
  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases has been on the rise in our setting for decades. These infections represent not only an individual problem, but also a problem of public health. Therefore, the management of STDs involves reducing community incidence, which means that common issues in the clinical practice such as failure to attend may become a more complex problem, which adds to the difficult and delicate task of locating sexual contacts that would benefit from screening and the appropriate treatment. On the other hand, STDs have direct legal implications in cases of underage patients, or suspected sexual assault. Therefore, the correct handling of these scenarios requires knowledge of the legal framework that regulates them. Dermatologists are clinically trained and prepared to deal with these conditions. Nonetheless, the legal issues involved are often difficult to solve. This document stands as a simple reference guide to help solve the main legal issues we may encounter in a consultation when dealing with STDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Triglycerides are the initiators of the metabolic changes that lead to atherogenic dyslipidemia (AD). The APOA5 and APOA1 genes are involved in the response and metabolism of serum lipids and lipoproteins, where single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) rs662799 (promoter region) and rs5070 (intronic region) have been associated with the susceptibility to dyslipidemia. Until now, few studies evaluate the association of these polymorphisms with the presentation of hypertriglyceridemia and AD among Mexican children. Therefore, the objective was to determine the association between rs662799 and rs5070 with hypertriglyceridemia and AD in a pediatric population of southeastern Mexico.
    METHODS: A case-control analysis was performed including 268 infants aged 2-16 years, anthropometric, clinical variables, and serum lipid profiles were analyzed. DNA was extracted from blood samples and genotyping of polymorphisms was executed with the TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. Allele and genotypic frequencies were calculated. For genetic association analysis, logistic regression models were fitted according to models of inheritance.
    RESULTS: The SNP rs662799 (C) was significantly associated with hypertriglyceridemia in the overdominant model (OR=3.89, p=0.001) and AD in the dominant model (OR=4.01, p=0.001). The SNP rs5070 (T) has a protective effect against hypertriglyceridemia in the additive risk model (OR=0.68, p=0.03).
    CONCLUSIONS: Polymorphism rs662799 was significantly associated with cases of hypertriglyceridemia and AD in minors in southeastern Mexico. On the other hand, rs5070 polymorphism was not associated with cases of hypertriglyceridemia or AD.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study is to investigate the contextual characteristics of the onset of gender dysphoria (GD) in trans minors.
    METHODS: All minors who requested consultation in the Gender Identity Treatment Unit from March 2007 to June 2019 participated. Clinical histories were reviewed to obtain the information. Confidentiality was guaranteed.
    RESULTS: Sixty-four minors required care, 39.1% were trans women (TW) and 60.9% trans men (TM). The age range was between 6-17 years, with a mean of 14.98. Seventy-five percent of the trans minors located the onset of DG in childhood and 25% in adolescence. Parental reaction was suspicious in 55.6% of cases and surprise in 36.5%; 55.6% presented significant psychological distress before going to the unit. Family support was present in 57.1%. The role of social networks and the Internet was relevant for 39.7% of the sample. Of the minors, 44.4% had membership or contact with peer groups or LGTBIQ associations. Results were analysed according to sense of gender.
    CONCLUSIONS: Minors continue to require care in the units, especially TW. Although GD onset in both groups is mainly in childhood, in adolescence it is more frequent in TM. Trans minors are born, develop and build their identity in a specific context, which is in interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To identify high-risk content in food advertising that combines obesogenic features with a highly emotionally engaging format.
    Comparison of 304 videos (47hours and 41minutes) from 13 food brand channels (traditional advertising) and from 15 child YouTuber channels (endorsement and influence) posted in 2019. Exploratory content analysis of variables describing the communication style of the \"challenges\" format.
    Challenges are the most common type of content (53.3%; n=162), with a greater prevalence on child YouTuber channels (59%; n=131) than on brand channels (41%; n=31).
    Content created by consumers is not covered by current audiovisual communication legislation. Increased control of these practices is urgently needed, in terms of legislation, self-regulation and codes of ethics. Creativity, enjoyment or mere entertainment is not a sufficient argument for the persuasive promotion of behaviors that endanger the physical health of children.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: Sore throat is well recognized complaint after receiving general anesthesia. This study is conducted to compare the severity and frequency of postoperative sore throat in children undergoing elective surgery - following the use of Ambu laryngeal mask airway) or I-gel® - who are able to self-report postoperative sore throat.
    METHODS: Seventy children, 6 to 16 years-old, undergoing elective surgery randomly allocated to either Ambu laryngeal mask (Ambu Group) or I-gel® (I-gel Group). After the procedure, patients were interviewed in the recovery room immediately, after one hour, 6 and 24 hours postoperatively by an independent observer blinded to the device used intra-operatively.
    RESULTS: On arrival in the recovery room 17.1% (n=6) of children of the Ambu Group complained of postoperative sore throat, against 5.7% in I-gel Group (n=2). After one hour, the results were similar. After 6 hours, postoperative sore throat was found in 8.6% (n=3) of the children in Ambu group vs. 2.9% (n=1) in I-gel Group. After 24hours, 2.9% (n=1) of the kids in Ambu Group compared to none in I-gel Group. There was no significant difference found in the incidence of postoperative sore throat in both devices on arrival (p=0.28); after 1 hour (p=0.28); after 6 hours (p=0.30); and after 24 hours (p=0.31). The duration of the insertion was shorter in Ambu Group and it was easier to insert the I-gel® (p=0.029). Oropharyngeal seal pressure of I-gel® was higher than that of Ambu laryngeal mask (p=0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The severity and frequency of postoperative sore throat in children is not statistically significant in the I-gel Group compared to Ambu Group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The admission of minors into adult psychiatric units is a problem and is due to the lack of adequate resources and epidemiology data.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of minors that were admitted into the Short-Stay Psychiatric Hospitalisation Unit of Caceres, Spain.
