Mental health first aid

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: One in five adults in the United States suffers from mental illness. Negative social influences in the Hmong community stigmatize those who have mental health challenges and mental health outcomes are impacted by poor mental health literacy. Language barriers, conflicting traditional beliefs, and Western concepts of health contribute to low mental health literacy and willingness to seek professional mental health services among the Hmong.
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of this project was to successfully implement Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) to a group of 30 or more Hmong adult church leaders in a faith-based setting.
    UNASSIGNED: A pretest posttest project design was used. The project implementation process was guided by the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model and took place from June 2023 to August 2023. Participants were recruited from three local Detroit Hmong churches. Indicator measures included the Mental Health Literacy Scale (MHLS) and Community Attitudes toward Mental Illness (CAMI) Scale before and immediately after training. One final survey was administered at 6 weeks post MHFA training to measure information retention, stigma, and utilization of MHFA skills.
    UNASSIGNED: Results reflect the existing body of literature regarding MHFA and the positive impacts on mental health literacy, confidence level, mental health awareness, and decreasing stigma.
    UNASSIGNED: MHFA continues to demonstrate successful implementation across many settings and populations, especially for this project among Hmong adult church leaders. More research is needed to expand on mental health and the Hmong.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Mental health problems represent a growing global concern. This has intensified since the coronavirus pandemic and is also partly due to greater awareness of the extent of mental health problems and the lack of attention they have received over time. In many high-income countries, increases in service provision have been accompanied by efforts to increase the mental health literacy of the general population. One example of this in Australia, is the mental health first aid training program which is informed by the mental health first aid guidelines created to promote mental health literacy among the general population, reduce stigma, and enable lay people to provide timely support, and facilitate access to health services for a person developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis.
    Between March 2020 and May 2023, a consortium of researchers from Australia, Argentina and Chile carried out the cultural adaptation of five guidelines (drinking problems, depression, suicide risk, trauma, and psychosis) using the Delphi consensus methodology. Health professionals with expertise in each of the topics and people with lived experience (their own or as informal caregivers) from Argentina and Chile were grouped into separate panels. Over two survey rounds, they evaluated the items from the Australian guidelines and gave their opinion on the importance of their inclusion in the local guidelines. Additionally, they suggested items not included in the Australian guidelines.
    This report presents the details of the methodology used and the most significant results of each of the five adapted guidelines, particularly, those of relevance to the Argentinian and Chilean context. The general acceptance of the role of the first aider stands out as an important outcome. However, in comparison to Australia, the first aider’s role was reduced and the health professional role was expanded. Self-help recommendations were typically not endorsed by local experts, suggesting skepticism toward these strategies. Other specific recommendations for each of the guidelines are described and analyzed in this report.
    A study of the implementation of training courses based on these guidelines is required to make the necessary adaptations and determine their local usefulness.
    Los problemas de salud mental en la comunidad representan una preocupación global creciente, intensificada desde la pandemia por coronavirus y gracias a una mayor conciencia respecto de su extensión y del bajo nivel de atención que recibieron a lo largo del tiempo. En Australia se crearon las primeras guías de primeros auxilios en salud mental para promover un mayor conocimiento de temas de salud mental en la población general, brindar apoyo oportuno, facilitar el acceso a los servicios de salud por esta problemática, y disminuir el estigma asociado al padecimiento mental.
    Un consorcio de investigadores de Australia, Argentina y Chile, entre marzo de 2020 y mayo de 2023, realizó la adaptación cultural de cinco guías (consumo problemático de alcohol, depresión, riesgo de suicidio, trauma, y psicosis) siguiendo la metodología de consenso Delphi. Profesionales expertos en cada uno de los temas y personas con experiencia vivida  (propia o como cuidadores informales) conformaron sendos paneles con miembros de Argentina y de Chile. En dos rondas de consulta evaluaron los ítems provenientes de las guías de Australia y opinaron sobre su pertinencia para formar parte de las guías locales. Adicionalmente, sugirieron ítems que no estaban contemplados en las guías australianas.
    El presente reporte presenta el detalle de la metodología empleada y los resultados más significativos de cada una de las cinco guías adaptadas y, particularmente, su aplicabilidad para Argentina y Chile. Sobresale la aceptación general del rol del asistente de primeros auxilios en salud mental, aunque también con limitaciones en el rol y funciones en favor del privilegio de profesionales de la salud. Las recomendaciones de auto-ayuda fueron mayoritariamente no aceptadas por los expertos locales, sugiriendo desconfianza respecto de estas estrategias. Otras recomendaciones específicas para cada una de las guías se describen y analizan en este reporte.
