
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determining enzyme activities involved in photorespiration, either in a crude plant tissue extract or in a preparation of a recombinant enzyme, is time-consuming, especially when large number of samples need to be processed. This chapter presents a phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGLP) activity assay that is adapted for use in a 96-well microplate format. The microplate format for the assay requires fewer enzymes and reagents and allows rapid and less expensive measurement of PGLP enzyme activity. The small volume of reaction mix in a 96-well microplate format enables the determination of PGLP enzyme activity for screening many plant samples, multiple enzyme activities using the same protein extract, and/or identifying kinetic parameters for a recombinant enzyme. To assist in preparing assay reagents, we also present an R Shiny buffer preparation app for PGLP and other photorespiratory enzyme activities and a Km and Vmax calculation app.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    Methods and equations for analysing the kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions were developed at the beginning of the 20th century in two centres in particular; in Paris, by Victor Henri, and, in Berlin, by Leonor Michaelis and Maud Menten. Henri made a detailed analysis of the work in this area that had preceded him, and arrived at a correct equation for the initial rate of reaction. However, his approach was open to the important objection that he took no account of the hydrogen-ion concentration (a subject largely undeveloped in his time). In addition, although he wrote down an expression for the initial rate of reaction and described the hyperbolic form of its dependence on the substrate concentration, he did not appreciate the great advantages that would come from analysis in terms of initial rates rather than time courses. Michaelis and Menten not only placed Henri\'s analysis on a firm experimental foundation, but also defined the experimental protocol that remains standard today. Here, we review this development, and discuss other scientific contributions of these individuals. The three parts have different authors, as indicated, and do not necessarily agree on all details, in particular about the relative importance of the contributions of Michaelis and Menten on the one hand and of Henri on the other. Rather than force the review into an unrealistic consensus, we consider it appropriate to leave the disagreements visible.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The equation commonly called the Michaelis-Menten equation is sometimes attributed to other authors. However, although Victor Henri had derived the equation from the correct mechanism, and Adrian Brown before him had proposed the idea of enzyme saturation, it was Leonor Michaelis and Maud Menten who showed that this mechanism could also be deduced on the basis of an experimental approach that paid proper attention to pH and spontaneous changes in the product after formation in the enzyme-catalysed reaction. By using initial rates of reaction they avoided the complications due to substrate depletion, product accumulation and progressive inactivation of the enzyme that had made attempts to analyse complete time courses very difficult. Their methodology has remained the standard approach to steady-state enzyme kinetics ever since.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We introduce the concept of \'chiral compartmentation\' in metabolism that emerges from the stereo-specificity of enzymes for their substrate(s). The fully differentiated mammalian erythrocyte has no sub-cellular organelles and yet it displays compartmentation of lactic acid that is generated either by glycolysis or the glyoxalase pathway. A form of \'operational compartmentation\' exists, based not on the chemistry of the reactive groups in the molecules but their stereoisomerism. This we call \'chiral compartmentation\', and the rationale for its \'natural selection\' in the erythrocyte (and presumably in the cytoplasm of other cells) is discussed. Increasing awareness of the presence of d-amino acids in proteins in the otherwise dominant \'L-chiral biosphere\', and of the preferential use of one enantiomer of a metabolite versus the other is largely due to recent developments in rapidly-applicable, analytical-chemical methods. We confirmed that the glyoxalase pathway yields D-lactic acid by using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of stretched chiral hydrogels. The activities of the two lactate-producing pathways have been described by numerical integration of simultaneous non-linear differential equations, based on enzyme models like that introduced by Michaelis and Menten in 1913.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    Leonor Michaelis spent the years of 1922-1926 as Professor of Biochemistry of the Aichi Medical College (now Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University) in Nagoya, Japan. Michaelis succeeded in gathering many bright young biochemists from all over Japan into his laboratory, and made tremendous contributions to the promotion of biochemistry in Japan. Michaelis was invited to many places in Japan to present lectures over those years. Kunio Yagi, who was Professor of Biochemistry at Nagoya University in the second half of the 20th century, succeeded in crystallizing the \"Michaelis\" enzyme-substrate complex. Historically, Michelis has had an enormous impact on biochemistry in Japan.





