Micrococcal Nuclease

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin endogenous cleavage coupled with high-throughput sequencing (ChEC-seq) is a profiling method for protein-DNA interactions that can detect binding locations in vivo, does not require antibodies or fixation, and provides genome-wide coverage at near nucleotide resolution.The core of this method is an MNase fusion of the target protein, which allows it, when triggered by calcium exposure, to cut DNA at its binding sites and to generate small DNA fragments that can be readily separated from the rest of the genome and sequenced.Improvements since the original protocol have increased the ease, lowered the costs, and multiplied the throughput of this method to enable a scale and resolution of experiments not available with traditional methods such as ChIP-seq. This method describes each step from the initial creation and verification of the MNase-tagged yeast strains, over the ChEC MNase activation and small fragment purification procedure to the sequencing library preparation. It also briefly touches on the bioinformatic steps necessary to create meaningful genome-wide binding profiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pose a significant threat to public health. Existing detection methods, like cultivation-based techniques, demand significant time and labor, while molecular diagnostic techniques, such as PCR, necessitate sophisticated instrumentation and skilled personnel. Although previous multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays based on fluorescent dyes (mfLAMP) offer simplicity and cost-effectiveness, they are prone to false-positive results. Therefore, developing a rapid and efficient multiplex assay for high-sensitivity MRSA is imperative to create a practical diagnostic tool for point-of-care testing.
    RESULTS: Here, we developed a mfLAMP combined with a lateral flow assay (mfLAMP-LFA) for the visual and simultaneous detection of the mecA (PBP2a-specific marker) and nuc (S. aureus-specific marker) genes in MRSA. We optimized mfLAMP-LFA using graphene oxide (GO)-based purification and specific DNA probes and evaluated its sensitivity, specificity, and stability. Utilizing GO to mitigate false-positive results by acting as a trap for free DNA probes, the mfLAMP-LFA method successfully identified mecAf and nucf-probes, exhibiting distinct red, green, and yellow fluorescence signals. The detection sensitivity of the developed mfLAMP-LFA method (1 CFU mL-1 in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)) was comparable to other highly sensitive MRSA detection methods (1 CFU mL-1 in PBS). Furthermore, the method demonstrated specificity for MRSA, detecting it in irrigation water samples within the desired range and achieving reliable recovery rates from spiked samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: This novel strategy is the first to incorporate GO into mfLAMP-LFA, enabling specific and sensitive MRSA detection and advancing rapid bacterial detection. This assay facilitates MRSA diagnostics, contributing to improved public health and food safety by delivering rapid, cost-effective point-of-care results. It enables the simultaneous detection of multiple bacteria, even in irrigation water samples artificially inoculated with MRSA, which contain aerobic bacteria at 2.7 × 102 CFU mL-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is organized as a minichromosome structure in the nucleus of infected hepatocytes and considered the major obstacle to the discovery of a cure for HBV. Until now, no strategies directly targeting cccDNA have been advanced to clinical stages as much is unknown about the accessibility and activity regulation of the cccDNA minichromosome. We have described the method for evaluation of the cccDNA minichromosome accessibility using micrococcal nuclease-quantitative polymerase chain reaction and high-throughput sequencing, which could be useful tools for cccDNA research and HBV cure studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The healthcare burden rendered by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) warrants the development of therapeutics that offer a distinct benefit in the clinics as compared to conventional antibiotics. The present study describes the potential of napthalimide-based synthetic ligands (C1-C3) as inhibitors of the staphylococcal nuclease known as micrococcal nuclease (MNase), a key virulence factor of the pathogen. Amongst the ligands, the most potent MNase inhibitor C1 rendered non-competitive inhibition, reduced MNase turnover number (Kcat) and catalytic efficiency (Kcat/Km) with an IC50 value of ~950 nM. CD spectroscopy suggested distortion of MNase conformation in presence of C1. Flow cytometry and confocal microscopy indicated that C1 restored the ability of activated THP-1 cells to engulf DNA-entrapped MRSA cells. Interestingly, C1 