Methyl-Accepting Chemotaxis Proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis is mediated by posttranslational modifications of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). In Escherichia coli, the adaptation proteins CheR and CheB tether to a conserved C-terminal receptor pentapeptide. Here,we investigated the function of the pentapeptide motif (N/D)WE(E/N)F in Sinorhizobium meliloti chemotaxis. Isothermal titration calorimetry revealed stronger affinity of the pentapeptides to CheR and activated CheB relative to unmodified CheB. Strains with mutations of the conserved tryptophan in one or all four MCP pentapeptides resulted in a significant decrease or loss of chemotaxis to glycine betaine, lysine, and acetate, chemoattractants sensed by pentapeptide-bearing McpX and pentapeptide-lacking McpU and McpV, respectively. Importantly, we discovered that the pentapeptide mediates chemotaxis when fused to the C-terminus of pentapeptide-lacking chemoreceptors via a flexible linker. We propose that adaptational assistance and a threshold number of available sites enable the efficient docking of adaptation proteins to the chemosensory array. Altogether, these results demonstrate that S. meliloti effectively utilizes a pentapeptide-dependent adaptation system with a minimal number of tethering units to assist pentapeptide-lacking chemoreceptors and hypothesize that the higher abundance of CheR and CheB in S. meliloti compared to E. coli allows for ample recruitment of adaptation proteins to the chemosensory array.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motile bacteria use large receptor arrays to detect chemical and physical stimuli in their environment, process this complex information, and accordingly bias their swimming in a direction they deem favorable. The chemoreceptor molecules form tripod-like trimers of receptor dimers through direct contacts between their cytoplasmic tips. A pair of trimers, together with a dedicated kinase enzyme, form a core signaling complex. Hundreds of core complexes network to form extended arrays. While considerable progress has been made in revealing the hierarchical structure of the array, the molecular properties underlying signal processing in these structures remain largely unclear. Here we analyzed the signaling properties of nonnetworked core complexes in live cells by following both conformational and kinase control responses to attractant stimuli and to output-biasing lesions at various locations in the receptor molecule. Contrary to the prevailing view that individual receptors are binary two-state devices, we demonstrate that conformational coupling between the ligand binding and the kinase-control receptor domains is, in fact, only moderate. In addition, we demonstrate communication between neighboring receptors through their trimer-contact domains that biases them to adopt similar signaling states. Taken together, these data suggest a view of signaling in receptor trimers that allows significant signal integration to occur within individual core complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacterial chemotaxis system is a well-understood signaling pathway that promotes bacterial success. Chemotaxis systems comprise chemoreceptors and the CheA kinase, linked by CheW or CheV scaffold proteins. Scaffold proteins provide connections between chemoreceptors and CheA and also between chemoreceptors to create macromolecular arrays. Chemotaxis is required for host colonization by many microbes, including the stomach pathogen Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium builds chemoreceptor-CheA contacts with two distinct scaffold proteins, CheW and CheV1. H. pylori cheW or cheV1 deletion mutants both lose chemoreceptor array formation, but show differing semisolid agar chemotaxis assay behaviors: ∆cheW mutants exhibit total migration failure, whereas ∆cheV1::cat mutants display a 50% reduction. On investigating these varied responses, we found that both mutants initially struggle with migration. However, over time, ∆cheV1::cat mutants develop a stable, enhanced migration capability, termed \"migration-able\" (Mig+). Whole-genome sequencing analysis of four distinct ∆cheV1::cat Mig+ strains identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in hpg27_252 (hp0273) that were predicted to truncate the encoded protein. Computational analysis of the hpg27_252-encoded protein revealed it encoded a hypothetical protein that was a remote homolog of the PilO Type IV filament membrane alignment complex protein. Although H. pylori lacks Type IV filaments, our analysis showed it retains an operon of genes for homologs of PilO, PilN, and PilM. Deleting hpg27_252 in the ∆cheV1::cat or wild type strain resulted in enhanced migration in semisolid agar. Our study thus reveals that while cheV1 mutants initially have significant migration defects, they can recover the migration ability through genetic suppressors, highlighting a complex regulatory mechanism in bacterial migration.
