
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) is a rare, benign, vasoproliferative tumour. We report a 25-year-old female patient who reported in 2021 to a dermatology clinic in Rustaq, Oman, with multiple, grouped, erythematous dome-shaped papules and nodules of 6 months duration on the left temporo-occipital region. Biopsy findings were consistent with a diagnosis of ALHE with evidence of Demodex mite infestation in the sebaceous ducts. The patient demonstrated significant improvement following 7 weeks of treatment with multiple cryotherapy sessions and topical application of metronidazole gel. This case suggests that scalp demodicosis may represent a novel trigger for the development of ALHE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Demodex species are associated with many dermatological diseases, so an acaricidal agent that is effective against them and safe for skin applications may benefit many diseases. This study aims to investigate the anti-demodex potential of spilanthol, a product obtained from the Spilanthes Acmella plant, by determining the minimal effective dose for the first time in the literature. Demodex mites were obtained from 70 patients with standard superficial skin biopsy. Spilanthol extract was used at 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%. Standard immersion oil was used for the negative control, and permethrin 5% was used for the positive control group. The dependent variable is the survival time of the mite. Comparisons with the negative control group, the anti-demodex effect demonstrated itself in all groups, creating a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). The positive control group, had 3%, 4%, and 5% spilanthol rates which were very similar to the results with 5% permethrin (p > 0.05). Higher concentrations than 3% did not make any additional contribution to survival times. This is the first attempt to show the dose-dependent acaricidal effect of spilanthol on demodex mites. Even the 3% dose shows similar results to 5% permethrin, and no additional effect increase was observed at higher doses. Therefore, in vivo, studies may be planned with a 3% spilanthol dose for further studies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wounding occurs across multicellular organisms. Wounds can affect host mobility and reproduction, with ecological consequences for competitive interactions and predator-prey dynamics. Wounds are also entry points for pathogens. An immune response is activated upon injury, resulting in the deposition of the brown-black pigment melanin in insects. Despite the abundance of immunity studies in the laboratory and the potential ecological and evolutionary implications of wounding, the prevalence of wounding in wild-collected insects is rarely systematically explored. We investigated the prevalence and potential causes of wounds in wild-collected Drosophilidae flies. We found that 31% of Drosophila melanogaster were wounded or damaged. The abdomen was the most frequently wounded body part, and females were more likely to have melanized patches on the ventral abdomen, compared with males. Encapsulated parasitoid egg frequency was approximately 10%, and just under 1% of Drosophilidae species had attached mites, which also caused wounds. Wounding is prevalent in D. melanogaster, likely exerting selection pressure on host immunity for two reasons: on a rapid and efficient wound repair and on responding efficiently to opportunistic infections. Wounding is thus expected to be an important driver of immune system evolution and to affect individual fitness and population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite Corylus avellana L. being an economically important shrub species known for its resilience to adverse environmental conditions, it constantly faces attacks from a plethora of biotic entities. Among these, the mite pest Phytoptus avellanae is gaining importance, causing economic losses every year. This mite colonises the new generative and vegetative buds, leading them to become swollen and reddish, and drastically reducing hazelnut production. The biology behind gall formation is still poorly understood. This study provides a qualitative and quantitative description of the microbiome in both healthy and infested buds of two economically important hazelnut cultivars through metabarcoding of fungal ITS and bacterial 16 S. Potentially pathogenic genera such as Fusarium and Pseudomonas were predominant in the infested buds, along with the obligate intracellular bacterial genus Wolbachia. Akanthomyces muscarius was instead isolated from culture-based methods only from the infested buds. These findings could improve the understanding of gall ecology, supporting the management of mite populations, and they could also serve as a milestone for further studies on low-impact, monitoring-driven, and genetically targeted control strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The widely accepted hypothesis postulates that the first spliceosomal introns originated from group II self-splicing introns. However, it is evident that not all spliceosomal introns in the nuclear genes of modern eukaryotes are inherited through vertical transfer of intronic sequences. Several phenomena contribute to the formation of new introns but their most common origin seems to be the insertion of transposable elements. Recent analyses have highlighted instances of mass gains of new introns