Membrane excitability

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The resurgent sodium current (INaR) activates on membrane repolarization, such as during the downstroke of neuronal action potentials. Due to its unique activation properties, INaR is thought to drive high rates of repetitive neuronal firing. However, INaR is often studied in combination with the persistent or noninactivating portion of sodium currents (INaP). We used dynamic clamp to test how INaR and INaP individually affect repetitive firing in adult cerebellar Purkinje neurons from male and female mice. We learned INaR does not scale repetitive firing rates due to its rapid decay at subthreshold voltages and that subthreshold INaP is critical in regulating neuronal firing rate. Adjustments to the voltage-gated sodium conductance model used in these studies revealed INaP and INaR can be inversely scaled by adjusting occupancy in the slow-inactivated kinetic state. Together with additional dynamic clamp experiments, these data suggest the regulation of sodium channel slow inactivation can fine-tune INaP and Purkinje neuron repetitive firing rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increases in the current threshold occur in optic nerve axons with the application of infra-red laser light, whose mechanism is only partly understood. In isolated rat optic nerve, laser light was applied near the site of electrical stimulation, via a flexible fibre optic. Paired applications of light produced increases in threshold that were reduced on the second application, the response recovering with increasing delays, with a time constant of 24 s. 3-min duration single applications of laser light gave rise to a rapid increase in threshold followed by a fade, whose time-constant was between 40 and 50 s. After-effects were sometimes apparent following the light application, where the resting threshold was reduced. The increase in threshold was partially blocked by 38.6 mM Li+ in combination with 5  μ M bumetanide, a manoeuvre increasing refractoriness and consistent with axonal depolarization. Assessing the effect of laser light on the nerve input resistance ruled out a previously suggested fall in myelin resistance as contributing to threshold changes. These data appear consistent with an axonal membrane potential that partly relies on temperature-dependent electroneutral Na+ influx, and where fade in the response to the laser may be caused by a gradually diminishing Na+ pump-induced hyperpolarization, in response to falling intracellular [Na+].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels in humans comprises voltage-gated, non-selective cation channels expressed both in excitable as well as non-excitable cells. Four TRP channel subunits associate to create functional homo- or heterotetramers that allow the influx of calcium, sodium, and/or potassium. These channels are highly abundant in the brain and kidney and are important mediators of diverse biological functions including thermosensation, vascular tone, flow sensing in the kidney and irritant stimuli sensing. Inherited or acquired dysfunction of TRP channels influences cellular functions and signaling pathways resulting in multifaceted disorders affecting skeletal, renal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Studies have demonstrated the involvement of these channels in the generation and transduction of pain. Based on the multifaceted role orchestrated by these TRP channels, modulation of the activity of these channels presents an important strategy to influence cellular function by regulating intracellular calcium levels as well as membrane excitability. Therefore, there has been a remarkable pharmaceutical inclination toward TRP channels as therapeutic interventions. Several candidate drugs influencing the activity of these channels are already in the clinical trials pipeline. The present review encompasses the current understanding of TRP channels and TRP modulators in pain and pain management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pain is a widespread non-motor symptom that presents significant treatment challenges in patients with Parkinson\'s disease (PD). Safinamide, a new drug recently introduced for PD treatment, has demonstrated analgesic effects on pain in PD patients, though the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. To investigate the analgesic and anti-PD effect of safinamide, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced PD mouse model was used, and rasagiline as positive control on motor symptoms. Notably, only safinamide alleviated hyperalgesia in MPTP mice. