Meloidogyne graminicola

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Control of plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) on golf putting greens with nematicides is dependent on the seasonal occurrence and depth distribution of target PPN populations. This study aimed to determine if plant-parasitic nematode populations on golf course putting greens in Missouri and Indiana peaked at a targetable depth at a specific time in the year, focusing primarily on lance (Hoplolaimus spp.) and root-knot (Meloidogyne spp.) nematodes. To elucidate species diversity in the region, rDNA from a subset of lance and root-knot nematodes was sequenced and analyzed, with additional micromorphology of a lance nematode assessed in scanning electron micrographs (SEM). Soil samples were taken to a depth of 25 cm and stratified into 5 cm increments during April, June, August and October at seven sites across Missouri, three in the Kansas City metro of Kansas in 2021 and in ten sites across Indiana in 2022. Samples were stratified in five-centimeter increments and aggregated for a total of 100 cm3 of soil at each depth for each sampling. Samples were processed using a semi-automatic elutriator followed by the sucrose-flotation method, and populations were counted using a hemocytometer and recorded. For molecular characterization, rDNA was extracted and analyzed from 31 individual lance nematodes from one site in Missouri and eight sites in Indiana, and 13 root-knot nematodes from nine sites across Indiana. A significant interaction occurred between sampling month and depth for lance and ring nematodes Missouri/KS, with both PPN populations peaking at the 0-5 cm depth during October, which is well after most targeted nematicide applications are applied. Ring nematodes in Indiana did not follow this trend and were most abundant in August at a depth of 0-5 cm. No significant interaction between depth and month occurred for lance or root-knot nematodes in Indiana, or root-knot nematodes in Missouri/KS. Hoplolaimus stephanus and H. magnistylus were the lance species identified on golf greens, and Meloidogyne naasi, M. graminicola and M. marylandi were the root-knot species identified. Scanning-electron micrographs confirmed morphological characteristics unique to H. stephanus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola secretes effectors into rice tissues to modulate host immunity. Here, we characterised MgCRT1, a calreticulin protein of M. graminicola, and identified its target in the plant. In situ hybridisation showed MgCRT1 mRNA accumulating in the subventral oesophageal gland in J2 nematodes. Immunolocalization indicated MgCRT1 localises in the giant cells during parasitism. Host-induced gene silencing of MgCRT1 reduced the infection ability of M. graminicola, while over-expressing MgCRT1 enhanced rice susceptibility to M. graminicola. A yeast two-hybrid approach identified the calmodulin-like protein OsCML31 as an interactor of MgCRT1. OsCML31 interacts with the high mobility group protein OsHMGB1 which is a conserved DNA binding protein. Knockout of OsCML31 or overexpression of OsHMGB1 in rice results in enhanced susceptibility to M. graminicola. In contrast, overexpression of OsCML31 or knockout of OsHMGB1 in rice decreases susceptibility to M. graminicola. The GST-pulldown and luciferase complementation imaging assay showed that MgCRT1 decreases the interaction of OsCML31 and OsHMGB1 in a competitive manner. In conclusion, when M. graminicola infects rice and secretes MgCRT1 into rice, MgCRT1 interacts with OsCML31 and decreases the association of OsCML31 with OsHMGB1, resulting in the release of OsHMGB1 to enhance rice susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rice root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola is increasingly widely distributed in China and has had a severe incidence in Hunan Province. It is thus necessary to investigate its population dynamics in paddy fields. This study was conducted to ascertain the effect of direct-seeded rice agroecosystems on the population dynamics of M. graminicola and root gall development in rice. The results indicated that the population density of M. graminicola in soil was markedly influenced by the agroecosystem, rainfall and temperature. The population density of M. graminicola J2, and eggs in the soil and root galls, were significantly larger in the dry aerobic rice agroecosystem and in the rain-fed upland agroecosystem than in the lowland double-rice cropping sequence agroecosystem. As it can affect soil moisture rainfall was the key factor affecting the density of nematodes in both the rain-fed upland agroecosystem and the dry aerobic rice agroecosystem. Field flooding was still an effective way to reduce the population density of M. graminicola. In addition, we observed that M. graminicola can lay eggs outside rice roots under laboratory conditions. Therefore, we propose a hypothesis