Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a zoonotic disease affecting camels and humans. The live attenuated vaccine represents a candidate human vaccine because it can induce strong immune responses in immunized hosts. The attenuated vaccine strain of the highly pathogenic virus can also be used to produce a cell-based vaccine in the BSL2 GMP facility. In this study, we evaluated the reversion potential of pathogenicity to pathogenic wild-type virus to ensure the safety of the live attenuated vaccine strain. We passaged our previously developed cold-adapted live attenuated MERS-CoV vaccine strain at 22 °C (EMC2012-CA22°C) in Vero cells at 37 °C as often as 15 times to determine the potential of pathogenicity reversion in hDPP4 (human dipeptidyl peptidase 4)-transgenic mice, K18-hDPP4. The serial passage of EMC2012-CA22°C in Vero cells at 37 °C up to 15 times did not result in pathogenicity reversion to wild-type MERS-CoV. In K18-hDPP4 mice infected with this virus, no weight loss or mortality was observed, and no virus was detected in tissues such as the lung, kidney, brain, and nasal turbinate. In addition, mice immunized with this virus produced a robust neutralizing antibody response and were fully protected from lethal challenge with wild-type MERS-CoV. The cold-adapted attenuated MERS-CoV vaccine strain (EMC2012-CA22°C) was not reverted to wild-type pathogenic virus after 15 passages in Vero cells at 37 °C.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronavirus (CoV) possesses numerous functional cis-acting elements in its positive-strand genomic RNA. Although most of these RNA structures participate in viral replication, the functions of RNA structures in the genomic RNA of CoV in viral replication remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the functions of the higher-order RNA stem-loop (SL) structures SL5B, SL5C, and SL5D in the ORF1a coding region of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in viral replication. Our approach, using reverse genetics of a bacterial artificial chromosome system, revealed that SL5B and SL5C play essential roles in the discontinuous transcription of MERS-CoV. In silico analyses predicted that SL5C interacts with a bulged stem-loop (BSL) in the 3\' untranslated region, suggesting that the RNA structure of SL5C is important for viral RNA transcription. Conversely, SL5D did not affect transcription, but mediated the synthesis of positive-strand genomic RNA. Additionally, the RNA secondary structure of SL5 in the revertant virus of the SL5D mutant was similar to that of the wild-type, indicating that the RNA structure of SL5D can finely tune RNA replication in MERS-CoV. Our data indicate novel regulatory mechanisms of viral RNA transcription and replication by higher-order RNA structures in the MERS-CoV genomic RNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new mathematical model for the transmission dynamics and control of the Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS), a respiratory virus caused by MERS-CoV coronavirus (and primarily spread to humans by dromedary camels) that first emerged out of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in 2012, was designed and used to study the transmission dynamics of the disease in a human-camel population within the KSA. Rigorous analysis of the model, which was fitted and cross-validated using the observed MERS-CoV data for the KSA, showed that its disease-free equilibrium was locally asymptotically stable whenever its reproduction number (denoted by $ {\\mathbb R}_{0M} $) was less than unity. Using the fixed and estimated parameters of the model, the value of $ {\\mathbb R}_{0M} $ for the KSA was estimated to be 0.84, suggesting that the prospects for MERS-CoV elimination are highly promising. The model was extended to allow for the assessment of public health intervention strategies, notably the potential use of vaccines for both humans and camels and the use of face masks by humans in public or when in close proximity with camels. Simulations of the extended model showed that the use of the face mask by humans who come in close proximity with camels, as a sole public health intervention strategy, significantly reduced human-to-camel and camel-to-human transmission of the disease, and this reduction depends on the efficacy and coverage of the mask type used in the community. For instance, if surgical masks are prioritized, the disease can be eliminated in both the human and camel population if at least 45% of individuals who have close contact with camels wear them consistently. The simulations further showed that while vaccinating humans as a sole intervention strategy only had marginal impact in reducing the disease burden in the human population, an intervention strategy based on vaccinating camels only resulted in a significant reduction in the disease burden in camels (and, consequently, in humans as well). Thus, this study