    Chemotactic motility, present in over half of bacteria, depends on chemotaxis signaling systems comprising receptors, kinases, and scaffold proteins. In Helicobacter pylori, a stomach pathogen, chemotaxis is crucial for colonization, with CheV1 and CheW as key scaffold proteins. While both scaffolds are essential for building chemoreceptor complexes, their roles vary in other assays. Our research reexamines cheV1 mutants\' behavior in semisolid agar, a standard chemotaxis test. Initially, cheV1 mutants exhibited defects similar to those of cheW mutants, but they evolved genetic suppressors that enhanced migration. These suppressors involve mutations in a previously uncharacterized gene, unknown in motility behavior. Our findings highlight the significant chemotaxis defects in cheV1 mutants and identify new elements influencing bacterial motility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motile bacteria navigate toward favorable conditions and away from unfavorable environments using chemotaxis. Mechanisms of sensing attractants are well understood; however, molecular aspects of how bacteria sense repellents have not been established. Here, we identified malate as a repellent recognized by the MCP2201 chemoreceptor in a bacterium Comamonas testosteroni and showed that it binds to the same site as an attractant citrate. Binding determinants for a repellent and an attractant had only minor differences, and a single amino acid substitution in the binding site inverted the response to malate from a repellent to an attractant. We found that malate and citrate affect the oligomerization state of the ligand-binding domain in opposing way. We also observed opposing effects of repellent and attractant binding on the orientation of an alpha helix connecting the sensory domain to the transmembrane helix. We propose a model to illustrate how positive and negative signals might be generated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Escherichia coli chemotaxis signaling pathway has served as a model system for the adaptive sensing of environmental signals by large protein complexes. The chemoreceptors control the kinase activity of CheA in response to the extracellular ligand concentration and adapt across a wide concentration range by undergoing methylation and demethylation. Methylation shifts the kinase response curve by orders of magnitude in ligand concentration while incurring a much smaller change in the ligand binding curve. Here, we show that the disproportionate shift in binding and kinase response is inconsistent with equilibrium allosteric models. To resolve this inconsistency, we present a nonequilibrium allosteric model that explicitly includes the dissipative reaction cycles driven by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis. The model successfully explains all existing joint measurements of ligand binding, receptor conformation, and kinase activity for both aspartate and serine receptors. Our results suggest that the receptor complex acts as an enzyme: Receptor methylation modulates the ON-state kinetics of the kinase (e.g., phosphorylation rate), while ligand binding controls the equilibrium balance between kinase ON/OFF states. Furthermore, sufficient energy dissipation is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the sensitivity range and amplitude of the kinase response. We demonstrate that the nonequilibrium allosteric model is broadly applicable to other sensor-kinase systems by successfully fitting previously unexplained data from the DosP bacterial oxygen-sensing system. Overall, this work provides a nonequilibrium physics perspective on cooperative sensing by large protein complexes and opens up research directions for understanding their microscopic mechanisms through simultaneous measurements and modeling of ligand binding and downstream responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Bacterial chemotaxis is a ubiquitous behavior that enables cell movement toward or away from specific chemicals. It serves as an important model for understanding cell sensory signal transduction and motility. Characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying chemotaxis is of fundamental interest and requires a high-resolution structural picture of the sensing machinery, the chemosensory array. In this study, we combine cryo-electron tomography and molecular simulation to present the complete structure of the core signaling unit, the basic building block of chemosensory arrays, from Escherichia coli. Our results provide new insight into previously poorly-resolved regions of the complex and offer a structural basis for designing new experiments to test mechanistic hypotheses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A new class of bacterial protein sensors monitors intracellular levels of S-adenosylmethionine to modulate cell morphology, chemotaxis, and biofilm formation. Simultaneous regulation of these behaviors enables bacterial pathogens to survive within their niche. This sensor, exemplified by Treponema denticola CheWS, is anchored to the chemotaxis array and its sensor domain is located below the chemotaxis rings. This position may allow the sensor to directly interact with the chemotaxis histidine kinase CheA. Collectively, these data establish a critical role of CheWS in pathogenesis and further illustrate the impact of studying non-canonical chemotaxis proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motile bacteria have a chemotaxis system that enables them to sense their environment and direct their swimming toward favorable conditions. Chemotaxis involves a signaling process in which ligand binding to the extracellular domain of the chemoreceptor alters the