that M. graminicola lays egg masses within roots when the soil moisture is high, but lays eggs outside when the soil moisture is suitable. By clarifying the population dynamics of M. graminicola in different types of direct-seeded rice agroecosystems, this study is conducive to controlling rice root-knot nematodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meloidogyne graminicola has a well-established negative impact on rice yield in transplanted and direct-seeded rice, resulting in yield losses of up to 20 to 90 percent. Studies were undertaken to isolate potential native strains of bio-control agents to manage the devastating Rice Root Knot Nematode (M. graminicola). Eighteen bacterial strains and eleven fungal strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of crops like rice, okra, ash gourd, chili, beans and cucumber, enveloping diverse soil types from the Upper Brahmaputra Valley region of Assam. Six bacterial strains were gram-positive according to morphological results, while twelve others stained negatively. Fifteen bacteria were rod-shaped, two were coccus and one was diplococcus, and all the bacterial isolates showed signs of movement. All the bacterial strains exhibited positivity for gelatin hydrolysis and catalase test. Seven bacteria showed positive, while eleven showed negative reactions to possess the ability to deduce carbon and energy from citrate. The study of the in vitro efficacy of the twenty-nine bacterial and fungal isolates tested against second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne graminicola revealed that all the bacterial and fungal isolates potentially inhibited the test organism and caused significant mortality over sterile water treatment. The promising bacterial and fungal isolates that exhibited mortality above 50% were identified as BSH8, BTS4, BTS5, BJA15, FJB 11 and FSH5. The strain BSH8 exhibited the best result of mortality, with 80.79% mortality against J2 of M. graminicola. The strain BTS4 and BTS5 expressed mortality of 71.29% and 68.75% under in-vitro conditions and were significant. The effective and promising bioagents were identified using the 16 S rRNA sequencing as Bacillis subtilis (BSH8), Bacillus velezensis (BTS4), Alcaligenes faecalis (BTS5), Rhizobium pusense (BJA15), Talaromyces allahabadensis (FSH5) and Trichoderma asperellum (FJB11). These results indicated the microorganism\'s potential against M. graminicola and its potential for successful biological implementation. Further, the native strains could be tested against various nematode pests of rice in field conditions. Its compatibility with various pesticides and the implication of the potential strains in integrated pest management can be assessed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most widely grown crops in the world, and is a staple food for more than half of the global total population. Root-knot nematodes (RKNs), Meloidogyne spp., and especially M. graminicola, seem to be significant rice pests, which makes them the most economically important plant-parasitic nematode in this crop. RKNs develop a feeding site in galls by causing host cells to differentiate into hypertrophied, multinucleate, metabolically active cells known as giant cells. This grazing framework gives the nematode a constant food source, permitting it to develop into a fecund female and complete its life cycle inside the host root. M. graminicola effector proteins involved in nematode parasitism, including pioneer genes, were functionally characterized in earlier studies. Molecular modelling and docking studies were performed on Meloidogyne graminicola protein targets, such as β-1,4-endoglucanase, pectate lyase, phospholipase B-like protein, and G protein-coupled receptor kinase, to understand the binding affinity of Beta-D-Galacturonic Acid, 2,6,10,15,19,23-hexamethyltetracosane, (2S)-2-amino-3-phenylpropanoic acid, and 4-O-Beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-Alpha-D-Glucopyranose against ligand molecules of rice. This study discovered important molecular aspects of plant-nematode interaction and candidate effector proteins that were regulated by M. graminicola-infected rice plants. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to describe M. graminicola\'s molecular adaptation to host parasitism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Induced resistance (IR) is a unique physiological state characterized by reduced plant susceptibility to (a)biotic stress. Our previous studies showed that exogenous foliar application of dehydroascorbate (DHA), the oxidized form of ascorbic acid, induces systemic resistance against root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola in rice. In the present study, the potential of DHA in protecting rice plants against M. graminicola was evaluated in lab, pot, and field studies. In an experiment where the interval between foliar treatment and inoculation was varied, 20 mM DHA