    METHODS: A retrospective, observational, and descriptive study was conducted on a sample of patients between 12 and 18 years-old admitted to the Psychiatric Unit. The study period was between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2018.
    RESULTS: A total of 79 patients, with a mean age of 15.72 (± 1.65) years, were included. Almost all of them (93.6%) had a personal psychiatric history. The most common diagnoses at discharge in males were disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders, and mood disorders in females. A history of substance consumption was present in 40.6%, and was more common in males, which led to a worse prognosis. The mean stay was 5.4 (± 4.7) days. Prolongation of the mean stay was associated with a history of previous psychiatric admissions, the number of diagnoses at discharge, a greater number of drugs at discharge, and those that received long-acting injectable antipsychotic drugs (p < 0.005 in all cases).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study identified the sociodemographic and clinical profile of the minor admitted to the Psychiatric Unit, and how the hospital stay was associated with previous psychiatric history, as well as diagnostic and clinical complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The representation of the minor in advertisements is a topic that is scarcely studied and reflected in the bibliography, in social paediatrics as well as audio-visual communication. The aim of the present study is to describe how the minor is represented in the publicity that is conveyed through the internet, and whether or not that representation is adequate.
    METHODS: An analysis was made of all the advertisements in which minors appeared during a period of two months, on three days a week, on the most visited web pages in Spain. The evaluation on how the minor was represented was carried out with an evaluation tool, constructed by the authors, based on European and Spanish legislation, which showed a high concordance between evaluators. A descriptive analysis was performed on the categorical variables, and the inter-dependent relationship was established between them using the chi-squared test.
    RESULTS: A total of 173 advertisements were identified in which at least one minor appeared, which was generally represented solo (63.5%), in a natural environment (36.9%) and of school age (44.5%). The web pages of the \"general press\" are those that most frequently show advertisement in which minors are represented, through the use of banners (82%). In the majority of cases the inadequate use of the figure of the minor takes place using tactical representation, and not just strategic.
    CONCLUSIONS: The image of the minor in the publicity that is conveyed via the most visited web pages in Spain is inadequate in 3 of every 3 advertisements. This misuse of the minor is usually seen in as unjustifiably strategic, and favouring non-positive values or that they favour situations of inequality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The family has been seen over the years and in the historical evolution of humans as the essential unit of which societies are formed and structured. It is considered the original cell of life in society and the cradle of education that favours the learning and potential development of its members. Domestic violence encompasses verbal abuse, physical or emotional abuse, intimidation, sexual abuse or financial control. We studied domestic violence in the Bolivarian population, looking at couple relationships and the repercussions on the family members in terms of the education and performance of the children in their care.
    METHODS: Surveys were applied in the cantons of San Miguel, San José de Chimbo and Guaranda.
    RESULTS: It was found that disputes in families are caused mainly by financial situations (19%) and jealousy (24%), and that they are witnessed by the children, with shouting being the predominant form. From the point of view of the children, fear (29%) is the outstanding feeling for those who have witnessed family fights.
    CONCLUSIONS: Shouting is the predominant form of arguments between couples, with finances, jealousy and alcohol consumption being the most common causes of family disputes. In children who witness these forms of behaviour, a feeling of fear or dread predominates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the opinion of healthcare staff (HS) on the presence of minors in an adult intensive care unit.
    METHODS: Transversal descriptive research study in an adult intensive care unit with 62 people, between September/December 2017. The Knutsson questionnaire was used with 10 closed questions with space for comments, and 2 open questions. Selection of the respondents was by means of convenience sampling. Descriptive statistics with absolute frequencies and percentages. Chi-squared-test or Fisher. Significance p<.05.
    RESULTS: 61 questionnaires were collected: 70.5% nursing staff (NS). Fifty percent of medical staff (MS) would restrict the entry of 0 to 6-year old minors versus 76.2% NS (p=.04). Of the MS, 16.7% would restrict the visits of minors between the ages of 7 and 12 versus 46.5% NS (p=.02). Seventy-five percent of HS thought that minors\' access could entail a risk of infection for the children. Of the survey respondents, 60% believed that the environment could intimidate the minor, and 66.7% thought that the patient\'s condition could affect the child. They would permit 0-6-year-old minors to access the ICU if the patient was dying (70.6% MS/41% NS, p=.04), awake and alert (77.8% MS/57.5% NE) and close relatives (parents) (66.7% MS/60% NS).
    CONCLUSIONS: HS support minors visiting an adult adult intensive care unit if they are>6 years old. HS show a more positive attitude towards visits in special circumstances such as close relatives, awake patient, and death regardless of their age. The reasons for restriction of visits are: environment, patient\'s condition and risk of infection. NS show a less positive attitude in relation to visits.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children after the 2011 earthquake in Lorca (Spain).
    METHODS: By using a cross-sequential design, children aged from 8 to 12 years (495 students at 1 month and 374 at 1 year) were assessed for full and partial PTSD using the Post-traumatic Children\'s Symptoms Stress Disorder Scale.
    RESULTS: The percentage of children with PTSD was 55.4% (65.6% of girls and 46.9% of boys) at 1 month and 40.1% (44.5% girls and 35.9% children) at 1 year. One in two young girls (8-10 years) had PTSD 1 year after the earthquake.
    CONCLUSIONS: A differential effect was observed due to gender and age, in which younger children, especially girls, were particularly at risk, even 1 year after the earthquake.





