
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a checklist of metazoan parasites of snakes from Argentina, along with a comprehensive review of the relevant literature published between 1922 and June 2023, covering various aspects of interest. We compiled 34 species of metazoan endoparasites from 28 studies. The subclass Digenea showed the highest number of species (n = 22 species), followed by the phylum Nematoda (n = 8 species), and the subclass Pentastomida (n = 3 species and 1 taxa inquirenda). Dipsadidae was the family of snakes with the most species examined for metazoan endoparasites (n = 20 species). In contrast, Viperidae had the largest number of specimens surveyed (n = 343). Of 23 provinces, 15 (65.2%) presented at least one report of metazoan endoparasites in snakes. The northeastern provinces showed the highest richness of metazoan endoparasites and host diversity. Many articles focused on taxonomy, but studies on parasite ecology were not found. Although taxonomic accuracy was high in most reports, some records were correctly deposited in zoological collections or geo-referenced. This is the first attempt to include all groups of metazoan endoparasites of snakes from Argentina in a single checklist in the last century.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolution of major taxa is often associated with the emergence of new gene families. In all multicellular animals except sponges and comb jellies, the genomes contain Hox genes, which are crucial regulators of development. The canonical function of Hox genes involves colinear patterning of body parts in bilateral animals. This general function is implemented through complex, precisely coordinated mechanisms, not all of which are evolutionarily conserved and fully understood. We suggest that the emergence of this regulatory complexity was preceded by a stage of cooperation between more ancient morphogenetic programs or their individual elements. Footprints of these programs may be present in modern animals to execute non-canonical Hox functions. Non-canonical functions of Hox genes are involved in maintaining terminal nerve cell specificity, autophagy, oogenesis, pre-gastrulation embryogenesis, vertical signaling, and a number of general biological processes. These functions are realized by the basic properties of homeodomain protein and could have triggered the evolution of ParaHoxozoa and Nephrozoa subsequently. Some of these non-canonical Hox functions are discussed in our review.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Gaia hypothesis posits that the Earth and its biosphere function as a single self-stabilizing system, but a key challenge is explaining how this could have arisen through Darwinian evolution. One theory is that of \"selection by differential survival,\" in which a clade\'s extinction probability decreases with age as it accumulates adaptations resisting environmental disturbances. While this is hard to assess during early Earth history, we can assess whether this process operated among marine animal genera throughout the Phanerozoic. To that end, we analyzed time ranges of 36,117 extinct animal genera using fossil occurrence data from the Paleobiology Database in order to calculate marine metazoan extinction age selectivity, extinction rates, and speciation rates over the Phanerozoic. We identify four signatures of selection by differential survival: lower extinction rates among older lineages, heritability and taxonomically nested propagation of extinction resistance, reduced age selectivity during rare environmental perturbations, and differential extinction rather than speciation as the primary driver of the phenomenon. Evidence for this process at lower taxonomic levels also implies its possibility for life as a whole - indeed, the possibility of Gaia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In animals, three main RNA interference mechanisms have been described so far, which respectively maturate three types of small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs): miRNAs, piRNAs, and endo-siRNAs. The diversification of these mechanisms is deeply linked with the evolution of the Argonaute gene superfamily since each type of sncRNA is typically loaded by a specific Argonaute homolog. Moreover, other protein families play pivotal roles in the maturation of sncRNAs, like the DICER ribonuclease family, whose DICER1 and DICER2 paralogs maturate respectively miRNAs and endo-siRNAs. Within Metazoa, the distribution of these families has been only studied in major groups, and there are very few data for clades like Lophotrochozoa. Thus, we here inferred the evolutionary history of the animal Argonaute and DICER families including 43 lophotrochozoan species. Phylogenetic analyses along with newly sequenced sncRNA libraries suggested that in all Trochozoa, the proteins related to the endo-siRNA pathway have been lost, a part of them in some phyla (i.e. Nemertea, Bryozoa, Entoprocta), while all of them in all the others. On the contrary, early diverging phyla, Platyhelminthes and Syndermata, showed a complete endo-siRNA pathway. On the other hand, miRNAs were revealed the most conserved and ubiquitous mechanism of the metazoan RNA interference machinery, confirming their pivotal role in animal cell regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The respiratory chain alternative enzymes (AEs) NDX and AOX from the tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea) have been xenotopically expressed and characterized in human cells in culture and in the model organisms Drosophila melanogaster and mouse, with the purpose of developing bypass therapies to combat mitochondrial diseases in human patients with defective complexes I and III/IV, respectively. The fact that the genes coding for NDX and AOX have been lost from genomes of evolutionarily