
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Like other volume electron microscopy approaches, automated tape-collecting ultramicrotomy (ATUM) enables imaging of serial sections deposited on thick plastic tapes by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). ATUM is unique in enabling hierarchical imaging and thus efficient screening for target structures, as needed for correlative light and electron microscopy. However, SEM of sections on tape can only access the section surface, thereby limiting the axial resolution to the typical size of cellular vesicles with an order of magnitude lower than the acquired xy resolution. In contrast, serial-section electron tomography (ET), a transmission electron microscopy-based approach, yields isotropic voxels at full EM resolution, but requires deposition of sections on electron-stable thin and fragile films, thus making screening of large section libraries difficult and prone to section loss. To combine the strength of both approaches, we developed \'ATUM-Tomo, a hybrid method, where sections are first reversibly attached to plastic tape via a dissolvable coating, and after screening detached and transferred to the ET-compatible thin films. As a proof-of-principle, we applied correlative ATUM-Tomo to study ultrastructural features of blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakiness around microthrombi in a mouse model of traumatic brain injury. Microthrombi and associated sites of BBB leakiness were identified by confocal imaging of injected fluorescent and electron-dense nanoparticles, then relocalized by ATUM-SEM, and finally interrogated by correlative ATUM-Tomo. Overall, our new ATUM-Tomo approach will substantially advance ultrastructural analysis of biological phenomena that require cell- and tissue-level contextualization of the finest subcellular textures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imaging technologies have played a pivotal role in advancing biological research by enabling visualization of biological structures and processes. While traditional electron microscopy (EM) produces two-dimensional images, emerging techniques now allow high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) characterization of specimens in situ, meeting growing needs in molecular and cellular biology. Combining transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with serial sectioning inaugurated 3D imaging, attracting biologists seeking to explore cell ultrastructure and driving advancement of 3D EM reconstruction. By comprehensively and precisely rendering internal structure and distribution, 3D TEM reconstruction provides unparalleled ultrastructural insights into cells and molecules, holding tremendous value for elucidating structure-function relationships and broadly propelling structural biology. Here, we first introduce the principle of 3D reconstruction of cells and tissues by classical approaches in TEM and then discuss modern technologies utilizing TEM and on new SEM-based as well as cryo-electron microscope (cryo-EM) techniques. 3D reconstruction techniques from serial sections, electron tomography (ET), and the recent single-particle analysis (SPA) are examined; the focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), the serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM), and automatic tape-collecting lathe ultramicrotome (ATUM-SEM) for 3D reconstruction of large volumes are discussed. Finally, we review the challenges and development prospects of these technologies in life science. It aims to provide an informative reference for biological researchers.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Several factors in glass slide (GS) preparation affect the quality and data volume of a digitized histological slide. In particular, reducing contamination and selecting the appropriate coverslip have the potential to significantly reduce scan time and data volume.
    OBJECTIVE: To objectify observations from our institute\'s digitization process to determine the impact of laboratory processes on the quality of digital histology slides.
    METHODS: Experiment 1: Scanning the GS before and after installation of a central console in the microtomy area to reduce dirt and statistical analysis of the determined parameters. Experiment 2: Re-coverslipping the GS (post diagnostics) with glass and film. Scanning the GS and statistical analysis of the collected parameters.
    CONCLUSIONS: The targeted restructuring in the laboratory process leads to a reduction of GS contamination. This causes a significant reduction in the amount of data generated and scanning time required for the digitized sections. Film as a coverslip material minimizes processing errors in contrast to glass. According to our estimation, all the above-mentioned points lead to considerable cost savings.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Viele Faktoren der Objektträger(OT)-Herstellung haben Einfluss auf Qualität und Datenmenge eines digitalisierten histologischen Schnittpräparates. Insbesondere die Reduktion von Verunreinigung sowie Auswahl des geeigneten Eindeckmaterials haben das Potenzial, Scanzeit und Datenmenge zu reduzieren.
    UNASSIGNED: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Objektivierung von Beobachtungen aus dem Prozess der Digitalisierung unseres Institutes, um den Einfluss von Laborprozessen auf die Qualität digitaler Histologiepräparate zu ermitteln.
