
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a bioprospection for new antivirals, we tested nonribosomally biosynthesized polypeptide antibiotics in MDCK II cells for their actions on influenza A and B viruses (IAV/IBV). Only tolypin, a mixture of closely related 16-residue peptaibiotics from the fungus Tolypocladium inflatum IE 1897, showed promising activity. It was selected for further investigation and structural characterization by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HR-MS/MS) and ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to in-source collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-isCID-HR-MS/MS), revealing 12 partially co-eluting individual peptides that were fully sequenced. Since tolypin-related efrapeptins are potent inhibitors of F1/Fo-ATPase, we screened tolypin for its toxicity against MDCK II cells and larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella. We found that a nontoxic concentration of tolypin (1 µg/mL) reduced the titer of two IBV strains by 4-5 log values, and that of an H3N2 strain by 1-2 log values, but the H1N1pdm strain was not affected. The higher concentrations of tolypin were cytostatic to MDCK II cells, shifted their metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, and induced paralysis in G. mellonella, supporting the inhibition of F1/Fo-ATPase as the mode of action. Our results lay the foundations for future work to investigate the interplay between viral replication and cellular energy metabolism, as well as the development of drugs that target host factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Glycosylation is an enzyme-catalyzed post-translational modification that is distinct from glycation and is present on a majority of plasma proteins. N-glycosylation occurs on asparagine residues predominantly within canonical N-glycosylation motifs (Asn-X-Ser/Thr) although non-canonical N-glycosylation motifs Asn-X-Cys/Val have also been reported. Albumin is the most abundant protein in plasma whose glycation is well-studied in diabetes mellitus. However, albumin has long been considered a non-glycosylated protein due to absence of canonical motifs. Albumin contains two non-canonical N-glycosylation motifs, of which one was recently reported to be glycosylated.
    METHODS: We enriched abundant serum proteins to investigate their N-linked glycosylation followed by trypsin digestion and glycopeptide enrichment by size-exclusion or mixed-mode anion-exchange chromatography. Glycosylation at canonical as well as non-canonical sites was evaluated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) of enriched glycopeptides. Deglycosylation analysis was performed to confirm N-linked glycosylation at non-canonical sites. Albumin-derived glycopeptides were fragmented by MS3 to confirm attached glycans. Parallel reaction monitoring was carried out on twenty additional samples to validate these findings. Bovine and rabbit albumin-derived glycopeptides were similarly analyzed by LC-MS/MS.
    RESULTS: Human albumin is N-glycosylated at two non-canonical sites, Asn68 and Asn123. N-glycopeptides were detected at both sites bearing four complex sialylated glycans and validated by MS3-based fragmentation and deglycosylation studies. Targeted mass spectrometry confirmed glycosylation in twenty additional donor samples. Finally, the highly conserved Asn123 in bovine and rabbit serum albumin was also found to be glycosylated.
    CONCLUSIONS: Albumin is a glycoprotein with conserved N-linked glycosylation sites that could have potential clinical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present a novel approach to characterize and quantify microheterogeneity and microphase separation in computer simulations of complex liquid mixtures. Our post-processing method is based on local density fluctuations of the different constituents in sampling spheres of varying size. It can be easily applied to both molecular dynamics (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, including periodic boundary conditions. Multidimensional correlation of the density distributions yields a clear picture of the domain formation due to the subtle balance of different interactions. We apply our approach to the example of force field molecular dynamics simulations of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with different side chain lengths at different temperatures, namely 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, and 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, which are known to form distinct liquid domains. We put the results into the context of existing microheterogeneity analyses and demonstrate the advantages and sensitivity of our novel method. Furthermore, we show how to estimate the configuration entropy from our analysis, and we investigate voids in the system. The analysis has been implemented into our program package TRAVIS and is thus available as free software.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The solvatochromic dye Laurdan is widely used in sensing the lipid packing of both model and biological membranes. The fluorescence emission maximum shifts from about 440 nm (blue channel) in condensed membranes (So) to about 490 nm (green channel) in the liquid-crystalline phase (Lα). Although the fluorescence intensity based generalized polarization (GP) is widely used to characterize lipid membranes, the fluorescence lifetime of Laurdan, in the blue and the green channel, is less used for that purpose. Here we explore the correlation between GP and fluorescence lifetimes by spectroscopic measurements on the So and Lα phases of large unilamellar vesicles of DMPC and DPPC. A positive correlation between GP and the lifetimes is observed in each of the optical channels for the two lipid phases. Microfluorimetric determinations on giant unilamellar vesicles of DPPC and DOPC at room temperature are performed under linearly polarized two-photon excitation to disentangle possible subpopulations of Laurdan at a scale below the optical resolution. Fluorescence intensities, GP and fluorescence lifetimes depend on the angle between the orientation of the linear polarization of the excitation light and the local normal to the membrane of the optical cross-section. This angular variation depends on the lipid phase and the emission channel. GP and fluorescence intensities in the blue and green channel in So and in the blue channel