was found to protect rice plants from M. graminicola for at least 14 days. Pot and field studies confirmed that 10 or 20 mM DHA are highly effective in reducing gall formation and led to a significant increase in rice seed yield. A half dose of DHA (10 mM) combined with another IR-stimulus - piperonylic acid (PA) 300 µM - was at par with DHA 20 mM, leading to reductions in gall formation of more than 80%. In in vitro bioassays, DHA was found to be highly nematicidal to the second-stage juveniles of M. graminicola, with more than 90% mortality within 3 h of exposure to 10 or 20 mM concentrations. While seed treatment had no effect, root drenching or root dipping was also effective in reducing rice susceptibility to M. graminicola, next to foliar treatment. As a dual-action compound with extended protection and ease of application, DHA has great potential for effective nematode management in rice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhizosphere is the battlefield of beneficial and harmful (so called phytopathogens) microorganisms. Moreover, these microbial communities are struggling for their existence in the soil and playing key roles in plant growth, mineralization, nutrient cycling and ecosystem functioning. In the last few decades, some consistent pattern have been detected so far that link soil community composition and functions with plant growth and development; however, it has not been studied in detail. AM fungi are model organisms, besides potential role in nutrient cycling; they modulate biochemical pathways directly or indirectly which lead to better plant growth under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. In the present investigations, we have elucidated the AM fungi-mediated activation of plant defense responses against Meloidogyne graminicola causing root-knot disease in direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.). The study describes the multifarious effects of Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus fasciculatus, and Rhizophagus intraradices inoculated individually or in combination under glasshouse conditions in rice plants. It was found that F. mosseae, R. fasciculatus and R. intraradices when applied individually or in combination modulated the biochemical and molecular mechanisms in the susceptible and resistant inbred lines of rice. AM inoculation significantly increased various plant growth attributes in plants with simultaneous decrease in the root-knot intensity. Among these, the combined application of F. mosseae, R. fasciculatus, and R. intraradices was found to enhance the accumulation and activities of biomolecules and enzymes related to defense priming as well as antioxidation in the susceptible and resistant inbred lines of rice pre-challenged with M. graminicola. The application of F. mosseae, R. fasciculatus and R. intraradices, induced the key genes involved in plant defense and signaling and it has been demonstrated for the first time. Results of the present investigation advocated that the application of F. mosseae, R. fasciculatus and R. intraradices, particularly a combination of all three, not only helped in the control of root-knot nematodes but also increased plant growth as well as enhances the gene expression in rice. Thus, it proved to be an excellent biocontrol as well as plant growth-promoting agent in rice even when the crop is under biotic stress of the root-knot nematode, M. graminicola.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice is a crucial food crop worldwide, but its yield and quality are significantly affected by Meloidogyne graminicola is a root knot nematode. No rice variety is entirely immune to this nematode disease in agricultural production. Thus, the fundamental strategy to combat this disease is to utilize rice resistance genes. In this study, we conducted transcriptome and metabolome analyses on two rice varieties, ZH11 and IR64. The results indicated that ZH11 showed stronger resistance than IR64. Transcriptome analysis revealed that the change in gene expression in ZH11 was more substantial than that in IR64 after M. graminicola infection. Moreover, GO and KEGG enrichment analysis of the upregulated genes in ZH11 showed that they were primarily associated with rice cell wall construction, carbohydrate metabolism, and secondary metabolism relating to disease resistance, which effectively enhanced the resistance of ZH11. However, in rice IR64, the number of genes enriched in disease resistance pathways was significantly lower than that in ZH11, which further explained susceptibility to IR64. Metabolome analysis revealed that the metabolites detected in ZH11 were enriched in flavonoid metabolism and the pentose phosphate pathway, compared to IR64, after M. graminicola infection. The comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome data indicated that flavonoid metabolism plays a crucial role in rice resistance to M. graminicola infection. The