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons revealed hyperexcitability in MPTP mice, which safinamide counteracted in a concentration-dependent manner. The voltage clamp further demonstrated that sodium current in DRG neurons of MPTP mice was enhanced and safinamide reduced sodium current density. RT-qPCR identified upregulated Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 transcripts (Scn9a and Scn10a) in DRG neurons of MPTP mice. Our results suggest that safinamide could relieve hyperalgesia by inhibiting DRG neuron hyperexcitability in MPTP mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoporins (NUPs) are proteins that comprise the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). The NPC spans the nuclear envelope of a cell and provides a channel through which RNA and proteins move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and vice versa. NUP and NPC disruptions have a great impact on the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs). Although the downregulation of Nup358 leads to a reduction in the scaffold protein ankyrin-G at the axon initial segment (AIS) of mature neurons, the function of Nup358 in the cytoplasm of neurons remains elusive. To investigate whether Nup358 plays any role in neuronal activity, we downregulated Nup358 in non-pathological mouse cortical neurons and measured their active and passive bioelectrical properties. We identified that Nup358 downregulation is able to produce significant modifications of cell-membrane excitability via voltage-gated sodium channel kinetics. Our findings suggest that Nup358 contributes to neuronal excitability through a functional stabilization of the electrical properties of the neuronal membrane. Hypotheses will be discussed regarding the alteration of this active regulation as putatively occurring in the pathophysiology of NDDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perturbations in K+ have long been considered a key factor in skeletal muscle fatigue. However, the exercise-induced changes in K+ intra-to-extracellular gradient is by itself insufficiently large to be a major cause for the force decrease during fatigue unless combined to other ion gradient changes such as for Na+. Whilst several studies described K+-induced force depression at high extracellular [K+] ([K+]e), others reported that small increases in [K+]e induced potentiation during submaximal activation frequencies, a finding that has mostly been ignored. There is evidence for decreased Cl- ClC-1 channel activity at muscle activity onset, which may limit K+-induced force depression, and large increases in ClC-1 channel activity during metabolic stress that may enhance K+ induced force depression. The ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP channel) is also activated during metabolic stress to lower sarcolemmal excitability. Taking into account all these findings, we propose a revised concept in which K+ has two physiological roles: (1) K+-induced potentiation and (2) K+-induced force depression. During low-moderate intensity muscle contractions, the K+-induced force depression associated with increased [K+]e is prevented by concomitant decreased ClC-1 channel activity, allowing K+-induced potentiation of sub-maximal tetanic contractions to dominate, thereby optimizing muscle performance. When ATP demand exceeds supply, creating metabolic stress, both KATP and ClC-1 channels are activated. KATP channels contribute to force reductions by lowering sarcolemmal generation of action potentials, whilst ClC-1 channel enhances the force-depressing effects of K+, thereby triggering fatigue. The ultimate function of these changes is to preserve the remaining ATP to prevent damaging ATP depletion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the first two postnatal weeks, intraneuronal chloride concentrations in rodents gradually decrease, causing a shift from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing GABA responses. The postnatal GABA shift is delayed in rodent models for neurodevelopmental disorders and in human patients, but the impact of a delayed GABA shift on the developing brain remains obscure. Here we examine the direct and indirect consequences of a delayed postnatal GABA shift on network development in organotypic hippocampal cultures made from 6- to 7-d-old mice by treating the cultures for 1 week with VU0463271, a specific inhibitor of the chloride exporter KCC2. We verified that VU treatment delayed the GABA shift and kept GABA signaling depolarizing until DIV9. We found that the structural and functional development of excitatory and inhibitory synapses at DIV9 was not affected after VU treatment. In line with previous studies, we observed that GABA signaling was already inhibitory in control and VU-treated postnatal slices. Surprisingly, 14 d after the VU treatment had ended (DIV21), we observed an increased frequency of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyramidal cells, while excitatory currents were not changed. Synapse numbers and release probability were unaffected. We found that dendrite-targeting interneurons in the stratum radiatum had an elevated resting membrane potential, while pyramidal cells were less excitable compared with control slices. Our results show that depolarizing GABA signaling does not promote synapse formation after P7, and suggest that postnatal intracellular chloride levels indirectly affect membrane properties in a cell-specific manner.