Minor capsid protein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is responsible for 99 % of cervical cancers and 5 % of all human cancers worldwide. HPV infection requires the viral genome (vDNA) to gain access to nuclei of basal keratinocytes of epithelium. After virion endocytosis, the minor capsid protein L2 dictates the subcellular retrograde trafficking and nuclear localization of the vDNA during mitosis. Prior work identified a cell-permeable peptide termed SNX1.3, derived from the BAR domain of sorting nexin 1 (SNX1), that potently blocks the retrograde and nuclear trafficking of EGFR in triple negative breast cancer cells. Given the importance of EGFR and retrograde trafficking pathways in HPV16 infection, we set forth to study the effects of SNX1.3 within this context. SNX1.3 inhibited HPV16 infection by both delaying virion endocytosis, as well as potently blocking virion retrograde trafficking and Golgi localization. SNX1.3 had no effect on cell proliferation, nor did it affect post-Golgi trafficking of HPV16. Looking more directly at L2 function, SNX1.3 was found to impair membrane spanning of the minor capsid protein. Future work will focus on mechanistic studies of SNX1.3 inhibition, and the role of EGFR signaling and SNX1-mediated endosomal tubulation, cargo sorting, and retrograde trafficking in HPV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is responsible for 99% of cervical cancers and 5% of all human cancers worldwide. HPV infection requires the viral genome (vDNA) to gain access to nuclei of basal keratinocytes of epithelium. After virion endocytosis, the minor capsid protein L2 dictates the subcellular retrograde trafficking and nuclear localization of the vDNA during mitosis. Prior work identified a cell-permeable peptide termed SNX1.3, derived from the BAR domain of sorting nexin 1 (SNX1), that potently blocks the retrograde and nuclear trafficking of EGFR in triple negative breast cancer cells. Given the importance of EGFR and retrograde trafficking pathways in HPV16 infection, we set forth to study the effects of SNX1.3 within this context. SNX1.3 inhibited HPV16 infection by both delaying virion endocytosis, as well as potently blocking virion retrograde trafficking and Golgi localization. SNX1.3 had no effect on cell proliferation, nor did it affect post-Golgi trafficking of HPV16. Looking more directly at L2 function, SNX1.3 was found to impair membrane spanning of the minor capsid protein. Future work will focus on mechanistic studies of SNX1.3 inhibition, and the role of EGFR signaling and SNX1- mediated endosomal tubulation, cargo sorting, and retrograde trafficking in HPV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vector transmission of plant viruses is basically of two types that depend on the virus helper component proteins or the capsid proteins. A number of plant viruses belonging to disparate groups have developed unusual capsid proteins providing for interactions with the vector. Thus, cauliflower mosaic virus, a plant pararetrovirus, employs a virion associated p3 protein, the major capsid protein, and a helper component for the semi-persistent transmission by aphids. Benyviruses encode a capsid protein readthrough domain (CP-RTD) located at one end of the rod-like helical particle, which serves for the virus transmission by soil fungal zoospores. Likewise, the CP-RTD, being a minor component of the luteovirus icosahedral virions, provides for persistent, circulative aphid transmission. Closteroviruses encode several CPs and virion-associated proteins that form the filamentous helical particles and mediate transmission by aphid, whitefly, or mealybug vectors. The variable strategies of transmission and evolutionary \'inventions\' of the unusual capsid proteins of plant RNA viruses are discussed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a family of small DNA tumor viruses including over 200 genotypes classified by phylogeny into several genera. Different genera of HPVs cause ano-genital and oropharyngeal cancers, skin cancers, as well as benign diseases including skin and genital warts. Licensed vaccines composed of L1 virus-like particles (VLPs) confer protection generally restricted to the ≤9 HPV types targeted. Here, we examine approaches aimed at broadening the protection against diverse HPV types by targeting conserved epitopes of the minor capsid protein, L2. Compared to L1 VLP, L2 is less immunogenic. However, with appropriate presentation to the immune system, L2 can elicit durable, broadly cross-neutralizing antibody responses and protection against skin and genital challenge with diverse HPV types. Such approaches to enhance the strength and breadth of the humoral response include the display of L2 peptides on VLPs or viral capsids, bacteria, thioredoxin and other platforms for multimerization. Neither L2 nor L1 vaccinations elicit a therapeutic response. However, fusion of L2 with early viral antigens has the potential to elicit both prophylactic and therapeutic immunity. This review of cross-protective HPV vaccines based on L2 is timely as several candidates have recently entered early-phase clinical trials.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteriophage 80α is a representative of a class of temperate phages that infect Staphylococcus aureus and other Gram-positive bacteria. Many of these phages carry genes encoding toxins and other virulence factors. This phage, 80α, is also involved in high-frequency mobilization of S. aureus pathogenicity islands (SaPIs), mobile genetic elements that carry virulence factor genes. Bacteriophage 80α encodes a minor capsid protein, gp44, between the genes for the portal protein and major capsid protein. Gp44 is essential for a productive infection by 80α but not for transduction of SaPIs or plasmids. We previously demonstrated that gp44 is an ejection protein that acts to promote progression to the lytic cycle upon infection and suggested that the protein might act as an anti-repressor of CI in the lytic-lysogenic switch. However, an 80α Δ44 mutant also exhibited a reduced rate of lysogeny. Here, we show that gp44 is a non-specific DNA binding protein with affinity for the blunt ends of linear DNA. Our data suggest a model in which gp44 promotes circularization of the genome after injection into the host cell, a key initial step both for lytic growth and for the establishment of lysogeny.