Metal ligand

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in zinc (Zn) limited medium leads to disruption of copper (Cu) homeostasis, resulting in up to 40-fold Cu over-accumulation relative to its typical Cu quota. We show that Chlamydomonas controls its Cu quota by balancing Cu import and export, which is disrupted in a Zn deficient cell, thus establishing a mechanistic connection between Cu and Zn homeostasis. Transcriptomics, proteomics and elemental profiling revealed that Zn-limited Chlamydomonas cells up-regulate a subset of genes encoding \"first responder\" proteins involved in sulfur (S) assimilation and consequently accumulate more intracellular S, which is incorporated into L-cysteine, γ-glutamylcysteine, and homocysteine. Most prominently, in the absence of Zn, free L-cysteine is increased ∼80-fold, corresponding to ∼2.8 × 109 molecules/cell. Interestingly, classic S-containing metal binding ligands like glutathione and phytochelatins do not increase. X-ray fluorescence microscopy showed foci of S accumulation in Zn-limited cells that co-localize with Cu, phosphorus and calcium, consistent with Cu-thiol complexes in the acidocalcisome, the site of Cu(I) accumulation. Notably, cells that have been previously starved for Cu do not accumulate S or Cys, causally connecting cysteine synthesis with Cu accumulation. We suggest that cysteine is an in vivo Cu(I) ligand, perhaps ancestral, that buffers cytosolic Cu.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copper acquisition and subsequent delivery to target proteins are essential for many biological processes. However, the cellular levels of this trace element must be controlled because of its potential toxicity. The COPT1 protein rich in potential metal-binding amino acids functions in high affinity copper uptake at the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis cells. The functional role of these putative metal-binding residues is largely unknown. Through truncations and site-directed mutagenesis, we identified His43, a single residue within the extracellular N-terminal domain as absolutely critical for copper uptake of COPT1. Substitution of this residue with leucine, methionine or cysteine almost inactivated transport function of COPT1, implying that His43 fails to serves as a copper ligand in the regulation of COPT1 activity. Deletion of all extracellular N-terminal metal-binding residues completely blocked copper-stimulated degradation but did not alter the subcellular distribution and multimerization of COPT1. Although mutation of His43 to alanine and serine retained the transporter activity in yeast cells, the mutant protein was unstable and degraded in the proteasome in Arabidopsis cells. Our results demonstrate a pivotal role for the extracellular residue His43 in high affinity copper transport activity, and suggest common molecular mechanisms for regulating both metal transport and protein stability of COPT1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep learning algorithms such as AlphaFold2 predict three-dimensional protein structure with high confidence. The recent release of more than 200 million structural models provides an unprecedented resource for functional protein annotation. Here, we used AlphaFold2 predicted structures of fifteen plant proteomes to functionally and evolutionary analyze cysteine residues in the plant kingdom. In addition to identification of metal ligands coordinated by cysteine residues, we systematically analyzed cysteine disulfides present in these structural predictions. Our analysis demonstrates most of these predicted disulfides are trustworthy due their high agreement (∼96%) with those present in X-ray and NMR protein structures, their characteristic disulfide stereochemistry, the biased subcellular distribution of their proteins and a higher degree of oxidation of their respective cysteines as measured by proteomics. Adopting an evolutionary perspective, zinc binding sites are increasingly present at the expense of iron-sulfur clusters in plants. Interestingly, disulfide formation is increased in secreted proteins of land plants, likely promoting sequence evolution to adapt to changing environments encountered by plants. In summary, Alphafold2 predicted structural models are a rich source of information for studying the role of cysteines residues in proteins of interest and for protein redox biology in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Siderophores are low-molecular weight ligands secreted by bacteria as a survival strategy in Fe(III)-lacking environments. They bind not only Fe(III), but Co(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Ga(III) as a detoxification alternative. The synthesis, purification and characterization of siderophores produced by Pseudomonas veronii 2E were evaluated to be applied in future environmental technologies. Optimal production was obtained in Fe(III)-free M9-succinate at 25 °C, 40 h and pH 6.9. Siderophores were chemically characterized as hydroxamate and catechol mixed-type. Spectroscopic analysis indicated their belonging to the pyoverdine family, behaving as ligand to Cd(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Cr(III), which promoted siderophoregenesis during growth. Siderophore-Cd(II) complexation was studied by electrochemical monitored titration revealing one family of moderate-strength binding sites. Mass spectral analysis evidenced the secretion of a variety of molecules (molecular mass ca.1200 u). Non pathogenic Pseudomonas veronii 2E siderophores represent a safe alternative for the concrete application of environmental technologies and clinical procedures.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Metals play vital role in various physiological processes and are bound to biomolecules. Although cysteine sulfur is more frequently found as metal-binding ligand, methionine prefers to occur in copper-binding motifs of some proteins. To address methionine\'s lower preference in copper-binding sites in comparison to cysteine, we have considered copper-binding motifs (His-Cys-His-Met) from seven different high-resolution protein structures. We performed quantum chemical calculations to find out the strength of interactions between sulfur and metal ion in both Met and Cys residues. In the case of Cys, both neutral (CysH) and the deprotonated form (Cys-) were considered. We used two different levels of theory (B3LYP and M06-2X) and the model compounds methyl propyl sulfide, ethanethiol and ethanethiolate were used to represent Met, CysH and Cys- respectively. To compare the metal-binding strength, we mutated Met in silico to CysH/Cys- and performed the calculations. We also carried out calculations with wild-type Cys present in the same metal-binding motif. On average, interactions of Met with copper ion are stronger by 13-35kcal/mol compared to CysH. However, Cys- interactions with copper is stronger than that of Met by ~250kcal/mol. We then considered the entire metal-binding motif with four residues and calculated the interaction energies with the copper ion. We also considered Met→Cys- mutation in the motif and repeated the calculations. Interaction of the wild-type motif with the copper ion is ~160kcal/mol weaker than that of mutated motif. Our studies suggest the factors that could explain why Met is not as frequently observed as Cys in the metal-binding motifs. Results of these studies will help in designing metal-binding motifs in proteins with varying interaction strengths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RING finger proteins and ubiquitination marks are widely involved in diverse aspects of growth and development, biological processes, and stress or environmental responses. As the smallest free-living photosynthetic eukaryote known so far, the green alga Ostreococus tauri has become an excellent model for investigating the origin of different gene families in the green lineage. Here, 65 RING domains in 65 predicted proteins were identified from O. tauri and on the basis of one or more substitutions at the metal ligand positions and spacing between them they were divided into eight canonical or modified types (RING-CH, -H2, -v, -C2, -C3HCHC2, -C2HC5, -C3GC3S, and -C2SHC4), in which the latter four were newly identified and might represent the intermediate states between RING domain and other similar domains, respectively. RING finger proteins were classified into eight classes based on the presence of additional domains, including RING-Only, -Plus, -C3H1, -PHD, -WD40, -PEX, -TM, and -DEXDc classes. These RING family genes usually lack introns and are distributed over 17 chromosomes. In addition, 29 RING-finger proteins in O. tauri share different degrees of homology with those in the model flowering plant Arabidopsis, indicating they might be necessary for the basic survival of free-living eukaryotes. Therefore, our results provide new insight into the general classification and evolutionary conservation of RING domain-containing proteins in O. tauri.