    METHODS: Versuch 1: Einscannen von OT vor und nach Installation einer Mittelkonsole im Mikrotomiebereich zur Reduktion von Schmutz und statistische Auswertung der erhobenen Parameter. Versuch 2: Erneutes eindecken von OT (nach Abschluss der Diagnostik) mit Glas und Folie. Einscannen der OT und statistische Auswertung der erhobenen Parameter.
    UNASSIGNED: Die gezielte Umstrukturierung im Laborprozess führt zu einer Reduktion von OT-Kontaminationen. Dies bewirkt eine signifikante Reduktion der Datenmenge und Scanzeit von digitalisierten Schnitten. Folie als Eindeckmaterial verursacht im Gegensatz zu Glas weniger Prozessfehler im weiteren Verlauf. Nach unseren Schätzungen führt dies zu deutlichen Kosteneinsparungen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to its inherent structural fragility, the lung is regarded as one of the more difficult tissues to process for microscopic readouts. To add structural support for sectioning, pieces of lung tissue are commonly embedded in paraffin or OCT compound and cut with a microtome or cryostat, respectively. A more recent technique, known as precision-cut lung slices, adds structural support to fresh lung tissue through agarose infiltration and provides a platform to maintain primary lung tissue in culture. However, due to epitope masking and tissue distortion, none of these techniques adequately lend themselves to the development of reproducible advanced light imaging readouts that would be compatible across multiple antibodies and species. To this end, we have developed a tissue-processing pipeline, which utilizes agarose embedding of fixed lung tissue, coupled to automated vibratome sectioning. This facilitated the generation of lung sections from 200 µm to 70 µm thick, in mouse, pig, and human lungs, which require no antigen retrieval, and represent the least \"processed\" version of the native isolated tissue. Using these slices, we reveal a multiplex imaging readout capable of generating high-resolution images whose spatial protein expression can be used to quantify and better understand the mechanisms underlying lung injury and regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pathological histology examination involves handling a variety of specimens that are cut according to regulations and placed in cassettes. Tissue fragments in the cassettes are then diagnosed after processing, embedding, thin sectioning, staining and other procedures using a processing machine. Maintaining tissue fragment order and orientation during these processes is important for accurate diagnosis. In this study, we present a method of maintaining tissue fragment order and orientation using a thin film of ultra-high-strength agar and evaluate its usefulness during tissue sectioning.Cassettes were prepared, each containing three pieces of porcine liver, and compared embedding time with and without agar thin films (ATFs). Embedding was performed by three medical laboratory scientists with different levels of experience.To enable one-step tissue sample embedding, ATFs were integrated with samples in the cassettes. This resulted in an average reduction of 6.22 s of embedding time per cassette compared with traditional embedding methods.Through the use of ATFs, tissue fragment order and orientation is maintained, and embedding process time shortened. Additionally, ATFs are easily prepared and stored in 10% neutral buffered formalin over extended periods, allowing for immediate use during sectioning. This method is ideal to implement in busy pathology laboratories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we present a protocol for immunolabeling of molecules in Arabidopsis tissues. We describe steps for tissue fixation and embedding in resin of microtome-derived sections, immunolabeling using fluorescent and non-fluorescent secondary antibodies, and visualization of cytokinin and auxin molecules. This protocol is suitable to study reproductive structures such as inflorescences, flowers, fruits, and tissue-culture-derived samples. This protocol is useful for studying the distribution of a wide range of molecules including hormones and cell wall components. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Herrera-Ubaldo et al. (2019).1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA in situ hybridization offers a means to study the spatial expression of candidate genes by making use of specific, labelled RNA probes on thin tissue sections. Unlike other methods, such as promoter GUS fusions, for which all regulatory sequences should be available and transgenic plants have to be generated, RNA in situ hybridization allows specific and direct detection of even low abundant transcripts at cellular resolution. Although various protocols exist, the results published throughout the literature indicate a very obvious problem of the technique: each step has the potential to affect the outcome, that is, the signal strength, presence or absence of background, and visibility of individual cells. The protocol described here tries to avoid all these problems by addressing each step in detail and providing advice regarding critical steps for a distinct visualization of gene expression on intact tissue sections without any background.