
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A digitizer is considered one of the fundamental components of an earthquake monitoring system. In this paper, we design and implement a high accuracy seismic digitizer. The implemented digitizer consists of several blocks, i.e., the analog-to-digital converter (ADC), GPS receiver, and microprocessor. Three finite impulse response (FIR) filters are used to decimate the sampling rate of the input seismic data according to user needs. A graphical user interface (GUI) has been designed for enabling the user to monitor the seismic waveform in real time, and process and adjust the parameters of the acquisition unit. The system casing is designed to resist harsh conditions of the environment. The prototype can represent the three component sensors data in the standard MiniSEED format. The digitizer stream seismic data from the remote station to the main center is based on TCP/IP connection. This protocol ensures data transmission without any losses as long as the data still exist in the ring buffer. The prototype was calibrated by real field testing. The prototype digitizer is integrated with the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), where a commercial instrument is already installed. Case studies shows that, for the same event, the prototype station improves the solution of the ENSN by giving accurate timing and seismic event parameters. Field test results shows that the event arrival time and the amplitude are approximately the same between the prototype digitizer and the calibrated digitizer. Furthermore, the frequency contents are similar between the two digitizers. Therefore, the prototype digitizer captures the main seismic parameters accurately, irrespective of noise existence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Microprocessor complex (MP) is a vital component in the biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) in animals. It plays a crucial role in the biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) in mammals as it cleaves primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) to initiate their production. The accurate enzymatic activity of MP is critical to ensuring proper sequencing and expression of miRNAs and their correct cellular functions. RNA elements in pri-miRNAs, including secondary structures and sequencing motifs, RNA editing and modifications, and cofactors, can impact MP cleavage and affect miRNA expression and sequence. To evaluate MP cleavage activity with various RNA substrates under different conditions, we set up an in vitro pri-miRNA cleavage assay. This involves purifying human MP from HEK293E cells, synthesizing pri-miRNAs using in vitro transcription, and performing pri-miRNA cleavage assays using basic laboratory equipment and reagents. These procedures can be performed in various labs and improved for high-throughput analysis of enzymatic activities with thousands of RNA substrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nuclear cleavage of a suboptimal primary miRNA hairpin by the Drosha/DGCR8 complex (\"Microprocessor\") can be enhanced by an optimal miRNA neighbor, a phenomenon termed cluster assistance. Several features and biological impacts of this new layer of miRNA regulation are not fully known. Here, we elucidate the parameters of cluster assistance of a suboptimal miRNA and also reveal competitive interactions amongst optimal miRNAs within a cluster. We exploit cluster assistance as a functional assay for suboptimal processing and use this to invalidate putative suboptimal substrates, as well as identify a \"solo\" suboptimal miRNA. Finally, we report complexity in how specific mutations might affect the biogenesis of clustered miRNAs in disease contexts. This includes how an operon context can buffer the effect of a deleterious processing variant, but reciprocally how a point mutation can have a nonautonomous effect to impair the biogenesis of a clustered, suboptimal, neighbor. These data expand our knowledge regarding regulated miRNA biogenesis in humans and represent a functional assay for empirical definition of suboptimal Microprocessor substrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The requirement for alternatives in roll-to-roll (R2R) processing to expand thin film inspection in wider substrates at lower costs and reduced dimensions, and the need to enable newer control feedback options for these types of processes, represents an opportunity to explore the applicability of newer reduced-size spectrometers sensors. This paper presents the hardware and software development of a novel low-cost spectroscopic reflectance system using two state-of-the-art sensors for thin film thickness measurements. The parameters to enable the thin film measurements using the proposed system are the light intensity for two LEDs, the microprocessor integration time for both sensors and the distance from the thin film standard to the device light channel slit for reflectance calculations. The proposed system can deliver better-fit errors compared with a HAL/DEUT light source using two methods: curve fitting and interference interval. By enabling the curve fitting method, the lowest root mean squared error (RMSE) obtained for the best combination of components was 0.022 and the lowest normalised mean squared error (MSE) was 0.054. The interference interval method showed an error of 0.09 when comparing the measured with the expected modelled value. The proof of concept in this research work enables the expansion of multi-sensor arrays for thin film thickness measurements and the potential application in moving environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microprocessor (MP), DROSHA-DGCR8, processes primary miRNA transcripts (pri-miRNAs) to initiate miRNA biogenesis. The canonical cleavage mechanism of MP has been extensively investigated and comprehensively validated for two decades. However, this canonical mechanism cannot account for the processing of certain pri-miRNAs in animals. In this study, by conducting high-throughput pri-miRNA cleavage assays for approximately 260,000 pri-miRNA sequences, we discovered and comprehensively characterized a noncanonical cleavage mechanism of MP. This noncanonical mechanism does not need several RNA and protein elements essential for the canonical mechanism; instead, it utilizes previously unrecognized DROSHA dsRNA recognition sites (DRESs). Interestingly, the noncanonical mechanism is conserved across animals and plays a particularly significant role in C. elegans. Our established noncanonical mechanism elucidates MP cleavage in numerous RNA substrates unaccounted for by the canonical mechanism in animals. This study suggests a broader substrate repertoire of animal MPs and an expanded regulatory landscape