in Lα exhibit a minimum near 90o. Surprisingly, the intensity in the green channel in Lα reaches a maximum near 90o. The fluorescence lifetimes in the two optical channels also reach a pronounced minimum near 90o in So and Lα, apart from the lifetime in the blue channel in Lα where the lifetime is short with minimal angular variation. To our knowledge, these experimental observations are the first to demonstrate the existence of a bent conformation of Laurdan in lipid membranes, as previously suggested by molecular dynamics calculations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction between the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 and the peptidase domain of the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) allows the first specific contact at the virus-cell interface making it the main target of neutralizing antibodies. Here, we show a unique and cost-effective protocol using Drosophila S2 cells to produce both RBD and soluble human ACE2 peptidase domain (shACE2) as thermostable proteins, purified via Strep-tag with yields >40 mg L-1 in a laboratory scale. Furthermore, we demonstrate its binding with KD values in the lower nanomolar range (independently of Strep-tag removal) and its capability to be blocked by serum antibodies in a competition ELISA with Strep-Tactin-HRP as a proof-of-concept. In addition, we assess the capacity of RBD to bind native dimeric ACE2 overexpressed in human cells and its antigen properties with specific serum antibodies. Finally, for completeness, we analyzed RBD microheterogeneity associated with glycosylation and negative charges, with negligible effect on binding either with antibodies or shACE2. Our system represents an accessible and reliable tool for designing in-house surrogate virus neutralization tests (sVNTs), enabling the rapid characterization of neutralizing humoral responses elicited against vaccines or infection, especially in the absence of facilities to conduct virus neutralization tests. Moreover, our biophysical and biochemical characterization of RBD and shACE2 produced in S2 cells lays the groundwork for adapting to different variants of concern (VOCs) to study humoral responses elicited against different VOCs and vaccine formulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neisseria meningitidis exhibits a general O-linked protein glycosylation system in which pili and other extracytoplasmic proteins are glycosylated. To investigate glycan antigenicity in humans and the significance of high glycan diversity on immune escape mechanisms, we exploited serogroup A meningococcal strains and serum samples obtained from laboratory-confirmed Ethiopian patients with meningococcal disease. The 37 meningococcal isolates were sequenced, and their protein glycosylation (pgl) genotypes and protein glycosylation phenotypes were investigated in detail. An insertion sequence (IS1655) element in pglH reduced glycan variability in the majority of isolates, while phase variation strengthened glycan variability and microheterogeneity. Homologous recombination events within the pgl genes were identified in eight of the 37 isolates, and the phenotypic consequences ranged from none detected to altered glycoforms in two of the isolates in which the whole pgl locus was exchanged. Immunoblotting of sera against a complete panel of glycan-expressing mutant strains demonstrated that most of these patient sera had IgG antibodies against various neisserial protein glycan antigens. Furthermore, using a bactericidal assay comparing a wild-type meningococcal A strain and a glycosylation-null variant strain, we showed that these protein glycan antigens interfere with bactericidal killing by antibodies in patient sera. Altogether, we were largely able to link pgl genotype with glycosylation phenotype. Our study reveals that protein glycans seem to contribute to the ability of N. meningitidis to resist the bactericidal activity of human serum, possibly by masking protein epitopes important for bactericidal killing and thus protection against meningococcal disease. IMPORTANCE Bacterial meningitis is a serious global health problem, and one of the major causative organisms is Neisseria meningitidis. Extensive variability in protein glycan structure and antigenicity is due to phase variation of protein glycosylation genes and polymorphic gene content and function. The exact role(s) of glycosylation in Neisseria remains to be determined, but increasing evidence, supported by this study, suggests that glycan variability can be a strategy to escape the human immune system. The complexity of the O-linked protein glycosylation system requires further studies to fully comprehend how these bacteria utilize variation in pgl genes to produce such high glycoform diversity and to evade the human immune response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myocardial infarction (MI) leading to heart failure contributes to almost 85% of deaths associated with CVDs. MI results from plaque formation in the coronary artery which leads to a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the myocardium. To date, stenting is a widely used gold-standard technique to maintain the proper blood flow through coronary circulation in the myocardium. Bare metal stents (BMS) and drug-eluting stents (DES) are majorly used in implantation. However, BMS and DES both can induce neointima formation by depositing excessive collagens in the coronary arteries leading to restenosis. Identification and quantitative analysis of site-specific post-translational modifications (PTMs) of deposited COL1A1 from neointima ECM are not known. Applying our in-house workflow, we re-analyzed a previously published mass-spectrometry data set to comprehensively map site-specific prolyl-hydroxylation, lysyl hydroxylation, and O-glycosylation sites in COL1A1 from neointima ECM. Furthermore, we quantitated the occupancy level of 9 3-hydroxyproline (3-HyP) sites, 2 hydroxylysine sites, and glycosylation microheterogeneity on 6 lysine sites of COL1A1. Although the total level of COL1A1 was decreased in DES-induced neointima, the occupancy levels of 2 3-HyP sites (P872, and P881) and 2 HyK (K435 and K768) sites of COL1A1 were significantly (p < 0.05) elevated in DES-induced neointima compared to BMS-induced neointima. We also found O-glycosylation to be significantly elevated on 3 lysine sites (K573, K339, and K and K849) of COL1A1 in