    Se requiere un estudio de la implementación de la capacitación en base a estas guías para realizar ulteriores adaptaciones y determinar su utilidad local.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Asians and Asian Americans have the lowest rate of mental health service utilization (25%) in the US compared to other racial/ethnic groups (39 - 52%), despite high rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. The lack of culturally-responsive mental health trainings hinders access to mental health services for these populations. We assessed the mental health priorities of Asian communities in Greater Boston and evaluated cultural responsiveness of the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), a first-responder training teaching participants skills to recognize signs of mental health and substance use challenges, and how to appropriately respond.
    METHODS: This is community-based participatory research with the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC), Asian Women For Health (AWFH), and the Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations through Translational Research (ADAPT) Coalition. We conducted focus groups with community-based organization staff and community members to assess mental health priorities of Asian populations in Boston, MA. We then evaluated the utility and cultural-responsiveness of the English-language MHFA for Asian populations through pre- and post-training questionnaires and focus groups with community participants. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate questionnaire responses. Thematic analysis was used to analyze interviews.
    RESULTS: In total, ten staff and eight community members participated in focus groups, and 24 community members completed the MHFA and pre- and post-training questionnaires. Common mental health challenges in the Asian communities reported by participants were loneliness, high stigma around mental illnesses, academic pressure, and acculturation stress. Compared to pre-training, MHFA participants demonstrated lower personal mental health stigma (p < 0.001) and higher mental health literacy (p = 0.04) post-training. Participants also noted the lack of data statistics and case studies relevant to Asian populations in the training, and desired the training be offered in languages spoken by Asian ethnic subgroups (e.g., Chinese, Vietnamese).
    CONCLUSIONS: Cultural-responsiveness of the MHFA for Asian populations could be improved with the inclusion of data and case studies that capture common mental health challenges in the Asian communities and with translation of the MHFA to non-English languages predominant in Asian communities. Increasing the cultural relevance and language accessibility of the MHFA could facilitate wider adoption of these trainings across communities and help to reduce mental health stigma and gaps in literacy and service utilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Mental Health Supporter Training Program is a national project conducted in Japan. This study aimed to determine the effects on mental health-related stigma, mental health literacy, and knowledge about mental health difficulties and support techniques among program participants.
    UNASSIGNED: The target population was local residents of a wide range of generations in Japan. Outcomes were assessed at baseline (T1), immediately postintervention (T2), and at the 6-month follow-up (T3). A mixed model for repeated-measures conditional growth model analyses were employed to examine the effects of the intervention over time (T1, T2, T3). We also calculated effect sizes using Cohen\'s d.
    UNASSIGNED: The program had a significantly favorable pooled effect on the Japanese version of the Reported and Intended Behaviour Scale score after adjusting for covariates (reported behavior [t = 3.20, p = 0.001]; intended behavior [t = 8.04, p < 0.001]). However, when compared at each time point, only intended behavior from T1 to T2 showed a significant difference (t = 8.37, p < 0.001). Significant pooled effects were found for mental health literacy (knowledge: t = 19.85, p < 0.001; attitude: t = 15.02, p < 0.001), knowledge of mental health (t = 28.04, p < 0.001), and psychological distress (t = -2.41, p = 0.016).
    UNASSIGNED: The results suggest that the program might be effective for improving intended, but not reported, behavior in the short term and for improving mental health literacy, knowledge of mental health, and psychological distress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Health profession students may experience mental health issues during training, and clinical educators report that they don\'t feel confident in supporting students with these issues. This study explored whether a customized Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training programme changed the knowledge, perceptions, intentions, and confidence of clinical educators in supporting students with mental health issues in the workplace.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-four allied health clinical educators from a tertiary health service attended a two-day customized MHFA course. The educators completed assessments before (n = 21) and after (n = 23) the course. Quantitative data was analyzed using independent t-tests. Qualitative data was thematically analyzed using content analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Knowledge improved significantly (p = <0.001). The confidence to manage students with mental health issues increased significantly (p < 0.001). A significant change in perception was only found with respect to a character in a scenario being dangerous or unpredictable. Intentions to assist co-workers and students with mental health issues improved for all items but not necessarily significantly.
    UNASSIGNED: This programme improved educators\' knowledge of mental health, perceptions of people with mental health issues, intentions of providing help, and confidence to support people with mental health issues.
