or systemic functioning of the liver and intestines, as indicated by blood biochemistry. These findings suggest that the ethanolic leaf extract from Kratom has the potential to be used as a substitute for antibiotics in the management of bacterial infections in Nile tilapia culture, with a recommended dosage of 5-10 g/kg feed/day for a maximum of 8 weeks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Kratom is used commonly in the United States, usually to mitigate pain, opioid withdrawal, or fatigue. A comprehensive discussion on kratom, tailored to pain management physicians, is needed, given its associated risks and potential interactions.
    RESULTS: Kratom and its main metabolites, mitragynine and 7-OH-mitragynine, bind to a variety of receptors including mu opioid receptors. Still, kratom cannot be described as a classic opioid. Kratom has been utilized without FDA approval as an alternative to traditional medications for opioid use disorder and opioid withdrawal. Lower doses of kratom typically cause opioid-like effects while higher doses can have sedating effects. Tolerance, dependence and withdrawal still occur, although kratom withdrawal appears to be more moderate than opioid withdrawal. Contamination with heavy metals and biological toxins is concerning and there is potential for serious complications, including seizures and death.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of kratom as an opioid-sparing alternative as a part of a multimodal pain regimen is not without significant risks. It is of utmost importance for pain physicians to be aware of the risks and adverse effects associated with kratom use.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a medicinal tree native to Southeast Asia. The present multilevel meta-analysis describes the association between kratom use and the positive and negative indicators of mental health.
    METHODS: A total of thirty-six articles were included in the meta-analysis to examine the associations, using a random-effects model.
    RESULTS: The pooled effect size showed a very small positive association between kratom use and negative indicators of mental health {r = 0.092, 95% confidence interval (CI) = [0.020, 0.164], p < 0.05}, while no significant association was found with positive indicators of mental health (r = -0.031, 95% CI = [-0.149, 0.087], p > 0.05). Pooled effect sizes of specific mental health outcomes indicated that kratom use showed only a small positive correlation with externalizing disorders (r = 0.201, 95% CI = [0.107, 0.300], p < 0.001). No significant association was found between kratom use and quality of life (r = 0.069, 95% CI = [-0.104, 0.242], p > 0.05) and internalizing disorders (r = -0.001, 95% CI = [-0.115, 0.095], p > 0.05). Multilevel moderator analysis showed that the pooled effect size of the association between kratom use and substance use disorder was stronger in Malaysia (r = 0.347, 95% CI = [0.209, 0.516], p < 0.001), and with the mean age (β1 = -0.035, 95% CI = [-0.055, -0.014], p = 0.003), and the drug profile of those who were not co-using other drugs (r = 0.347, 95% CI = [0.209, 0.516], p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The meta-analysis supports the kratom instrumentalization concept, in that a positive gain from kratom consumption can be achieved without any significant adverse associations with mental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a substance derived from botanical compounds native to Southeast Asia. This substance has been cultivated predominantly in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Myanmar, where it has historically been used in traditional medicine as a near panacea for several health problems. Such ritualistic use of kratom has been present for centuries; however, recreational use appears to have increased globally, especially in the United States. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic studies have found that kratom demonstrates a unique parabolic, dose-dependent pattern of effects ranging from stimulation to opioid and analgesic effects. Pharmacological research indicates that kratom is both a mu opioid receptor (μ-OR; MOR) and a kappa opioid receptor (κ-OR; KOR) agonist, which mediates its analgesic effects. Other research suggests that kratom may simultaneously act on dopaminergic and serotonergic receptors, which mediate its stimulant effects. This chapter reviews the literature related to the structural, functional, and cultural characteristics of kratom use. We begin with an overview of current and historical patterns of kratom, followed by a review of data on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of kratom thus far.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Substance use disorders contribute to considerable U.S. morbidity and mortality. While effective pharmacotherapy options are available to treat opioid and alcohol use disorders, for a variety of reasons, many patients lack access to treatment or may be reluctant to seek care due to concerns such as perceived stigma or a current lack of desire to completely curtail their substance use. Furthermore, treatment options are limited for patients with stimulant or polysubstance use disorders. Thus, there is considerable need to expand the substance use disorder harm reduction armamentarium. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) is an herbal substance that can produce both opioid and stimulant-like effects, and its use in the US is growing. Though there are concerns regarding adverse effects, dependence risk, and limited regulation of its manufacturing and sale, the pharmacology of kratom and early preclinical studies suggest a potential role as a harm reduction agent for various substance use disorders, and it has historically been used in Southeast Asia for such purposes. The goal of this review is to describe kratom\'s history of use, pharmacology, and early pre-clinical and observational research regarding its therapeutic potential in opioid use disorder, as well as alcohol, stimulant, and polysubstance use disorders, while also highlighting current concerns around its use, existing gaps in the literature, and directions for future research.