for miRNA biogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs are small RNAs, 20-22 nt long, the main role of which is to downregulate gene expression at the level of mRNAs. MiRNAs are fundamental regulators of plant growth and development in response to internal signals as well as in response to abiotic and biotic factors. Therefore, the deficiency or excess of individual miRNAs is detrimental to particular aspects of a plant\'s life. In consequence, the miRNA levels must be appropriately adjusted. To obtain proper expression of each miRNA, their biogenesis is controlled at multiple regulatory layers. Here, we addressed processes discovered to influence miRNA steady-state levels, such as MIR transcription, co-transcriptional pri-miRNA processing (including splicing, polyadenylation, microprocessor assembly and activity) and miRNA-encoded peptides synthesis. MiRNA stability, RISC formation and miRNA export out of the nucleus and out of the plant cell also define the levels of miRNAs in various plant tissues. Moreover, we show the evolutionary conservation of miRNA biogenesis core proteins across the plant kingdom.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    FYVE domain protein required for endosomal sorting 1 (FREE1), originally identified as a plant-specific component of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery, plays diverse roles either in endosomal sorting in the cytoplasm or in transcriptional regulation of abscisic acid signaling in the nucleus. However, to date, a role for FREE1 or other ESCRT components in the regulation of plant miRNA biology has not been discovered. Here, we demonstrate a nuclear function of FREE1 as a cofactor in miRNA biogenesis in plants. FREE1 directly interacts with the plant core microprocessor component CPL1 in nuclear bodies and disturbs the association between HYL1, SE and CPL1. Inactivation of FREE1 in the nucleus increases the binding affinity between HYL1, SE, and CPL1 and causes a transition of HYL1 from the inactive hyperphosphorylated version to the active hypophosphorylated form, thereby promoting miRNA biogenesis. Our results suggest that FREE1 has evolved as a negative regulator of miRNA biogenesis and provides evidence for a link between FYVE domain-containing proteins and miRNA biogenesis in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extreme weather events cause stream overflow and lead to urban inundation. In this study, a decentralized flood monitoring system is proposed to provide water level predictions in streams three hours ahead. The customized sensor in the system measures the water levels and implements edge computing to produce future water levels. It is very different from traditional centralized monitoring systems and considered an innovation in the field. In edge computing, traditional physics-based algorithms are not computationally efficient if microprocessors are used in sensors. A correlation analysis was performed to identify key factors that influence the variations in the water level forecasts. For example, the second-order difference in the water level is considered to represent the acceleration or deacceleration of a water level rise. According to different input factors, three artificial neural network (ANN) models were developed. Four streams or canals were selected to test and evaluate the performance of the models. One case was used for model training and testing, and the others were used for model validation. The results demonstrated that the ANN model with the second-order water level difference as an input factor outperformed the other ANN models in terms of RMSE. The customized microprocessor-based sensor with an embedded ANN algorithm can be adopted to improve edge computing capabilities and support emergency response and decision making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as key regulators in a wide range of biological processes. Here, we identified a mouse miRNA-host gene lncRNA (lnc-Nr6a1) upregulated early during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). We show that when lncRNA is processed, it gives rise to two abundant polyadenylated isoforms, lnc-Nr6a1-1 and lnc-Nr6a1-2, and a longer non-polyadenylated microprocessor-driven lnc-pri-miRNA containing clustered pre-miR-181a2 and pre-miR-181b2 hairpins. Ectopic expression of the lnc-Nr6a1-1 or lnc-Nr6a1-2 isoform enhanced cell migration and the invasive capacity of the cells, whereas the expression of the isoforms and miR-181a2 and miR-181b2 conferred anoikis resistance. Lnc-Nr6a1 gene deletion resulted in cells with lower adhesion capacity and reduced glycolytic metabolism, which are restored by lnc-Nr6a1-1 isoform expression. We performed identification of direct RNA interacting proteins (iDRIP) to identify proteins interacting directly with the lnc-Nr6a1-1 isoform. We defined a network of interacting proteins, including glycolytic enzymes, desmosome proteins and chaperone proteins; and we demonstrated that the lnc-Nr6a1-1 isoform directly binds and acts as a scaffold molecule for the assembly of ENO1, ALDOA, GAPDH, and PKM glycolytic enzymes, along with LDHA, supporting substrate channeling for efficient glycolysis. Our results unveil a role of Lnc-Nr6a1 as a multifunctional lncRNA acting as a backbone for multiprotein complex formation and primary microRNAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding endogenous RNA molecules, 18-24 nucleotides long, that control multiple gene regulatory pathways via post-transcriptional gene silencing in eukaryotes. To develop a comprehensive picture of the evolutionary history of miRNA biogenesis and action in land plants, studies on bryophyte representatives are needed. Here, we review current understanding of liverwort MIR gene structure, miRNA biogenesis, and function, focusing on the simple thalloid Pellia endiviifolia and the complex thalloid Marchantia polymorpha. We review what is known about conserved and non-conserved miRNAs, their targets, and the functional implications of miRNA action in M. polymorpha and P. endiviifolia. We note that most M. polymorpha miRNAs are encoded within protein-coding genes and provide data for 23 MIR gene structures recognized as independent transcriptional units. We identify M. polymorpha genes involved in miRNA biogenesis that are homologous to those identified in higher plants, including those encoding core microprocessor components and other auxiliary and regulatory proteins that influence the stability, folding, and processing of pri-miRNAs. We analyzed miRNA biogenesis proteins and found similar domain architecture in most cases. Our data support the hypothesis that almost all miRNA biogenesis factors in higher plants are also present in liverworts, suggesting that they emerged early during land plant evolution.