    UNASSIGNED: les étudiants dans les professions de la santé peuvent éprouver des troubles de santé mentale pendant leur formation, et les éducateurs cliniques déclarent qu’ils ne se sentent pas à l’aise de soutenir les étudiants aux prises avec ces problèmes. La présente étude explore si un programme de formation personnalisé de premiers soins en santé mentale (PSSM) modifiait les connaissances, les perceptions, les intentions et la confiance des éducateurs cliniques à l’égard du soutien des étudiants éprouvant des troubles de santé mentale en milieu de travail.
    UNASSIGNED: au total, 24 éducateurs cliniques en santé paramédicale d’un service de soins tertiaires ont suivi un cours de deux jours du PSSM adapté. Les éducateurs ont rempli des évaluations avant (n = 21) et après (n = 23) le cours. Les chercheurs ont analysé les données quantitatives à l’aide de tests de Student indépendants. Ils ont recouru à l’analyse de contenu pour les analyser par thèmes.
    UNASSIGNED: les connaissances ont augmenté de manière significative (p = <0,001). Leur confiance à gérer les étudiants ayant des troubles de santé mentale s’est accrue de manière significative (p < 0,001). Un changement important de perception n’était observé qu’à l’égard du personnage d’un scénario dangereux ou imprévisible. Les intentions d’aider leurs collègues et les étudiants ayant des troubles de santé mentale se sont améliorées à l’égard de tous les points, mais pas nécessairement de manière significative.
    UNASSIGNED: ce programme a amélioré les connaissances des éducateurs en santé mentale, leurs perceptions des personnes ayant des troubles de santé mentale, leurs intentions de les aider et leur confiance à soutenir les personnes ayant des problèmes de santé mentale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Substance use problems have a major impact on the physical and mental health of individuals, families and communities. Early intervention may have a positive effect on recovery and treatment outcomes for those with substance use problems, reducing related risk and harm. Separate mental health first aid guidelines on how a member of the public could assist someone experiencing or developing alcohol use and drug use problems in high income Western countries were developed using Delphi expert consensus in 2009 and 2011, respectively. This study aimed to synthesise and update these two original guidelines to reflect current evidence and best practice.
    METHODS: The Delphi expert consensus method was used to determine the inclusion of statements in the redeveloped guidelines. A questionnaire was developed using previously endorsed helping statements from the original guidelines on alcohol and drug use problems, as well as relevant content identified in systematic searches of academic and grey literature. Three panels of experts (people with lived experience, support people and professionals) rated statements over three consecutive online survey rounds to determine the importance of their inclusion in the guidelines. Statements endorsed by at least 80% of each panel were included.
    RESULTS: 103 panellists completed all three survey rounds. They rated 469 statements and endorsed 300 of these for inclusion in the redeveloped guidelines.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study has developed a broader and more comprehensive set of guidelines for how to support a person experiencing or developing a substance use problem. The redeveloped guidelines provide more detail on knowledge about and recognition of substance use problems, approaching and assisting people who want to change or are not ready to change, harm reduction, community-based supports and professional help, but have less on physical first aid actions. Mental Health First Aid International will use these guidelines in future updates of their training courses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training is embedded in various tertiary healthcare curricula. However, opportunities for students to practise their newly acquired MHFA skills before entering the clinical practice workforce are lacking. The purpose of this study was to explore pharmacy students\' experiences of MHFA training and post-MHFA simulated psychosis care role-plays.
    METHODS: Final-year pharmacy students received MHFA training, after which they were invited to participate in simulated patient role-plays with trained actors, whilst being observed by peers, pharmacy tutors and mental health consumer educators (MHCEs). Immediately after each role-play, the role-playing student engaged in self-assessment, followed by performance feedback and debrief discussions with the tutor, MHCE and observing peers. All MHFA-trained students were invited to participate in audio-recorded focus groups to explore their experiences. Audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed.
    RESULTS: MHFA training was delivered to 209 students, of which 86 participated in a simulated patient role-play as a role-player and the remaining students observed. Seven focus groups were conducted with 36 students (mean duration 40 min, SD 11 min). Five themes emerged: scenario reactions, realistic but not real, mental health confidence, MHFA skills application, feedback and self-reflection.
    CONCLUSIONS: Students enjoyed the post-MHFA simulated psychosis care role-plays, which provided opportunities to apply and reflect on their newly-acquired MHFA skills in a safe learning environment. These experiences enhanced students\' confidence to support people in the community, experiencing mental health symptoms or crises, and could be an add-on to MHFA training in the future.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    UNASSIGNED: The COVID-19 pandemic and rise in anti-Asian racism have had adverse mental health impacts in Asian communities. The lack of culturally-responsive and linguistically-accessible mental health trainings hinders access to mental health services for Asian populations. In this study, we assessed the mental health needs of Asian communities in Greater Boston and evaluated cultural responsiveness of the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), a first-responder training teaching participants skills to recognize signs of mental health and substance use challenges, and how to appropriately respond.