activity of the histidine kinase, CheA, bound ~300 Å away to the distal cytoplasmic tip of the receptor, to initiate a phosphorylation cascade that controls flagellar rotation. The cytoplasmic domain of the receptor is thought to propagate this signal via changes in dynamics and/or stability, but it is unclear how these changes modulate the kinase activity of CheA. To address this question, we have used hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to probe the structure and dynamics of CheA within functional signaling complexes of the Escherichia coli aspartate receptor cytoplasmic fragment, CheA, and CheW. Our results reveal that stabilization of the P4 catalytic domain of CheA correlates with kinase activation. Furthermore, differences in activation of the kinase that occur during sensory adaptation depend on receptor destabilization of the P3 dimerization domain of CheA. Finally, hydrogen exchange properties of the P1 domain that bears the phosphorylated histidine identify the dimer interface of P1/P1\' in the CheA dimer and support an ordered sequential binding mechanism of catalysis, in which dimeric P1/P1\' has productive interactions with P4 only upon nucleotide binding. Thus stabilization/destabilization of domains is a key element of the mechanism of modulating CheA kinase activity in chemotaxis, and may play a role in the control of other kinases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemotaxis in Bacteria and Archaea depends on the presence of hexagonal polar arrays composed of membrane-bound chemoreceptors that interact with rings of baseplate signaling proteins. In the alphaproteobacterium Azospirillum brasilense, chemotaxis is controlled by two chemotaxis signaling systems (Che1 and Che4) that mix at the baseplates of two spatially distinct membrane-bound chemoreceptor arrays. The subcellular localization and organization of transmembrane chemoreceptors in chemotaxis signaling clusters have been well characterized but those of soluble chemoreceptors remain relatively underexplored. By combining mutagenesis, microscopy, and biochemical assays, we show that the cytoplasmic chemoreceptors AerC and Tlp4b function in chemotaxis and localize to and interact with membrane-bound chemoreceptors and chemotaxis signaling proteins from both polar arrays, indicating that soluble chemoreceptors are promiscuous. The interactions of AerC and Tlp4b with polar chemotaxis signaling clusters are not equivalent and suggest distinct functions. Tlp4b, but not AerC, modulates the abundance of chemoreceptors within the signaling clusters through an unknown mechanism. The AerC chemoreceptor, but not Tlp4b, is able to traffic in and out of chemotaxis signaling clusters depending on its level of expression. We also identify a role of the chemoreceptor composition of chemotaxis signaling clusters in regulating their polar subcellular organization. The organization of chemotaxis signaling proteins as large membrane-bound arrays underlies chemotaxis sensitivity. Our findings suggest that the composition of chemoreceptors may fine-tune chemotaxis signaling not only through their chemosensory specificity but also through their role in the organization of polar chemotaxis signaling clusters. IMPORTANCE Cytoplasmic chemoreceptors represent about 14% of all chemoreceptors encoded in bacterial and archaeal genomes, but little is known about how they interact with and function in large polar assemblies of membrane-bound chemotaxis signaling clusters. Here, we show that two soluble chemoreceptors with a role in chemotaxis are promiscuous and interact with two distinct membrane-bound chemotaxis signaling clusters that control all chemotaxis responses in Azospirillum brasilense. We also found that any change in the chemoreceptor composition of chemotaxis signaling clusters alters their polar organization, suggesting a dynamic interplay between the sensory specificity of chemotaxis signaling clusters and their polar membrane organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemotaxis is a fundamental process whereby bacteria seek out nutrient sources and avoid harmful chemicals. For the symbiotic soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti, the chemotaxis system also plays an essential role in the interaction with its legume host. The chemotactic signaling cascade is initiated through interactions of an attractant or repellent compound with chemoreceptors or methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). S. meliloti possesses eight chemoreceptors to mediate chemotaxis. Six of these receptors are transmembrane proteins with periplasmic ligand-binding domains (LBDs). The specific functions of McpW and McpZ are still unknown. Here, we report the crystal structure of the periplasmic domain of McpZ (McpZPD) at 2.7 Å resolution. McpZPD assumes a novel fold consisting of three concatenated four-helix bundle modules. Through phylogenetic analyses, we discovered that this helical tri-modular domain fold arose within the Rhizobiaceae family and is still evolving rapidly. The structure, offering a rare view of a ligand-free dimeric MCP-LBD, reveals a novel dimerization interface. Molecular dynamics calculations suggest ligand binding will induce conformational changes that result in large horizontal helix movements within the membrane-proximal domains of the McpZPD dimer that are accompanied by a 5 Å vertical shift of the terminal helix toward the inner cell membrane. These results suggest a mechanism of transmembrane signaling for this family of MCPs that entails both piston-type and scissoring movements. The predicted movements terminate in a conformation that closely mirrors those observed in related ligand-bound MCP-LBDs.