suggests that attention should be focused on effectively combating the disease in the camel population, rather than in the human population. Furthermore, the extended model was used to simulate a hybrid strategy, which combined vaccination of both humans and camels as well as the use of face masks by humans. This simulation showed a marked reduction of the disease burden in both humans and camels, with an increasing effectiveness level of this intervention, in comparison to the baseline scenario or any of the aforementioned sole vaccination scenarios. In summary, this study showed that the prospect of the elimination of MERS-CoV-2 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is promising using pharmaceutical (vaccination) and nonpharmaceutical (mask) intervention strategies, implemented in isolation or (preferably) in combination, that are focused on reducing the disease burden in the camel population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronaviruses rely on host proteases to activate the viral spike protein, which facilitates fusion with the host cell membrane and the release of viral genomic RNAs into the host cell cytoplasm. The distribution of specific host proteases in the host determines the host, tissue, and cellular tropism of these viruses. Here, we identified the kallikrein (KLK) family member KLK5 as a major host protease secreted by human airway cells and exploited by multiple human betacoronaviruses. KLK5 cleaved both the priming (S1/S2) and activation (S2\') sites of spike proteins from various human betacoronaviruses in vitro. In contrast, KLK12 and KLK13 displayed preferences for either the S2\' or S1/S2 site, respectively. Whereas KLK12 and KLK13 worked in concert to activate SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV spike proteins, KLK5 by itself efficiently activated spike proteins from several human betacoronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. Infection of differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs) with human betacoronaviruses induced an increase in KLK5 that promoted virus replication. Furthermore, ursolic acid and other related plant-derived triterpenoids that inhibit KLK5 effectively suppressed the replication of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 in HBECs and mitigated lung inflammation in mice infected with MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV-2. We propose that KLK5 is a pancoronavirus host factor and a promising therapeutic target for current and future coronavirus-induced diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) causes severe and fatal acute respiratory disease in humans. High fatality rates and continued infectiousness remain a pressing concern for global health preparedness. Antibodies targeted at the receptor-binding domain (RBD) are major countermeasures against human viral infection. Here, we report four potent nanobodies against MERS-CoV, which are isolated from alpaca, and especially the potency of Nb14 is highest in the pseudotyped virus assay. Structural studies show that Nb14 framework regions (FRs) are mainly involved in interactions targeting a novel epitope, which is entirely distinct from all previously reported antibodies, and disrupt the protein-carbohydrate interaction between residue W535 of RBD and hDPP4 N229-linked carbohydrate moiety (hDPP4-N229-glycan). Different from Nb14, Nb9 targets the cryptic face of RBD, which is distinctive from the hDPP4 binding site and the Nb14 epitope, and it induces the β5-β6 loop to inflect towards a shallow groove of the RBD and dampens the accommodation of a short helix of hDPP4. The particularly striking epitopes endow the two Nbs administrate synergistically in the pseudotyped MERS-CoV assays. These results not only character unprecedented epitopes for antibody recognition but also provide promising agents for prophylaxis and therapy of MERS-CoV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has spread throughout the whole globe, so it is imperative that all available resources be used to treat this scourge. In reality, the development of new pharmaceuticals has mostly benefited from natural products. The widespread medicinal usage of species in the Asteraceae family is extensively researched. In this study, compounds isolated from methanolic extract of Artemisia monosperma Delile, a wild plant whose grows in Egypt\'s Sinai Peninsula. Three compounds, stigmasterol 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside 1, rhamnetin 3, and padmatin 6, were first isolated from this species. In addition, five previously reported compounds, arcapillin 2, jaceosidin 4, hispidulin 5, 7-O-methyleriodictyol 7, and eupatilin 8, were isolated. Applying molecular modelling simulations revealed two compounds, arcapillin 2 and rhamnetin 3 with the best docking interactions and energies within SARS-CoV-2 Mpro-binding site (-6.16, and -6.70 kcal mol-1, respectively). The top-docked