successful animal groups, such as vertebrates and insects, led us to investigate if the composition of the respiratory chain of Ciona and other tunicates differs significantly from that of humans and Drosophila, to accommodate the natural presence of AEs. We have failed to identify in tunicate genomes fifteen orthologous genes that code for subunits of the respiratory chain complexes; all of these putatively missing subunits are peripheral to complexes I, III and IV in mammals, and many are important for complex-complex interaction in supercomplexes (SCs), such as NDUFA11, UQCR11 and COX7A. Modeling of all respiratory chain subunit polypeptides of Ciona indicates significant structural divergence that is consistent with the lack of these fifteen clear orthologous subunits. We also provide evidence using Ciona AOX expressed in Drosophila that this AE cannot access the coenzyme Q pool reduced by complex I, but it is readily available to oxidize coenzyme Q molecules reduced by glycerophosphate oxidase, a mitochondrial inner membrane-bound dehydrogenase that is not involved in SCs. Altogether, our results suggest that Ciona AEs might have evolved in a mitochondrial inner membrane environment much different from that of mammals and insects, possibly without SCs; this correlates with the preferential functional interaction between these AEs and non-SC dehydrogenases in heterologous mammalian and insect systems. We discuss the implications of these findings for the applicability of Ciona AEs in human bypass therapies and for our understanding of the evolution of animal respiratory chain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The R-RAS2 is a small GTPase highly similar to classical RAS proteins at the regulatory and signaling levels. The high evolutionary conservation of R-RAS2, its links to basic cellular processes and its role in cancer, make R-RAS2 an interesting research topic. To elucidate the evolutionary history of R-RAS proteins, we investigated and compared structural and functional properties of ancestral type R-RAS protein with human R-RAS2.
    METHODS: Bioinformatics analysis were used to elucidate the evolution of R-RAS proteins. Intrinsic GTPase activity of purified human and sponge proteins was analyzed with GTPase-GloTM Assay kit. The cell model consisted of human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 transiently transfected with EsuRRAS2-like or HsaRRAS2. Biological characterization of R-RAS2 proteins was performed by Western blot on whole cell lysates or cell adhesion protein isolates, immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, MTT test, colony formation assay, wound healing and Boyden chamber migration assays.
    RESULTS: We found that the single sponge R-RAS2-like gene/protein probably reflects the properties of the ancestral R-RAS protein that existed prior to duplications during the transition to Bilateria, and to Vertebrata. Biochemical characterization of sponge and human R-RAS2 showed that they have the same intrinsic GTPase activity and RNA binding properties. By testing cell proliferation, migration and colony forming efficiency in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells, we showed that the ancestral type of the R-RAS protein, sponge R-RAS2-like, enhances their oncogenic potential, similar to human R-RAS2. In addition, sponge and human R-RAS2 were not found in focal adhesions, but both homologs play a role in their regulation by increasing talin1 and vinculin.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the ancestor of all animals possessed an R-RAS2-like protein with oncogenic properties similar to evolutionarily more recent versions of the protein, even before the appearance of true tissue and the origin of tumors. Therefore, we have unraveled the evolutionary history of R-RAS2 in metazoans and improved our knowledge of R-RAS2 properties, including its structure, regulation and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Widespread use of membrane bioreactors for high-performance wastewater treatment depends on the prevention of biofouling during membrane filtration, which can reduce operating costs. Biofouling is usually prevented using mechanical and chemical membrane treatment methods, which can be time-consuming and expensive. In this study, we developed bio-capsules as a fluidizing carrier material in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge membrane bioreactor (IFAS-MBR). The bio-capsules were prepared from moniliform polyvinylidene chloride fibrous balls enclosed in a spherical plastic basket, and could harbor protozoa and metazoa. A pilot-scale anoxic-oxic IFAS-MBR system with a total volume of 132 m3 was operated to remove organic carbon and nitrogen from municipal wastewater at a high permeate flux (0.84 m3/m2/day). The efficacy of the bio-capsules and the prokaryotic/eukaryotic community structures in the system were investigated. After operation for 1 year, the system demonstrated stable removal of organic carbon (76.0 % ± 15.5 % as total organic carbon, 93.1 ± 5.3 % as BOD, and 88.5 ± 5.2 % as CODMn) and nitrogen (71.3 % ± 9.3 %) despite fluctuations in the influent concentrations. Increases in transmembrane pressure (TMP) were retarded from its increase rates from 0.56 kPa/day to 0.149-0.224 kPa/day by the bio-capsules, and the TMP was kept constant at around 20 kPa throughout the operational period. High-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons showed that the prokaryotic family Pirellulaceae was metabolically active and correlated with the TMP. According to the 18S rRNA gene sequencing, the eukaryotic metazoan Bdelloidea was more abundant in the bio-capsules than in activated sludge, which was supported by microscopic observations. These results suggest that the application of bio-capsules prevents increases in the TMP by