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The techniques collectively known as volume electron microscopy (vEM) each come with their own advantages and challenges, making them more or less suitable for any specific project. SEM array tomography (SEM-AT) is certainly no different in this respect. Requiring microtomy skills, and involving more data alignment post imaging, SEM-AT presents challenges to its users, nevertheless, as perhaps the most flexible, cost effective and potentially accessible vEM approach to regular EM facilities, it benefits those same users with multiple advantages due to its inherently non-destructive nature. The general principles and advantages/disadvantages of SEM-AT are described here, together with a step-by-step guide to the workflow, from block trimming, sectioning and collection on coverslips, to alignment of the high-resolution 3D dataset. With a suitable SEM/backscatter electron detector setup, and equipment readily found in an electron microscopy lab, it should be possible to begin to acquire 3D ultrastructural data. With the addition of appropriate SEM-AT imaging software, this process can be significantly enhanced to automatically image hundreds, potentially thousands, of sections. Hardware and software advances and future improvements will only make this easier, to the extent that SEM-AT could become a routine vEM technique throughout the world, rather than the privilege of a small number of experts in limited specialist facilities.






  • 文章类型: Review
    In this chapter, we review Automated Tape Collecting Ultramicrotomy (ATUM), which, among other array tomography methods, substantially simplified large-scale volume electron microscopy (vEM) projects. vEM reveals biological structures at nanometer resolution in three dimensions and resolves ambiguities of two-dimensional representations. However, as the structures of interest-like disease hallmarks emerging from neuropathology-are often rare but the field of view is small, this can easily turn a vEM project into a needle in a haystack problem. One solution for this is correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM), providing tissue context, dynamic and molecular features before switching to targeted vEM to hone in on the object\'s ultrastructure. This requires precise coordinate transfer between the two imaging modalities (e.g., by micro computed tomography), especially for block face vEM which relies on physical destruction of sections. With array tomography methods, serial ultrathin sections are collected into a tissue library, thus allowing storage of precious samples like human biopsies and enabling repetitive imaging at different resolution levels for an SEM-based search strategy. For this, ATUM has been developed to reliably collect serial ultrathin sections via a conveyor belt onto a plastic tape that is later mounted onto silicon wafers for serial scanning EM (SEM). The ATUM-SEM procedure is highly modular and can be divided into sample preparation, serial ultramicrotomy onto tape, mounting, serial image acquisition-after which the acquired image stacks can be used for analysis. Here, we describe the steps of this workflow and how ATUM-SEM enables targeting and high resolution imaging of specific structures. ATUM-SEM is widely applicable. To illustrate this, we exemplify the approach by reconstructions of focal pathology in an Alzheimer mouse model and CLEM of a specific cortical synapse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interstitial fibrosis is characterized by the increased deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) components within the interstitial space of various organs, such as the kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, and skin. The primary component of interstitial fibrosis-related scarring is interstitial collagen. Therefore, the therapeutic application of anti-fibrotic medication hinges on the accurate measurement of interstitial collagen levels within tissue samples. Current histological measurement techniques for interstitial collagen are generally semi-quantitative in nature and only provide a ratio of collagen levels within tissues. However, the Genesis™ 200 imaging system and supplemental image analysis software, FibroIndex™, from HistoIndex™, is a novel, automated platform for imaging and characterizing interstitial collagen deposition and related topographical properties of the collagen structures within an organ, in the absence of any staining. This is achieved by using a property of light known as second harmonic generation (SHG). Using a rigorous optimization protocol, collagen structures in tissue sections can be imaged with a high degree of reproducibility and ensures homogeneity across all samples while minimizing the introduction of any imaging artefacts or photobleaching (decreased tissue fluorescence due to prolonged exposure to the laser). This chapter outlines the protocol that should be undertaken to optimize HistoIndex scanning of tissue sections, and the outputs that can be measured and analyzed using the FibroIndex™ software.