content of kaempferin, apigenin, and quercetin in ZH11 significantly increased after M. graminicola infection, and the expression of genes involved in the synthetic pathway of flavonoids also significantly increased in ZH11. Our study provides theoretical guidance for the precise analysis of rice resistance and disease resistance breeding in further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CRISPR crops carrying a mutation in susceptibility (S) genes provide an effective strategy for controlling plant disease, because they could be \'transgene-free\' and commonly have more broad-spectrum and durable type of resistance. Despite their importance, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated editing of S genes for engineering resistance to plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) disease has not been reported. In this study, we employed the CRISPR/Cas9 system to specifically induce targeted mutagenesis of the S gene rice copper metallochaperone heavy metal-associated plant protein 04 (OsHPP04), and successfully obtained genetically stable homozygous rice mutants with or without transgenic elements. These mutants confer enhanced resistance to the rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola), a major plant pathogenic nematode in rice agriculture. Moreover, the plant immune responses triggered by flg22, including reactive oxygen species burst, defence-related genes expression and callose deposition, were enhanced in the \'transgene-free\' homozygous mutants. Analysis of rice growth and agronomic traits of two independent mutants showed that there are no obvious differences between wild-type plants and mutants. These findings suggest that OsHPP04 may be an S gene as a negative regulator of host immunity and genetic modification of S genes through the CRISPR/Cas9 technology can be used as a powerful tool to generate PPN resistant plant varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution range of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola is rapidly expanding, posing a severe threat to rice production. In this study, the sequences of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes of rice M. graminicola populations from all reported provinces in China were amplified and sequenced by PCR. The distribution pattern and phylogenetic tree showed that all 54 M. graminicola populations in China have distinct geographical distribution characteristics; specifically, cluster 1 (southern China), cluster 2 (central south and southwest China), and cluster 3 (central and eastern China). The high haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.646) and low nucleotide diversity (π = 0.00682), combined with the negative value of Tajima\'s D (-1.252) and Fu\'s Fs (-3.06764), suggested that all nematode populations were expanding. The existence of high genetic differentiation (Fst = 0.5933) and low gene flow (Nm = 0.3333) indicated that there was a block of gene exchange between most populations. Mutation accumulation with population expansion might be directly responsible for the high genetic differentiation; therefore, the tested nematode population showed high within-group genetic variation (96.30%). The haplotype Hap8 was located at the bottom of the network topology, with the widest distribution and the highest frequency (59.26%), indicating that it was the ancestral haplotype. The populations in cluster 3 were newly invasive according to the lowest frequency of occurrence of Hap8, the highest number of endemic haplotypes, and the highest total haplotype frequency (60%). In contrast, cluster 1 having the highest genetic diversity (Hd = 0.772, π = 0.01127) indicated that it was the most primitive. Interestingly, the highest gene flow (Nm > 1), lowest genetic differentiation (Fst ≤ 0.33), and closest genetic distance (0.000) only occurred between the Guangdong/Hainan population and others, which suggested that there might be channels for gene exchange between them and that long-distance dispersal occurred. This suggestion is further confirmed by the weak correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance. Based on these data, a hypothesis can be drawn that M. graminicola populations in China were spreading from south to north, specifically from Guangdong and Hainan Provinces to other regions. Natural selection (including anthropogenic) and genetic drift were the main drivers of their evolution. Coincidentally, this hypothesis was consistent with the gradual warming trend and the chronological order of reporting these populations. The main factors influencing current M. graminicola population expansion and distribution patterns might be geography, climate, long-distance seedling transport, interregional operations of agricultural machinery, and rotation mode. It reminds human beings of the necessity to be vigilant about preventing nematode disease according to local conditions all year round.





