Melanie Klein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    King Lear is a timeless exposition of humankind\'s attempt to find meaning amidst the ceaseless turbulence of existence. This entails navigating the disintegrating pulls of nature and harmful human action that exist alongside affiliative, life-promoting gestures shown toward one another. As the predictability and safety afforded by social and two-dimensional psychic constructs collapse, several characters in this play are forced to reckon with the untamed, less organized realms of the mind and natural world. This leads to movements toward psychic paralysis and disintegration, as well as toward growth and interpersonal healing, dynamics that hinge on the characters\' internal structuring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Working through the different faces and vicissitudes of the death drive in the countertransference, and especially through projective identification, is a very challenging process. A thorough and versatile process of containment and working through of the manifold threatening expressions and influences of the death drive is required, experienced most specifically and deeply in the arena of projective identification. This paper demonstrates how each aspect that unfolds in the analyst\'s countertransference sheds light on a particular layer of anxiety and internal object relations related to it. The creation of a new meaning to the differing expressions of the death drive gradually lessens the compulsion to repeat and enables a better integration between the life and death drives. This process will be illustrated by a prolonged clinical case that involved intense internal working through of the death drive in the analyst\'s countertransference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reading these heretofore unpublished works by Melanie Klein is certain to surprise their readers, regardless of their previous familiarity with her work. Bound though she was to an earlier vision of the psychoanalytic situation and to an epistemology that today may strike many analysts as archaic, Klein\'s ideas remain fresh and provocative. In this commentary I sketch out the controversies in which she was involved at the time of the lectures and seminars, and discuss how we might think about them in light of contemporary developments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melanie Klein\'s writing style was distinctive. Many would concur that her theoretical and clinical writings are characterized by the absence of the fully developed poetic in the sense that literary theory understands this term. Although the visual poetic, as such, cannot be attributed to Melanie Klein\'s style, her discours has power to evoke image. Through iconicity of her images, Melanie Klein creates then effect of visualizing the inner world of the paranoid-schizoid and depressive position, which is marked by lack of successiveness and temporality characteristic of the symbolic order. Narrative of a Child Analysis reveals that the speech of Melanie Klein becomes idiosyncratic when she attempts to introduce preverbal contents in the verbal realm. At those points of the analysis her language becomes concrete, nonmetaphoric, ridiculous and misshaped. Grotesque. In an attempt to describe the characteristics of internalized part objects and their mutual relations in Richard\'s inner world, Melanie Klein constructs formulas-agglomerations which produce comic effects, such as greedy-octopus-Daddy, salmon-genital, Richard\'s bomb-faeces. Thus the image of Richard\'s inner world becomes isomorphic with Rabelais\' laughter-provoking, comic-grotesque images of hell. Melanie Klein (Bakhtin would say) carnivalizes Richard\'s inner world so it does not seem scary but more like a \"cheerful carnivalesque scarecrow.\"






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The author brings to light previously unpublished material from the part of the Melanie Klein archive that deals with the subject of Klein\'s last, posthumously published paper \"On the sense of loneliness\". Here are found four differing versions of the loneliness paper, written between 1958 and 1960, and prepared for spoken presentations to different audiences. The author gives evidence from Klein\'s copious additional notes that she intended to write a whole book or monograph dealing with the topic of loneliness from a psychoanalytic point of view. At the time of Klein\'s death, as well as elaborating her own thinking on the topic of loneliness, she was gathering and incorporating the comments of a number of close colleagues on her work. Previously unpublished letters to Klein from Wilfred Bion and Elliott Jaques are included in this paper, as are extracts from Klein\'s own notes, organized under a number of headings. Without attempting to analyse the material in any depth, the author suggests that some of the themes Klein was working on may have had particular relevance for her personally in what turned out to be the very last months of her life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article is an examination of the history of Strachey\'s work as the editor of the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, work that was shaped by the internal strife within British psychoanalysis and the great international conflict of the Second World War. From the primary sources it has been possible to give an account of how he came to be in charge of the Journal, why he was suited to the role, and also to provide an example of what he was like as an editor dealing with colleague-contributors. It is argued that due to his long-held belief in free speech and candour, and because he was committed to resisting to the utmost a split within the British Psycho-Analytical Society, James Strachey wanted to make both the papers and the ensuing discussions of the Controversies public through the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. As described here, that did not happen in a simple way but he succeeded in publishing papers directly related to the debate by fostering investigation into the subject of internal objects. He also gave space in the Journal to new writers and a plurality of theories, including the nascent object relations theories of D.W. Winnicott and John Bowlby.