could inhibit MRSA adhesion onto collagen. For potential application, C1-loaded pluronic F-127 micellar nanocarrier (C1-PMC) was generated, wherein the anti-adhesion activity of the pluronic carrier (PMC) and C1 was harnessed in tandem to deter MRSA cell adhesion onto collagen. MRSA biofilm formation was hindered on C1-PMC-coated titanium (Ti) wire, while eluates from C1-PMC-coated Ti wires were non-toxic to HEK 293, MG-63 and THP-1 cells. The multifunctional C1 provides a blueprint for designing therapeutic materials that hold translational potential for mitigation of MRSA infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micrococcal nuclease sequencing is the state-of-the-art method for determining chromatin structure and nucleosome positioning. Data analysis is complex due to the AT-dependent sequence bias of the endonuclease and the requirement for high sequencing depth. Here, we present the nucleosome-based MNase accessibility (nucMACC) pipeline unveiling the regulatory chromatin landscape by measuring nucleosome accessibility and stability. The nucMACC pipeline represents a systematic and genome-wide approach for detecting unstable (\"fragile\") nucleosomes. We have characterized the regulatory nucleosome landscape in Drosophila melanogaster, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and mammals. Two functionally distinct sets of promoters were characterized, one associated with an unstable nucleosome and the other being nucleosome depleted. We show that unstable nucleosomes present intermediate states of nucleosome remodeling, preparing inducible genes for transcriptional activation in response to stimuli or stress. The presence of unstable nucleosomes correlates with RNA polymerase II proximal pausing. The nucMACC pipeline offers unparalleled precision and depth in nucleosome research and is a valuable tool for future nucleosome studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: High-resolution Hi-C data, capable of detecting chromatin features below the level of Topologically Associating Domains (TADs), significantly enhance our understanding of gene regulation. Micro-C, a variant of Hi-C incorporating a micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digestion step to examine interactions between nucleosome pairs, has been developed to overcome the resolution limitations of Hi-C. However, Micro-C experiments pose greater technical challenges compared to Hi-C, owing to the need for precise MNase digestion control and higher-resolution sequencing. Therefore, developing computational methods to derive Micro-C data from existing Hi-C datasets could lead to better usage of a large amount of existing Hi-C data in the scientific community and cost savings.
    RESULTS: We developed C2c (\"high\" or upper case C to \"micro\" or lower case c), a computational tool based on a residual neural network to learn the mapping between Hi-C and Micro-C contact matrices and then predict Micro-C contact matrices based on Hi-C contact matrices. Our evaluation results show that the predicted Micro-C contact matrices reveal more chromatin loops than the input Hi-C contact matrices, and more of the loops detected from predicted Micro-C match the promoter-enhancer interactions. Furthermore, we found that the mutual loops from real and predicted Micro-C better match the ChIA-PET data compared to Hi-C and real Micro-C loops, and the predicted Micro-C leads to more TAD-boundaries detected compared to the Hi-C data. The website URL of C2c can be found in the Data Availability Statement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Algeria, the issue of antibiotic resistance is on the rise, being the Staphylococcus aureus infection as a significant concern of hospital-acquired infections. The emergence of antibiotic resistance in this bacterium poses a worldwide challenge. The aim of this study aims to establish the incidence of S aureus strains in Algeria as well as identify phenotypic and genotypic resistance based on the \"mecA\" and \"nuc\" genes. From 2014 to 2017, a total of 185 S aureus strains were isolated from patients at a hospital in the city of Rouïba, Algiers the number of isolates was slightly higher in males at 58.06% compared to females at 41.94%, resulting in a sex ratio of 1.38. the Oxacillin and Cefoxitin DD test (1 μg oxacillin disk and 30 μg cefoxitin disk) identified 42 strains as resistant. The results indicated high resistance to lactam antibiotics, with penicillin having a 100% resistance rate. There was also significant resistance to oxacillin (51.25%) and cefoxitin (50%). This resistance was frequently associated with resistance to other antibiotic classes, such as aminoglycosides (50%) and Macrolides (28.29%). To confirm methicillin-resistant characteristics, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplex was conducted on 10 isolates (6 SARM; 4 MSSA) on a phenotypic level. Three