DES-induced neointima compared to BMS-induced neointima. Taken together, our first comprehensive PTM analysis of COL1A1 reflected significant site-specific alterations that may play a very important role in the ECM remodeling during stent-induced neointima formation in MI patients. SIGNIFICANCE: The knowledge about site-specific post-translational modifications (PTMs) of collagen 1 deposited in the neointima ECM during the post-stenting restenosis process is absent. Here for the first time, we report the altered levels of COL1A1 PTMs during metal stent and drug-eluting stent-induced neointima formation. Our study showcases a novel ECM remodeling through site-specific collagen PTMs during stent-induced restenosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For studying any event, measurement can never be enough; \"control\" is required. This means mere passive tracking of the event is insufficient and being able to manipulate it is necessary. To maximize this capability to exert control and manipulate, both spatial and temporal domains need to be jointly accounted for, which has remained an intractable problem at microscopic scales. Simultaneous control of dynamics and position of an observable event requires a holistic combination of spatial and temporal control principles, which gives rise to the field of spatiotemporal control. For this, we present a novel femtosecond pulse-shaping approach. We explain how to achieve spatiotemporal control by spatially manipulating the system through trapping and subsequently or simultaneously exerting temporal control using shaped femtosecond pulses. By leveraging ultrafast femtosecond lasers, the prospect of having temporal control of molecular dynamics increases, and it becomes possible to circumvent the relaxation processes at microscopic timescales. Optical trapping is an exemplary demonstration of spatial control that results in the immobilization of microscopic objects with radiation pressure from a tightly focused laser beam. Conventional single-beam optical tweezers use continuous-wave (CW) lasers for achieving spatial control through photon fluxes, but these lack temporal control knobs. We use a femtosecond high repetition rate (HRR) pulsed laser to bypass this lack of dynamical control in the time domain for optical trapping studies. From a technological viewpoint, the high photon flux requirement of stable optical tweezers necessitates femtosecond pulse shaping at HRR, which has been a barrier until the recent Megahertz pulse shaping developments. Finally, recognizing the theoretical distinction between tweezers with femtosecond pulses and CW lasers is of paramount interest. Non-linear optical (NLO) interactions must be included prima facie to understand pulsed laser tweezers in areas where they excel, like the two-photon-fluorescence-based detection. We show that our theoretical model can holistically address the common drawback of all tweezers. We are able to mitigate the effects of laser-induced heating by balancing this with femtosecond laser-induced NLO effects. An interesting side-product of HRR femtosecond-laser-induced thermal lens is the development of femtosecond thermal lens spectroscopy (FTLS) and its ability to provide sensitive molecular detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During embryonic development, nerve-associated Schwann cell precursors (SCPs) give rise to chromaffin cells of the adrenal gland via the \"bridge\" transient stage, according to recent functional experiments and single cell data from humans and mice. However, currently existing data do not resolve the finest heterogeneity of developing chromaffin populations. Here we took advantage of deep SmartSeq2 transcriptomic sequencing to expand our collection of individual cells from the developing murine sympatho-adrenal anlage and uncover the microheterogeneity of embryonic chromaffin cells and their corresponding developmental paths. We discovered that SCPs on the splachnic nerve show a high degree of microheterogeneity corresponding to early biases towards either Schwann or chromaffin terminal fates. Furthermore, we found that a post-\"bridge\" population of developing chromaffin cells gives rise to persisting oxygen-sensing chromaffin cells and the two terminal populations (adrenergic and noradrenergic) via diverging differentiation paths. Taken together, we provide a thorough identification of novel markers of adrenergic and noradrenergic populations in developing adrenal glands and report novel differentiation paths leading to them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N-glycosylation is an essential eukaryotic posttranslational modification that affects various glycoprotein properties, including folding, solubility, protein-protein interactions, and half-life. N-glycans are processed in the secretory pathway to form varied ensembles of structures, and diversity at a single site on a glycoprotein is termed \'microheterogeneity\'. To understand the factors that influence glycan microheterogeneity, we hypothesized that local steric and electrostatic factors surrounding each site influence glycan availability for enzymatic modification. We tested this hypothesis via expression of reporter N-linked glycoproteins in N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase MGAT1-null HEK293 cells to produce immature Man5GlcNAc2 glycoforms (38 glycan sites total). These glycoproteins were then sequentially modified in vitro from high mannose to hybrid and on to biantennary, core-fucosylated, complex structures by a panel of N-glycosylation enzymes, and each reaction time course was quantified by LC-MS/MS. Substantial differences in rates of in vitro enzymatic modification were observed between glycan sites on the same protein, and differences in modification rates varied depending on the glycoenzyme being evaluated. In comparison, proteolytic digestion of the reporters prior to N-glycan processing eliminated differences in in vitro enzymatic modification. Furthermore, comparison of in vitro rates of enzymatic modification with the glycan structures found on the mature reporters expressed in WT cells correlated well with the enzymatic bottlenecks observed in vivo. These data suggest higher order local structures surrounding each glycosylation site contribute to the efficiency of modification both in vitro and in vivo to establish the spectrum of microheterogeneity in N-linked glycoproteins.