    UNASSIGNED: This community-based participatory research with the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC), Asian Women For Health (AWFH), and the Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations through Translational Research (ADAPT) Coalition employed two phases. In phase 1, we conducted focus groups with BCNC and AWFH staff and peer educators to assess mental health priorities of Asian populations in Boston. Findings informed phase 2, which evaluated cultural responsiveness of the MHFA through pre- and post-training questionnaires and focus groups with community participants. The pre-training questionnaire asked about mental health needs and barriers, help-seeking behaviors, and literacy; and personal and Asian community stigma. The post-training questionnaire and focus group with community participants asked about cultural competence of MHFA training for Asian populations. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate questionnaire responses. Thematic analysis was used to analyze interviews.
    UNASSIGNED: In total, 10 staff/educators and 8 community members participated in focus groups. They identified common mental health needs and workforce and culturally-responsive community strategies to support persons with mental health issues. Twenty-four community participants completed pre- and post-training questionnaires. They reported the MHFA training reduced mental health care stigma and increased mental health literacy. Recommendations to increase cultural-responsiveness of the MHFA were to include mental health case studies common in Asian populations and provide the training in other languages (e.g., Chinese, Vietnamese).
    UNASSIGNED: Cultural responsiveness of the MHFA for Asian populations could be improved with the inclusion of case studies specific to the Asian communities and accessibility of the training in other languages. Increasing the cultural relevance and language accessibility of these trainings could help reduce mental health stigma and gaps in mental health awareness and service utilization among Asian populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Healthcare students are a population more at risk for mental health issues, especially anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. The health faculty of Université Paris Cité in France, Paris has implemented a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course aiming to improve students\' mental health literacy, self-care and peer-support and to decrease stigma about mental illness. We conducted a qualitative study exploring the lived experience of this MHFA training course among healthcare students so to better assess its implementation within this specific context and population.
    UNASSIGNED: This qualitative study used the five-stage inductive process to analyze the structure of lived experience (IPSE) approach. All the healthcare students that had completed the 2-day MHFA training were approached to participate. Data was collected through individual semi-structured interviews and inclusion continued until data saturation was reached. Data analysis was based on an inductive, descriptive, and structuring procedure to determine the structure of lived experience characterized by the central axes of experience.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty students were included. Data analysis produced a common structure of lived experience based on three central axes of experience, (1) a personal experience, (2) a student experience and (3) a professional experience. The participants all experienced this course intertwined within these 3 axes. Their motivation to take the course was personal -being of feeling concerned by the topic-, was study-oriented - to learn and revise psychiatry- and was professional - so to develop both practical and soft skills. In their personal experience, participants reported a transformative experience and some interventions with friends and family, while both in their student and professional experience, they felt frustrated with both the content and the form of the course.
    UNASSIGNED: The results reported similar outcomes reported in the literature about skills, knowledge, and awareness; but mostly produce original avenues about how to better adapt such course to this specific population so to better address students\' expectations and mental health issues. This MHFA course -with an adapted content addressing eating disorders, self-mutilations and sexual and gender-based violence - could be part of the early curriculum of healthcare students. The latter could then benefit from a level 2/advanced MHFA course years later specifically tailored for healthcare professionals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: University students are increasingly affected by mental health problems and need prompt support. The aim of this project was to assess the impact of the mental health first aid (MHFA) training on students\' knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) concerning mental health in the short, mid and long-term.
    METHODS: Three studies were conducted in Bordeaux, France, from May 2021 to March 2022. The first study collected data from 55 students 1 to 6 months after they had followed the training to examine its efficacy in the mid-long term. The second study collected data immediately before and after the training to evaluate the KAP of 52 students in the short-term (1 to 10 days). The third study consisted of 14 semi-structured interviews with students trained since 2020 to identify the training\'s long-term impact (3 to 18 months). Descriptive statistics were used for studies one and two, and framework analyses for study three.
    RESULTS: Most participants reported that their KAP about mental health had improved after the training. In the first study, 94.2% of students reported being ready to intervene during a psychotic crisis in their peers. In the second study, 75.0% of students reported improved mental health-related knowledge and decreased stigma. All students in the third study reported that they had assisted at least one person after the training.
    CONCLUSIONS: These were the first data on the impact of the French MHFA on KAP. While not exhaustive, findings suggest that deploying the training would be beneficial to French students.