isolates tested positive for \"mecA,\" while 7 were negative. All strains carry the nuc gene, which is specific to S aureus. In Algeria, the incidence of S aureus resistance is slightly lower compared to other countries, but it is increasing over time. It is now more crucial than ever to restrict the proliferation of multidrug-resistant strains and reduce undue antibiotic prescriptions. To achieve this, it is vital to keep updated on the epidemiology of this bacterium and its antibiotic susceptibility. This will enable the formulation of appropriate preventive control measures to manage its progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleosome occupancy plays an important role in chromatin compaction, affecting biological processes by hampering the binding of cis-acting elements such as transcription factors, RNA polymerase machinery, and coregulatory. Accessible regions allow for cis-acting elements to bind DNA and regulate transcription. Here, we detail our protocol to profile nucleosome occupancy and chromatin structure dynamics under drought stress at the genome-wide scale using micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digestion. Combining variable MNase concentration treatments and high-throughput sequencing, we investigate the changes in the overall chromatin state using bread wheat samples from an exemplary drought experiment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biofilm formation is an important virulence factor for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The extracellular matrix of MRSA biofilms contains significant amounts of double-stranded DNA that hold the biofilm together. MRSA cells secrete micrococcal nuclease (Nuc1), which degrades double-stranded DNA. In this study, we used standard methodologies to investigate the role of Nuc1 in MRSA biofilm formation and dispersal. We quantified biofilm formation and extracellular DNA (eDNA) levels in broth and agar cultures. In some experiments, cultures were supplemented with sub-MIC amoxicillin to induce biofilm formation. Biofilm erosion was quantitated by culturing biofilms on rods and enumerating detached colony-forming units (CFUs), and biofilm sloughing was investigated by perfusing biofilms cultured in glass tubes with fresh broth and measuring the sizes of the detached cell aggregates. We found that an MRSA nuc1- mutant strain produced significantly more biofilm and more eDNA than a wild-type strain, both in the absence and presence of sub-MIC amoxicillin. nuc1- mutant biofilms grown on rods detached significantly less than wild-type biofilms. Detachment was restored by exogenous DNase or complementing the nuc1- mutant. In the sloughing assay, nuc1- mutant biofilms released cell aggregates that were significantly larger than those released by wild-type biofilms. Our results suggest that Nuc1 modulates biofilm formation, biofilm detachment, and the sizes of detached cell aggregates. These processes may play a role in the spread and subsequent survival of MRSA biofilms during biofilm-related infections.IMPORTANCEInfections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are a significant problem in hospitals. MRSA forms adherent biofilms on implanted medical devices such as catheters and breathing tubes. Bacteria can detach from biofilms on these devices and spread to other parts of the body such as the blood or lungs, where they can cause life-threatening infections. In this article, researchers show that MRSA secretes an enzyme known as thermonuclease that causes bacteria to detach from the biofilm. This is important because understanding the mechanism by which MRSA detaches from biofilms could lead to the development of procedures to mitigate the problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of novel method for drug-resistant bacteria detection is imperative. A simultaneous dual-gene Test of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is developed using an Argonaute-centered portable biosensor (STAR). This is the first report concerning Argonaute-based pathogenic bacteria detection. Simply, the species-specific mecA and nuc gene are isothermally amplified using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) technique, followed by Argonaute-based detection enabled by its programmable, guided, sequence-specific recognition and cleavage. With the strategy, the targeted nucleic acid signals gene are dexterously converted into fluorescent signals. STAR is capable of detecting the nuc gene and mecA gene simultaneously in a single reaction. The limit of detection is 10 CFU/mL with a dynamic range from 10 to 107 CFU/mL. The sample-to-result time is <65 min. This method is successfully adapted to detect clinical samples, contaminated foods, and MRSA-infected animals. This work broadens the reach of Argonaute-based biosensing and presents a novel bacterial point-of-need (PON) detection platform.