from transposable elements. These events often coincide with an increase or change in the spliceosome\'s tolerance to splicing signals, including the acceptance of noncanonical borders. Widespread acquisitions of transposon-derived introns occur across diverse evolutionary lineages, indicating convergent processes. These events, though independent, likely require a similar set of conditions. These conditions include the presence of transposon elements with features enabling their removal at the RNA level as introns and/or the existence of a splicing mechanism capable of excising unusual sequences that would otherwise not be recognized as introns by standard splicing machinery. Herein we summarize those mechanisms across different eukaryotic lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scabies is an important skin disease in several species of domestic and wild animals; however, few reports in Brazil have emphasized its occurrence in buffaloes. This article describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects and diagnosis of psoroptic mange in buffaloes in a property in the municipality of Castanhal, PA, Amazon region. Of the 41 buffaloes examined, 38 males and females of the Murrah, Baio, Mediterranean and Carabao breeds and their crossbreeds, aged between 2 and 20 years, had a history of pruritus. Clinical examination was performed to map the lesions, skin scrapings were collected to identify the mites, and a biopsy was performed for histopathological examination. Clinical signs, from mild to severe intensity, varied according to the system of creation and handling of the animals and were more severe in buffaloes raised in bays than those raised under a collective regime (pastures and collective troughs). The characteristic clinical signs were intense itching, extensive areas of alopecia, periocular edema, and thickening of the epidermis with exudative crusts covering the face, chamfer, neck, scapular region, back, base of the horn, thoracic and pelvic limbs and chest. The behavior of rubbing the affected regions of the body against structures (troughs, fence posts, gates) or with the horns was frequently observed and provided relief from itching. In the most severe cases, mites were also noted in the crusts, which were identified as Psoroptes natalensis. Histological skin lesions exhibited alterations consistent with immune-mediated dermatitis, which is typical of hypersensitivity to mite-derived allergens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The social-sexual environment is well known for its influence on the survival of organisms by modulating their reproductive output. However, whether it affects survival indirectly through a variety of cues without physical contact and its influence relative to direct interaction remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated both the indirect and direct influences of the social-sexual environment on the survival and reproduction of the mite Tyrophagus curvipenis (Acari: Acaridae). The results demonstrated no apparent influence of conspecific cues on the survival of mites, but the survival and reproduction of mated female mites significantly changed, with the females mated with males having a significantly shortened lifespan and increased lifetime fecundity. For males, no significant difference was observed across treatments in their survival and lifespan. These findings indicate that direct interaction with the opposite sex has a much more profound influence on mites than indirect interaction and highlight the urgent need to expand research on how conspecific cues modulate the performance of organisms with more species to clarify their impacts across taxa.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We explored the potential influence of temperature and precipitation on the abundance of two nest-dwelling ectoparasites (blowflies and mites) of Eurasian blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) during a period of 21 years and compared the results with those of a shorter period. The abundance of blowflies was negatively related to precipitation, which could prevent flies from locating their host, and laying date. In addition, blowflies were positively related to brood size (more food implies more parasites) and the interaction between precipitation and temperature. The highest abundances of blowfly pupae were attained in conditions of increasing precipitation and decreasing temperature, which should be more common at the beginning of the bird breeding season. Mites were significantly and positively related to laying date and the interaction between average precipitation and temperature but only for the larger dataset. Higher abundances of mites were related to intermediate values of temperature and precipitations, conditions that are found at the end of the breeding season. These results imply that optimal conditions for both parasites differ, with blowflies preferring earlier breeders and colder and more humid conditions than mites. Thus, the effects of the climatic conditions studied on parasite abundances are non-monotonic and can vary with years and parasite species. Finally, the fact that average temperature and precipitation decreases across the years of study is probably due to the advancement in Eurasian blue tit laying date because we calculated those variables for the period of birds\' reproduction. This earlier nesting does not affect parasite abundance.