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present paper starts from the reflection that there is a curious \"phenomenological gap\" in psychoanalysis when it comes to processes of splitting and to describing the \"life\" of psychic fragments resulting from processes of splitting. In simpler terms, we are often in a position to lack a precise understanding of what is being split and how the splitting occurs. I argue that although Melanie Klein\'s work is often engaged when talking of splitting (particularly through discussions on identification, projection and projective identification), there are some important phenomenological opacities in her construction. I show that by orchestrating a dialogue between Melanie Klein and Sándor Ferenczi, we arrive at a fuller and more substantive conception of psychic splitting and of the psychic life of fragments which are the result of splitting. This is even more meaningful because there are some unacknowledged genealogical connections between Ferenczian concepts and Kleinian concepts, which I here explore. While with Klein we remain in the domain of \"good\" and \"bad\" objects-polarised objects which are constantly split and projected-with Ferenczi we are able to also give an account of complicated forms of imitation producing psychic fragments and with a \"dark\" side of identification, which he calls \"identification with the aggressor\". While attempting to take steps toward imagining a dialogue between Klein and Ferenczi, I note a certain silent \"Ferenczian turn\" in a late text by Melanie Klein, \"On the Development of Mental Functioning\", written in 1958. In particular, I reflect on her reference to some \"terrifying figures\" of the psyche, which cannot be accounted for simply as the persecutory parts of the super-ego but are instead more adequately read as more enigmatic and more primitive psychic fragments, resulting from processes of splitting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite considerable progress in depression research and treatment, the disorder continues to pose daunting challenges to scientists and practitioners alike. This article presents a novel conceptualization of the psychological dynamics of depression which draws from Melanie Klein\'s notion of the positions, reformulated using social-cognitive terms. Specifically, Klein\'s notion of position, consisting of anxieties (persecutory vs. \"depressive\"), defense mechanisms (\"primitive\"/split based vs. neurotic/repression based), and object relations (part vs. whole) is reformulated to include (1) affect, broadly defined, (2) affect regulatory strategies (defense mechanisms, coping strategies, and motivation regulation), and (3) mental representations of self-with-others, all pertaining to the past, present, and future. I reformulate the depressive position to include-beyond sadness, anxiety, and anhedonia-also anger/agitation, shame, disgust, and contempt, all of which are down-regulated via diverse mechanisms. In the depressive position, the self is experienced as wronged and others as punitive, albeit seductive. Attempts to appease internal others (objects) are projected into the future, only to be thwarted by awkward and inept interpersonal behavior. This might propel the use of counter-phobic, counter-dependent, and \"manic\" affect regulatory mechanisms, potentially leading to suicidal depression.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    How did the complex concepts of psychoanalysis become popular in early twentieth-century Britain? This article examines the contribution of educator and psychoanalyst Susan Isaacs (1885-1948) to this process, as well as her role as a female expert in the intellectual and medical history of this period. Isaacs was one of the most influential British psychologists of the inter-war era, yet historical research on her work is still limited. The article focuses on her writing as \'Ursula Wise\', answering the questions of parents and nursery nurses in the popular journal Nursery World, from 1929 to 1936. Researched in depth for the first time, Isaacs\' important magazine columns reveal that her writing was instrumental in disseminating the work of psychoanalyst Melanie Klein in Britain. Moreover, Isaacs\' powerful rebuttals to behaviourist, disciplinarian parenting methods helped shift the focus of caregivers to the child\'s perspective, encouraging them to acknowledge children as independent subjects and future democratic citizens. Like other early psychoanalysts, Isaacs was not an elitist; she was in fact committed to disseminating her ideas as broadly as possible. Isaacs taught British parents and child caregivers to \'speak Kleinian\', translating Klein\'s intellectual ideas into ordinary language and thus enabling their swift integration into popular discourse.