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT During brain development, the action of neurotransmitter GABA shifts from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing. This shift is a thought to play a critical role in synapse formation. A delayed shift is common in rodent models for neurodevelopmental disorders and in human patients, but its consequences for synaptic development remain obscure. Here, we delayed the GABA shift by 1 week in organotypic hippocampal cultures and carefully examined the consequences for circuit development. We find that delaying the shift has no direct effects on synaptic development, but instead leads to indirect, cell type-specific changes in membrane properties. Our data call for careful assessment of alterations in cellular excitability in neurodevelopmental disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of aging on the nervous system are well documented. However, most previous studies on this topic were performed on the central nervous system. The present study was carried out on the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) of mice, and focused on age-related changes in DRG neurons and satellite glial cells (SGCs). Intracellular electrodes were used for dye injection to examine the gap junction-mediated coupling between neurons and SGCs, and for intracellular electrical recordings from the neurons. Tactile sensitivity was assessed with von Frey hairs. We found that 3-23% of DRG neurons were dye-coupled to SGCs surrounding neighboring neurons in 8-24-month (Mo)-old mice, whereas in young adult (3 Mo) mice, the figure was 0%. The threshold current for firing an action potential in sensory neurons was significantly lower in DRGs from 12 Mo mice compared with those from 3 Mo mice. The percentage of neurons with spontaneous subthreshold membrane potential oscillation was greater by two-fold in 12 Mo mice. The withdrawal threshold was lower by 22% in 12 Mo mice compared with 3 Mo ones. These results show that in the aged mice, a proportion of DRG neurons is coupled to SGCs, and that the membrane excitability of the DRG neurons increases with age. We propose that augmented neuron-SGC communications via gap junctions are caused by low-grade inflammation associated with aging, and this may contribute to pain behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular pH has the potential to affect various aspects of the pancreatic beta cell function. To explain this effect, a number of mechanisms was proposed involving both extracellular and intracellular targets and pathways. Here, we focus on reassessing the influence of extracellular pH on glucose-dependent beta cell activation and collective activity in physiological conditions. To this end we employed mouse pancreatic tissue slices to perform high-temporally resolved functional imaging of cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations. We investigated the effect of either physiological H+ excess or depletion on the activation properties as well as on the collective activity of beta cell in an islet. Our results indicate that lowered pH invokes activation of a subset of beta cells in substimulatory glucose concentrations, enhances the average activity of beta cells, and alters the beta cell network properties in an islet. The enhanced average activity of beta cells was determined indirectly utilizing cytosolic Ca2+ imaging, while direct measuring of insulin secretion confirmed that this enhanced activity is accompanied by a higher insulin release. Furthermore, reduced functional connectivity and higher functional segregation at lower pH, both signs of a reduced intercellular communication, do not necessary result in an impaired insulin release.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impact of membrane excitability on fluidic transport of photometabolites and their cell-to-cell passage via plasmodesmata was examined by pulse-modulated chlorophyll (Chl) microfluorometry in Chara australis internodes exposed to dim background light. The cells were subjected to a series of local light (LL) pulses with a 3-min period and a 30-s pulse width, which induced Chl fluorescence transients propagating in the direction of cytoplasmic streaming along the photostimulated and the neighboring internodes. By comparing Chl fluorescence changes induced in the LL-irradiated and the adjoining internodes, the permeability of the nodal complex for the photometabolites was assessed in the resting state and after the action potential (AP) generation. The electrically induced AP had no influence on Chl fluorescence in noncalcified cell regions but disturbed temporarily the metabolite transport along the internode and caused a disproportionally strong inhibition of intercellular metabolite transmission. In chloroplasts located close to calcified zones, Chl fluorescence increased transiently after cell excitation, which indicated the deceleration of photosynthetic electron flow on the acceptor side of photosystem I. Functional distinctions of chloroplasts located in noncalcified and calcified cell areas were also manifested in different modes of LL-induced changes of Chl fluorescence, which were accompanied by dissimilar changes in efficiency of PSII-driven electron flow. We conclude that chloroplasts located near the encrusted areas and in the incrustation-free cell regions are functionally distinct even in the absence of large-scale variations of cell surface pH. The inhibition of transnodal transport after AP generation is probably due to Ca2+-regulated changes in plasmodesmal aperture.