harboring the procaryotes and eukaryotes responsible for biofouling mitigation in the IFAS-MBR system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macrophage-expressed gene 1 (MPEG1) is an ancient immune effector known to exist in Cnidaria, Mollusca, Actinopterygii, and Mammalia. In this study, we examined the evolution and antibacterial potential of MPEG1 across Metazoa. By unbiased data-mining, MPEG1 orthologs were found in 11 of 34 screened phyla. In invertebrates, MPEG1 is present in the major phyla and exhibits intensive duplication. In vertebrates, class-based clades were formed by the major, generic MPEG1 (gMPEG1) in each class. However, there is a minority of unique MPEG1 (uMPEG1) from 71 species of 4 classes that clustered into a separate clade detached from all major class-based clades. gMPEG1 and uMPEG1 exhibit strong genomic collinearity and are surrounded by high-density transposons. gMPEG1 and uMPEG1 transcript expressions were most abundant in immune organs, but differed markedly in tissue specificity. Systematic analysis identified an antimicrobial peptide (AMP)-like segment in the C-terminal (CT) tail of MPEG1. Peptides based on the AMP-like regions of 35 representative MPEG1 were synthesized. Bactericidal activities were displayed by all peptides. Together these results suggest transposon-propelled evolutionary diversification of MPEG1 in Metazoa that has likely led to functional specialisation. This study also reveals a possible antimicrobial mechanism mediated directly and solely by the CT tail of MPEG1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metazoa-level universal single-copy orthologs (mzl-USCOs) are universally applicable markers for DNA taxonomy in animals that can replace or supplement single-gene barcodes. Previously, mzl-USCOs from target enrichment data were shown to reliably distinguish species. Here, we tested whether USCOs are an evenly distributed, representative sample of a given metazoan genome and therefore able to cope with past hybridization events and incomplete lineage sorting. This is relevant for coalescent-based species delimitation approaches, which critically depend on the assumption that the investigated loci do not exhibit autocorrelation due to physical linkage. Based on 239 chromosome-level assembled genomes, we confirmed that mzl-USCOs are genetically unlinked for practical purposes and a representative sample of a genome in terms of reciprocal distances between USCOs on a chromosome and of distribution across chromosomes. We tested the suitability of mzl-USCOs extracted from genomes for species delimitation and phylogeny in four case studies: Anopheles mosquitos, Drosophila fruit flies, Heliconius butterflies and Darwin\'s finches. In almost all instances, USCOs allowed delineating species and yielded phylogenies that corresponded to those generated from whole genome data. Our phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that USCOs may complement single-gene DNA barcodes and provide more accurate taxonomic inferences. Combining USCOs from sources that used different versions of ortholog reference libraries to infer marker orthology may be challenging and, at times, impact taxonomic conclusions. However, we expect this problem to become less severe as the rapidly growing number of reference genomes provides a better representation of the number and diversity of organismal lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic data show that many nominal species are composed of more than one biological species, and thus contain cryptic species in the broad sense (including overlooked species). When ignored, cryptic species generate confusion which, beyond biodiversity or vulnerability underestimation, blurs our understanding of ecological and evolutionary processes and may impact the soundness of decisions in conservation or medicine. However, very few hypotheses have been tested about factors that predispose a taxon to contain cryptic or overlooked species. To fill this gap, we surveyed the literature on free-living marine metazoans and built two data sets, one of 187,603 nominal species and another of 83 classes or phyla, to test several hypotheses, correcting for sequence data availability, taxon size and phylogenetic relatedness. We found a strong effect of scientific history: the probability of a taxon containing cryptic species was highest for the earliest described species and varied among time periods potentially consistently with an influence of prevailing scientific theories. The probability of cryptic species being present was also increased for species with large distribution ranges. They were more frequent in the north polar and south polar zones, contradicting previous predictions of more cryptic species in the tropics, and supporting the hypothesis that many cryptic species diverged recently. The number of cryptic species varied among classes, with an excess in hydrozoans and polychaetes, and a deficit in actinopterygians, for example, but precise class ranking was relatively sensitive to the statistical model used. For all models, biological traits, rather than phylum, appeared responsible for the variation among classes: there were fewer cryptic species than expected in classes with hard skeletons (perhaps because they provide good characters for taxonomy) and image-forming vision (in which selection against heterospecific mating may enhance morphological divergence), and more in classes with internal fertilisation. We estimate that among marine free-living metazoans, several thousand additional cryptic species complexes could be identified as more sequence data become available. The factors identified as important for marine animal cryptic species are likely important for other biomes and taxa and should aid many areas in biology that rely on accurate species identification.