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we describe the structure of three actinobacteriophage capsids that infect Mycobacterium smegmatis. The capsid structures were resolved to approximately six angstroms, which allowed confirmation that each bacteriophage uses the HK97-fold to form their capsid. One bacteriophage, Rosebush, may have a novel variation of the HK97-fold. Four novel accessory proteins that form the capsid head along with the major capsid protein were identified. Two of the accessory proteins were minor capsid proteins and showed some homology, based on bioinformatic analysis, to the TW1 bacteriophage. The remaining two accessory proteins are decoration proteins that are located on the outside of the capsid and do not resemble any previously described bacteriophage decoration protein. SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry was used to identify the accessory proteins and bioinformatic analysis of the accessory proteins suggest they are used in many actinobacteriophage capsids.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a large double-stranded DNA virus with an icosahedral multilayered structure. ASFV causes a lethal swine hemorrhagic disease and is currently responsible for widespread damage to the pork industry in Asia. Neither vaccines nor antivirals are available and the molecular characterization of the ASFV particle is outstanding. Here, we describe the cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the icosahedral capsid of ASFV at 4.6-Å. The ASFV particle consists of 8,280 copies of the major capsid protein p72, 60 copies of the penton protein, and at least 8,340 minor capsid proteins, of which there might be 3 different types. Like other nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses, the minor capsid proteins form a hexagonal network below the outer capsid shell, functioning as stabilizers by \"gluing\" neighboring capsomers together. Our findings provide a comprehensive molecular model of the ASFV capsid architecture that will contribute to the future development of countermeasures, including vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The amino (N)-terminal region of human papillomavirus (HPV) minor capsid protein (L2) is a highly conserved region which is essential for establishing viral infection. Despite its importance in viral infectivity, the role of the HPV N-terminal domain has yet to be fully characterized. Using fine mapping analysis, we identified a 36-amino-acid (aa) peptide sequence of the L2 N terminus, termed L2N, that is critical for HPV infection. Ectopic expression of L2N with the transmembrane sequence on the target cell surface conferred resistance to HPV infection. Additionally, L2N peptide with chemical or enzymatic lipidation at the carboxyl (C) terminus efficiently abrogated HPV infection in target cells. Among the synthetic L2N lipopeptides, a stearoylated lipopeptide spanning aa 13 to 46 (13-46st) exhibited the most potent anti-HPV activity, with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of ∼200 pM. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the 13-46st lipopeptide inhibited HPV entry by blocking trans-Golgi network retrograde trafficking of virion particles, leading to rapid degradation. Fundamentally, the inhibitory effect of L2N lipopeptides appeared to be evolutionarily conserved, as they showed cross-type inhibition among various papillomaviruses. In conclusion, our findings provide new insights into the critical role of the L2N sequence in the HPV entry mechanism and identify the therapeutic potential of L2N lipopeptide as an effective anti-HPV agent.IMPORTANCE HPV is a human oncogenic virus that causes a major public health problem worldwide, which is responsible for approximately 5% of total human cancers and almost all cases of cervical cancers. HPV capsid consists of two structure proteins, the major capsid L1 protein and the minor capsid L2 protein. While L2 plays critical roles during the viral life cycle, the molecular mechanism in viral entry remains elusive. Here, we performed fine mapping of the L2 N-terminal region and defined a short 36-amino-acid peptide, called L2N, which is critical for HPV infection. Specifically, L2N peptide with carboxyl-terminal lipidation acted as a potent and cross-type HPV inhibitor. Taken together, data from our study highlight the essential role of the L2N sequence at the early step of HPV entry and suggests the L2N lipopeptide as a new strategy to broadly prevent HPV infection.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human papillomavirus (HPV) 58 is considered to be the second most predominant genotype in cervical cancer incidents in China. HPV type-restriction, non-targeted delivery, and the highcost of existing vaccines necessitate continuing research on the HPV vaccine. We aimed to explore the papillomaviral proteome in order to identify potential candidates for a chimeric vaccine against cervix papilloma using computational immunology and structural vaccinology approaches. Two overlapped epitope segments (23⁻36) and (29⁻42) from the N-terminal region of the HPV58 minor capsid protein L2 are selected as capable of inducing both cellular and humoral immunity. In total, 318 amino acid lengths of the vaccine construct SGD58 contain adjuvants (Flagellin and RS09), two Th epitopes, and linkers. SGD58 is a stable protein that is soluble, antigenic, and non-allergenic. Homology modeling and the structural refinement of the best models of SGD58 and TLR5 found 96.8% and 93.9% favored regions in Rampage, respectively. The docking results demonstrated a HADDOCK score of -62.5 ± 7.6, the binding energy (-30 kcal/mol) and 44 interacting amino acid residues between SGD58-TLR5 complex. The docked complex are stable in 100 ns of simulation. The coding sequences of SGD58 also show elevated gene expression in Escherichia coli with 1.0 codon adaptation index and 59.92% glycine-cysteine content. We conclude that SGD58 may prompt the creation a vaccine against cervix papilloma.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diverse HPV subtypes are responsible for considerable disease burden worldwide, necessitating safe, cheap, and effective vaccines. The HPV minor capsid protein L2 is a promising candidate to create broadly protective HPV vaccines, though it is poorly immunogenic by itself. To create highly immunogenic and safe vaccine candidates targeting L2, we employed a plant-based recombinant protein expression system to produce two different vaccine candidates: L2 displayed on the surface of hepatitis B core (HBc) virus-like particles (VLPs) or L2 genetically fused to an immunoglobulin capable of forming recombinant immune complexes (RIC). Both vaccine candidates were potently immunogenic in mice, but were especially so when delivered together, generating very consistent and high antibody titers directed against HPV L2 (>1,000,000) that correlated with virus neutralization. These data indicate a novel immune response synergy upon co-delivery of VLP and RIC platforms, a strategy that can be adapted generally for many different antigens.






