Meiobenthic nematodes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two concentrations (6.25 and 1.25 mg/L) were used for two Parkinson\'s disease medications, Benserazide, and Trihexyphenidyl, to test their effects on the meiobenthic nematofauna. It is predicted that these highly hydrosoluble drugs will end up in marine environments. The results showed that both medications when added alone, induced (i) important changes in the numbers and (ii) taxonomic composition. The impact of Benserazide and Trihexyphenidyl was also reflected in the (iii) functional traits of nematofauna, with the most affected categories following exposure being the trophic group 1B, the clavate tails, the circular amphids, the c-p2 life history, and the body length of 1-2 mm. These results were supported by the molecular interactions of the studied drugs with both GLD-3 and SDP proteins of Caenorhabditis elegans. (iv) The mixtures of both drugs did not show any changes in the nematode communities, suggesting that no synergistic or antagonistic interactions exist between them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current experiment measured the multifaceted effects of polystyrene and fluoranthene, acting alone or in a mixture on marine meiofauna, but with a special focus on nematodes\' morphological and functional traits. The results showed changes in the abundances for all tested concentrations of both compounds. The nematode communities exposed to the highest concentrations of fluoranthene (30 ng.g-1 Dry Weight (DW)) and polystyrene (100 DW) alone or in a mixture, were significantly less diverse compared to control and were associated with significant changes in the percentage of taxonomic composition and feeding-guilds. The most sensitive taxa to fluoranthene comprised epistratum feeders, whereas the nematodes mostly affected by polystyrene were omnivores-carnivores. A new functional tool, the Index of Sensitivity (IOS), proved to be reliable in depicting the changes that occurred in the taxonomic and functional features of the nematofauna.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study presents the results of an experiment carried to assess the impact of azithromycin, a COVID-19 drug, probably accumulated in marine sediments for three years, since the start of the pandemic, on benthic marine nematodes. It was explored the extent to which a common macrophyte from the Mediterranean Sea influenced the toxic impact of azithromycin on meiobenthic nematodes. Metals are known to influence toxicity of azithromycin. The nematofauna from a metallically pristine site situated in Bizerte bay, Tunisia, was exposed to two concentrations of azithromycin [i.e. 5 and 10 μg l-1]. In addition, two masses of the common macrophyte Posidonia oceanica [10 and 20% Dry Weight (DW)] were considered and associated with azithromycin into four possible combinations. The abundance and the taxonomic diversity of the nematode communities decreased significantly following the exposure to azithromycin, which was confirmed by the toxicokinetic data and behaving as substrate for P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The toxicity of 5 μg l-1 dosage of azithromycin was partially reduced at 10% DW of Posidonia and completely at 20% DW. The results showed that 5 μg l-1 of azithromycin can be reduced by the macrophyte P. oceanica when present in the environment at low masses as 10% DW.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of microplastics and sorbed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at community levels were rarely assessed in laboratory experiments, despite their obvious advantage in reflecting better the natural conditions compared to traditionally single species-focused toxicological experiments. In the current study, the multifaceted effects of polyvinyl chloride and chrysene, acting alone or combined, on general marine meiobenthos, but with a special focus on free-living marine nematode communities were tested in a laboratory experiment carried in microcosms. The meiobenthos was exposed to two polyvinyl chloride (5 and 10 Dry Weight \'DW\') and chrysene (37.5 and 75 ng.g-1 DW) concentrations, respectively, as well as to a mixture of both compounds, for 30 days. The results highlighted a significant decrease in the abundance of all meiobenthic generic groups, including nematodes, directly with increasing dosages of these compounds when added alone. The addition of chrysene adheres to microplastics, making the sediment matrix glueyer, hence inducing greater mortality among generic meiobenthic groups. Moreover, the nematofauna went through a strong restructuring phase following the exposure to both compounds when added alone, leading to the disappearance of sensitive nematodes and their replacement with tolerant taxa. However, the similarity in nematofauna composition between control and polyvinyl chloride and chrysene mixtures suggests that the toxicity of the latter could be attenuated by its physical bonding to the former pollutant. Other changes in the functional traits within the nematode communities were a decline in the fertility of females and an increase of the pharyngeal pumping power following exposure to both pollutants for the dominant species. The latter results were also supported by additional toxicokinetics analyses and in silico modeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ecotoxicological effects of beta-blockers (i.e. Diltiazem and Bisoprolol) and their interactions with the microplastic polyvinyl chloride on marine meiofauna were tested in laboratory microcosms. An experimental factorial design was applied, using meiobenthic fauna collected from the Old Harbor of Bizerte (NE Tunisia), but with a main focus on the nematode communities. The meiobenthic invertebrates were exposed to two concentrations of Diltiazem and Bisoprolol, of 1.8 µg.L-1 and 1.8 mg.L-1, respectively, and one concentration of polyvinyl chloride (i.e. 20, separately and mixed. The overall meiofauna abundance was significantly reduced in all treatments, mainly that of polychaetes and amphipods. Moreover, the juveniles-gravid female ratios of the nematode communities were the lowest in the 1.8 µg.L-1 Bisoprolol treatment and for the 1.8 mg.L-1 mixture of Diltiazem and microplastics, suggesting that different dosages influence the maturity status of the examined species. The demographic results were also supported by in silico approach. The simulation of molecular interactions revealed acceptable binding affinities (up to -8.1 kcal/mol) and interactions with key residues in the germ line development protein 3 and sex-determining protein from Coenorhabditis elegans. Overall, the experimental outcome strongly indicates synergistic interactions among the beta-blockers Diltiazem and Bisoprolol and the microplastic polyvinyl chloride on marine nematode communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A microcosm experiment was carried out to determine how benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) may affect marine meiofauna community, with a main emphasis on nematode structure and functional traits. Three increasing concentrations of BaP (i.e. 100, 200 and 300 ng/l, respectively) were used for 30 days. The results revealed a gradual decrease in the abundance of all meiobenthic groups (i.e. nematodes, copepods, amphipods, polychaetes and oligochaetes), except for isopods. Starting at concentrations of 200 and 300 ng/l BaP, respectively, significant changes were observed at community level. At taxonomic level, the nematode communities were dominated at the start of the experiment and also after being exposed or not to BaP by Odontophora villoti, explicable through its high ecologic ubiquity and the presence of well-developed chemosensory organs (i.e. amphids), which potentially increased the avoidance reaction following exposure to this hydrocarbon. Moreover, changes in the activity of several biochemical biomarkers (i.e. catalase \'CAT\', gluthatione S-transferase \'GST\', and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase \'EROD\') were observed in the nematode species Oncholaimus campylocercoides, paralleled by significant decreases in CAT activity for non-gravid females compared to controls at concentrations of 25 ng/l BaP and associated with significant increase in GST and EROD activities for both types of individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A microcosm bioassay was designed to assess the efficacy of wastewater treatment methods used in sewage plants. The taxonomic and feeding characteristics of a meiobenthic nematode assemblage from Ghar El Melh lagoon (Tunisia) were used to achieve this goal. Nematode assemblages were exposed for 30 days to untreated wastewater (UW) obtained from the sewage treatment plant of Sidi Ahmed (Tunisia) and three mixtures with treated wastewater (TW33 = 33%, TW66 = 66%, and TW100 = 100%). Concerning the nematode abundance, the exposure to either treated wastewater (TW33-100) or untreated wastewater (UW) had no significant effect. In contrast, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou\'s Evenness were clearly reduced by contamination with both types of wastewater, with a more pronounced negative impact prior to treatment in the sewage plant. The multivariate analyzes revealed a change in the taxonomic composition of the nematofauna in response to the contamination by untreated or treated wastewater. The relative abundances of species in wastewater replicates compared to controls reflected this taxonomic restructuring. Finally, Ascolaimus elongatus, Terschellingia communis, and Kraspedonema octogoniata were less represented in all experimentally treated units and could be considered as \'sensitive taxa to wastewater\'. While, Paracomesoma dubium, appears to be a \'tolerant and/or opportunistic\' species, showing increased relative abundances under all wastewater treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An experimental study was carried out to determine the effects of the enrichment of sediments by endocrine perturbators on free-living nematodes from the Ghar El Melh lagoon, Tunisia. For 30 days, four concentrations of Estradiol Benzoate (hereafter EB) (0.43, 4.3, 8.6 and 12.9 ng l-1). The average nematode abundances showed a significant increase after the introduction of EB in their close environment. In contrast, the taxonomic examination has shown a decrease in species diversity of nematodes. The ordination of treatments according to the nMDS showed a clear structural separation of the enriched replicates with EB from controls based on species lists, in particular for concentrations EB3 and EB4. Indeed, under such conditions, the nematofauna exhibited a more remarkable presence of a new record for Science Theristus n. sp. and a decrease in relative abundances of Paracomesoma dubium. On feeding level, a predominance of non-selective deposit-feeders and a decline in proportions of epistrate feeders and carnivorous omnivores was observed with increasing concentrations of EB. Furthermore, in treated replicates with EB, females discernibly showed an increase compared to controls. Overall, EB affect significantly features of meiobenthic nematodes starting from the concentration of 4.3 ng l-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of experimental studies carried out to date, regarding the effects of pollutants on meiofauna have been conducted by means of closed systems, and rarely using open ones. The current work explored the impact of three Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), anthracene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene, applied alone or combined, on meiobenthic nematodes using both systems. The results revealed that single PAHs impacted the nematofauna similarly in closed or open systems with a higher toxicity observed for benzo[a]pyrene. However, the closed microcosms contaminated with PAHs became organically enriched, resulting in more non-selective deposit feeders and omnivores-carnivores. Taxonomic and functional effects related to combinations of PAHs were close to those of individual treatments in closed systems, however, for open ones, the outcomes were different. The caudal morphology influenced the response of taxa during their avoidance/endurance of hydrocarbons in open systems where the effects of PAHs mixtures appeared not only additive but also synergetic. Based on the results of the study, the use of open systems is preferred to closed ones as the research outcomes were more accurate and representing better conditions prevailing in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a microcosm experiment was conducted for 30 days to assess the impact of the presence of juvenile gray shrimp Crangon crangon on meiofauna. The results suggested that juvenile shrimp had a significant negative impact on the abundance of nematodes and copepods, but no effect on polychaetes. Moreover, nematodes showed a significant decline in individual weight. The collected nematodes were taxonomically identified and assigned to five functional traits: shapes of the tail and amphid, life history, feeding types, and adult length. The nematode traits were affected by the number of shrimp introduced, and descriptors followed normal or inversed bell-shaped curves. When no shrimp were present, the nematofauna had a higher species richness compared with treatments of 4, 8, and 12 shrimp. Bell-shaped curve patterns were common in relation to the two phases of feeding for C. crangon. During the first phase, C. crangon consumed the nematode species Oncholaimus campylocercoides; thereafter, shrimp fed mostly on the nematode Anticoma eberthi and copepods.