compounds (2-3) were further evaluated for inhibitory concentrations (IC50), and half-maximal cytotoxicity (CC50) of both SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV. Interestingly, arcapillin showed high antiviral activity towards SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV, with IC50 values of 190.8 μg mL-1 and 16.58 μg mL-1, respectively. These findings may hold promise for further preclinical and clinical research, particularly on arcapillin itself or in collaboration with other drugs for COVID-19 treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to be a global threat due to its ability to evolve and generate new subvariants, leading to new waves of infection. Additionally, other coronaviruses like Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV, formerly known as hCoV-EMC), which first emerged in 2012, persist and continue to present a threat of severe illness to humans. The continued identification of novel coronaviruses, coupled with the potential for genetic recombination between different strains, raises the possibility of new coronavirus clades of global concern emerging. As a result, there is a pressing need for pan-CoV therapeutic drugs and vaccines. After the extensive optimization of an HCV protease inhibitor screening hit, a novel 3CLPro inhibitor (MK-7845) was discovered and subsequently profiled. MK-7845 exhibited nanomolar in vitro potency with broad spectrum activity against a panel of clinical SARS-CoV-2 subvariants and MERS-CoV. Furthermore, when administered orally, MK-7845 demonstrated a notable reduction in viral burdens by >6 log orders in the lungs of transgenic mice infected with SARS-CoV-2 (K18-hACE2 mice) and MERS-CoV (K18-hDDP4 mice).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The RNA viruses SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV encode the non-structural Nsp16 (2\'-O-methyltransferase) that catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to the first ribonucleotide in mRNA. Recently, it has been found that breaking the bond between Nsp16 and SAM substrate results in the cessation of mRNA virus replication. To date, only a limited number of such inhibitors have been identified, which can be attributed to a lack of an effective \"recipe\". The aim of our study was to propose and verify a rapid and effective screening protocol dedicated to such purposes. We proposed four new indices describing structure-binding strength (structure-binding affinity, structure-hydrogen bonding, structure-steric and structure-protein-ligand indices) were then applied and shown to be extremely helpful in determining the degree of increase or decrease in binding affinity in response to a relatively small change in the ligand structure. After initial pre-selection, based on similarity to SAM, we limited the study to 967 compounds, so-called molecular chameleons. They were then docked in the Nsp16 protein pocket, and 10 candidate ligands were selected using the novel structure-binding affinity index. Subsequently the selected 10 candidate ligands and 8 known inhibitors and were docked to Nsp16 pockets from SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. Based on the four new indices, the best ligands were selected and a new one was designed by tuning them. Finally, ADMET profiling and molecular dynamics simulations were performed for the best ligands. The new structure-binding strength indices can be successfully applied not only to screen and tune ligands, but also to determine the effectiveness of the ligand in response to changes in the target viral entity, which is particularly useful for assessing drug effectiveness in the case of alterations in viral proteins. The developed approach, the so-called chameleon strategy, has the capacity to introduce a novel universal paradigm to the field of drugs design, including RNA antivirals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) first emerged in 2012 and causes human infections in endemic regions. Vaccines and therapeutics in development against MERS-CoV focus on the spike (S) glycoprotein to prevent viral entry into target cells. These efforts are limited by a poor understanding of antibody responses elicited by infection. Here, we analyze S-directed antibody responses in plasma collected from MERS-CoV-infected individuals. We observe that binding and neutralizing antibodies peak 1-6 weeks after symptom onset/hospitalization, persist for at least 6 months, and neutralize human and camel MERS-CoV strains. We show that the MERS-CoV S1 subunit is immunodominant and that antibodies targeting S1, particularly the receptor-binding domain (RBD), account for most plasma neutralizing activity. Antigenic site mapping reveals that plasma antibodies frequently target RBD epitopes, whereas targeting of S2 subunit epitopes is rare. Our data reveal the humoral immune responses elicited by MERS-CoV infection, which will guide vaccine and therapeutic design.





